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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 294:1548–1556 (2011)

A Bivariate Approach to the Variation

of the Parietal Curvature in the
Genus Homo
Departamento de Paleobiologı́a, Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución
Humana, Burgos, España
Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York

The parietal bones approximately cover the extension of the underly-
ing parietal lobes. Although the boundaries of these two anatomical ele-
ments do not coincide, during morphogenesis the growth of the parietal
bones is largely induced by the pressure exerted by the parietal lobes.
Modern humans display larger parietal chords and arcs compared with
non-modern human species. However, the variation of these variables
have not been analyzed before according to the covariation with the gen-
eral endocranial diameters. When the curvature of the parietal bones is
regressed onto the main neurocranial distances, modern humans show
larger relative values, suggesting not only an absolute enlargement but a
definite allometric change. Taking into account the morphogenetic rela-
tionships with the parietal lobes, these results further support previous
hypotheses suggesting a relative enlargement of these cortical areas in
Homo sapiens, by using simple and reliable homologous neurocranial
arcs. Anat Rec, 294:1548–1556, 2011. V C 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: parietal bone; parietal lobes; paleoneurology;

human brain evolution

INTRODUCTION the principles of functional craniology (Moss and Young,

Neurocranial morphogenesis is the result of the inte- 1960), neurocranial changes in size are supposed to be
mainly induced by the pressure exerted by the underly-
gration between soft and hard tissue, most of all
ing brain volumes, whereas, neurocranial changes in
between the bones of the braincase (in particular vault
shape are largely influenced by the redistribution of the
and cranial base, with some minor but relevant influ-
growth forces according to the biomechanical properties
ence of the facial complex) and brain cortical volumes of internal tensors. Hence, from one side the pressure of
(Richtsmeier et al., 2006). Ever since paleontologists the growing brain volume separates the vault bones
have been aware of an intimate relationship between inducing bone modelling by tissue deposition at the
brain and cranial evolution (Weidenreich, 1941), taking sutures and on the outer surface and resorption on the
into consideration that the same factors shaping the endocranial wall. At the same time spatial changes
neurocranium during growth and development may be through the development are influenced by interhemi-
involved in generating changes and differences between spheric connective layers of the dura mater (falx cerebri
species at evolutionary level (Bruner, 2007; Bastir, and tentorium cerebelli) (Moss and Young, 1960), as well
2008). Whereas the morphology of the endocranial base
is more sensitive to nonneural variations associated with
*Correspondence to: Emiliano Bruner, Centro Nacional de
structural and biomechanical factors (McCarthy, 2001; Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana, Paseo de Atapuerca
Bruner and Ripani, 2008; Bastir and Rosas, 2009; s/n, 09002 Burgos, España. E-mail:
Neubauer et al., 2009; Bastir et al., 2010), the morphol- Received 1 October 2010; Accepted 10 June 2011
ogy of the upper endocranial bones is largely the result DOI 10.1002/ar.21450
of the size and shape changes induced by the underlying Published online 1 August 2011 in Wiley Online Library
brain cortical components (Enlow, 1990). According to (


Fig. 1. Extension of the parietal bones on the cortical brain surface fonts): ag: angular gyrus; cs: central sulcus; ips: intraparietal sulcus;
(left) and on the endocast (right). Bone landmarks (capital fonts): aste- ls: lateral sulcus; pos: postcentral gyrus; pre: precentral gyrus; smg:
rion (ast), bregma (br), lambda (la), and pterion (pt). Approximations of supramarginal gyrus; spl: superior parietal lobule; stg: superior tempo-
the main cerebral parietal areas underlying the parietal bones (small ral gyrus. Digital skull and endocast on the right are from Mladeč 1.

as by the biomechanical effect of the neural fibers (Van as possible source of morphogenetic and pathological
Essen, 1997; Hilgetag and Barbas, 2006). According to defects (Gupta et al., 2008). At the same time, such a tight
this morphogenetic interaction, volumetric differential relationship between parietal brain areas and parietal
growth and development of specific brain components bones make these latter a useful proxy to study evolution-
are supposed to be associated with evolutionary changes ary cortical changes from a paleoneurological perspective.
in endocranial proportions, changing the structural In the current paleoanthropological debate a clear-cut
influence of the cortical surface on the vault form. separation between modern and nonmodern variation is
While the frontal and occipital bones are affected by still disputed, also taking into account the many chrono-
the endocranial base dynamics, the parietal bones are logical and geographical gaps in the fossil record
supposed to be almost entirely shaped by the endocra- (Stringer, 2002). Nonetheless, there is a certain agree-
nial brain changes, both in terms of ontogeny and phy- ment in recognising a brachycephalic morphology and a
logeny. The reciprocal endocranial influence between globular braincase as characters definitely associated
bones and brain may be not strictly direct, being possi- with anatomical modernity (Lieberman et al., 2002;
bly mediated by mechanical transduction and biochemi- Pearson, 2008). The parietal areas are largely related to
cal signalling through the vascular components or the such changes in the neurocranial proportions, being the
connective tissues of the dura mater (Henderson et al., structural bridge between the other bone components.
2004). Thus, for the parietal bones we can assume that The possible role of the parietal areas in hominid evo-
the ontogenetic and phylogenetic variation of their mor- lution has been evidenced since the early studies in pale-
phology are largely influenced by variation of the brain oneurology (Dart, 1925), revealing peculiar patterns of
cortical mass. This is particularly true for the upper pa- variation throughout the entire hominoid clade (Hollo-
rietal areas, while at the junction with the temporal way, 1981a). Modern humans have been hypothesized to
squama some biomechanical influences of the cranial be characterized by enlargement of the parietal cortical
base cannot be ruled out. Also, although frontal and pa- areas, according to results obtained from the analysis of
rietal bones both contribute to the architecture of the the ectocranial profile (Bruner et al., 2004), by using
upper braincase and are both formed by direct ossifica- endocranial brain metrics (Bruner et al., 2003; Bruner,
tion, a certain ontogenetic and evolutionary independ- 2004), and considering both shape and form differences
ence may be assumed by virtue of their different (Bruner, 2008, 2010a; Gunz et al., 2010). When com-
embryological origin (neural-crests for the frontal bone, pared with more archaic species of the genus Homo,
mesoderm for the parietal bones—Jiang et al., 2002; Neandertals display a lateral widening of the lower and
Morriss-Key and Wilkie, 2005). A further characteristic upper parietal districts, whereas, modern humans show
which suggests relatively linear morphogenetic dynamics a general enlargement of the whole parietal area. Such
of the parietal bone is its origin from one single centre changes are not allometric consequences of general brain
of ossification, and not from the interaction between size increase, but probably species-specific changes of
multiple bone components. the neurocranial morphogenetic patterns. Recently,
The upper part of the parietal bone covers the parietal areas around the intraparietal sulcus were hypothesized
convolutions (Fig. 1). As a matter of fact in current bio- to be involved in the differences characterizing the mod-
medical practice parietal bones have more relevance in ern human brain geometry (Bruner, 2010b; Bruner
terms of neurosurgical references (Ribas et al., 2006) than et al., 2010).

Fig. 2. Endocranial diameters investigated in the present paper: BAC: bregma–asterion chord; BLA:
bregma–lambda arc; BLC: bregma–lambda chord; HL: hemispheric length; MWA: maximum width arc
MWC: maximum width chord (as: endoasterion; br: endobregma; cs: trace of the coronal suture; eu:
endoeurion; lm: endolambda; ls: trace of the lambdoid suture).

Nonetheless, endocranial morphometric analyses using marks (Holloway et al., 2004). Hence, measuring bone
anatomical or geometric cortical references have been of- landmarks on the endocranial surface allows us to quan-
ten questioned because of the difficulties in localizing tify and to compare directly endocasts morphology
brain landmarks in fossil specimens. The recognition of through reliable and homologous cranial references. In
cortical components on the endocast surface is often this analysis, we considered the endobregma–endo-
based upon the personal experience of the researcher. lambda chord and endobregma–endolambda arc (BLC,
Also, many cortical references are formed by smooth BLA), the endobregma–endoasterion chord and endo-
surfaces of continuous profiles, requiring a priori meth- bregma–endoasterion arc (BAC, BAA), the hemispheric
odological choices when they are represented by specific length (as the interlandmark distance between the fron-
diameters or coordinates. On the other hand, parietal tal and occipital poles, averaging the two hemispheres;
bone landmarks are commonly referred as to homologous HL), and the maximum endocranial width chord and
and reliable metric references, throughout the history of maximum endocranial arc (MWC, MWA) (Fig. 2; see Hol-
anthropometrics. Although it is recognized that modern loway et al., 2004). Generally, endobregma lies anterior
humans have larger parietal bones, the relationship to the central scissure, between the posterior areas of
between their dimensions and the other neurocranial the prefrontal convolutions and the precentral sulcus.
diameters have not been quantified in the human genus. Endolambda is generally posterior (lower) to the perpen-
The present analysis is aimed at considering the length, dicular scissure, covering the upper part of the occipital
width, and curvature of the parietal bones taking into lobe. Endoasterion is localized around the meeting area
account the covariation with the major neurocranial and between the occipital, temporal, and cerebellar lobes.
endocranial diameters, to analyze the allometric pat- Accordingly, the extension of the parietal bone includes
terns characterizing the variability of the genus Homo. all the parietal lobes, the posterior part of the frontal
Apart from supplying a quantitative framework of varia- lobes, and the anterior portion of the occipital lobes (Fig.
tion for the parietal bone by using a large sample size, 1) (Ribas et al., 2006).
this analysis provides a further test for the endocranial The endocranial variation of the parietal bones has
parietal differences already described between modern been quantified in a sample of 79 adult modern human
and nonmodern human taxa, by using cranial homolo- specimens from RLH’s collection. Nineteen individuals
gous variables instead of endocranial biological referen- belonging to the H. ergaster/erectus hypodigm and 11
ces (sulci and gyri), whose localization may be more Neandertals have been used to provide estimations of
subjective or less reliable. The null hypothesis states the allometric variation in nonmodern human species
that modern and nonmodern human species rely on the (Table 1). Four individuals from the Afro-European Mid-
same allometric trajectory for the major parietal bone dle Pleistocene (H. heidelbergensis) have been also
diameters, the differences between species being the included in the sample but not used in the regressions.
direct consequence of the allometric variation. The variation within adult modern humans has been
quantified using univariate and bivariate statistics.
Relationships between variables has been investigated
MATERIAL AND METHODS by using a model II regression through reduced major
The traces of the cranial suture are generally visible axis on the raw data and on the log–log transformed
on the endocasts in fossil and extant hominids, and bony variables. Differences among modern and nonmodern
metrics can be directly measured on the endocranial taxa have been quantified by using the least-square
mould. Sutures are not perfectly perpendicular to the approach and analysis of covariance. Principal compo-
bone surface, producing minor discrepancies between nent analysis (PCA) was computed on the whole set of
outer and inner points, but there is a good correspon- variables to describe the overall patterns of relationships
dence between ectocranial and endocranial bone land- involved in generating the morphological variation of
the parietal form. PCA was computed by using the corre- RESULTS
lation matrix on modern humans alone and on the whole
Table 2 gives the descriptive statistics for the varia-
sample. Only specimens with all variables were used, to
bles investigated, to provide a metric reference for the
avoid missing data imputation. Statistics have been com-
modern human species. The variation is lower for the
puted with PAST 2.08b (Hammer et al., 2001).
bregma–asterion diameters (4%), and higher for the
maximum width arc (8%). Table 3 provides the correla-
tion and determination coefficients for the pairwise
TABLE 1. Fossil sample regressions, the slopes according to the reduced major
Archaic humans (N ¼ 19) axis, and the allometric coefficients with 95% confidence
KNM-ER3733 intervals for the log–log approach. The highest correla-
KNM-ER3883 tion is shown between the midsagittal chord and arc
OH9 (90%). For this pair of variables isometry cannot be
Salé rejected, and the arc is about 11% larger than the chord.
Sambungmacan 3 On the other hand, the midsagittal parietal arc shows
Sangiran 2
Sangiran 4
positive allometry relatively to the hemispheric length
Sangiran 10 and the maximum width arc shows positive allometry
Sangiran 12 relatively to the endocranial width. Both regressions
Sangiran 17 show an allometric coefficient of 1.27. Hence, as the
Solo XI brain gets longer or wider, the parietal curvature
Solo V enlarges, increasing the bulging of the parietal surface.
Solo VI The relationship between bregma–asterion chord and
Trinil 2 arc is quite high (67%), and the allometric coefficient
WT15000 suggests an isometric pattern of variation. Table 4 shows
Zhoukoudien 1L
Zhoukoudien 2D
the same parameters for nonmodern humans.
Zhoukoudien 3E The comparison between modern and nonmodern allo-
Zhoukoudien 3L metric patterns indicates relatively larger parietal arcs
Afro-European Middle Pleistocene in H. sapiens, even when the endocranial diameters are
Arago taken into account (Fig. 3). Modern humans have a
Kabwe slightly larger bregma–lambda arc relative to the
Reilingen bregma–lambda chord (Fig. 3a). The ratio between BLA
Sima de los Huesos 5 and BLC is proportional to the degree of sagittal curva-
Neandertals (N ¼ 11) ture of the parietal bones. Hence, at similar midsagittal
La Chapelle aux Saints
parietal length modern humans have a more curved pa-
La Ferrassie rietal profile. This difference is definitely more apparent
Feldhofer when plotting the bregma–lambda arc onto the hemi-
Gibraltar 1 spheric length, that is comparing the parietal total
Guattari 1 length with the main (antero-posterior) brain diameter
Krapina 3 (Fig. 3b). A similar result is obtained by considering the
Krapina 6 correlation between the maximum width arc and the
La Quina maximum endocranial width, which ratio is proportional
Spy 1 to the degree of coronal curvature (Fig. 3c). In this sec-
Spy 2
ond case there is some overlapping in the distribution of

TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics for modern humans (see text for labels)
N Mean sd CV (%) Min 25q M 75q Max
HL 78 166 9 5.3 144 162 166 171 187
BLC 75 105 7 6.6 89 100 106 110 122
BLA 75 117 8 6.9 97 111 117 122 132
MWC 78 130 8 6.5 113 124 131 136 150
MWA 78 236 19 7.9 180 225 241 249 265
BAC 69 125 5 4.0 113 121 126 129 135
BAA 69 156 7 4.5 138 152 157 161 168

TABLE 3. Correlations and regressions for modern humans (see text for labels)
R R 2
Slope 95%CI Slope þ95%CI
HL BLA 0.62 0.38 0.89 1.06 1.27 1.57
BLC BLA 0.95 0.90 1.14 0.97 1.04 1.12
MWC MWA 0.59 0.35 2.24 0.98 1.27 1.54
BAC BAA 0.82 0.67 1.32 0.92 1.06 1.19
All correlations: P < 0.0001.

TABLE 4. Correlations and regressions for non-modern humans (see text for labels)
R R 2
Slope 95%CI Slope þ95%CI
HL BLA 0.84 0.70 1.02 1.39 1.75 2.12
BLC BLA 0.99 0.97 1.08 0.96 1.02 1.10
MWC MWA 0.80 0.64 2.61 1.12 1.56 1.90
BAC BAA 0.97 0.95 1.41 1.06 1.16 1.26
All correlations: P < 0.0001.

Fig. 3. Bivariate regressions (least-square fits). Groups: ARC, Archaic humans; MPL, Afro-European
Middle Pleistocene; NDR, Neandertals; MOD, Modern humans. Variables: BAA, endobregma–endoaste-
rion chord; BAC, endobregma–endoasterion arc; BLA, endobregma–endolambda arc; BLC, endobregma–
endolambda chord; HL, hemispheric length (average); MWA: maximum endocranial width arc; MWC,
maximum endocranial width chord.

the specimens, but the difference in the regression fits is Analysis of covariance of these allometric trajectories
clear. No differences in these allometric trajectories can confirms the graphic results: homogeneity of slopes can-
be seen between H. ergaster/erectus and Neandertals. not be rejected for any bivariate analysis (P > 0.05), and
Considering the relationship between bregma–asterion modern humans show larger values for the parietal arcs
chord and arc the differences between modern human (both sagittal and coronal curvatures) when corrected
and Neandertals are less marked, but visible neverthe- for the endocranial main diameters (P < 0.0001). Also
less (Fig. 3d). It is worth noting that in this case there is for the regression between bregma–asterion chord and
a definite gap between archaic humans and Neandertals. arc, the differences between modern humans and the
The small sample size for both groups hampers robust nonmodern taxa are significant, including the difference
statistical approaches, but the latter display relative with Neandertals (P ¼ 0.05). Hence, the null hypothesis
larger values for the arc. The ratio between these two of no differences in the allometric relationships between
diameters is proportional to the degree of diagonal cur- modern and nonmodern humans can be rejected for the
vature of the parietal bone, including both the antero- endocranial parietal metrics analyzed in the present
posterior parasagittal component and the latero-lateral study: among the human taxa the within-species allo-
component. This may be relevant considering that this metric trends (coefficients) are similar, but in modern
arc crosses both the upper and lower parietal lobules, humans the relative parietal dimensions exceed the fig-
including the supramarginal area. In all comparisons ures expected for nonmodern groups, most notably for
the African and European Middle Pleistocene specimens the sagittal and coronal arcs.
always fit within the nonmodern trajectories, but in this PCA on the modern human sample and on the whole
last comparison they are included in the Neandertal sample are shown in Fig. 4a and b, respectively. Accord-
lower range. ing to a Jolliffe cut-off criterion, in both cases only the
differential enlargement’’, remarking that this ‘‘appears
to be conclusions from which there is no escape.’’ The pa-
rietal cortical surface shows a large variation within
humans and within hominids (Holloway, 1981a), and
cortical reorganization at the parietal lobes have been
hypothesized to be associated with the evolution of the
earliest Pliocene hominids (Dart, 1925; Holloway, 1995).
A lateral enlargement of the upper parietal lobules has
been described for Neandertals (Bruner et al., 2003),
leading to the classic en bombe profile of the vault in
posterior view. However, at least in terms of gross mor-
phology of the endocranium, a general enlargement of
the whole parietal cortical volumes is the most outstand-
ing trait associated with modern human endocranial
morphology (Bruner et al., 2003; Bruner, 2004; Gunz
et al., 2010). Neurocranial globularization is regarded as
a derived modern human character (Lieberman et al.,
2002), and bulging of the fronto-parietal cranial profile
separates modern humans from the extinct human taxa
through a discrete morphological gap (Bruner et al.,
2004). Such bulging of the parietal lobes separates H.
sapiens from the allometric trajectory characterizing
brain shape changes in nonmodern humans associated
with the encephalization processes (Bruner et al., 2003;
Bruner, 2008). Structurally, these variations may be
Fig. 4. Biplots of the PCA for the modern humans (a) and for the
interpreted taking into account allometric constraints
whole sample (b). In both cases only the first two principal compo- associated with the connective tensors of the brain (Bru-
nents are significant. Group variation is shown by 95% confidence ner, 2004). Functionally, changes at the intraparietal
ellipse for modern humans, and by convex hulls for the inter-specific area may be responsible for such differences, with cogni-
comparison. The arrows show the variable vectors projected onto the tive implications ranging from self-perception (as well as
multivariate subspace (see text for labels). perception of others and objects) to simulation and
abstract representation (Bruner, 2010b).
Most of these results have been achieved analyzing
first two principal components are significant. In the the geometry of the endocasts by using anatomical refer-
analysis of the modern variation, the first component ences associated with the cortical brain morphology.
(62% of variance) is a size vector. The second component Such references are very useful in terms of homologous
(19%) is associated with decrease of the endocranial and functional brain components, but need caution
lengths (hemispheric and parietal) and increase of the because of the difficulties in inferring brain anatomy
other variables (mostly the maximum width arc). Also in from endocasts morphology. Most of the traits do not cor-
the analysis of the whole sample the first component respond to specific landmarks but to ‘‘endocranial areas’’
(72%) is a size vector, separating at the two extremes H. (bosses or depressions on the endocast surface), needing
ergaster/erectus and Neandertals. Modern humans show experience and always entailing a certain degree of sub-
intermediate values, largely overlapping with the Nean- jectivity. Resampling and averaging (specimens or taxa)
dertal variation. The second component (12%) is associ- are generally used to minimize possible uncertainties,
ated with decrease of the parietal lengths and increase and the reliability of the results may be evaluated con-
in the maximum width chord. This second component sidering the stability of the statistical outputs.
further separates modern humans and Neandertals, The present analysis is aimed at supplying further
with the latter group at higher values. It is worth noting evidence of the parietal variations in modern humans
that in this subspace, accounting for 84% of the var- through homologous type I cranial landmarks (for those
iance, H. ergaster/erectus is completely separated from metrics involving bregma, lambda, and asterion) and
the other groups, whereas, Neandertals and modern type II cranial reference largely used in anthropometric
humans show a certain degree of overlapping. Afro-Eu- literature (for those metrics using euryon) instead of
ropean Middle Pleistocene specimens approach the lower type II and type III brain cortical references like those
range of Neandertal variation, totally included within landmarks used to localize brain bosses and sulci, and
the modern human variability. However, in this case the assuming the parietal bone curvature as proxy for the
sample size is too small to allow any robust parietal lobe curvature. In terms of anatomy, the parie-
interpretation. tal bones covers entirely the parietal lobes, plus a small
portion of the frontal lobes anteriorly, of the occipital
lobes posteriorly, and of the temporal lobes inferiorly.
DISCUSSION Such correspondence is intimately associated with the
Changes at the parietal lobes have been often spatial organization between vault bones and brain cort-
hypothesized to be relevant in hominid brain evolution. ical organization, and as a matter of fact the anatomical
Very early in the history of paleoneurology, Franz Wei- references used in this study have importance in neuro-
denreich (1936) suggested that ‘‘it is the parietal and not surgical context (Ribas et al., 2006). In terms of geome-
the frontal regions which undergo the greatest degree of try, the vault morphology is largely shaped by the

pressure exerted by the underlying cortical masses with a lateral enlargement of the supramarginal boss, as
(Moss and Young, 1960). Hence, the curvature of the pa- described for many Neandertal specimens (Holloway,
rietal squama may be largely interpreted as the result of 1981b). This difference may be smaller in the metrics
the morphogenetic intrinsic or extrinsic influence of the involving maximum endocranial width, because this di-
underlying parietal lobes. This is quite relevant also ameter relies on geometrical landmarks which are not
when considering the parietal bone within the general homologous and are generally localized in a lower posi-
framework of the cranial architecture. On the other tion in archaic human species (Holloway, 1980). How-
hand, the parietal bone morphology is highly integrated ever, these lower cranial areas are in structural
with the occipital and temporal bone morphology in interaction with the cranial base, whose multifactorial
human ontogeny and evolution (Bookstein et al., 2003; structural organization (Lieberman et al., 2000; Bruner
Gunz and Harvati, 2007). At the same time, the form of and Ripani, 2008; Bastir et al., 2010) hampers a straight
the cranial vault has an important genetic and phyloge- evolutionary and morphogenetic relationship between
netic signal, being less influenced by external factors neural and cranial components. At last, the temporo-pa-
such as climate when compared with other anatomical rietal boundaries are characterized by the squamosal
districts (Harvati and Weaver, 2006). In this article, we suture, which is highly variable in hominids, partially
quantify the degree of variation and allometric patterns influenced by cranial shape factors, and associated with
of the main parietal bone diameters and arcs in modern discontinuous changes through human phylogeny (Ter-
and fossil humans, testing to what extent the endocra- hune and Deane, 2008). Hence, robust paleoneurological
nial size may influence the parietal bone proportions inferences on the relationship between hard and soft tis-
and curvature. sues in this area are less easy to provide. The involve-
The current analysis showed that in adult modern ments of the occipital, temporal, and frontal lobes (for
humans the variation of the latero-lateral curvature of which no marked differences in their posterior morphol-
the parietal bones (8%) is only slightly larger than the ogy are known between modern humans and Neander-
variation of the sagittal curvature (7%). Although the tals) and the implications of the cranial base
length and curvature of the parietal bones showed simi- multifactorial dynamics decrease the differences in the
lar proportions at different size, the parietal bulging bregma–asterion curvature, which nonetheless can still
(both latero-lateral and midsagittal) increases as the be detected.
brain gets larger. Hence, in adult modern humans there These results demonstrate that at the same brain size
is a correlation between brain size and degree of parietal modern humans have larger parietal arc than nonmo-
bulging, with larger endocasts showing more curved pa- dern species. This is confirmed relatively to the parietal
rietal squamas. Interestingly, the allometric coefficient is chord, but it is even more apparent when considering
similar in both sagittal and lateral directions (1.27). the hemispheric length or endocranial width. As in pre-
Apart from a general size vector, within modern vious studies based onto anatomical brain references,
humans and within the human genus a second pattern also in the present analysis the good fit of the regres-
of variation contrasts the parietal length and the parie- sions and the good correlation levels give strength to the
tal width. However, within modern humans the lateral reliability of the results. These data once more support
parietal curvature (the parietal arc) has a major role in the differences between modern and nonmodern human
generating the sample variation. In contrast, in the total species concerning the parietal bone/brain morphology,
sample more weight is gained by the parietal width suggesting a definite role of this trait in characterizing
(maximum width chord), because of the Neandertal mor- the neurocranial model of our own species. While allo-
phology polarizing this component. This suggests that it metric differences among the fossil groups cannot be dis-
is the overall width more than the curvature character- carded, the available sample size may not be sufficient
izing the Neandertal vault form. to provide a robust statistical power to support this con-
The allometric patterns are similar in all human spe- clusion. Nevertheless, such differences would not be as
cies, showing the three humans groups investigated (ar- marked as the differences between modern and nonmo-
chaic humans, Neandertals, and modern humans) have dern humans, and we can state that the extinct human
comparable slopes. However, while differences between species show at least very similar scaling relationships
Neandertals and archaic humans seem mostly related to and proportions.
size variation, H. sapiens shows larger relative values The outer and inner tables of the parietal bone show
for the parietal curvature. This is definitely apparent different patterns of distribution of physical parameters
when considering the curvature along the midsagittal like mineral density, stiffness orientation, and bone
and coronal planes, which are strictly related to the ge- thickness, and many details of the functional and struc-
ometry of the underlying parietal lobes. The same pat- tural organization of this vault component are still
tern can be confirmed also for the bregma–asterion scarcely understood (Peterson and Dechow, 2002). It is
metrics, even if in this case the difference between mod- worth noting that the parietal lobes show a certain his-
ern humans and Neandertals is less noticeable. Asterion tological continuity with the occipital lobes (Eidelberg
and the lower parts of the parietal bone cover the poste- and Galaburda, 1984), and the parietal bones show a
rior tract of the temporal lobes and the anterior occipital morphological integration with the occipital squama
area, whereas, the upper tract of the bregma–asterion (Gunz and Harvati, 2007). Such a structural and func-
lengths covers the posterior areas of the frontal lobes, as tional relationship has often hampered an independent
well as the supramarginal gyrus (Ribas et al., 2006). For consideration of the parietal volumes alone in compara-
this chord Neandertals seem to have larger values than tive studies on the brain components, although eviden-
less encephalized human species, even if figures are rel- ces of H. sapiens specific neuroanatomical features are
atively smaller than modern humans. Hence, this may now emerging (Vanduffel et al., 2002; Orban et al.,
be related to discrete changes of this taxon associated 2006), as well as important parietal changes during
endocranial morphogenesis (Neubauer et al., 2009, 2010; Bruner E. 2007. Cranial shape and size variation in human evolu-
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