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Performance appraisal is a process that needs to be undertaken meticulously if

obtaining desirable results is anything to go by. Many managers conduct this kind of
evaluation on their employees from time to time majorly because it is an organizational
tradition or requirement but not necessarily because of its impact on the future.

Problems with Performance Appraisal

1) Compare/contrast error
When appraising employees, it is important never to compare their abilities and using it
to make a judgment.

Each employee is gifted in their unique way and thus has different strengths and

2) Similarity error
As a manager, it would be significant to ensure that you perform your employee
appraisal objectively and considering that diversity should be respected, try to carry out
the appraisal process based on performance and results that they provide and not
primarily by similarity/dissimilarity that you have.

3) Bias
Bias is also one of the problems with performance appraisal managers often
encounter. As a matter of fact, everyone has some biases towards someone or
something irrespective of how we portray them. However, as a manager, it is imperative
not to let If you do not like someone it will not be right to use that feeling in making
review judgment, it is unprofessional.

4) Stereotyping
Stereotyping is problematic when assessing employees’ performance because it implies
that you will only be able to provide judgment based on what you label the group similar
to one that the particular employee belongs to.

5) The Halo effect

This is also known as the horns effect. It is a situation where you let your positive or
negative feelings towards an employee to influence your evaluation easily. It is
necessary to judge each criterion independently without compromising what you feel
for the employee.

6) Recency effect
This is majorly about carrying out an appraisal for a short period before it takes place.
As stated earlier, an appraisal is an activity that takes place continuously, which means
that the focus should not only be for the short period before it happens but rather the
entire time of the year.

7) Attribution error

This is one of the trickiest problems with performance appraisal. It involves making

your independent belief on possible causes of some behaviours or outcome and letting
that influence your judgment.

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