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I am Lathifa Rahma and I will give an example of diffusion in daily life, it

is Dipping the tea bag into hot water

As the teabag is added to the water, it causes the tea leaves to
move, and triggers diffusion (defyusyen) of the leaves. Diffusion
(defyusyen) is defined as the movement of a substance/ from an
area of higher concentration/ to an area of lower concentration.
There are lots of tea molecules in the bag and none outside. The
leaves themselves can’t pass through the bag/ but their  smaller
particles containing colour, and flavour can (the teabag itself acts
as the partially (pa’syially) permeable membrane (membreyn)).
The addition of heat (from the hot water) to the tea bag, causes its
molecules to move much faster than at room temperature. This
energy is more readily (radeli) released in a shorter period of time,
than a tea bag filled with room temperature or cold water. The
teabag shape/ affects the surface area and the pyramid/ due to it
3D shape provides more sides for diffusion to take place, and
more area in the middle for the tea molecules (malekyul) to move
around, in spreading the stain of colour.

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