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Nama Mahasiswa : Magfirah Umaya Adham

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 041969977

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Niaga


Masa Ujian : 2021/22.1 (2021.2)


Advertising helps customer to make buying decision

Organizations to continue to operate from its products must generate enough sales,
including operating costs and post a reasonable profit. For many companies, sales are
estimated at the beginning point in the budget or profit plan. This is because it must be
determined in most cases; the production units to production units upon arrival will in turn
affect the major purchase. However, the decision to consider selling the most business
executives is faced with many daunting task. This is because it is difficult to forecast, estimate
or determine the accuracy and potential customers. Demand because they are external
factors beyond the control of an organization. Consider, therefore, the importance of sales,
business survival and the connection between customers and sales, it is appropriate for the
organization in the process, can influence consumer decisions to buy their products. This is
the advertising and brand management is related. Advertising is a subset of the promotional
mix which is 4ps marketing mix that includes product, price, place and promotion. As a
promotional strategy, advertising is the main tool to create product awareness and spiritual
conditions of the potential consumers to take the final decision to buy.


Consumer buying decision process is basically known as a cognitive

process. Consumer is aware of a need or wants and search for possible
ways to satisfy it. Awareness of consumer is not an automatic process but
it is actually selective external procedure. Example, consumers are expose
to thousands of messages that persuades them from advertising, political
organization, religious groups , food products and many more other
resources. This mass information that seeks out consumer attention is then
filtered out by individual in order to make the decision in buying a product.
There are five stages of consumer decision making process which is
problem recognition, information search, information evaluation, purchase
decision, and evaluation after purchase. First, is the problem recognition,
which is consumers recognizing a problem as a need or want. For example,
when the gas tank is getting empty or you rushing to lunch for your
sandwiches, or when your car is time to go for maintenance. Problem
recognition will also occur when a consumer receives new information
about a good, service, or business For example, we can say that when
people feeling thirsty, they will straight way think of taking some cold drinks,
because it can allows them to quench thirst.

Due to the previous case that based on the consumer behaviour,

there are there elements that will affect the consumer buying decision when
they purchase. And an external influence, internal influences and also the
marketing influences is found according to advertising, product promotion
and pricing technique. And due to the research, the marketing activity like
advertisement which is definitely affects both internal and external
behaviour of the consumer. Normally, consumer’s perception will influence
by the colourful or exposure things such as looking at an advertisement that
is attract them. And this shows that the consumers will recognize the
advertisement that attracts them. Awareness will be create if the
advertisement involves sense of humor, and what will keeps or stay in the
consumers mind is retention (Chen and Lee 2005). Besides that,
advertisement will also affect the knowledge through giving information,
personality, and attitude, lifestyle of the consumers and also the culture of
the consumer. The concept of the advertising is totally can let the
consumers involves, and which also greatly affect the decision of buying of
the consumers.

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