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Republic of the Philippines

Regin VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu Division


(Quarter 1 Week 2)

Element Learning Activities


Welcome to this modular training in Bread and Pastry Production NCII.
This module includes information and activities to develop desirable values,
skills and understanding through step-by-step procedures and helpful
techniques and guidelines on how to prepare, present, display, and store
bakery products, pastries, petit fours, cakes, and desserts. Provisions for
practical application to real life situation are also included for lifelong learning

Baking is cooking by dry heat in an oven or oven-type appliance. It is a

method of cooking used in making breads, cakes, pies, pastries, and biscuits
which everybody enjoys eating. Baking is an enjoyable activity which you can
learn either as a hobby or as an income-generating project.

This module will give you knowledge of the different bakery products and
provide you hands-on experience in baking, from the basic biscuits to the
more complex cookies, muffins, and breads.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this Lesson, you should be able to:
 Identify the different measuring tools used in baking;
 Explain the function of the measuring tools in baking;
 Perform the measurement and weighing of required ingredients
according to recipe or production requirements.

Now that you are acquainted with what awaits you in this module, it is now
time to test yourself on how ready you are.

Directions: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following ingredients is usually used in dough that gives

better taste and flavor?
A. butter B. compound lard C. edible tallow D. vegetables oil
2. What kind of sugar is primarily used in preparing icing?
A. brown sugar B. confectioner’s sugar C. granulated sugar D. refined
3. What is the basic ingredient in baking that improves aroma, flavor, and
nutrition in baked products?
A. baking powder B. flour C. shortening D. sugar
4. Which of the ingredients is an example of a physical leavening agent?
A. air B. baking powder C. baking soda D. yeast
5. Which kind of flour contains more gluten and less starch?
A. all-purpose flour B. bread flour C. cake flour D. soft-flour
6. Which among the choices is a personal cleanliness practice in baking?
A. combing the hair in the working area B. keeping fingernails long
C. washing the hands after work D. wearing an apron during working hours
7. What is the first step to have better results in baking?
A. keeping oneself clean B. keeping the food and equipment clean
C. keeping the utensils and work area clean D. all of the above
8. What is the best step to have better results in baking?
A. Measure ingredients accurately. B. Memorize the recipe very well.
C. Use modern equipment. D. Use only imported ingredients.
9. How many cups is equivalent to one gallon?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 16
10. What is the proper way to measure flour accurately?
A. level off with the use of the tines of a fork B. shakes the measuring cup
before levelling C. shovel the flour D. sift it before measuring
11. Which of the following is the best substitute for sour milk?
A. 1 C sweet milk plus 1 tbsp. vinegar B. 1¾ C sweet milk plus 1 tbsp.
vinegar C. 2 C sweet milk plus ½ tbsp. vinegar D. 2/3 C sweet milk plus 1
tbsp. vinegar
12. What is the best substitute for one cup sifted flour?
A. 1 C minus 1 tbsp. sifted all = purpose flour B. 1 C minus 2 tbsp. sifted all
= purpose flour C. 1 C plus 2 tbsp. sifted all = purpose flour D. 1 C sifted
all-purpose flour
13. Which of the following flour mixture is thick enough to be rolled and
A. batter B. cream C. crust D. dough
14. It refers to the procedure of rubbing one or two ingredients against a
bowl with the tip of a wooden spoon or electric mixer.
A. beating B. creaming C. folding D. stirring
15. Which of the following pastries refer to small, flat, and sweet cakes?
A. biscuits B. cookies C. muffins D. pies
Lesson Proper

WHAT IS IT When you were in Junior High School, or if you really love baking, you can
answer the questions below: (Write your answers in a separate sheet of

 What are the different ingredients in baking?

 What ingredients are considered dry?
 What ingredients are considered liquid?

WHAT’S NEW Title of the Activity: GUESSING GAME!

Materials: Pictures of the different ingredients in baking

1. Look at the different pictures below and identify if it is dry ingredients or

liquid ingredients.
2. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Techniques in Measuring and Weighing Ingredients Used in Baking
It is important to measure the ingredients accurately to get standard
products and efficient use of materials. Different flour in different localities
need varying amounts of liquid and this should be considered in baking. Keep
a record of the quantity of flour used each time you bake to find out which
measurement produces the best result from the flour available in your area.
You will soon learn to judge the correct amount of liquid to add by the
consistency of the dough and the way it handles.

A. Measurement of Dry and Liquid Ingredients

1. Dry Ingredients
A. Flour
a. Sift the flour to remove lumps.
b. Spoon sifted flour lightly into a measuring cup heaping it well over the
top of the cup. Do not shake the cup.
c. Level off the cup with a straight-edged utensils or spatula.
d. For fractions of a cup, use the lines indicating ¼, ⅓, and ½ of the
standard measuring cup.
B. Sugar
a. White sugar needs sifting only if lumpy. Proceed as in the measurement
of flour.
b. Brown sugar, if lumpy, press through a coarse sieve to crush the lumps.
Pack into measuring cup just enough to hold its shape. Level off.
c. Sift confectioner’s sugar through a sieve to remove lumps. Spoon lightly
into measuring cup. Level off with spatula or any straightedged utensil.
Do not shake the cup.
C. Baking Powder, Soda, Salt and Spices
a. Fill measuring spoon with the desired ingredients. Level off with a
spatula or any straight-edged utensils. If baking powder has caked, stir
lightly before measuring.
D. Shortening
a. With the use of measuring cup
Have shortening at room temperature. Pack firmly into the measuring
cup, taking care not to have air pockets. Level off with a spatula or any
straight – edged utensils. Use standard measuring spoon for less than ¼
cup shortening.

b. Water Displacement Method

Fill the cup with cold water up to ¼ cup level if ½ cup of fat is desired
and add shortening enough to cause the water to rise up to the 1 cup
mark. To measure ¼ cup, fill with cold water up to ¾ cup level and add
shortening enough to raise the water up to the1 cup mark. Drain well.

2. Liquid Ingredients Water and Milk

1 cup butter = 1 cup margarine

1 oz baking chocolate (unsweetened) = 1 square
1 oz sweetened chocolate = ¼ cup cocoa + 1 ½ to 2 tsp shortening
8 – 10 pcs graham crackers = 1 cup graham crumbs
4 oz bread = 3 cups soft crumbs
1 cup milk = ½ cup evaporated milk ½ cup water
1 cup cake flour = 1 cup all-purpose flour – 2T + 2T cornstarch (both
sifted before measuring)
1 tablespoon cornstarch = 2 tablespoon flour
1 cup sour milk = 1 cup evaporated milk + 1 T
vinegar or lemon juice
1 cup whipping cream = ¾ cup whole milk + ¼ cup butter
1 whole egg = 2 egg yolks
1 cup molasses = 1 cup honey

Liquid Measuring Cup

A liquid measuring cup is best to use for liquid ingredients because it is clear
and see through. It also has a spout that makes pouring of liquids easy. To
get the exact amount, follow these steps when measuring liquids.
1. Set up the liquid measuring cup. Place the measuring cup on a flat, even
2. Pour the liquid carefully and slowly into the cup. Stop pouring when the
liquid reaches the marker line for the desired amount.
3. Check your measurement. Bend down so that your eyes level with the
marker line. Look at the top of the liquid.

Frequently Used Substitutions and Equivalents


1 gallon (gal.) 4 quarts gallon - gal.
1 quart (qt.) 2 pints quart - qt.
1 pint (pt.) 2 cups pint - pt.
1 cup (c) 8 fluid ounces cup - c.
½ cup 4 ounces tablespoon - tbsp. or T
¼ cup 2 ounces teaspoon - tsp. or t
⅛ cup 1 fluid ounce fluid ounce - l. oz.
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons ounce - oz.
1 pound 16 ounces pound - lb.
2.2 pounds 35.2 ounces gram - g.
1 kilogram 1000 grams kilogram - kg.

Measuring Tools in Baking

Baking is a sophisticated method of cooking food. It requires right tools and

utensils in baking in order to bring out the best results.

To prepare for baking, familiarize yourself with the following measuring tools
and utensils in baking.

LIQUID-MEASURING CUP - a transparent cup calibrated to indicate the

amount of liquid.

DRY-MEASURING CUP - is a set of marked cups used to measure dry

ingredients such as flour and sugar. They are either made of plastic,
aluminum, or stainless steel.

MEASURING SPOONS - a set of spoons used to measure small amounts of


DIETETIC SCALE - is an instrument used to measure the weight of the items or

Enrichment Activities

WHAT’S MORE Title of the Activity: Measuring Tools and Utensils in Baking
Materials: Pictures of the different measuring tools and utensils in baking.
1. Study the different pictures below and identify what measuring tools and
utensils it is.
2. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper in the questions below.
Write the title Measuring Tools and Utensils in Baking.
1. In your own idea, what is the use of measuring spoon in baking?
2. In your own idea, what is the use of measuring cup in baking?
3. In your idea, what is the use of weighing scale in baking?

WHAT I HAVE LEARNED In a separate sheet of paper write your idea on how to properly measure the
following ingredients.

A. Sugar

B. Flour
C. Leavening Agents

WHAT I CAN DO Something to do!

Now that you are familiar on how to measure baking ingredients. Identify the
measuring tools needed in measuring the following ingredients. Write your
answer in the separate sheet of paper.

Listed below are the ingredients for brownies.

1. 2 oz. chocolate, melted 6. 2 eggs, beaten
2. 1/3 c butter 7. 1 c butter
3. 1 c cake flour 8. ½ tsp vanilla
4. ¼ tsp salt 9. 1 c nuts, chopped
5. ½ tsp baking powder 10. Oil

Post Assessment Assessment: (Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper with the tittle

In the frequently used substitution and equivalents and abbreviations shown

below. Identify what is lacking to complete the table.


1. 4 quarts gallon – 6.
2. 2 pints quart - qt.
1 pint (pt.) 2 cups 7. - pt.
1 cup (c) 3. cup - c.
4. 4 ounces 8.- tbsp. or T
¼ cup 5. teaspoon - tsp. or t
⅛ cup 9. fluid ounce - l. oz.
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons ounce – 12.
10. 16 ounces pound - lb.
2.2 pounds 11. gram – 14.
13. 1000 grams 15. - kg.


TEACHER II – Naga National Senior High School

Republic of the Philippines

Regin VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu Division
Title: Measuring Baking Ingredients
Performance Objective: Select, measure, and weigh required ingredients in baking brownies
Supplies/Materials: (Please refer the ingredients below)
Tools/Utensils/Equipment: Measuring tools

Listed below are the ingredients in baking brownies.

1. 2 oz. chocolate, melted 6. 2 eggs, beaten

2. 1/3 c butter 7. 1 c butter
3. 1 c cake flour 8. ½ tsp vanilla
4. ¼ tsp salt 9. 1 c nuts, chopped
5. ½ tsp baking powder

Demonstrate the proper way of measuring ingredients for brownies by taking a video with the use of your
mobile phones or camera.

Check the accuracy of your answers. Review the table of equivalents and substitution of ingredients before
submitting your work. Master the procedure in measuring ingredients before proceeding to the actual
demonstration. You will be evaluated in this task on the basis of the following criteria:

Correctness of procedure - 40%

Accuracy of measurement - 40 %
Sanitation - 20 %
Total - 100 %

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