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: DIRE CTIVE< . SUPERPOWERS’ THE DEPARTMENT OF . EXTRANORMAL OPERATIONS A Guive To MEtTaHOMaN Powers IN THE DC UNIVERSE . Deparrwent or Exrranormat Operations DIRECTIVE ON SUPERPOWER Drsien & Development Peter Flanagan,-Devid-Martin, Nikola Vrtis Eprrine: Fred Jandt & Nikola Vrtis' Inrerior Art Tom Grummett (pp, re 67, 85,88), Rick Leonardi (pp. 6)16, 34, 95), E.R. Torre (pp. 41, 67/63, 88) Cover, & Grapuic Layour Rich Hawran & Fred Jandt Sprciar Taanus To Jaye Gardner, Dorothy Croudh, Sandy Resnick, Trent Dutly, Larry Ganem, Steve Korté, Paul Kupperberg, Ron Perazza, Alla Asherman,-andall of the folks at DC Comics; Dan Curtis, Andersen Gabrych (Power Gifl)| Field Agent Maxine Nelson (LadieObie33), Dwight Williams (D. William Carleton, Agent-in-Charge, Foreign Liaison Detachment, Canada), Michee Vrtis, Lorena “Morgan” Wolfe (“To my beloved, for everything, from Peter ‘Roland’ Flanagan”), Callahanian Army of Light, Jim Spivey, Karen Bayly, Patrick Bayly, Rich Hawran, all the folks who've written with comments and questions. ‘The information in this sourosbook is current through September R000. Look for other DC Universe Roleplaying Game products at most local or Internet comic or hobby shops. Don’t know where the nearest shop is? Check the Yellow Pages or call. the Comic Shop Locator at 1-888-COMIO-BOOK (1-888-266-4226). ‘West End Games trademark of Délegend Inc. ‘BR 3 Bor 8346, Honesdale, PA 18451 ‘Email: ‘ ‘All DG Gomios charactors, related names, and indicia are trademarks cf DO Comics. © 8001 DG Gomics. All Righte Reserved. ‘TH Dé SYSTEM, LEGEND BYETHM, WEG, and West Bnd Games aro trademarks of Délegend Inc. PALEPLESLALEESSSELSTSAL ST, CONTENTS Chapter 2: Lin Secrion 3: P General Infor’ ‘ ee 34 Chapter 3: Physical Powers 1.5. de 4l Chapter 4: Mental Powers MM MOU 67 Chapter 5: Transportation Powers 9. AY. eeeeseeee 83 Chapter 6: ProtectioQ POWers 0.6... in sessecssseseeeee 88 Chapter 7: Manipulation PéWer$ 27 eecceceeesceeeeeeee 95 APPENDIX, .escccccoscoccsccscccscesscnceesseeceserseeeees 140 LLL LLL TTT TLL FES Fs, PLLLPESELLISSLSISSASL AY, DEPARTMENT OF EXTRANORMAL OPERATIONS SpEciAL Report: DIRECTIVE ON SUPERPOWERS From: Operatives 4181, 4182, 4183 ‘Subject: The Directive on Superpowers: ‘We won't say it was easy, but here it 1s: our compendium of metaliman talents, from minor effects like the ability to cling to surfaces, to the greater ones, such as controlling the nature of reality. (Don’t got me ‘sult is really useful, but it can fee! like a second-rate talent when you're staring at «man who can twist e battleship into a square knot.) ‘Superpowers cover a lot of ground. When you gst right down to it, 2 metaluman is theoretioally capable of any sort of eftect. While few super heroes or villains have a ‘of powers, metahumans don’t come in six-packs. After all, even when you filter out the wand wavers, 5 -anan who races photons and ancther one who shrinks down to get a better look at them, a godlike women made from olay, and ‘The villains are even worse. ‘Mewopolis super villains thes conspiracy leaders. The nuclear war of the gods ur team has compiled Although I question the ‘der tho Freedom of superpowers (exvept for the t ils into zete beam holograms of Waar Is a Power? At first glance, the answer seems self-evident. A “power” Is something that metahumans oan do that “normal” beings can't. Unfortunately, it's a bit more complicated than that. Many powers allow # metahuman to do something better ‘than most beings, but theoretically, extensive mental and physical training could equal some metahuman abilities. Also, ‘many normal devices can do the same things powers can. Powers are usually more reliable and effective than ordinary equipment, but not slways. With this in mind, a power can be defined as an ability that resulted from a significant chango ‘im a person’s body or mind. This could be through the activation of a metegene or by an event involving a significant ‘amount of energy or force. The metegene is an unidentified portion of a belné's DNA, which modifies the person's body. and provides it with abilities beyond a normal member of the species. The eneray or foree can be anything, including Physical, psionic, magical, or cosmic (such as the Soures), 0 long as grester amounts exist in the subject than in the average member of the species, or the subject has greater control over the energy (or force) than a.normal person does, ‘This changs can be accidental or deliberate and have occurred at any time from conception to just before death, ““Metahuman" has come to encompass those with exoeptional abilities of other species as well, species that aren’t “hu- man” in the sense of being Homo sapiens, In this cage, whether an alien’s abilities are powers depends on a number of ‘actors. The two primary ones to consider are: do all members of the race have the ability, and does the ability exist in the ‘race's native environment? If either question can be answered “no,” then the ability is probably a power, sinoe it meets the samne criteria for the alien race as it does in a human. Otherwise, itis almost certainly a nabural ability or skil. For example, ‘Superman's incredible ebilities come from the light of a yellow sun and Harth’s lighter gravity, eo they can be considered Powers. On the other hand, Aquaman’s ability to breethe under water is a part of his Atlantean heritage, something all. OTEIELELLLLLLLLLLLLL TL SLELDSISSSSSSSSISSS AT, ‘Atlanteans are capable of in thetr natural habitat. Therefore, it doosn’t truly classify as a “power.” (Soe the “Powers & ‘Natural Abilities” special report in Section 1 for further details on naturel abilities. ) Finally, organio beings aren't the only ones that oan be imbued with strange powers far beyond that of others, Many ‘wonders of science, including selfaware androids, can have access to powers. In almost all cases, the powers present ‘will be by design—although accidents that result in amazing wonders and superpowered androids are Known to occur from time to time, The capabilities of these miracles of science, as each android or piece of equipment is a uniquely ‘empowered object, can be quantified as powers, Power Ctass OveRviEw ‘This book 4s 6 supplement to Chapter 8 of the DC Universe Roleplaying Game rulebook. It delves further into the various powers in the DC Universe and how you can modify them to portray the powers that best fit the heroes and villains in your campaign. ‘There aze five basic power clases, each based on the effects produced by those types of powers. These claases are ‘Physical, Mental, Transportation, Protection, and Manipulation. They have been arranged accordingly by thet potential to affoct a campaign. Section S contains the write-ups of the powers. Each class has bean given its own chapter in Section &. Additionally, the preface to Section 3 desor x neluiding special circumstances that may arise during tine game, and provides a synopsis of the cofi ‘her species. This tnotudes ef substance or energie, and sere maybe don to Salt Galy or Grhore ony Pepa Wy Menta Powe Y ‘hs emanation or control : eters can ato the world ot tough, tore ale tho 2 No Mortal power ofr than Extraordinary abilities involving motion and dimension oom Under this class. Thay allow the hero to travel through ‘various moans t places that most beings wolld have dificult geting to, if they could get to haem eal. Prorrcrion Powers Heroes use powers in this category to prevent damage from being done to them, or heal damage already inflicted. Protection powers don’t interfere with the use of any other power, unless appropriate Limitations (usually Singularity) have been added to them, Maniputation Powers ‘Tho powors in this clas are capable of a wide range of ebots, most of which include «baste attack and defense function. Ultimately, the most effective powers in this clase are literally ospable of anything. The Narrator should closely ‘monitor the use of Manipulation powers, especlally in a Power Level 8 campaign. SELL LLLLSSL Stes es GAINING & IMPROVING POWERS 9 x oo Ve Lisiiid NAA IIIS A, Gaininé Powers puRIN Hero Creation Creation Power Levets ‘To offer Narrators a greater range of control over their ‘campeigns, the creation Power Levels have been slightly ‘modified from the guidelines in the rulebook. The Narrator should pick one Power Level for all players’ characters in ‘the game, though players do not need to take any of the ‘powers available from the creation Power Lavel. Bach Dice Pool can accommodate characters with lote of training and skills but not powers as well as those charactors with little ‘oxperienos and numerous superpowers. Creation Powor Levels oan differ from Power Levels listed ‘sn adventures. The creation Power Level dictates the size of the Dice Poo! and other such factors important to hero ere- ation. The adventure's Power Lavel gives 8 measure of the challenges in the adventure. In particular, it dictates the number of Character Points @ character may use on each, roll. (Ses pages 102-103 of the rulebook for details.) The edventure's Power Level is typloally Just called the Power Level. It can sometimes equal the creation Power Level, but it doesn’t have to. ‘The maximum die codes apply only at hero oreation. Lim- Ite are removed once the first adventure starta ‘The Narrators may use the creation Power Levels out- lined here or those described in the rulebook (page 20). ‘They should be sure to let thetr players know which ver- sion they've picked. Of course, this 1s only one of many ways Narrators may adjust the Power Levels to make them fit into thetr euper- hero world concepts. Narvatore should always feel free to ‘adjust the creation Powor Levels to suit the needs and de- sires of the players and themselves. Groation Power Level 1: 66 dice in Dice Pool; maximum. of SD in Disadvantages; all powere maximum of 2D. ‘This Power Level remains unchanged from the rulebook. Greation Fowar Level 2: 70 dice in Dice Pool; maximum, of SD in Disadvantages; maximum of 10D in any one power class (except Manipulation), maximum of 2D in all other power classes. ‘Power Level 2 allows heroes to have an impressive level of power, but only in a single power class. A team af heroes 4 this power class usually must work together to defeat ‘their enemies. Greation Power Level 3: 76 dice in Dice Pool; maximum of 10D in Disadvantages; maximum of LOD in any two power classes (except Manipulation), maximum of 2D all other ‘power lasses, Power Level 5 allows more flexibility to the players while stil giving the Narrator considerable control on how ver- satile any single hero may be. Teamwork continues to be vital against the most powerful enemies. Greation Power Level 4: 80 dice in Dice Pool; maximum of 10D in Disadvanteges; maximum of 10D in any threo ower classes (except Manipulation), maximum of 2D in all other power classes. IILILILILIL LESS SPSS TS IGS LLTSSTSSELISSSSELLAST A, Heroes at Power Level 4 have the potential to pexform a ‘wide range of effects, but the Dice Poo! is less forgiving than st may first appear, Nevertheless, challenging a super-hero team designed at this Power Level becomes more difficult. ‘Narrators should watch character creation carefully. Greation Power Level 8: 86 dice in Dice Fool; maximum of 18D in Disadvantages; maximum of 10D in all power classes. -A.campaign created for Power Level 8 characters spends a lot of time dealing with colossal threats, It takes a lot to challenge one hero, lot alone an entire team, that can shake ‘the world. On the other hand, that’s what the premier ‘super-hero team of all tume—tho JLLA—ts all about. Besides, even if Green Lantern can rip New York City out of the ground with a thought, that won’t help him get a,job or a date. Just keep in mind that players rarely stick to the soript, and when players use Manipulation powers too clev- erly, they can destroy an adventure. Greation Power Level B: Creation Power Level B is in- tended for making experienced characters by experienced players and Narrators only. Campaigns composed of char- ‘acters that have been around for years (in background, if not in game time) are often the most diMeult to control. Generally, there is a wide range of abilities that the Narra. ioe Pocl for thet Power Level, add 16 dico, 18 Character Points, ‘and 2 Hero Points for each year the character has been an active ‘super hero. For part-time super herces, halve these figures (rounding up). Unless the Narrator decides otherwise, there fare no maximums for powers, sills, or Disadvantages, If the players want to design heroes based on existing ones in the comics, they should not be conoemed about skill, power, or Disadvantage maximums, nor about the total number of dice used to build each chavaoter. Instead, osign the character to reflect the way that thee comics por- tray him or her. Ad- ditionally, the char- acter receives 18 Oharacter Points and 2 Hero Points for each year he or she has been around (thi sumes @ healthy number of Charac- ter Points have been spent on in- creasing skills, powers, gaining Advantages, and 80 on). Power Cost ‘To purchase a power for your hero, decide sf you want the full power, specializations of it, oF both. Once you've Gecided, find the base cost of the full power cr the spectial- ‘zation. Subtract the total from your hero's remaining Dice Bool. The hero now has the power at 1D. During hero cre- ation only, you can increase the power by 1D by subtract ‘ng one dis from the Dice Pool, up to a maximum of 2D or 10D, depending on the olase of the powar and the creation Power Level. ‘Bach power has a base cost and a epectialtzation coat. See ‘the updated power list in Section 5 for a complete list of ‘Powers and thelr costs. Each power's write-up also lists these cost, Furthermore, some powers describe a general type otf of- {fect and require the hero to specify how the power mant- ‘fests. These include: Bin¢, Chemiosl Projection, Dampening, Energy Projection, Extra Body Part, Gift, Natural Weapons, ‘Projectiles, Supersttributes, Vampirism, Teleportation, and ‘Naturel Armor. These powers may be taken more than onco— and must be ifthe hero wants multiple manifestations of the ‘Power. 80 the powers’ descriptions for more details. ‘The full power covers everything listed in the power's “wnite-up and the aspect levels (ifthe power has them), while a speoialization is a particular use or (in the case of Dia- nipulation powers) an aspect of a power. Aspects are spe- ‘cific applications or mantfestations of power thet may have ‘one oF more effects, For instance, the ability to azeate eemi- solid holograms is an aspect of the Light Manipulation ‘power, while the ability to take multiple actions without ‘ponalty is an aspect of the Speed Manipulation power. For power classes other than Manipulation, the listed specializations of the power are examples of aspects. For ‘Manipulation powers, the aspects are given in a chart. Sprcrauization Costs Power specializations come in three varieties. (Ono way is eimtlar to the way a specialization of a skill ‘functions. A player who wants her hero to be eapecially adept at using a specific aspect or function oan purchase a ‘Powor talent. The full power’s description for the current die code must contain the focus of the power talent. (If t sant, that's a different kind of specialization.) To gota power talent, the player buys the full power for the base cost (and ‘any extra dio in the full power inthe usual mannes). Then she purchases the desired power talent separately. Bach tne die from the Dice Pool adds ID to a power talent. The die code of the power talent booomes the die onde ofthe full ‘power plus any exira dice that are devoted to the special ‘zation. All Tsmitations and Enhancements included with the full power algo affect the power talent at no increase or ‘reduction in cost. Power talonts added to full power are stil prohibited ‘rom exceoting the maximum die code of @D or 10D, which- ever is appropriate for the campaign, during character cre- ation. 8, if player wants a hero to start with a power talent, the full power may notbe taken at the maximum die code allowed for a starting character. Example: Andrew wants his hero to have BSP, but he ‘wants the character to be particularly good at discovering the weaknesses of others Ifthe oreation Power Level is 8 (@aysioal and Mental powers), the player could give the character 2D in ESP and +8D in ESP (weakness deteotion), for a total power talent die code of 10D in ESP (weakne: detection), 1x he takes no Rnhanoements or Limitations, (FIPS SPARTAK TITTIES VOLPLLSSLISLLSSSELTLS EY APT], ‘the final cost for these powers is 17 dice from his Dice Pool (BD for the full power + 1D for the additional die in the full power + 8D for dice in the power talent). ‘fa specialization is taken independently of the full power, then the player spends dice from the Dice Poo! a little dif forently. The player lays out a number of dice equal to the “specialization only” base cost to buy 1D in the indepen- {dent spectalization of the power. Bach edditionsl 1D im the ‘specialized power then costs one die from the Dice Pool. ‘The player Uses these same rules if his hero has the full ower but he wants to aovess to @ higher die code in the power and he can’t reach it because of Power Level re- striotions. The ultra specialization progresses as its own, rate, The ultra specialization’s die code is not added to the full power’s die code until the full power has reached ‘the aspect level that gives the same control as the ultra specialization. ‘Example: Andrew has also decided to include Air Ma- ipulation with his character, which has a creation Power Level of 5. He wants to put 2D in the full power, but he also ‘would like his hero to ride on a whirlwind of air, which is a 8D aspect of Air Manipulation. He decides to take Air Ma- nipulation (transportation) at 2D. These two powers aro ‘considered separate. Many adventures later, when he im- ‘proves his Alr Manipulation to ®D, he can now add the full Power's die code to his Air Manipulation (transportation). ‘Ithe kept the specialization at 2D, ite new die code would ‘be 11D (9D in the full power plus 2D in the specialization). ‘The full power, however, would remain 9D (at least until dhe improved it again). When the character gets onough dice in the full power 80 that the full power now covers the same abilities as the ultra specialization, the ultra specialization becomes a power talent and follows those rules. However, any Limi- ‘tations or Enhancements applied to the ultra speclaliza- tion before it became a power talent still apply only to the specialization. Likewise, Limitations and Enhancements ‘that applied to the full power before the ultra specializa- ‘ton was converted apply only to the full power, not to the specialization. Heroes may have any number of specializations for any ‘number of powers, but they may have no more than three ‘independent specializations in one power if the hero does not have the full power. Ifthe hero does have the full power, ‘he can have any amount of ultra specializations or power talents. If the hero only has independent specializations, the Player may not buy the full power for the hero. The only ‘way for the player to purchase the full power after the hero 48 crested, ifthe hero has one or more specializations with: ‘out the full power, is to remove all specializations entirely. ‘The “Losing Powers” section later in this chapter (page 14)

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