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No.Abs :27
Class :X MIPA

Task BSE (Number 4,5,6,7!!)

4. Present the result of your discussions in of the class.Let the other groups give comments
or additional information.
Summarize the result of your discussion by completing the table.

The problem that can’t be The problem i have is.I keep wonderug how i can
solved quickly understand math lesson

The people you trust to solve a mentor teacher/or my friend who is good at math
the problems

The solution/the answer you The solution i got wa to focus more learning,e specially,when
got to solve the problem learning about undertanding formula’s in math lessons

The expression used to ask klith the setence “May I ask for your opinion or tips so that
adnce,recommendation,or i can better understand math lessons”

The expression used to give The say “you should focus more on studying especially how to
advice,recommendation or understand formula’s in math”

The expression used to accept Thank you for listening amd giving me your opinion,i hope this
advice, recommendation or method can help me understand math better.
The expression used to refuse Thank you in advance for the opinion you have given but i
advice,recommendation or will consider the first.

5. Close your boo.Listen to recording and write the sentences on a piece of

paper. 1.) A fish can’t walk,but i can swims

2.) A dog can barks,but it cannot sing

3.)You can’t buy stamps at the post office,but you can buy shoes there

4.) A tiny baby can cry,but he can’t talk

5.)We write with a pen,but i can’t write with a paper clip.

6. Put the verbs in brackets with "should" or "should have"

1.) The pupils are bored with the English lesson. The teacher should've Made the
lesson more interesting for pupils.

2.) Look at the vase. It's broken into pieces now. You should've been careful. It was
an expensive Chinese vase.

3.) Watch out ! A car id coming. You should be careful when you cross the

street. 4.) You shouldn't give the baby a pen to play with. It's too risky.

5.) The man ia coughing a lot. He shouldn't smoke so much.

6.) You should consult a dictionary of you don't understand the meaning.

7.) If you had told me about your problem, I would have been glad to help you. You
shouldn't have given up easily

8.) My car drove into the back of someone else's car. I shouldn't have driven the car
too close.

9.) They wrote the world "analyze" with "s" which was UK spelling . They should've
written the world with "z" in US spelling.

10.) I didn't order fried rice for my lunch. They should've given me fried noodles.
7. Match the sentences in the left column with the rest in the right column.
1.) My purse gas been stolen ( d. You should have been careful in such a crowded place)

2.) My eyes hurt very much ( e. You shouldn't spend so much time in front of a computer

) 3.) The driver in front of me stopped suddenly and i drove into the back of his car ( a.

should have given me a warning )

4.) The notice says that the store opens at nine. It ia still closed. ( b. It should be open
by now )

5.) The speed limit ia 55 miles an hour, but Tom ia driving at 70 ( c. He shouldn't be driving
over the limit )

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