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Christina Wells


I would enjoy coaching so that I am able to help children see their potential and how to

untap their abilities. It is important that the athletes are confident in themselves.I value the

effort it takes to become a team and what it takes to make it work. I want to teach my athletes

that greatness does not happen overnight, but it is a process. I would incorporate a lesson of

self- love every time we met because it is profoundly important not only in athletes, but in life

in general. In athletics I absolutely value social interaction and being able to meet new people.

Of course, athletics is great for the fitness aspect of it but it is also enjoyable. I would like all my

athletes to have a close relationship with each other, so that they are able to help each other

on and off the field. I want to create a fun, learning and safe environment for my team. I want

to be fully involved with the parents of my athletes. I want my athletes to love winning but not

just make our goals about winning, I want them to have a successful practice or game time

regardless of winning. They should be focused on trying their best and having fun doing it. I also

want to instill the importance of teamwork in my athletes. That will align with my teaching the

athletes to untap their potential. I want to teach my athletes to have good quality

characteristics. My coaching style and philosophy integrates with the NYS Athletic Framework

Mission Statement and the 4 Cs: competence; I want my athletes to have the competence in

their tactics on how to properly play the game and understand what works and what does not.
Character is a big deal to me as a person and as a coach, because I could have the BEST athlete,

but are they a good person? I want them to be good people so that when they are adults they

teach the same great values to their students, children and peers. That will go along with my

respect aspect of coaching. I want my students to have civility in and off the field and I think

that will go along with the social interaction and teamwork part of my coaching. Citizenship will

be aligned with my teamwork, having that feeling that you are a part of something, something


While I am coaching my athletes they will understand what is expected of them. That is

just to have fun, work hard and be inclusive to everyone on the team. I want them to also

understand what it means to be respectful. Respectful to themselves, their teammates, the

game, their opponents, their coaches and the referees. I want to coach them in the game, but

also life lessons. I want them to be good athletes but I want them to be good people.


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