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Graeme Thompson, Barcelona 30/10/21


The thinking behind this is a mess.

‘Physical conversion therapy acts’.1

That is very unclear language that is borne from pandering to lobby groups.

The only logical sense I can make from that is you’re referring to puberty blockers and
conversion surgery.

Children arrive at that point through online groomers and activist counsellors inducing gender
dysphoria in the most vulnerable and gender non-conforming children.

Perhaps best covered as an amendment to the Sexual Offences Act 2013?

GBH would also cover it.

From the standpoint of professionals it is not so much ‘therapy’ as an abuse of a

counsellor’s/therapist’s position to groom a child to mutilate themselves.

With regards to online groomers, they operate in much the same way as activist professionals.

Child transing is also by intent a paedophile pathway.

If children can consent to change their sex they can consent to have sex.

That’s why ‘gay rights activist’ paedophile advocates like Peter Tatchell are so gung ho for
transing children, even though a great deal of them will be innately homosexual. Homosexual
paedophile advocates like Peter Tatchell are willing to sacrifice innately homosexual children
to bodily mutilation to achieve abolition of the age of consent. They are paedophile
campaigners first, homosexual rights campaigners second.

The ‘No Outsiders’ LGBTQ education course from 5 upwards (and under) is grooming children
to be homosexual.2 It’s origins, 5 years after the abolition of Section 28, are as close to being
directly paedophile as one can possibly get.3

Any due prohibition on ‘conversion practice’ (child grooming) would have to criminalise LGBTQ
education courses like ‘No Outsiders’. In my view, it would need to ban LGBT education in
schools altogether. The obvious legislative obstacle to that is Parliament overwhelmingly
voted in favour of the patent paedophile charter that brought it in.

“The United Kingdom is a global leader on LGBT rights and is committed to banning the
coercive and abhorrent practice of conversion therapy”.

This first line in the Minister’s foreword to the consultation paper is incoherent.

If a homosexual wants to rid themselves of their same sex attraction, how can it be “coercive”
to give them the therapy they seek?



Graeme Thompson, Barcelona 30/10/21

For the homosexual lobby to want to ban conversion therapy wreaks of sexual insecurity.

While in my view there are people born homosexual just as there are people born blind,
roughly 46%4 of homosexuals and 22% of lesbians were victims of sex abuse as children
compared to 7% of heterosexual men and 1% of heterosexual women. Their homosexuality is
a sexual disorientation that needs healing. In female victims childhood sexual abuse has a
propensity to make them lesbians and with boys their sexuality is warped to become

From a democratic standpoint, to criminalise therapists offering ‘conversion therapy’ to

homosexuals who seek it is an outrage.

It’s just one more example of how the normalisation of perversion is a harbinger of tyranny.

There are a number of cases of ‘ex-gay’ successful conversion therapy. No doubt you’ll be
hearing from them.

Another incoherence is you are conflating sexual orientation and gender conversion practice
and claim you are “protecting LGBT people”.

How can you make this claim when the ‘T’ stands for transgender and you are prohibiting
practices to change gender?

The overwhelming majority that need protection are not LGBT, they are the millions of
innocent children in schools threatened by the predators that come from the LGBT movement
looking to change their sexual orientation and mutilate their bodies.

When you carry the LGBT flag on official government documents one has to assume the
‘Equalities Hub’ consists of LGBT activists who will be processing submissions thus rendering
the consultation process meaningless.

Nevertheless, you have on record my submission.


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