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November News Mrs.

2021 Transitional Kindergarten

November Focus
Letters – I, J, K and L
Thanksgiving Feast
Numbers – numbers 1-10
Colors – Yellow and Brown Monday, Nov 22 nd
Shape - Square A great time to sit and enjoy a meal with our
Cognitive and General Knowledge - classroom family. I will be sending a link
 Remembers and connects experiences with a sign-up for our feast. Please talk with
o Recognizes and recalls your child about the traditions your family
o Makes connections shares. We will be discussing being thankful
and traditions all month.
Social Studies –
 Demonstrates knowledge about self
Shows basic understanding of people and how they live

Language and Literacy Development –
 Listens to and understands increasingly complex language Our Religion focus this month is “Jesus
o Comprehends language feeds the 5000”. The message is simple:
o Follows directions Jesus shared His miracle, what can we share
with others that can help them?

Native Americans This lesson will help younger children

to understand what a miracle is.  Talk a bit
about how we can turn some of the cant’s in
Tuesday, Nov 9th life into can's by sharing what we have with
Wear brown to school today. others!  This can be done by sharing our
November 8, 9 and 11 . I am
We will be discussing the
looking forward to meeting with possessions, sharing our skills or time.  And
important part the Native
each of you to discuss your Americans played in our
remember... "If anyone has material
child’s progress. Because our Thanksgiving tradition. possessions and sees his brother in need but
conference time is limited, I will has not pity on him, how can the love of God
be sending home your child’s be in him?"  1 John 3:17
progress report ahead of time.
Please review and prepare
questions or concerns so I can
address them during our time Thank you in advance for
together. donating to our
Halloween Party. Our
class is very excited for Self-Help Skills & Labeling
the party!! A chill is in the air! That means the children
are wearing their coat/jackets to school.
St. Peter Food Pantry You are the A huge part of your child’s preschool

During the month of November, Best! education is self-help skills. Please help your
child know what their coat/jacket looks like
we will be collecting non-
but, encase of confusion labeling these items
perishable foods to take to the helps us to sort it out.
food pantry. We will be sharing Your child should also wear items they can
to bless others as we think manage independently with little to no
about how blessed we are. We assistance.
are hoping to visit the food This will help better prepare them for what
pantry on Nov. 16th. is expected in kindergarten.

Holidays & Traditions

Parent Teacher Conferences
I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss your child’s progress. We will also set goals for how to move them
to the next level. Conferences will be held the week of November 8 th. A sign-up has been posted on Sign-up Genius with
times. Please contact me if you have a conflict and are not able to meet at the times listed, we can work something out😊
I will be sending a confirmation home with your child.

How to prepare for

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Children benefit when parents are involved in their child’s education.

Parent teacher conferences are one way for teachers and parents to work together through open communication. When parents are
positively involved in their child’s education the child will grow and learn.

Teachers prepare for conferences by thinking about each child’s strengths and weaknesses. Parents can prepare too. Here are some ways:
 Be willing to share information about your child. Share what your child enjoys, what challenges he/she may be having, talents or
habits. What kind of discipline you use? How is your child with siblings? What are your concerns?
 Attend every parent-teacher conference.
Sometimes work schedules make it difficult. Maybe a phone conference would work to discuss your child’s progress.
 Arrive on time. Teachers usually have a tight schedule. Conferences are scheduled in 15-minute increments, so please be
considerate of parents who may be waiting after you.
 Remember children hear and remember what is said. Sometimes children can get mixed messages when listening to adults talk
about them. It is best to make arrangement for childcare for your child or have a family member watch your child.
 Listen with an open mind. Often parents may notice one behavior at home and teachers may not see it at school. Focus on your
child’s progress and be open to suggestions.
 Be prepared. Ask important questions first. Although teachers have specialized education, they don’t have the answers for
 Stay involved. Come to school events. Ask your child’s teacher for ideas and activities that you can do at home to promote

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