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Allan Kardec

We provide below the two evocations of the Spirit of Fredegund, carried out at the Society with a
month between them and that form a complement to the two preceding articles about the
possession of Ms. Julia. The Spirit did not show signs of violence in the manifestation but wrote with
great difficulty and made the medium extremely fatigued that even became ill and whose faculties
seemed paralyzed in a certain way. Since we anticipated that result we were careful enough to not
select a very delicate medium for the task.

On a different occasion another Spirit was questioned about Fredegund and he said that she was
already trying to reincarnate for a long time but that had been denied to her because her objective
was not yet to improve but, on the contrary, to have more opportunities of doing bad things, helped
by a physical body. Such disposition would substantially maker her conversion more difficult but
nevertheless it was not as difficult as expected thanks, no doubt, to the benevolent help of people
that joined in the work and perhaps because it was about time that the Spirit should find the path of

October 16th, 1863 – medium Mr. Leymarie

1. Evocation. – A. I am not Fredegund. What do you want from me?

2. Who are you then? – A. A suffering Spirit.
3. Since you are suffering you must want to stop that. We will assist you because we are sorry for all
of those that suffer in this world and in the next. But you need to follow us and pray with us. – A. I
thank you but I cannot pray.
4. We will pray and that will help you. Have confidence in God’s benevolence that always forgives the
one that repents. – A. I believe. Pray, pray. I will perhaps convert.
5. But it is not enough that we pray. You need to pray as well. – A. I wanted to pray but I couldn’t. I
will try now with your help.
6. Say with us: My God, forgive me because I have sinned. I regret the harm I have caused. – A. I will
say that later.
7. It is not enough. You need to write. – A. My… (Here the Spirit cannot write the word God. It was
only after much encouragement that the Spirit was able to finish the sentence in an irregular and not
much readable way).
8. You must not say that formally. It is necessary to think about it and make the resolution that you
will no longer do bad things and you will see that you will be soon alleviated. – A. I will pray.
9. Now that you prayed with sincerity haven’t you felt better? – A. Oh, yes!
10. Now give us some details of your life and the causes of your skirmish with Julia. – A. Later… I will
tell you but I cannot today.
11. Will you promise to leave Julia alone? The harm you do to her falls back on you and worsens your
suffering. – A. Yes, but I am led by other Spirits that are worse than me.
12. It is a bad excuse that you utilizes to justify yourself. In any case you have your own will and with
that you can always resist the bad suggestions. – A. Had I had the will power and I would not have
suffered. I am punished because I did not resist.
13. However you show a lot of will to torment Julia. Since you have just made good resolutions we
advise you to persist with them and we will beg the good Spirits to help you.
14. Evocation. – A. I am ready to respond.
15. Do you persist on the resolution of last time? – A. Yes.
16. How are you doing? – A. Very well because I prayed, I am calm and much happier.
17. We know for a fact that Julia was no longer tormented. Since you can now communicate better
can you please tell us why your terrible fight with her? – A. I was forgotten for centuries and wanted
the curse that covered my name stopped a little bit so that a prayer, a single one, could console me. I
pray, I believe in God; I can now say God’s name and that is certainly more than I could expect from
the help that you give me.
18. It is very doubtful that you wanted to torment that young lady just out of desire for a prayer. You
undoubtedly also seek a remedy to your errors. In any case that was a bad way of attracting people’s
compassion. – A. However if I had not tormented Julia so much you would not have thought of me
and I would not have left the miserable state in which I laid helplessly. You learned something from
that and I got a great benefit because that opened by eyes.
19. (To the guide of the medium) - Was it really Fredegund that answered that? – A. Yes, it was her,
somehow helped, it is true, because she humiliated herself. But that Spirit is much more advanced in
intelligence than you think; moral progress is what is missing and you now help her to move her first
steps. She does not tell you that Julia will take great advantage of what happened to her own
20. (To Fredegund) – Did Ms. Julia live in your time? Could you tell us who she was? – A. Yes. She was
one of my entourage called Hildegard. A poor and resigned soul that attended my wishes. She
endured the weight of her very humble services and much complacent with respect to myself.
21. Would you like another incarnation? – A. Yes, I do. Oh my God! I suffered a thousand
punishments and deserved a fairer one. It is time for me to begin a new life with the help of your
prayers so that I can wash away old impurities. God is just. Pray for me. Up until now I was not aware
of the full extent of my punishment. I was like blindfolded but now I see and seek the Lord’s
forgiveness as well as from my victims. Oh my God! Forgiveness is so soothing!
22. Tell us something about Brunehaut. – A. Brunehaut? That name gives me the goose bumps. She
was the greatest mistake of my life and it makes my hatred resurge just by hearing that name! God
will forgive me and from now on I can mention that name without trembling. She is happier than I am,
incarnating for the second time and playing a role that I wish for myself: a religious sister.
23. We are glad to see you changing. We shall encourage and support you with our prayers. – A.
thank you! Thanks to the good Spirits! God will compensate you.

OBSERVATION: During that evocation another medium received from his guide a communication
with, among other things, the following: “do not bother with the refusal that you get from that Spirit.
Her continual idea of reincarnating makes her repeal any solidarity with the past although she is not
much strong to support the effects of that. She is the Spirit that was evoked but that cannot agree
even with herself.”

November 13th, 1863

OBSERVATION: During the interval between the two communications the Spirit was called everyday
by our colleague in charge of instructing her. A positive thing observed is that since that moment Ms.
Julia was no longer bothered.

OBSERVATION: Something characteristic of the bad Spirits is their frequent impossibility of saying
the name of God. That is certainly a clear sign of their bad nature but at the same time some fear and
respect not shown by the hypocrites that are apparently not so bad. Far from retrieving before the
name of God the latter dare use that name to entice confidence. They are infinitely more perverse
and more dangerous than the openly bad Spirits. That is the class of the fascinating Spirits from
whom it is very difficult to untangle because they take the minds over with the help of a false
demonstration of knowledge, virtue or religion whereas the other only take the body over. A Spirit
that like Fredegund retreats before the name of God is closer to her conversion than those that are
covered by the mask of good. The same happens with people where both categories of incarnate
Spirits are found.


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