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Gary T. Horowitz and Andrew Strominger

Department of Physics
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Bitnet: gary@voodoo, andy@voodoo

ABSTRACT: It is shown that low-energy string theory admits a variety of solu-

tions with the structure of an extended object surrounded by an event horizon. In

particular there is a family of black string solutions, labelled by the mass and axion

charge per unit length, corresponding to a string in ten dimensions surrounded by

an event horizon. The extremal member of this family is the known supersym-

metric singular solution corresponding to a macroscopic fundamental string. A

similar family of solutions is found describing a fivebrane surrounded by an event

horizon, whose extremal member is a previously discovered non-singular supersym-

metric fivebrane. Additional charged, extended black hole solutions are presented

for each of the antisymmetric tensors that arise in heterotic and type II string

1. Introduction

Black holes have had profound conceptual implications for the nature of general rela-
tivity in both the classical and quantum domains. One expects that they will eventually
play an equally profound role in understanding the fundamental nature of string theory.
Accordingly, it is important to understand the types of black holes which can occur in
string theory. Previous work on this subject can be found in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). In this
paper we will show that ten-dimensional string theory admits a rich variety of extended
black hole solutions. We will further show that these extended black holes are closely
related to recently discovered string soliton solutions[10), as well as to fundamental strings
We will work with the low energy action obtained from string theory. This is justified
for extended black holes with large mass since the higher order terms will be negligible
in a neighborhood and everywhere outside of the event horizon. Thus one expects that
there exist exact solutions to string theory with similar properties. (Although the exact
solutions will presumably differ from the ones we find near the singularity.)
The simplest class of extended black hole solutions can be obtained by taking the
product of flat R 10 -D and the D-dimensional Schwarzschild solution. These spacetimes
are clearly Ricci flat and hence solve the low energy equations from string theory. They
describe a p = 10- D brane surrounded by an event horizon i.e. a black p-brane. These
solutions are characterized by one parameter which can be interpreted as the mass per
unit p-volume M of the p-brane. However, string theory has a variety of forms which
can add charge to extended objects. In ten dimensions, a p-brane can carry a "magnetic"
charge per unit p-volume Q = J F/Vs-p where F is an 8- p form field strength and Vd
is the volume of the unit d-sphere. We will construct the solutions describing charged
black p-branes in string theory. These solutions cannot always be obtained by taking the
product of a charged black hole with flat R 10 -D (Note that if one takes the product of a
four dimensional Einstein-Maxwell solution with Rn, the scalar curvature will still vanish.
But the trace of the Maxwell stress tensor is not zero in 4 + n dimensions.)
In analogy to charged black holes in general relativity, the event horizon of these so-
lutions is present only when Q/M is less than a certain bound. For Q/M larger than
this bound, naked singularities occur. Of particular interest are the solutions correspond-
ing to the extremal values of Q / M. We will see that for the case of a onebrane i.e. a
macroscopic string in ten dimensions, the extremal black string solution is precisely the
supersymmetric solution recently found in [11,12) describing a macroscopic fundamental
string. This implies that if an an arbitrarily small amount of mass per unit length is added
to a macroscopic fundamental string, it becomes surrounded by an event horizon. Similarly,
the extremal black fivebrane solution is precisely the recently discovered supersymmetric

One might ask whether these extended black holes can form from nonsingular initial
conditions. The following argument shows that the answer is yes. Consider initial data
for the D-dimensional vacuum Einstein equation which collapses to form a black hole.
Taking the product with R 10 -D yields initial data which collapses to form a black p-
brane. This example is clearly special since it has exact translational invariance. However
if one considers perturbations to this initial data, one can analyze the evolution by Fourier
decomposing the perturbation in the R 10 -D directions*. The result is to add a mass term
to the perturbation of the D-dimensional collapse. Since black holes are known to be
stable, these perturbations will not blow up on the horizon. Thus it appears that there is
an open set of initial data which collapse to form black p-branes. Although this argument
was made for uncharged initial data, it can be extended to the charged case.

In the next section we consider a general action which will allow us to consider almost
all cases of interest at once. We derive solutions which describe charged black p-branes in
this theory. In section 3 we specialize these solutions to the cases of interest for heterotic
and type II string theory. We will see that certain extremal cases reduce to previously
found solutions. The chiral lib superstring theory has a self-dual five-form which gives
rise to a charged black threebrane. This cannot be obtained from the general solution in
section 2. We discuss it separately in section 4. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of
our results and some implications.

2. A General Solution

In this section we find extrema of the action

_j d 10 r-:; [ -2¢>
xy-g e
2e "'¢> 2]
)!F, (1)

where F is a D - 2 form satisfying dF = 0. We will assume D 2: 4. For certain values of

a and D, this is part of the low energy action from string theory. The general solutions
derived in this section will be related to solutions of string theory in section 3. The
"magnetic" charge proportional to J F can be carried by an object spatially extended in
(10- D) dimensions, so we look for black (10- D)-brane solutions. (Electrically charged
solutions can be rewritten as magnetically charged ones by dualizing F, as discussed in the
next section.) We require translational and rotational symmetry in (10- D) dimensions.
These solutions are extrema of an effective D dimensional action which we now derive.
The most general ten-dimensional metric with the prescribed symmetry is

* We thank D. Garfinkle for suggesting this argument.

where ds 2 is an arbitrary D-dimension al Lorentzian metric, .,i are (10 - D) Cartesian
coordinates, and all fields are independent of :vi. Substituting this form of the metric into
(1) yields an effective D-dimension al action. It would of course be possible to absorb the
factor of eA into ds 2 , but it is convenient to chose eA so that the D-dimension al action
is simplified. In particular we wish to define A, B and </> as linear combination s of two
scalar fields p and u so that the kinetic term for g is the standard Einstein action, p and
u are canonically normalized, and 0' does not couple to F 2 This is accomplished by the
(.1 = (4a+7-D) _u(D-3)[ 10-D]:Z
~'</> P 2 2 D- 2 '

f3 A [ D-4]2 -
= p a - D _ u( a + 1) [10-D]~
D _
, (3)

=pa+1 +u (D- 2)a- D + 41

r.IB ( )

[(10- D)(D- 2)]!!

where !3 is given by

2~ =~]
2 2
/3 = -[4a +2a(7- D)+ . (4)
One thus obtains the D-dimension al action

S = JdDxvC§[R- ~(\7p)2- ~('Vu)2- ef3P 2F2 l· (5)

2 2 (D-2)!
The problem of finding black (10 - D)-brane solutions of (1) is thereby reduced to the
problem of finding black hole solutions of (5). Fortunately, this latter problem has already
been solved by Gibbons and Maeda [1,5]. For completeness , and to fix notation, we include
a brief derivation below.
The equations of motion following from (5) are

0 = V!J'(ef3P FJJt'"/JD-2),
Du = 0,
Op = (D 2~ 2)! ef3P p2,
' 1 1
= 2\7 JJP\7 vP + 2\7 JJu\7 vO' + 2 f3Pp "' ~l'"~D-3
RJJv (D _ 3 )! e JJAt"'~D- 3 rv
, 2(D- 3) f3r/J 2
-gJJ" (D- 2)(D - 2)! e F .
We wish to find static spherically symmetric solutions to these equations that are asymptot-
ically flat and have a regular horizon. The most general line element with these symmetries
can be written in the form


where .X and Rare functions of r only, and d0b_ 2 is the line element on the unit (D- 2)
sphere. For simplicity, we will require that the scalar fields vanish asymptotically.* The
Bianchi identity and equation of motion for F can be simply satisfied by setting
where Q is the charge of the black hole and €D is the volume element on the unit D-sphere
· f sn €D = 271' Q.±lj
1.e. 2 r (Dtl) . One then has (D-1 2)! F 2 = Q2/ R 2D-4 . By symmetry t here
are only three independent non-zero components of the Ricci tensor. In an orthonormal
basis these are the timelike Roo, radial Rn and spherical R22 components. From (6) it is
apparent that Roo= (D- 3)R22· In terms of .X and R this equation is
~ R2-D(RD-2 .x2')' = -(D _ 3 )R2-D(RD-3 .x2 R')' + (D _ 3 )2 R-2, (g)
where a prime denotes differentiation with respect to f. From (6) we also obtain Roo =
[b- 2
3 ) \1 2 p. This yields an equation for Z = .X 2e- 2(D- 3)P//3(D- 2) which is just

Solving these equations and imposing our boundary conditions at the horizon and spatial
infinity, we obtain the following expression for the charged black hole in D dimensions:
F = Q€D-2>

d82 = - [ 1-(: )D-3] [ 1-(; )D-3 r-'l'(D-3) dt2

+ [1-(: )D-3 rl [ 1-(; )D-3 r-1 dr2

r_ D - 3] 'l' d0D_
+r 2 [ 1-(--;:-) 2

ef3P = [ 1-(; )D-3 tD-3)

where the exponent is
I = (D- 3)(2(D- 3) + f32(D- 2))
and the new coordinate r is related tor by rD- 4 dr = RD- 4 dr. This is a two parameter
family of solutions labelled by r+ and r_. These two parameters are algebraically related
to the charge and mass of the black hole. The charge Q is given by
Q = ['(D- 3)3(r+r-)D-3] 2'

* Solutions for which q, does not vanish asymptotically may be obtained from those we give
by simply rescaling F---> e-(<>+1)</>o F and r/>---> r/> + rPO·

and the mass is proportional to

M = [1- (D- 3)'y]r!:?-3 + r~-3 (14)

with a convention-dependent proportionality constant. If r_ = 0, then F = 0, p = 0, and

the above metric reduces to the D dimensional Schwarzschild solution. At r = r+ the
timelike Killing field becomes null and there is an event horizon. It is straightforward to
show that the curvature is finite there. Since 1 > 0 for D ::=: 4, at r = r _, the area of the
spheres goes to zero and there is a curvature singularity. Thus these solutions describe
black holes only when r+ > r_,
Since rr is a free scalar field, it is not surprising that it must vanish for the black hole
solution. The "no hair" theorems show that the only free scalar field which vanishes at
infinity and is regular at the event horizon is rr = 0.
Finally, using (2), (3) and (11), one obtains black (10- D)-brane solutions of (1):

F = Qen-2,

ds2 = - [ 1-(: )D-3] [1-(; )D-3 dt2

+ [1-(: )D-3 r1 [1-(; r, )D-3 dr2

[ ']',
+1 (15)
+r2 1-(; )D-3
l d[!b-2

+ [1-(; )D- 3 r· dxidx;,

e-2¢ = [ 1-(; )D-3 r,

where the exponents are given by

D- 5
rr=.5(a-1)- D- ,
~~ = o(a + 1), (16)
1¢ = -o(4a + 7- D)

o= (2a 2 + (7- D)a + 2)- 1 (17)
This is a two parameterfamily of solutions (labelled by r+,r-) and the charge Q is related
to them by (13), which can be reexpressed

Q = [o(D- 3) 2 (r+r- )D- 3 /2]2'. (18)
These solutions are invariant under the rather large symmetry group R x SO(D -
1) x E(10 -D) where E(n) denotes the n dimensional Euclidean group. We have in
fact imposed this symmetry in order to obtain explicit solutions. However this group
does not include boosts in the :vi direction. Remarkably enough, at the extremal value
r+ = r-, the metric component 900 becomes equal to the component multiplying d:vid:v;
and the solutions acquire this extra boost symmetry. The symmetry group for the extremal
solutions is then SO(D -1) x P(ll- D) where P(n) is then dimensional Poincare group.

3. Black p-branes in String Theory

In this section we write down explicitly the various extended black hole solutions that
one obtains by choosing F to be the forms that appear in low-energy string theory. First,
we let F be the three-form H which appears in all closed string theories. Then D = 5 and
a= -1. When a= -1, the exponents (16) become extremely simple:
/r = -1,

''" = 0, (19)

'"' = 1
independent of D! From (15) we obtain
da2 - - (1 - :,! ) dt2
- r2
+ r2
+ r2d!l22 + d:v'd:v ~'
(1-;j-) (1-:,!)(1-;j-)
- 1 - 2- ,
e -2¢-
H = Q€J.
This family of solutions describes a fivebrane surrounded by an event horizon. Note that
with these values for the exponents, r is the standard area coordinate and the metric is
a simple product with R 10 -D This latter fact follows in string theory from the fact that
products of conformal field theories are conformal field theories.
The extremal case of the black fivebrane corresponds to r+ = r_. In this case the
event horizon and the singularity inside completely disappear. The spacetime (20) (with
r > r+ = r_) is geodesically complete. This extremal solution is in fact precisely the
nonsingular supersymmetric fivebrane described in (10,13] . To see the connection we
must transform to isotropic coordinates. Let y 2 = r 2 - r~. Then the extremal solution


We next consider the case where F is an abelian two-form gauge field of heterotic string
theory. Then D = 4, a = -1 and the solution is very similar to (20)
( 1 - !:.±.) 2 dr2 2 .
d8 2 = r dt + + r 2d0.2 + d:v'd:v;,
(1- r;) (1- !f)(1- r;)
e-2¢ = 1- r_, (22)
F = Q€2·
This is simply the product of R6 and the charged black hole solution discussed in [1,5,7].
In type IIa string theory there is both a two-form field strength G and a four-form field
strength F. The action governing these fields is

s= jdto:vFg[e-2rf> (R + 4(\7¢)2 _ ~H2) _ G2 _ 2_p2

3 12
1 1-'t .. ·l'top F B ]
- 288 € 1'11'21'31-'4 l-'51'61'71'8 l-'9!-'10 .

where G = dA, H = dB, F = dC and F = dC + 2A II H. If only one of A, B or C

is non-zero, then F = F, the last term in (23) can be neglected and the action is of the
general form (1). Corresponding charged black p-brane solutions can be obtained from the
results of section 2. For the two-form G we have D = 4, a = 0 and the solution is of the
form (15) with exponents
'Yr = 2'
'Yx = 2' (24)
'Y¢ = -2.
This describes a black sixbrane solution of IIa string theory.
For the four-form F, we have D = 6 and a = 0. The resulting solution is of the form
(15) with exponents
'Yr = -6,
'Yx = 2' (25)
'Y¢> = -2.
This describes a black fourbrane.
To obtain black p-branes with "electric" charge, we dualize these forms. In fact this
is how we will obtain the black string solutions which are perhaps the most interesting.
We start with the action (1). The equation of motion for F is 'V~-'( e 2a¢ Fw .. v) = 0. This
implies that the 12- D form
is closed, where * denotes the Hodge dual and obeys *2 = 1. If we replace F with K in the
equations of motion that follow from (1), we obtain a set of equations which can be derived
from the action (1) with F 2 replaced by K 2 and a replaced by -a. (This differs from the
result of directly substituting (26) into the action by a crucial minus sign.) Thus to obtain
the dual of a solution with parameters a, D, we make the transformation a --> -a and
D--> 14- D. It is amusing to note that in this sense 10 and 4 dimensions are dual.

If we dualize the three-form H, we get the solution with D = 9 and a= 1. This has
/r = --,
'"' = 1,
/¢> = -1.

In this case, the fractional exponents can be removed by introducing a new radial coordi-
nate y 6 = r 6 - r~. The solution then becomes

1-g. 2 2
ds = - Y
dt 2 + d:v + dy + Y2 dn2
r6 e C 7,
1+- 1+r_ 1-:;:a-
17 17 y
r6 (28)
e- 21> = 1 +-=-
H = Qe 21> *€7,

where C = r! - r~. This represents a family of axion string solutions surrounded by

event horizons i.e. black strings. At the extremal value, C = 0, the event horizon becomes
singular. One can check that this extremal solution is exactly the string solution discussed
in [11,12].

Dualizing the two-form F of heterotic string theory leads to a 0-brane, or ordinary

black hole in ten dimensions. The solution is given by (15) with D = 10, a = 1, exponents

/r = --,
,., = 2, (29)
/¢> = -1.


F = Qe 2 * eg.
<1> (30)

Dualizing the two-form G of the Ila theory leads to another ten dimensional black hole

solution. This one has D = 10, a = 0, exponen ts
lr = -14'
I:IJ = 2' (31)
1¢ = 2
G = Q * eg. (32)
Finally, dualizing the four-form F of the Ila theory leads to a black twobran e with D = 8
and a= 0 describe d by (15) with exponen ts
lr=-10 '
I:IJ = 2' (33)
1¢ = 2"
F = Q *ea. (34)

4. The Self-Du al Threeb rane

The chiral lib theory[14] has a self-dual five-form F. Extende d black holes which couple
to this form neccesar ily simultan eously carry both "electric" and "magnet ic" charge, and
so cannot be obtained from the general solution (15). From the field equation s it is clear
that F does not act as a source for the dilaton so one can take the dilaton to be constant .
The remainin g equation is
Extende d black hole solutions of this equation can be found directly. The result is

d~ 2 =- ( 1
- rt)(
;r 1- r~)-i dt 2
dr2 2 2
+ r4 r4 +r dD.s
(1- ~)(1- :;i)
r r (36)

+ ( 1-
r4 )
i dx;dx',.
F = Q(es + *Es),
if> = <Po,
where the charge Q is now related to the two free parameters r +, r _ by
2 2
Q = 2r+r _. (37)
Once again, there is a regular event horizon at r = r + and a curvature singularity at
r = r-. Since threebranes have a (3 + 1) dimensional worldvolume, this example provides
an interesting and concrete model for attempts to describe our universe as a threebrane
embedded in a higher-dimensional spacetime.

5. Discussion

We conclude with some comments on the properties of the above solutions, and po-
tential applications.
With our conventions, the dimensionless string loop coupling is given by g 8 = erl>. For
some of the charged black p-brane solutions, this coupling becomes strong near the event
horizon, while for others, it becomes weak. However, under the duality transformation,
a ......, -a, D ......, 14 - D which interchanges electrically charged and magnetically charged
p-branes, /¢ ......, -I¢· This implies rjJ ......, -rjJ or g, ......, 1/ g 8 • This interchange of strong and
weak coupling has been noticed previously in the special case of the extremal fivebrane and
extremal macroscopic string. We now see that it holds more generally. For the self-dual
solution, which carries equal electric and magnetic charges, we saw in the previous section
that the dilaton is constant.
It is interesting to consider the supersymmetry of the extremal solutions. It was pointed
out in [11,12] and [15] that the extremal string and fivebrane solutions are supersymmetric,
while in [7] it was noted that the sixbrane solution of heterotic string theory and its 0-brane
dual are not supersymmetric. While we have not carefully analyzed the supersymmetry
transformation laws, it appears likely that all the extremally charged black p-branes of the
type II theories are supersymmetric. This implies the existence of new varieties of super
p-brane actions.
We have discussed extended black hole solutions in ten dimensions, since this is the
dimension of interest for string theory. One can clearly modify the derivation in section
2 to obtain charged black p-branes in any dimension larger than four. It is an interesting
question whether or not there exist black strings (or black membranes) in four dimen-
sions. There clearly exist spacetimes with this causal structure (take the product of R
and the three dimensional spacetime obtained by setting (J = 1r /2 in the four dimensional
Schwarzschild solution.) But the associated stress energy tensor is usually unphysical. In
the Appendix we show that if one imposes a strong local energy condition, there do not
exist static, cylindrically symmetric black string solutions in four dimensions.
There are many open questions regarding the dynamics of black p-branes. The most
basic involves the definition of a black p-brane in the absence of symmetries. The standard

definition of a black hole requires asymptotic flatness and it is not obvious how to generalize
it to extended objects. Given suitable boundary conditions so that black p-branes can be
defined, one would like to have a general definition for the energy-momentum per unit
p-volume. An important dynamical question is whether a black string that intersects itself
can break off a "black torus". This seems unlikely in view of the fact that black holes
cannot bifurcate.

Perhaps our most intriguing result is the fact that the fundamental macroscopic string
solution of [11,12] is an extremal extended black hole. This is not a tautology-the classical
solution around an electron in four dimensions, for example, is not extreme Reissner-
Nordstrom. This connection may provide an interesting context for the study of potential
quantum incoherence in string theory since black strings may decay via Hawking evapo-
ration to fundamental strings. Since the properties of fundamental strings are well un-
derstood, it may be possible to actually compute the analog of the extremal black hole
S-matrix discussed in [16] (using first-quantized string theory) or to do a stringy compu-
tation of black hole evaporation and compare with Hawking's results.

Finally, in [17] it was pointed out (in four dimensions) that in addition to the usual
classical charges, black holes are characterized at the quantum level by quantum hair which
can be observed by Bohm-Aharanov scattering of strings. This phenomonen generalizes in
an obvious way to black p-branes in higher dimensions. In ten dimensions, the manifold
M for a black p-brane has H 8 -P(M) of 0. Thus one can introduce a nontrivial 8- p form
potential with vanishing field strength. In particular the two-form B can impart axion hair
to any of the sixbranes of ten-dimensional string theory, and this hair can be observed by
string scattering. The fivebrane can carry hair associated to the integral of the three-form
C in the type Ila string theory. This hair is potentially observable by scattering a twobrane
of the Ila theory around a hairy fivebrane.


We are grateful to David Garfinkle for useful conversations. This work was supported
in part by DOE grant 8-48061-2500-3 and NSF grant PHY-9008502.


A stress energy tensor T11-v satisfies the Jtrong energy condition if T!J.vt~'tv 2:: ~Tt~'tl'
for all timelike t~'. This implies positivity of R!J.vt~'tv. In this appendix we show that if
the strong energy condition is satisfied, there do not exist static, cylindrically symmetric
black string solutions in four spacetime dimensions which are (locally) asymptotically flat

in the transverse directions. Note that the boundary condition of local asymptotic flatness
includes the conical behavior found in cosmic string solutions.
The most general metric with the required symmetries can be written

where A, R and ,P are functions of r only. Every static spacetime satisfies:

Using the above metric this becomes

where 1 denotes derivative with respect to r. Multiplying by R,P and integrating from an
arbitrary radius r 0 to infinity yields

Our boundary conditions at infinity insure that A and ,P both behave asymptotically like
1 + kr-•, and R -> cr where the constant c allows for a possible deficit angle. This implies
that the boundary term at infinity vanishes. Since the left hand side cannot be negative,
and r 0 is arbitrary, we conclude A21 ~ 0 everywhere. Since A2 = 1 at infinity, it can never
vanish in the interior. Thus there can be no event horizon.
This argument does not completely settle the question of whether black strings (or
black membranes) can exist in four dimensions. This is because there are physical matter
fields (e.g. a scalar field with nonzero potential) which violate the strong energy condition.
In higher dimensions, the above argument does not apply since the boundary term at
infinity can be nonzero.


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