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Articles Work in pairs.

For the sentences in 1-8 below, decide

which sentence requires an article and which does
In the extract below, underline examples of the
not. Explain why.
1 I spent the day visiting ___ old monuments
1. The definite article (the)
2. The zero article ___ monuments I visited were old
3. The indefinite article (a/an)
2 I like ___ climbing mountains

I’d like to go climbing in ___ Himalayas

Contrary to popular belief, the Great 3 You shouldn’t look at ___ sun directly
Barrier Reef is not a continuous barrier,
___ stars twinkle because they are far away
but a broken maze of around 2,900
individual reefs, of which 760 are fringing 4 The Amazon flows through ____

reefs along the mainland or around Rivers like ___ Nile bring life to desert regions
islands. 5 ___ capital city of Mexico is enormous
Work in pairs to answer questions 1-10 below. Pay ___ Mexico City is particularly big.
attention to the articles in your answers.
6 ___ United Kingdom is usually just called the
1. What gives us light during the day? UK
2. What objects do you see far away in the sky on a
clear night? ___ kingdoms are ruled by monarchs.
3. Is the sun a star or a planet? 7 ___ prime minister runs the country.
4. Are there different solar systems?
5. What is the highest mountain range in the world? ____ prime ministers are appointed by heads
6. Which mountain range is it in? of state or parties
7. What is the name of the capital in Japan? 8 ___ heart sends blood around the body.
8. Is London a capital of the UK?
9. Are there different oceans on our planets? Can The body has ___ various organs.
you name three?

A trip I would like to describe is a journey I went on to the Brazil

a few years ago. I went with my family, two brothers but no the
sisters, five people in all. We flew to the Rio de Janeiro which is
an amazing city with many people and lots of entertainment.
What I really like about the city is that it has the beaches and, of
course, it’s famous for its nightlife. We had lots of the fun there
with a sightseeing and parties, which we went to nearly every
night. The cost of the living is cheap there and a meal in a
restaurant is a real treat as everyone is very lively. I recommend
Brazil as a place for the holidays and relaxing…
Complete the spaces in the text below with the, a, an or no article (-).’

___ third of all employees in ___ UK see ‘taking a sickie’ as an

acceptable part of ___ work, nothing more than light-hearted
flexibility with working hours, yet taking days off when not
actually sick is costing ___ economy ___ billions of pounds ___
year in ___ UK alone. As such ___ reasons for these days off work
need to be addressed to counteract ___ ‘sick culture’ embracing
The reasons for these ‘sick days’ are quite complex. One of ___
main reasons for this kind of absence is ‘work fatigue’, ___ fact
that ___ people are bored with their jobs. As one leading
professor states, jobs have become more fragmented and as such
people cannot give meaning to their work and feel alienated from
their main roles. This can be seen by ___ masses of people who
are sitting at ___ workstation every day for seven or eight hours
doing a job which is only one small part of a process. Bringing back
this kind of meaning into work could be ___ difficult task, one
which may not even be possible. However, ___ most cited reasons
for taking ‘sick days’ is ___ family commitments, such as childcare
or illness within __ family. This is an issue which can be addressed
with such things as ___ flexible working hours and home working.
Perhaps, if employers can be a bit more forward thinking in these
areas, they will, in the long run, be ___ ones to benefit the most.

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