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From the desk of Rom Rulida


Hey there, Rom here…

What is the goal of copywriting?

For me — it’s to make the readers come up with the decision you want them to

May it be clicking a link, buying a product, visiting your website, or enrolling in your
program — the goal is to make them do what you want them to do.

And to accomplish that, your job as a copywriter is to make sure the reader will
read the entire copy. (Assuming it’s the right offer-market fit and the copy is
actually good!)

One of the techniques you can use is “cliffhanger” copy.

And in this short guide, I’ll show you 3 simple ways on how to do that using emails.


The Email Copy Guy,

Rom Rulida

Are you a business owner — a coach or a course creator — who’s using email
marketing to generate revenue?

If yes, then I can help you double your sales from emails in less than 30 days.

If that’s something you can use in your business right now, then go to the link
below, fill up the form, and I’ll get in touch:
#1. The Subject Line Pre-Header Copy
This is a copy that appears right after the Subject Line of your email.

The idea is to expand on the Subject Line so people will be more curious to read
what’s inside.

Really effective way to boost the open rates of your email.

Here are some examples:

The Pre-Header copy doesn’t necessarily appear inside the actual email copy — but
it gives you more opportunity to pique the interest of the readers.


#2. The In-Email Loop

This is where you open a weird or crazy idea at the beginning of your email, then
promise to explain it at the end of the email.

It creates a good level of interest because the reader will be “forced” to read the
entire email for it to make sense.

I don’t know about you but I don’t want the feeling of not understanding
So if you want me to read your copy entirely, the in-email loop might do it for me.

Here are some examples:

#3. The Open Loop

This is a technique you use if you want your readers to look forward to your next

Here’s how you do it…

At the end of your email, create a “buzz” and tell them that you’ll talk about it in
your next email.

Pretty nifty trick, if you ask me.

Here are some quick examples:

That last one looks familiar, no? Lol.

Let’s double your sales from your email marketing
efforts! Just click the link below and schedule your
Strategy Call with me:

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