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8/18/2021 Summative Assessment 1 - MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term - Summative Assessment 1 - DLSU-D College/GS

MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term

Summative Assessment 1

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Question 1
Deliberate prevention of pregnancy as the consequence of sexual intercourse by interfering with the normal process
of ovulation, fertilization, and implantation using different kinds of birth control methods.

Response: contraception

Question 2
The patient had given the surgeon the consent to a procedure on his left ear. After the patient is anesthetized, the
surgeon discovers that the right ear is in greater need of operation. What should the surgeon do?

Response: Wake the patient to get his consent.

Question 3
It occurs due to natural reasons like ill-health, diseases, shock, fear, or the excessive joy of the mother.

Response: natural abortion

Question 4
Demographic benefits brought by contraception include population control, environmental protection, and
reduction of poverty.

Response: True 1/6
8/18/2021 Summative Assessment 1 - MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term - Summative Assessment 1 - DLSU-D College/GS

Question 5
Arises when the moral agent exactly knows what to do but there is a barrier preventing him/her from doing it.

Response: distress

Question 6
The kidney is the most commonly transplanted organ worldwide, followed by the liver and then the heart.

Response: True

Question 7
It usually occurs due to diseases, genetic defects, trauma or biochemical incompatibility of the mother and fetus.

Response: Spontaneous abortion

Question 8
Organ transplantation is a medical procedure in which an organ is removed from the donor's body and placed in the
body of a recipient, to replace a damaged or missing organ.

Response: True

Question 9
Match the descriptions with the divisions of spontaneous abortion

Response: abortion has started but not progressed => threatened abortion

Response: clinical type of abortion where changes has progressed to state of impossible pregnancy => inevitable

Response: product of abortion expelled from the uterus => complete abortion

Response: part of the entire conception has been expelled => incomplete abortion

Response: dead fetus is retained in the uterus => missed abortion

Response: occurs to clinical evidences of infection in the uterus such as spontaneous vaginal bleeding, fever, chill
and foul smell => septic abortion

Question 10
During pregnancy, surrogates do not share blood with the baby since only nutrients and oxygen are passed from the
woman to the womb.

Response: True 2/6
8/18/2021 Summative Assessment 1 - MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term - Summative Assessment 1 - DLSU-D College/GS

Question 11
Medicine babies are conceived through IVF to provide umbilical cord blood (for hematopoietic stem cell
harvesting) for bone marrow transplantation in order to save the life of the older sibling from fatal disease (cancer,
Fanconi anemia, etc.).

Response: True

Question 12
Non-maleficence in organ transplantation entails that physicians and other health professionals should not engage
in health insurers and other payers should not cover such procedures, if the cells, tissues, and organs concerned
have been obtained through exploitation or coercion of, or payment to, the donor or the next of kin of a deceased

Response: True

Question 13
Beneficence in organ transplantation states that cells, tissues, and organs should only be donated freely without
monetary payment or reward of monetary value.

Response: True

Question 14
Cutting the umbilical cord to cut the oxygen supply of baby via caesarean section.

Response: Hysterectomy

Question 15
Match the following methods with the types of contraception they are associated with.

Response: Ovulation test kits => natural method

Response: Tubectomy => surgical method

Response: Birth control pills => oral contraceptive

Response: Essure => permanent type

Response: Diaphragms => barrier method

Response: Calendar method => Rhythm method

Response: Progestin injection => long-acting reversible method

Response: IUD => implants

Response: Hormonal implants => hormonal contraceptive method 3/6
8/18/2021 Summative Assessment 1 - MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term - Summative Assessment 1 - DLSU-D College/GS

Question 16
Arises when there is more than one right thing to do but to act on one necessarily prohibits you from acting on the

Response: dilemma

Question 17
Combination of dilation of cervix and suction of the contents of uterus.

Response: Dilation and Evacuation

Question 18
The patient had given the surgeon the consent to a procedure on his left ear. After the patient is anesthetized, the
surgeon discovers that the right ear is in greater need of operation. What should the surgeon do?

Response: Wake the patient to get his consent.

Question 19
Health benefits of contraception include the prevention of health risks for women and preventing transmission of

Response: True

Question 20
Distributive justice in organ transplantation states that everyone should be able to access organs equally as to the
length of time and age of the recipient.

Response: True

Question 21
Contraception supports human rights benefits by providing freedom of choice in controlling one's own life.

Response: True

Question 22
Contraception benefits a family by allowing them to enjoy quality time, which is usually diminished by unintended

Response: True

Question 23 4/6
8/18/2021 Summative Assessment 1 - MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term - Summative Assessment 1 - DLSU-D College/GS

You have a patient in your clinic who is an elderly woman with multiple medical problems. Her family is
extremely grateful for you care and they bring you a meal they cooked at home, a cake, and a scarf. What should
you do?

Response: accept all gifts

Question 24
In gestational surrogacy, the intended parents are not genetically related to the baby. Similar to adoption.

Response: False

Question 25
Causes labor at any stage of pregnancy to expel the content of the uterus.

Response: Hormone injection

Question 26
Medical interventions are used to treat infertility associated with endometriosis, low sperm count, and problems
associated with the uterus or the fallopian tubes.

Response: True

Question 27
Dilation of womb to insert curette to cut fetus into pieces.

Response: Dilation & Curettage

Question 28
Deliberate destruction of human life at any stage between fertilization and birth.

Response: abortion

Question 29
A 60-year-old male physician who is an internist has had a female patient for the last 20 years. Both lost their
spouses several years ago. They start spending time together outside the office. The female patient wants to begin a
sexual/romantic relationship with the physician. What should he tell her?

Response: “I cannot date you and be your doctor, we can date after you get another doctor.”

Question 30
Combination of abortive pills used to detached implanted egg and cause uterine contraction.

Response: Oral administration of drugs 5/6
8/18/2021 Summative Assessment 1 - MEB 23 bioethics c/o Dr Luistro - Special term - Summative Assessment 1 - DLSU-D College/GS

Question 31
It is not intended to occur due to trauma of sexual intercourse, poisoning,or accidental fall resulting to dislodging
of implanted ovum.

Response: accidental abortion

Question 32
Surrogacy refers to the legal arrangement between the person who will bear a child and the person who will
become the child’s parent after birth.

Response: True

Question 33
Arises when roles or other institutional policy or societal arrangements create a confusion about who is in charge.

Response: locus of authority

Question 34
Regardless of whether the child is biologically related to her or not ,or if born via surrogate, the real people who
raise and love the child are the real parents.

Response: True

Question 35
Use of powerful pump inserted into womb to tear fetus into pieces.

Response: Vacuum aspiration

Question 36
Tissue/organ for transplantation may be recovered from donors who die of circulatory death, as well as of brain
death up to 24 hours past the cessation of the heartbeat.

Response: True 6/6

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