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However, the indicator I am aware that through independent learning, I can develop the value,

attitude, expertise, and skills necessary to make educated, has the lowest mean ( Ḿ =3.26,
SD=0.85) which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree with a qualitative description of very
good. (insert discussion here, cite related studies to support this result, take not that despite
being the lowest rating indicator, it is still qualitatively described as very good, please consider
that in your discussion)

In 2008, Meyer, et al. (2008) conducted a comprehensive review of the international literature on
independent learning and noted broad agreement that independent learners: “develop the values,
attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to make responsible decisions and take appropriate actions in
regard to their own learning”; are curious, self-confident and self-reliant; understand their own learning
needs and interests; and value learning “for its own sake”.

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