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Features of Jagannatha Hora Software

Siddhantas (Planetary Models)

- Drik Siddhanta (based on the latest NASA models)

- Sri Surya Siddhanta - generalized Makaranda version. Same formulas are used in:

- Aadityavaahini Panchaangam published by Sri Shankaracharya's Govardhana Matha (Sri

Jagannatha Puri, India), - Aaditya Panchaangam (Varanasi, India), - Sanskrit Academy
Panchaangam published by Bihar Rajya Sanskrit Academy (HRD Ministry of Govt of Bihar,
India),- Surya Panchaangam (Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India) , - Prayaagraaja Panchaangam
(Allahabad, India), - Mithilaa Panchaangam (Darbhanga, India),- Parmaartha Panchaangam
(Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh, India),- Paaraankusha Panchaangam (Gaya, Bihar, India)

Divisional Charts

- Twenty three divisional charts, (rasi, navamsa, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, D-8, D-10, D-11,
D-12, D-16, D-20, D-24, D-27, D-30, D-40, D-45, D-60, D-81 D-108 and D-144)

- Six different variations of hora (D-2) charts (including Kashinatha Hora), four different
variations of D-3 charts, two different variations of D-4 charts, two different variations of D-5
charts, two different variations of D-8 charts, three different variations of D-9 charts, two
different variations of D-11 charts, three different variations of D-30 charts, two different
variations of D-81 charts and two different variations of D-108 charts

- A generic sub-divisional chart D-mxn (or D-m x D-n), where a divisional chart D-m (e.g. D-9,
D-10, D-12, D-16, D-20, D-24 etc) is taken as the rasi chart and it is further divided into D-n
(e.g. D-9, D-10, D-12 D-16, D-30 etc).

- A generic custom divisional chart D-N, with any N between 1 and 300. Cyclical charts, as well
as non-cyclical charts with several structures are supported. Either Aries or the sign in which
divisions are being found can be used as the base for mapping divisions. Divisions can be
mapped to N signs starting from
- the base itself,
- from 1st/7th or 1st/9th or 1st/5th or 1st/11th or 1st/3rd from base (if sign is odd/even)
- from 1st/5th/9th or 1st/9th/5th from base (if sign is movable/fixed/dual)
- from 1st/4th/7th/10th or 1st/10th/7th/4th from base (if sign is fiery/earthy/airy/watery)

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