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Definition of Terms

This part of the study contained the definition of some terms that the researcher used.

Poverty: is defined as a state or condition in which an individual or a group lacks the financial
means and necessities for a basic level of living.

Education: encompasses both the act of passing on knowledge to others and the process of
receiving it from others. Education also includes the knowledge gained via schooling or
instruction, as well as the teaching profession as a whole.

Academic Performance: measured by the final grade earned in the course.

Family Change: is the change of structure within a family.
Family Conflict: any conflicts that occur within a family between husbands and wives,
parents and children, between siblings, or with extended families.

School Performance: is the extent to which a student, teacher or institutional has achieved
their short or long-term educational goals.

Social Behavior: behaviors that are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of

Underachievement: the fact of doing less well than expected, especially in schoolwork.
Parent Figure: a parent or a substitute parent or guardian who cares for a child, providing the
physical, social, and emotional requirements necessary for normal growth and development.

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