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Language III- Class: 3ro 1ra TV

Prof. Trad. Marcela Mangiarelli

Essay Writing

Language Reference: Hedging

Sometimes you do not want to state a fact too categorically as you are not sure that you can
prove that it is true. You can use a range of expressions to distance yourself from facts and
opinions. This is called hedging.

Hedging with verbs

 You can use appear and seem (that) to create a distance between yourself and what is
It seems that the President may soon stand down.
It appears that the news reports are true.
The weather appears to be changing.
The outcome seems to be inevitable.

 To add further distance you can use the modal verb would
It would appear that you have already made up your minds.
They would appear to be hostile.
It would seem that you are in the wrong.
It would seem that you are avoiding me.

Hedging with the passive voice

 You can use passive forms of the verb to show that an opinion is not necessarily your
It is widely recognized that the future of advertising is on the Net.
There are not believed to be any survivors.
It is not known whether he will accept the offer.

Hedging with noun phrases

 You can use the following noun phrases to hedge around a subject.
There is little doubt that she took her own life.
There is some doubt that the country can control its inflation.
There is no doubt that he knows what he’s doing.
There is little evidence of your ability to manage change

Jones, C; Bastow, T. and Hird, J. (2001) Inside Out Advanced. (p. 25) Macmillan

Prof. Marcela Mangiarelli

Prof. Marcela Mangiarelli

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