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Multiple file upload element (Mootools 1.

2 version)
by Stickman
with thanks to:
Luis Torrefranca --
Shawn Parker & John Pennypacker --
...for Safari fixes in the original version

You may use this script as you wish without limitation, however I would
appreciate it if you left at least the credit and site link above in
place. I accept no liability for any problems or damage encountered
as a result of using this script.

Mootools 1.2 [ ]
...with at least:
Window.DomReady and its dependencies
All browsers supported by Mootools (see Mootools site for details)

See the included example.html for demonstration code.

Include this file (or the packed version) and your mootools.js release in
your HTML file. To convert a standard file input element into a multiple
file input element, add the following code to your HTML:

window.addEvent('domready', function(){
new MultiUpload( $( 'my_form' ).my_file_input_element );

...where 'my_form' is the ID of your form and 'my_file_input_element' is

the name of the file input element to be converted (or use whichever other
method you prefer for finding the target file input element).

I've also included a simple CSS file (Stickman.MultiUpload.css) which

you can include, although it's very basic (see 'Styling the element'),

Optional parameters:
There are four optional parameters (null = ignore this parameter):

- maximum number of files (default = 0)

An integer to limit the number of files that can be uploaded using the
element. A value of zero means 'no limit'.

- File name suffix template (default '_{id}'

By default, the script will take the name of the original file input
element and append an underscore followed by a number to it, eg. if the
input's name is 'file' then the elements will be numbered sequentially:
file_0, file_1, file_2...
You can change the format of the suffix by passing in a template. This
can be any string, but the sequence '{id}' will be replaced by the
sequential ID of the element. So if the element is called 'file' and you
pass in the template '[{id}]' then the elements will be named file[0],
file[1], file[2]...
To remove the suffix entirely, simply pass an empty string.
- Remove file path (default = false)
By default, the entire path of the file is shown in the list of files.
If you would prefer to show only the file name, set this option to

- Remove empty file input element (default = false)

Because an extra (empty) element is created every time a file is
chosen, this means that there will always be one empty file input
element when the form is submitted. By default this is submitted with
the form (exactly as it would be with a 'normal' file input element, in
most browsers) but setting this option to 'true' will cause the element
to be disabled (and therefore ignored) when the form is submitted.

Styling the element

I didn't spend a lot of time making this look pretty. I've included an
example CSS file (Stickman.MultiUpload.css) which is very basic but shows
the parts that make up the element. These are:
- div.multiupload
When instaniated, the script places a container DIV around the file
element, which also includes the files list
- div.list
Container DIV for the list of files
- div.item
Each item in the files list
- div.item img
The delete button image
If changing the appearance of the element is not enough, you can alter the
structure of the container and list elements in the initialize() method,
or the file list elements in the addRow() method.

Handling the uploaded files

This is purely a client-side script -- I have not included any code for
handling the uploaded files when they reach your server. This is because
I don't know what platform you're using, or what you want to do with the
files. When I posted the original version of this script, a lot of people
went on to submit support code for various platforms. So you might find
what you need in the comments one of these pages:

Other notes
Because it's not possible to set the value of a file input element
dynamically (for good security reasons), this script works by hiding the
file input element when a file is selected, then immediately replacing
it with a new, empty one. This happens so quickly that it looks as if
there's only ever one file input element.
Although ideally the extra elements would be hidden using the CSS setting
'display:none', this causes Safari to ignore the element completely when
the form is submitted. So instead, elements are moved to a position
And no, it's not 'Ajax' -- it doesn't upload the files in the background or
anything clever like that. Its sole purpose is cosmetic: to remove the
need for multiple file input elements in a form.

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