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5. The nurse admits a client who had an infarct in the inferior postoperative period should be immediately referred by the
septal wall of the myocardium. Upon assessment, the nurse nurse to the physician? *
1. A nurse is evaluating the blood pressure (BP) results for noted jugular vein distention and ascites. Which among these is a. No chest tube output for 1 hour when previously it was
multiple clients with cardiac problems on a telemetry unit. likely the complication the client is experiencing? * copious
Which BP reading suggests to the nurse that the client’s mean a. Pulmonic valve malfunction b. ABG results of pH 7.32; PCO2 48; HCO3 28; PO2 80
arterial pressure (MAP) is abnormal and warrants notifying the b. Right-sided heart failure c. Urine output of 160cc in the last 4 hours
physician? * c. Ruptured septum d. Temperature of 37.4°C
a. 110/50 mm Hg d. Left-sided heart failure
b. 94/60 mm Hg 11. Which among the following patients with cardiac conditions
c. 98/36 mm Hg 6. A client with a history of myocardial infarction 3 days ago should a nurse prioritize FIRST? *
d. 140/78 mm Hg complains of unusual fatigue. Upon assessment, the nurse finds a. A 56-year-old patient admitted a day ago, with chest pain, on
that the client is dyspneic with activity, with HR: 110 bpm and IV heparin, and has a PTT due back in 30 minutes
2. A nurse assesses a patient who has just returned to the ward generalized edema. Which action by the nurse is most b. A 65-year-old patient with end-stage cardiomyopathy, blood
after having a coronary angiogram through the left femoral appropriate? * pressure (BP) of 78/50 mm Hg, 20 mL/ hr urine output, and a
artery. The client’s baseline blood pressure (BP) during the a. Continue to monitor client’s cardiac rhythm “Do Not Resuscitate” order and whose family has just arrived
procedure was 130/70 mm Hg and the cardiac rhythm was a b. Administer high-flow oxygen c. A 72-year-old client who was transferred 2 hours ago from
normal sinus throughout. Which assessment finding should c. Encourage the client to increase rest the Medical ICU after his coronary artery bypass graft and has
indicate to the nurse that the client may be experiencing a d. Compare baseline weight with his current weight new onset atrial fibrillation
complication? * d. A 42-year-old patient who underwent aortic valve
a. BP 135/75 mmHg 7. A client has developed atrial fibrillation and has a HR of 166 replacement 2 days ago, with BP 114/72mmHg, HR 100bpm,
b. Apical pulse 142 bpm with an irregular-irregular rhythm beats per minute. The nurse should assess the client for which RR 28 breaths/min, and temperature of 38.4°C
c. Pedal pulses +1 possible effect of this condition? *
d. Left groin soft with 1cm ecchymoses a. Hypertension and headache 12. During the start of her AM shift, a nurse receives a verbal
b. Flat neck veins order for a cardiac catheterization to be done on a client in the
3. In a health teaching session with a client newly diagnosed c. Nausea and vomiting afternoon. Which action should the nurse do first? 
with chronic stable angina, the nurse should incorporate which d. Hypotension and dizziness a. Initiate NPO status for the patient.
of the following measures that would prevent recurrence of b. Start an IV infusion of 0.9 NaCl
angina? i. Wear a face mask when outdoors in cold weather ii. 8. A patient prescribed with nitroglycerin is being instructed by c. Ask the client to sign the consent form.
Increase isometric arm exercises iii. Avoid straining at stool iv. the nurse about its administration. Which of these should not be d. Teach the patient about the procedure.
Perform most exertional activities in the morning v. Take included in the nurse’s instruction? *
nitroglycerin before a stressful situation even when there is no a. Sit down for a few minutes when taking nitroglycerin. 13. A client with acute chest pain is receiving morphine sulfate
pain present vi. Eliminate tobacco use. * b. If throbbing headache and flushing are experienced after via IV. Which of the following results are the intended effects
a. I, II, III, IV, VI taking nitroglycerin, immediately call the emergency medical of this drug? Select all that apply. i. Reduces myocardial
b. III, IV, V, VI services. oxygen consumption ii. Prevents ventricular remodeling iii.
c. I, III, IV, V c. Nitroglycerin supply is renewed every 6 months. Reduces BP and HR iv. Reduces fear and anxiety v. Decreases
d. I, III, V, VI d. Never store nitroglycerin tablets in metal pillboxes. respiratory rate *
a. I, III, IV
4. A client is diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. During 9. While looking at the cardiac monitor, the nurse suddenly b. I, II, III, IV
the morning shift, he complains of sharp chest pains radiating to notes that her patient is having ventricular tachycardia. Which c. I, III, IV, V
the left shoulder. The nurse notes that the client has tachycardia action should she take first? * d. I, III
with premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). Admitting a. Call a code.
orders included all of the following interventions for treating b. Prepare for cardioversion. 14. After a myocardial infarction, the admitted patient is
chest pain. Which should the nurse implement first? * c. Prepare for defibrillation. instructed to move his legs while resting in bed. This exercise is
a. Obtain a stat 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). d. Determine client’s responsiveness. to: *
b. Administer oxygen by nasal cannula. a. Prepare the client for ambulation
10. A PACU nurse is caring for a patient who just had coronary b. Promote urinary and intestinal elimination
c. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin.
artery bypass graft. Which assessment finding in the immediate c. Prevent thrombophlebitis and formation of blood clots
d. Administer morphine sulfate intravenously.
d. Decrease the likelihood of pressure ulcer formation angioplasty (PTCA). The nurse should plan to teach the client 9. A conduction abnormality whereby no atrial impulse travels
about which aspect of a balloon-tipped catheter? * through the AV node is known as second-degree AV block type
15. After administering tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) to a a. A meshlike device will be inflated that will spring open. 2. *
patient, what should the nurse do? * b. The catheter will be used to compress the plaque against the
a. Observe client for chest pain coronary blood vessel wall. 10. The endocardium is the layer of the heart where the heart
b. Monitor for fever c. The catheter will cut away the plaque from the coronary muscle itself is found. *
c. Review the 12-lead ECG vessel wall using a cutting blade.
d. Auscultate breath sounds d. The catheter will be positioned in a coronary artery to take
pressure measurements in the vessel VASCULAR CONDITIONS
16. Following diagnosis of angina pectoris, the patient reports
inability to walk up two flights of stairs without experiencing 21. A cardiac catheterization, using the femoral artery approach, 1. When assessing the lower extremities of a client with
pain. What measure should the nurse instruct the client to do to is performed to assess the degree of coronary artery thrombosis peripheral vascular disease (PVD), the nurse notes bilateral
prevent this problem? * in a client. Which of these actions should the nurse not include ankle edema. This edema is primarily caused by: *
a. Climb the steps early in the day. in caring during the post-procedure period? * a. Increased venous pressure
b. Rest for at least an hour before climbing the stairs a. Checking the client’s groin for bleeding b. Competent venous valves
c. Take a nitroglycerin tablet before climbing the stairs b. Encouraging the client to increase fluid intake c. Increased muscular activity
d. Lie down after climbing the stairs c. Placing the client’s bed in the high-Fowler’s position d. Decreased blood volume
d. Instructing the client to move the toes when checking
17. What is the reason a nurse teaches a client with heart failure 2. A client who has been diagnosed with peripheral vascular
circulation, motion, and sensation
to take oral furosemide in the morning? * disease (PVD) is being discharged. The client needs more
a. To prevent electrolyte imbalances II. Modified True or False Write TRUE if the statement is teaching if she states that she will: *
b. To retard rapid drug absorption correct. If the statement is false, replace the underlined word/s a. Avoid heating pads
c. To help excrete excessive fluids accumulated during the with the answer that will make the statement correct. b. Avoid crossing the legs
night c. Wear leather shoes
d. To prevent sleep disturbances during the night 1. Confirmation of a diagnosis of heart failure is through an d. Use iodine on an injured site
echocardiogram. *
18. A client is scheduled for cardiac catheterization. Which 3. The client has aching, weakness, and a cramping sensation in
among these should the nurse perform before the procedure? 2. The characteristic sign of pericarditis is friction rub. * both of the lower extremities while walking. To promote health
Select all that apply. I. Verify that written consent has been and maintain the client's level of activity, the nurse should
obtained II. Administer all prescribed oral medications III. 3. When there is incomplete closure of the tricuspid valve, the suggest that the client try: *
Check for iodine sensitivity IV. Insert a urinary drainage blood flows backward from the right ventricle to the right a. Riding a stationary bike
catheter V. Withhold food and oral fluids prior to the atrium. * b. Skiing
procedure * c. Jogging
A.I,III,V 4. The most common site of myocardial infarction is the left d. Golfing
B.II,III,IV ventricle *
C.II,IV,V 4. The doctor prescribed a client with pentoxifylline for his
D,III,I,V intermittent claudication. To be able to determine its
5. The QRS complex in the ECG represents the ventricular
effectiveness, the nurse should ask if the client: *
repolarization. *
19. A patient taking digoxin should report which of the a. Can wiggle the toes
following indications of its toxicity * b. Has improved circulation in the legs
6. A sawtooth P wave is seen in patients with atrial flutter. *
a. Rashes over chest and back c. Is urinating more frequently
b. Increased appetite d. Is less dizzy
7. The Purkinje fiber is the primary pacemaker of the heart. *
c. Elevated blood pressure
d. Visual disturbances 5. A client who has undergone an amputation of three toes and a
8. The first heart sound (S1) is generated by the closure of the femoral-popliteal bypass asks you which leg positions can he
20. A client who recently experienced a myocardial infarction is semilunar valves. * assume while sitting. A nurse would give an incorrect answer if
scheduled to have a percutaneous transluminal coronary she suggest the patient to: *
a. Flex his ankles
b. Cross his legs 10. Which assessment findings in a patient with thoracic c. I, II, IV
c. Elevate his legs aneurysm suggest occurrence of rupture? Select all that apply. i. d. II, III, V
d. Extend his knees Severe chest pain radiating to the back ii. Abdominal distention
iii. Hypotension iv. Dyspnea v. Oliguria * 15. A client who has diabetes is taking metoprolol for
6. A nurse admits a client with a diagnosis of severe cellulitis in a. II, III, IV, V hypertension. Which of the following information should the
his left leg. The nurse anticipates the prescribed treatment will b. I, III, IV nurse include in the teaching plan? Select all that apply. i. Have
include: * c. I, III, IV, V a blood glucose level drawn every 6 to 12 months during
a. Debriding the left leg d. I, II, III, IV, V therapy. ii. Use an appropriate decongestant if needed. iii. These
b. Obtaining baseline coagulation laboratory tests and initiating tablets should be taken with food at same time each day. iv.
anticoagulation therapy 11. A male client seeks care at a vascular clinic and is Report any fainting spells to the health care provider v. Do not
c. Applying sequential compression devices diagnosed with Buerger’s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans). crush or chew the tablets. vi. Notify the health care provider if
d. Administering IV antiobiotics A nurse is teaching the client ways to prevent progression of the pulse is 82 per minute. *
disease. Which prevention measure should be the nurse’s initial a. I, II, IV VI
7. A patient had a femoral-popliteal artery bypass graft surgery focus when teaching the client? * b. I, III, IV, V
48 hours ago. A priority nursing action at this time should be a. Abstaining from all tobacco products in all forms c. II, III, IV, V, VI
to: * b. Avoiding exposure to cold d. I, II, III, IV, V
a. Monitor the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses c. Maintaining meticulous hygiene practices
bilaterally every 4 hours. d. Following a low-fat diet SHOCK
b. Monitor intake and output.
c. Maintain the client at a 60-degree sitting position when 12. A nurse is completing a health history on a client admitted 1. The nurse suspects that a client who had a myocardial
resting in bed. to a hospital with recurrent lower extremity cellulitis. The client infarction is developing cardiogenic shock. The nurse should
d. Report any edema that develops in the operative leg. tells the nurse that he has tinea pedis. The nurse concludes that assess for which peripheral vascular manifestation of this
this is significant because: * complication? *
8. A new nurse reads presence of lymphedema in the chart of a. The loss of skin integrity that occurs with tinea pedis allows a. Cool, clammy skin with weak or thread pedal pulses
his patient who had undergone surgery for breast cancer. He bacteria to enter the tissue. b. Cool, dry skin with pulsus alternans
then asks his senior nurse what lymphedema. Which statement b. The cellulitis is commonly caused by a fungus. c. Flushed, dry skin with bounding pedal pulses
to the new nurse regarding lymphedema is correct? * c. The cellulitis should resolve with topical fungicide therapy. d. Warm, moist skin with irregular pedal pulses
a. Lymphedema frequently signifies that there is a recurrence d. The client is at risk for developing a painful neuralgia after
of the malignancy. 2. What is the mean arterial pressure (MAP) of a person with a
the infection has resolved.
b. Lymphedema usually resolves after the cancer treatment is blood pressure 130/80 mmHg? *
completed when collateral lymph circulation develops. 13. The nurse has completed giving medication instructions to a a. 97
c. Lymphedema is characterized by severe swelling in the arm client receiving enalapril to treat hypertension. What statement b. 50
and hand on the affected side. made by the client is an indication that he was not able to fully c. 105
d. Lymphedema is mainly controlled by encouraging women to understand the teaching? * d. 113
keep their arm elevated. a. “Change positions slowly.”
3. What is the normal pulse pressure? *
b. “Monitor the blood pressure every week.”
9. An 85-year-old female client is brought to the emergency a. 80-100 mmHg
c. “Use salt moderately in cooking and on foods.”
department due to chest pains. She tells a nurse that the chest b. 30-40 mmHg
d. “Report signs and symptoms of infection to the health care
pain is stabbing through the chest into her back. Her blood c. 0-5 mmHg
pressure is 220/140 mm Hg. The nurse expects the diagnosis to d. 60-80 mmHg
be: * 14. A client is taking clonidine for treatment of his
4. What is the earliest manifestation of shock? *
a. Acute arterial occlusion hypertension. The nurse should teach the client about which of
a. Decreased oxygen saturation
b. Pulmonary embolism the following common adverse effects of this drug? Select all
b. Tachycardia
c. Aortic dissection that apply i. Hyperkalemia ii. Dry mouth. iii. Pancreatitis. iv.
c. Bradypnea
d. Subclavian steal syndrome Impotence. v. Sleep disturbance *
d. Decreased urine output
a. II, IV, V
b. I, III, V
5. Milrinone is indicated in the patient experiencing a. Reduced preload and afterload II. Identification Write the answer that is being asked in the
hypovolemic shock. The nurse knows that this drug acts by: * b. Increased renal and mesenteric blood flow following items.
a. Increasing peripheral resistance while increasing venous c. Increased cardiac output
return to the heart d. Vasoconstriction 1. Urine output that is indicative of decreased glomerular
b. Stimulating beta1 receptor sites on the heart and improving filtration.
heart contractility 11. In caring for the client above, who is receiving dopamine for 2. Normal central venous pressure *
c. Dilating coronary arteries shock treatment, what should the nurse do? * 3. Effect of epinephrine and norepinephrine on blood vessels *
d. Decreasing cardiac preload and increasing cardiac afterload a. Monitory blood pressure continuously. 4. Releases vasopressin to increase glomerular reabsorption and
b. Administer pain medication concurrently blood pressure *
6. A child undergoes surgical removal of a brain tumor. During c. Evaluate ABGs at least every 2 hours 5. Enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II *
the postoperative period, the nurse is monitoring the child and d. Monitor for infection.
notes that the child is restless, the pulse rate is elevated, and the 1. Penicillin sensitivity *
blood pressure has decreased significantly from the baseline 12. Which among the following nursing interventions is the a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
value. The nurse suspects that the child is in shock. Which is the most important in preventing septic shock? * b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
most appropriate nursing action? * a. Maintaining asepsis of indwelling urinary catheters c. Cardiogenic
a. Place the child in a supine position. b. Administering IV fluid replacement therapy as prescribed d. Neurogenic
b. Place the child in Trendelenburg’s position. c. Obtaining vital signs q4h for all clients e. Anaphylactic
c. Increase the flow rate of the intravenous fluids. d. Monitoring red blood cell counts for elevation f. Septic
d. Notify the HCP. g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock
13. Which of the following is an indication of a complication of
7. A patient who sustained T6 injury from a vehicular accident septic shock? * 2. Pulmonary embolism *
manifests severe hypotension and bradycardia. What should be a. Acute respiratory distress syndrome a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
the initial action of the nurse caring for the patient? * b. Mitral valve prolapse b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
a. Insert large-bore IV catheters. c. Anaphylaxis c. Cardiogenic
b. Prepare to administer Lasix. d. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease d. Neurogenic
c. Place the patient on Trendelenburg. e. Anaphylactic
14. The nurse considers which of the following as the best
d. Notify the physician. f. Septic
indication that fluid replacement for a client in hypovolemic
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock
8. Among the following goals, which is the most important in shock is adequate? *
nursing care for a client who is in shock? (Billings, 104) * a. Systolic BP > 110mmHg 3. Vomiting *
a. Manage vasoconstriction of vascular beds b. Diastolic BP >90 mmHg a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
b. Manage fluid overload c. Urine output greater than 30mL/hr b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
c. Manage increased cardiac output d. RR of 20 breaths/min c. Cardiogenic
d. Manage inadequate tissue perfusion d. Neurogenic
15. Which of the following indicates that a client who has had a
e. Anaphylactic
9. Which is a priority assessment for the client in shock who is 15% blood loss has developed hypovolemic shock? *
f. Septic
receiving an IV infusion of packed red blood cells and normal a. Unequally dilated pupils
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock
saline solution? (Billings, 108) * b. Systolic BP 75mmHg
a. Fluid balance c. Pulse rate 50 bpm 4. Dysrhythmias *
b. Pain d. RR 4 cycles/min a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
c. Anaphylactic reaction b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
16. Which of the fosllowing is a risk factor for hypovolemic
d. Altered LOC c. Cardiogenic
d. Neurogenic
10. The patient who does not respond adequately to fluid a. Antigen-antibody reaction
e. Anaphylactic
replacement was prescribed with Dopamine HCl via IV b. Gram-negative bacteria
f. Septic
infusion. What would the nurse assess the client for in c. Hemorrhage
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock
determining the effectiveness of the drug? * d. Vasodilation
5. Spinal cord injury * b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift c. Cardiogenic
b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss d. Neurogenic
c. Cardiogenic e. Anaphylactic
d. Neurogenic f. Septic
e. Anaphylactic g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock
f. Septic
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock

6. Immunosuppression *
a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
c. Cardiogenic
d. Neurogenic
e. Anaphylactic
f. Septic
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock

7. Bee sting allergy *

a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
c. Cardiogenic
d. Neurogenic
e. Anaphylactic
f. Septic
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock

8. Burns *
a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
c. Cardiogenic
d. Neurogenic
e. Anaphylactic
f. Septic
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock

9. Peritonitis *
a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift
b. Hypovolemic d/t external fluid loss
c. Cardiogenic
d. Neurogenic
e. Anaphylactic
f. Septic
g. Noncoronary cardiogenic shock

10. Valvular damage *

a. Hypovolemic d/t an internal fluid shift

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