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For files reading and eliminating stopwords total elapsed time ==> 35 Seconds.

Chaining method:
HashTable-Size ==> 10.000
Total collusion ==> 311.014
Total elapsed time ==> 46 seconds. (46-35 = 11 seconds actually)

Linear Probing Method with Rehashing:

Initial HashTable-Size ==> 10.000
HashTable-Size ==> 640.663 (as a result of rehashing)
Total collusion ==> 920.171
Total Elapsed Time ==> 44 Seconds. (44-35 = 9 seconds actually)

Quadratic Probing Method with Rehashing:

Initial HashTable-Size ==> 10.000
HashTable-Size ==> 640.663 (as a result of rehashing)
Total collusion ==> 803.665
Total Elapsed Time ==> 43 seconds. (43-35 = 8 seconds actually)

Double Hashing Method with Rehashing:

Initial HashTable-Size ==> 10.000
HashTable-Size ==> 640.663 (as a result of rehashing)
Total collusion ==> 770.059
Total Elapsed Time ==> 43 seconds. (43-35 = 8 seconds actually)

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