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Grammar Extra 1

Questions. Tense review

Wor d ord er

The us ual word order for que stions is:

Question word

Wha t
(Auxiliary l verb
H ave
SUb ject l
ea ten?
1 z

Whe n d id he gradua tc?

Ves/No questi ons and short answers

In Ves /No questions with be, yo u put mll/are/ is/wa s/ wcre be fore the subj eet.
ls sñc lired? Ves, she ls.
lVere lhey late? No, fhey weren '1. 4

In Ves /No questions wit h the simple present and th e simple past, you p ut do t doesi did before
the subject.
Do YOl/ Uve here? Ves, 1 do.
Did Jim and l1ís fwo sislersgo lo col/ege? No, file!! áidn't.
In Ves/No qucstions w ith other ver b structu res, you put the au xiliary vcrb befo re the subjcct,
Have you been lo Peru? Ves, 1haoe.
Can she drite? No, stte can'i,

WII questions
Questions with Whaf, Where, H ow mallY, etc. have the same word ordcr as Ves/ No questions.
You p ut a qu csti on word at the beginn ing of the questio n.
WlI y is she tired? W I¡ere do you liue? How lItany limes llave YO l/ bren lo Peru?

Tense review
¡­ Tense
Sim ple pre sent

Simple pa st
Pac ta/ habita/
Completed action a t
Affi rmative
H e works.

She worked
He doesn't wo rk.

Shc didn't work


Did she work

Does he wo rk ?

a sp ecific pas t time yes te rd ay, yes te rd ay. yesterd ay?
Present p rogress ive Activities in They 're Theyaren't Are the y
_ . progress no w working no w. workin g now. working now?
Futu ra (be ) going lo Future pl ans and We' re go ing to work We aren't going Are we go ing to
ínt entions at home tomorrow , to work al horn e work at home
tomorrow. tomo rrow?
Present perfect 1_Co rnpleted action in It's wo rked It hasn't worked H as it wo rked
" time up to now" recentI y. recently, rccent1y?
" Exercises
1 Write Yesl No questions with you.

Somebody wa nts to kn ow íf you . ..

a) like jazz

Do YOII likejnzz?
b ) can swim

e) went sküng last w inter

d) are wearing [cans today

e) have been to Argentina

f) are goi ng to drive home after thc class

2 Write short answers to the qucstions in Exercise 1.

a) Yes, 1 do. / No , 1 d(JIl'I.

Check (,/) the short answer that is true for you.

3 Think of a person you know well. Use the information in Exercise 1 and write

YeslNo questions and short answers with he or she.

a) Does he likejazz?

res. he does . / No, he doesn't.

Check (.1) the short answer that is true (if you know W.

4 Insert the sub ject Y OI/ in the correct position to make questions.

a) H ow far do live from the sehool?

Houi[ar do you lite [ron: tlie school?

b) When did last go to the t hea ter?

e) What are going to do this evening?

d) How many cu ps of coffee have had today?

e) What kind of pen a re using righ t now?

f) Whcrc d id bu y yo ur shoes?

Ask your partner the questions.

5 Complete the questions with YOll and then match the questions and the answers.
a) Whal / d o? Wl11l1 do YOII do? ~ 1 In 2005.

b ) Who / work for? ~ 2 On foot.

c) Wh ich department / wo rk in? 3 1'm a computer programmer.

d ) How / get to w ork? 4 Becau se I love computer garnes.

el When / star t working the re? 5 In th e games d ep a r tmen t,

f) Wh )' / like wo rk in g there? 6 $63,000 ayea r.

g) H aw m uch / ea rn? 7 Microsoft.

Write your own answers to the questions.

6 Name the lense for each sentence.

We're sludying Sha kespeare in ou r English class. Preseni progressiue.

My parents na rned me after my unc le.

e) I' ve recen tly lea rned to drive.

d) My frie nds are going to organize a party fo r me tom o rrow,

e) Ilike getting up early in the morni ng.

Put each sentence into the negative.

a) We aren'! s flldying Slutkespeare in our English clase.

Check (,/) the sentences (aff irm ative or negative) that are true fo r you.

a) We're stl/dyillg SI/(/kespeare in Ol/r Ellg/isl1 class. ./

Nouns and quantity expressions

Countable nouns 1
Most nouns in English are countable. They have a sing ular and a p lur al formo
- - - - - - - - - - - _ .­
Regular forms j Irregular fonns
Singular Plural Spelling Singular Plural
I two places I
a place A dd <1 person two people
I élchild two children
a church three churches Add es alter eh, sh, s, X.
- aman two men
acíty ten cities Add ies after a consonant + y. a woman. two women
a foot two feet
a lcaf ten thousand leavcs Add ves aftcr vowel + f
a tooth rwo teeth

A a or an]
With singular nouns, you use 11 before a consonant sound: a toton, a col/ege.
You us e an before a vowel sound: all~airport , all~office .
A Plural nouns
Sorne nouns are always plural and don't have a singular formo You can't use ajan or put
a number in front of thcrn,
l haoe some pink ieans. (NüT 1 hRtle R pil4kjeH!15 .)
Common plural nouns: clothes, glasses, j eans, pajamas, pants, scissore, shoris, sunglasses.

Uncountable nouns
Sorne nouns in English are uncountable. Thcy only have a singula r form oYou can 't use ajan 4
or put a number in front of thc m,
We Izad bad weather. (N OT JV", IUiGi R !%Id weather, )
Common uncountable nouns: «doice, archiiecture,[ood, [urniture, hometoork, injormaiion,
knowledge, love, monev, music , neIOs, tf{~ffic, transportation , toeather, uiork.

Quantity expressions

These are w ay s you can tal k about quantity if you can't or don't want to use an exact number.

With countable nouns: (only) a few / (way ) loo lIlany / How many ... ?

Only a [eui people salO tona: happened.

How many emails do YOll get every day?

With uncountable nouns: (only) a little / (IOny) too much/ How mucli ... ?

There's a Iittle uiineleft, but no beer.

Ho'lV muclt hometoork do you get?

With countable and uncountable nouns: a lot oI/ lots of / noi ... enougu

She has a lot o/ problems.

He didn't give me enough injormatian.

too + mlleh lmany (+ noun) = excessive or more than necessary,

l haoe too 11I1Icl1 work and not enough' time.

1 Write the plural forms for the foll owing countable nouns.
a) a na me llames e) a menu e) a fam ily g) a person i) a day k) a camera
b) a p lace d) a bus f) a wife h) a foot j) a mouse 1) a watch

2 Put the nouns in the bo x into the tableo

new s
city hom ework informa tion mone)'
problern tooth we ather wo ma n
- - - -- -
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

c/úld adoice

Add three more nouns to each col u mn.

3 Complete the sentences wit h alan or som e.

a) l have sonte mane)' in m)' poeket. e) 1 ha ve _ _ hom ewo rk to do th ís evening .
b) 1 have _ _ goId ring on my finger. f) 1 ha ve _ _ laptop 1 use for work.
e) 1 have _ _ blaek jeans at home , g) 1 ha ve _ _ gre at m usic on my MP3 p laye ro
d) 1 have _ _ scissors in my bago h) 1 have _ _ sunglasses in my ear.

Check (..'") the sentences that are true for you.

4 Underline the corred form of be.

a) How !§.1are the weather tod ay?
b ) How was / were the traffi c this m orning?
e) What is / are thc p eople like on you r street?
d ) Wh at ís I are the furni ture like in your living room ?
e) What was I were the English teaehers like a t your high sehoo l?
f) Wha t was I were the food Iike at the last restauran t you we nt to?

Ask your partner the questions.

5 Complete th e sentences with be + a lot of.

In m)' city ...
a) there are a tot of p arks, e) there _ _ good restaurants. e) th ere _ _ poll ution .
b) thcre _ _ good nightlife. d) thcre traffie. f) there _ _ boo kstores.

Make the sen tences negative. Use not be + muchlmanu,

(1) There aren't 11111 11 Y park».
Which sentenees are true for you r dty?

6 Look at PauI. What do you think is wrong

with his Iife style? Write sentences with
too mu chhnausj and not enough.
a) d rink / beer
He drinks too muen beer.
b) eat / pi zz as

e) eat I fru it and vegetables

d) smoke I ciga rettes

e) do / exercise

f) w at ch / TV

g) get I fresh air

SimpLe paste Past progressive
Part 1: SimpLe past
Affirrnative Negative Question Short answer Ycs Short answer No
I/You/Hc/Shc/It/ I/Yau/He/She/ Díd JI you / he/ Yes, T/you /he /she / Na, l/yau/he /
We/They worked. It/We /They didri't she/ it / we / they it/wc/lhey did. s he / it/ we / they
(did not) work, work? didn't.
i I
Spelling: regular verbs
Add ed/d after most verbs: work - worked, demonstrate - demonstrated
Delete y and add ied for verbs that end in a consonant + y: study - studied: try - tried
Add él consonant + ed for verbs that end in one vowel + one consonant: stop - stopped: plan - planned
The ten mo st frequently used irregular verbs are:
1 say - said 6 see - saw
2 gct ­ got 7 make - made
3 go - went 8 come ­ carne
4 know ­ knew 9 take - took
5 think - thought 10 give - gave
See a fuller Iist of irregular verbs on page 159.
You can use the simple past as the main tense to talk about past events and past situations,

It's commonly used to tell stories.

A There is only olle past form for evcry verb except be.


I Affirrnative Negative Question

. -.-..-.
Short answer Yes Short answer No
I N o , I/hc/:5h e/il
I/ He / Shc/ lt was I/He/She/It wasn't Was T/he /she/it Yes, l/he/shc/il
tired. (was not) tired. tired? was. wasn't,
You/We/They You/We/TIlcy weren't Were yau /wc / Yes, youl we / they No, you/we/they
were tired. (were not) tired. the y tired? were. weren't.

Part 2: Past progressive

Affirrn ative I Negative Question Short answer Yes Short answer No

I/He/She/lt was I1He /She/lt wasn't Was l/hc/she/it Yes,I/he/she/it No,l/he/she/it

working. (was not) working. working? was. wasn 't.

You/We/They You/We/They weren't Were you/wel Yes, you/we/they No, you/we/they

were working. (were not) working. they working? were. weren't,

Spelling: illg-forms
Delete e and add ing for verbs that end in e: ha ve - having; make - making
Add a consonant + ing for verbs that end in one vowel + one consonant: run - running; stop - stopping
You can use the past progressive to d escribe a "longer" activity that was in progress when other past events happened.
You usually use it in contrast with the simple pasto
1saw her iohen 1was drioing home.

They were playillg tennis tohen it started raining.

130 ..:" .'

'¡; 3 Exercises
0, ,

Part 1
1 Write the simple past fonns for these verb sets,
a) work toorked I go / caH / help e) try / play / study / cop y
b) take / make / wake I bake d ) stop / plan / hop / w alk

In each set, which verb doesn't belong? Why?

a) °go - ioent" doesn'i betong because it's irregular.

2 Write the simple past forms of these irregular verbs.

a) teach tallg/zt e) speak i) fall m) sin k q) understand u) find y) me et
b) sit f) make j) learn n) throw r) bring v) wear z) think
e) sa y g) begin k) catch o) swim s) run w) buy
d ) kn ow h) ring 1) fly p) read t) sleep x) come

3 Use the prompts in parentheses to write negative sentences about the pasto

a) My father taught me how to swim. (how to drive) d) 1 had físh for dinner last night. (meat)
My [ather didn'l teach me hoto to dri ue. e) 1 studied French at school. (English)
b) 1w ent to a public school. (p riva te school) f) 1 played tennis when [ was young . (bas ket ball)
e) My parents gave me money for my birthday. (a gíft)

Check (J') the sentences that are true for you.

Part 2
1 Write the ing-fonn of these verbs.
a) come coming e) hit e) play g) smoke i) swim k) win
b) eat d) leave f) put h) study j) wake 1) work

2 Complete the questions and short answers about these times yesterday.
a) . . Were you ha ving breakfast? Yes, 1 was. No, 1 toasn't.

b) _ Were you driving to work? Yes, 1 _ _ . No, 1_ _ .

e) G!lI!II __ your mother working? Yes, she _ _ . No, she _ _ .

d) CIIII _ _ you walking around town? Yes, 1_ _ . No, 1_ _ .

e) . . _ _ your parents watching TV? Yes, they _ _ . No, they _ _ .

Ask your partner the questions.

3 Complete the sentences with the simple past or the past progressive.
a) We (mov e) moved several times when 1 w as a child.
b) My parents met when th ey (study) _ _ at eollege.
e) When 1 finish ed school, 1 (start) _ _ work in a bank.
d) Wh en 1 looked out of th e w indow this morning, it (rain) _ _ .
e) When 1 got to work, 1 (turn on) _ _ my computer.
f) When the tea cher came into the c1assroom, 1 (talk) _ _ to my friend on my eell phone.

Check (.t) the sentences that are true for you.

Verb patterns. SimpLe present and present progressive
Part 1: Verb patterns - verbs with two objects
Some common ve rbs can have two objects. Two differen t word orders are po ssible, bu t the mean ing is the sa me,
The w ord order ve rb + person + thing is more common, especi ally with object pronouns (lile, you, him, ctc .).

(ind ircct (d irect (d írec t (indirect

object) ob ject) obj ect ) objectl
verb + person + thing = verb + thing + tolfor + person

1 bought him a giH. = 1 bought a gift for mm.

He lent her sorne money. = HE' lcnt sorne money to her.

Common verbs wi th the pattern verb + thing + to + person: gioe, lend, offer, pass, read, semi, SfIOW, teach, lell.
Common verbs wi th the pattern verb + thing + fo r + person: blly,jill d, gel, make.
A You can't use the word ord er verb + person + thing w ith certain vc rbs: e.g. describe,exuiain, say, or suggesí.

He explained the situation lo lile. (NOT H€ expttlil1@6/ l'Ne lile :;ill/ tltieJl.)

Sue said helio lo us. (NOT [;J.¡e !iaid l/S IJeUfJ. )

Part 2: Simple present and present progressive

Simple present
Affinnative Negative Qu estion Short answer Yes Short an swe r No
l' I
T/ You / We/ llley I/You /Wc /They don't Do I/ you /we / Yes,l / you/ we /they No, l /yo u/ we / they
work. (do not) work, the y work? do. don't,
- -- - ~_.

He /She /Tt works . He /She /lt doesn't I Does he Zsh e z it Ves, he /she /it does, ! No, he / she/it
(does not) work. work? doesn't,
I ..

Sp eIlin g: 3,d person singular

Add S after rnost ve rbs: live - lives; pla y - plays; work - works
Add es aftcr eh, sil, s, x: w atch - watches: finish - finishes
Dele te y and add ies after a consonan t + y: study - st udies
Irr egular form s: do - does; ga - goes; have - has
You can use the simple pr esent to ta lk abou t: 1
• thín gs that are alw ays true, He looks likehisfl/tlter. leefon ns at O°c.
• thíngs that happen regularly or a11 the time. He plays tennis Gil Friday. Slie neoer gets up before 9:00
Present progressive
I Affirmative I Negative I Question Short answer Yes I Short answer No
I I'rn (am) working. I'm not (am not) 1 Am [ working? Ves, l arn , No, I'm noto
I working.
I .. .... 3
You / Wc / They' re You / We / Thcy aren' t Are you /we /they Yes, you /we/they No, you /we /they
(are ) working. (are not) working. working? are . aren/t.

He /She /lt's (is) He/She /It isn't Is he / she / it Yes, he /she/it is . No , he/she/it isn't,
working. I (is not) working. I working?

Spelling: illg-forms 4
Dcle te e and add ing for verbs that en d in e: have - having; make - making

Add a consonan t + ing for verbs tha t en d in one vowel + one cons ona n t: run - runn ing; stop - stopping

You can use thc p resent progressive to talk about:

• actívities that are in progress at the m oment of speaking. W hat are YOIl doingt I'1Il uniting an email.
• acti vities that are in p rogress around the moment of sp eaking. Cars are getting cheaper, bul house prices are goil1g IIp.



Part 1
1 Complete the sentences about last Christmas.

a) An na: sorne socks -+ Gran d pa d) Sue: a cook book -+ Carla

A IlI l1/ gave Grandpasonte socks. e) Beeky: a CO ~ Erie
b) [o hn: an MP3 pi ayer ~ Tony f) [ ímmy: sorne ea rrings -+ Sally
e) Dick: sorne choco late ~ Molly
What gifts did you giv e people last year?
1gave IllY mom a foot spa.

2 Underlíne the appropriate prepositions,

a) Could l'ou send the money for / to me? f) We showed pictures of our vacation for / to hirn.
b) She explai ned the ru les for / to them . g) lan is getting sorne ice cream for / to uso
e) My dad bou ght th is for / to me for m,y birthday, h) They didn 't sa l' goodbye for / to us.
d) I've told that joke for / to everybody! i) 1 don' t wa nt to make breakfast for / to h im!
e) He descri be d the ho use for / to her. j) Can you lend your bi ke for / to Sue?

3 Re-read the sentences in Exercise 2. Where possible, change the word ord er and rewrite
the sen tences without the prepositions.
a) COl/Id YOIl send lile the moneq? b) (Nol possible to change.)

Part 2
1 Write these verbs in the simple present 3l d person singular.
a) be is c) do e) havc g) pal' i) sal' k) take
b) ery d) go f) hear h) push j) stu dy 1) touch

2 Writ e the ing-form of these verbs,

a) becom e e) cu t e) live g) shine i) sil k) st ay
b) choose d ) fly f) rnee t h ) shu t j) start 1) we ar

3 Write a question in the simple present an d a question in the present progressive for each prompt.
a) you / we ar I pe rfume? b) you / use / an clectronic diction ary ? e) yo ur teachcr / wear /
Do you wcar pe/fume? e) l'ou / plan / your vaca tions? glasses?
Are you uiearing perfume? d ) yo ur paren ts / work ? f) What / you / do?

Answer the questions. Think about the difference in meaning for each question.

4 Complete the questíons with you in the most appropriate tense: simple present or present progres sive.
a) Wherc I come fro m? e) What / wear toda y? f) What color pen / use to d o this
Where do YOIl come[rom? d ) Why / learn Eng lish? exereise?
b) How many lan gu ages I speak? e) What time / usu ally go to bed ?

Answer the questions,

Comparative and superLative adjectives. PhrasaL verbs
Part 1: Comparative and superlative adjectives
Adjective Comparatíve Superlative
, " .-
Short adj ectives: add erlest
Adjeetives ending in a consonant or e new newer the newest
ruee nicer the nicest
Adjectivcs end íng in a single vowel + big bigger the bíggest
a single consonant
Adjectives ending in y hcalthy healthier thc healthiest
Irregular adjectives good better the best
bad worse the worst

, .,­
Long adjectives: add more / the most exciting more exciting fue most exciting

You use comparative adjectives to compare people/things with other people /thíngs.
Fernando Alonso is older than Letuis Hamilton .

You can use a littie hit or muen to modífy corn parisons,

Olímpico Stadium is ti little bit bigger titan the Jalisco Siadium.

Cristiano Ronaldo is much better Iooking than. WaY'le Roolley.

You use noi as + adjective + as to make negative comparisons.

Golf is not as dangerous as motor racillR.

You use superlatíve adjectives to compare people / thín gs with al! the other pcople /things

in theír group.

MlIhammad Ali is the greatest sporisman of al! time.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the uiorld.

Part 2: Phrasal verbs

The term "phrasal verb" usu al1y refers to all multi-word verbs, consisti ng of

a verb + particle(s). Phrasal verbs can be divided into three basic types.

1 Verb + particle (INTRANSITIVE)

Some phrasal verbs are intransitive ami don't take a direct objeet.

Sit doum and enjoy it.

Whell are you going to gro'W up?

2 Verb + object + particIe (TRANSITIVE - SEPARABLE)

The biggest group of phrasal verbs is transitive. These verbs take a direct object.

With separable verbs, when the direct object is a noun, you can put it before or

after the particle.

Take off your shoes. üR Take your shoee off.

When the direct object is a pronoun, you have to put it between the verb and

the partide.

Turn it off, please. (NüT TI/m eff it.)

3 Verb + particIe + object (TRANSlTIVE - NOT SEPARABLE)

\Vith this type of phrasal verb, you always put the direct object - noun or pronoun ­

after the partícle.

- le takes eare 01 ha grandmotiter.

ran after the bus, bui it didn't stop.

Ud Exercises
Part 1
1 Complete the tab le with th e adj ectives in the box .

9a4 famou5 good RarrY interesting kffitI. lazy lucky nice saa

strong successful thin wet

a) Add er/ r kind - kind er than d) Irregu lar bad - lVorse than
b) Double letter + er sad - sadder than e) more + adjectivc fa1ll011S - more faniou s than

e) Delete y, add ier happy - happier titan

2 Write sentences comparing the places. Use tI little bit or much and the comparative form of
the adjective.
a) France / big / Spai n d) Tokyo / expensive / Ban gkok
Franee is a litlle bit bigger than Spain. e) Rom e / far north / Barcelona

b) India / hot / Cariad a f) Manila / crowded / Helsinki

e) The Nile River / long / the Amazon

Rewrite the sentences using not as .. . as so the y h ave the sa me meaning.

ti) Spain isn't as big as Frunce.

3 Use a little bit l much / not as ... as to w rite true sentences comparing the following .
Use the ad jectives in the box or you r own ideas.

comp licated con fident di fficult energetic cxpens iv e

healthy largo modern old sophistica ted

a) your mo m / your da d d) yo ur firs t cell phone / the cell pho ne you have now
My 1110111 is a liule bit o/der ihan /Ily dad. e) the house you were born in / the house you live in now
b) English / you r langua ge f) yo ur tow n ten ycars ago / your town now
e) you ten yea rs ago / you no w

Compare your sentences with a partner.

Part 2
1 Rew rite these sentences so that the y ha ve the same meaning.
a) Can yo u tu m off the light, p lease? d ) Pick all the papers up before you leave!
Can YOll turn tite Iight off, please? e) Write clown your narne, p lease,

b) She threw my letter away. f) 1 gave back his pe no

e) I'd like to try on this d ress, p lease.

2 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order to complete each sentence. Consult
your dictionary if necessary.

a) I' m very similar to my mo ther - 1 take after her. (after / take / her)

b) 1 have good relationsh ips with my neighbors - 1_ _ . (get / wel l / them / with / along)

e) I keep my neighbors' p et when they go on vacation - I _ _ . (take care / it / 00

d) I lived with my grandparents when 1 was a child - they _ _ . (up / brought / me)

e) My children always leave their things on the floor - they don't _ _ . (away / them / put)

f) 1 inven t excuses wh en 1'111 late - 1 _ _ . (make / up / the m)

g) 1 stopped going to the gym - 1_ _ . (up / it / gav c)

h) When [ see a ncw phrasal verb, 1 consult m)' dic tionary - 1 . (it / loo k / up)

Are any of the sen ten ces true fo r you ?

Permission and obligation (present). Present perfect
Part 1: can for permission; have to for obligation F
Affirmati ve Ne gative Question ~o rt answer Ves 5hort answer No
- +-- - - - - - - . . ,.
l/You /T-J e, elc. IIYou /He, etc. can 't Can l/ yau /he, Ves, I/you/ he, etc. No, l/ you/he, etc.
can work. (can not) w ork. etc. work? I can . can/t.

You can use can and call't to tal k abou t permi ssion.
• can mea ns so mething is p ermitted: it's OK. In my countru, YOH can leave Sc1100J tolten you are sixteen.
• can'i means so methi ng isn't pe rmitted : it isn't OK. YOII can't vole unti! you are eighieen.

Affirmative Negative I Question Short answer Ves Short answer No

I1You /We/They I/You/We/They don't Do I / you /,we / they Ves, l/you/ we / No, I/you /we/ thcy
have to work. have to work. h ave to work? the y do. don't. ;:

Hc/She /lt has to He /She / Ir doesnt have Does hc / she / it have Ves, he /she /it does, No, he / she /it
work. tú work. to work? doesn't.

You use llave io / don't llave io to talk about nec essit y or obligation.
• lutue to mean s so m ething is necessary o r it's obligatory. IJI the lI SA , you llave to drioe on thc righl. 1
• don't haoe lo mea ns somct hing isn't necessary or it isn 't obligato ry. You don't have to ¡¡¡Cl/r a hehnet 011 a bicycle.

Part 2: Present perfect

.. . ­
Affirmative Negative Questlon 5hort answer Yes Short answer No
I/You/We/They've l/You /We/Thcy haven't Have I/you/wc/ Ves, I1you /we / No, I/you/we/
(have) worked, (have not) worked. they worked? they have, they haven/t.

He /She /It's (has) He /She/It hasn't Has he / she/it Yes, he/she /Ir has. No, he / she /ít
worked. (has not) worked. worked? hasn't.
o . .
See the list of irregular verbs on pa gc 159.
You can use the presen t perfect to ta lk about completed actions in tim e "u p to now." You d on 't focus on uihen .

Time "up to now"

The past

t t t
-........­ t t
I've done a lot olsilly things in my lile.
Com mon time exp ressions whích describe time "u p to now": loday, this toeek, reccntlu, neva, over the yetlrs.
With the se time exp ressions, yo u usu aUy use the prcsent perfect.
My brother has "ever been lo 17 rack concett . I hauen't seen any good mooies recentlu.
.&. been is the pa st participl e of be, but you can als o use it as a pa st participl e of go. Compare:
• He's been lo Rente. = He wen t and carne back.
• He's gO/lc lo Reme. = H e wen t and is in Rom o now,

"Finished" time

The past

I did a lot of silly things when 1 was at college.

Common time exp ressions wh ích de scrib e " finishcd" time : yeslerday, las! month, in 1990, afew minutes ago.

With these tim e expressions, yo u use the simple pasto

She called yotl a few minutes ago. 1 didn't go lo the mountains tasi summer.

Un:+- c. Exercises
Part 1
1 Work w it h a pa rtner. Test your knowledge of life in Texas.
Underline the correct verbs in these sentences.
a) You have to / can leave sch ool w hen yo u're sixtee n.
b ) You don't have to / can't wea r a helrne t on a bicycle.
e) You hav e to / can vote whe n yo u're eig htecn.
d ) You don't have to I can't ge t ma rried un til yo u're eigh teen.
e) You have to I can buy alcoho l when yo u're twenty-one.
f) You h ave to l ean drive on the righ t.
g) You ha ve to l ean dri ve a car w hen yo u're sixteen.
h) You don't have to I can't carry an ID card o
Check (,1) the sentences that are true for your country,

2 Write similar sen tences about the things you can, can't,
ltaoe to, or don't llave to do in you r country,

- - - - - -- _ . -----_._--- ---- ---- ---- ---- --~ ._-----_ . -- - -

Part 2
1 Complete the tabl es with the correct pa st participles for these irregular verbs.

lnfin itive Simple past Past participle Infiniti ve - ~p le past · Pas t pa rticiple
be w as / we re (1) been wri te wrote (8) _ _
do did (2) _ _ forget forgot (9) _ _
take too k (3) _ _ r ide ro d e (10) _ _
drink d rank (4) _ become became (11) _ _
I (12) _ _
brea k broke (5) _ stand stoo d
see saw (6) _ give gave (13) _ _
eat ate (7) _ _
L I we nt (14) gane 1(1 5) _ _

2 Write the sen tences in the negative.

a) I've be cn on rv. e) I've d riv en a sports ca r, e) I' ve clím bed a rnoun ta ín.
I haoen '1 been on rv. d ) I've met a famo us perso no f) I've called up a TV sh ow,
b) I've sung karaoke .

Check (,1) the sentences that are true for you.

3 Write present perfect questions with YOII for the sen tences in Exerci se 2.
a) Hove YOll been 01/ r V?

Ask your partner the questions.

4 Underline the correct tense.

a) I' ve never been / never w en t to Au stralia .
b) l haven't done I didn't do my homework last night.
e) My p arent s haven't called / d ídn't call me recently.
d) I've never eaten I didn't eat sus h i,
e) I've been / went ski ing last winter.
f) l've had I had a biey cle w hen 1 was a ehild.
Check (,1 ) the sentences that are true for you.

Dynamic and stative meanings. Future forms
Part 1: Dynamic and stative meanings p
Dynamic meanings: "actions"
Most verbs have d ynami c meaníngs . They de scr ibe actions: so me thing " happens ." You can

use th em with simple forros to talk abou t habits or routines, or progressive forms to talk

abou t act ivities in progress.

I recyc/e al! papa , plastic, allí! bottles. We're destrouing the planei, The telephone is ringing.

Stative meanings: "states"

Sorne verb s connected with knowlcdge, crnotion, or possession have stative rnea nings.

They de scribe states : nothing "hap pcns." You cannot use thern with progressive forms,

I wallt a [airer systelll. I don'i:feeI strongly about palities.

Comm on verbs wíth stative meanings:
• feeling s: hate, like, love, prefer, toant.
• thoug hts: believe,feel, knoui, lhink, undersiand.
• possession: belong, haoe, O1On .
• senses: feel , hear, see, smell, sound, tasie.
• appe arance: appear, look (like), seem.

A Sorne verbs can havc both d ynarnic and stat ive meanings:
Rosie is haoing a great time ai college. (have = dynarnic rneaning)
Brial! has a oeeutlfu! house. (have = stative mean ing)

Part 2: Future forms: (be) going to and present progressive

~ _ . _, .. I

-~. _ ~ - . ~

Affirrnative Negative Qu estion I Short answer Ves Short answer No


I'rn (am ) going to I'm not (aro not) going Am 1 goiog to Yes, I amo No , 1'm noto
work. to work. work? I
You/ We/ They' re You/We /They're not Are you/ we / thcy Yes, you/we / the y No, you /we /they

(are ) going to work. (a re not) going to work.

I going to work? are .
' ~' - --'

Hc /Ehc / It's (is)

He /She /It isrr't (is not) Is hc/she /It going Yes, he /she /it is. No, he / she/it
going to work.
going to work. to work? isn't, P
' - ,_ _ o
..... I
You can use (be) goil1g lo to talk about your future intentions. You have made a decisi ón
about <1 íuture event and you are talking about tha t decisi ón.

Talk about the

Decide what to do. decision. Doit.

! !
The past

One oj these days, l'm going to gel in shape. He's going to tell me al! about hie oacation.
You can use the present progre ssíve to talk about future arrangeme nts. You ha ve arranged
a fu ture ev cnt and Y 0L! a re talk ing abou t that arrangcm cnt.

Decide what to do.

The past Y Oll doing anything on Thllrsday? We're meeting the Presiden; this oftemoon al 2:00 p.m.
For p resent progressive verb forrn s, see page 132.

13 8
Part 1
1 Look at the picture of Tom in his room. Complete the sentences with
the present progressive or the simple present.

a) Tom (take) is taking a rcst. f) He (think) _ _ Bra zil is the best soeeer tearn .
b) He (think) _ _ about his girlfriend. g) He (loo k) _ _ like his fath er,
e) He (listen) _ _ to music. h) He (know) _ _ a 101 of people.
d) He (have) _ _ él rnotorcyclc, i) H e (p lan ) _ _ a vacutlun.
e) He (lave ) _ _ chocolate. j) He (seem ) _ happy

2 Use the same dynamic or stative meanings of the verbs in Exercise 1 and write example
sentences that are true for you.
a) l'm taking a piciure.

Part 2
1 Complete these New Year resolutions with going to + a verb in the box.

ehangc get give up taffi n o t ea t not watch spcnd st a r t

a) the C reen Party e) a bet tcr job f) so much TV

l'm going to}oin the Creen Party. d) so mueh fast food g) smoking
b) yoga classes e) my hairstvle h) less time on the computer

Which resolutions would be good for you?

2 Look at jane's organizer. Complete the conversation,

Rick: Would you like to meet for coffee tomorrow mornin.g?
Jane: I ean't. (1) l 'm going to the dentiei, MA,y26
Rick: What abo u t later in the morning?
9:20".,... Ded iS"t
[ane: Sorry, but (2) _ _ . ~- -~ ---

Rick: OK. Are you free for lW1Ch? 11 :00,,-.,.. . Meet Mo,.. il\ tOWI\
( - - -
[ane: I'd lave to, but (3) _ _ .
Rick: And the aftern oon? .~ __' :00\"""
LlAI\ch wii:h ViCKy . n ~

[ane: (4) _ _ with Tim, and then at 4:30 (5) _ _ . 3 :00p .,... Te.I\I\iS" with Ti,..
Riek: Dinncr?
1:3 0 \" "" Piel: lAl' the. ehildre" fro,.. ~~~~I
[ane: Look, I' m really sorry but from 7:30 to 9:30 (6) _ _ .
Riek: OK, OK. Another time ... By th e way, w ho's Tim ? 7:3 0-9 :3°1""" Dril\"- _wit h T~i,.. .
Write sentences describing any arrangements you have ~~
made for the next few days. ..,~.~..~..."•..""":"~.~~.~.:~..~.~.",~
~.: ..." .
Permission and obLigation (present and past). Advice
Part 1: conjcould for permission; hove to j hod to for obLigation
Affinn ative I Negativ e I Question Short answer Ves Sh ort answcr No
- - - - - - - -¡ - - - - - - - - - - ,--­ - - - -­ - --+-­ - - - -
l/ You / He, etc. I
T/You/He, etc. cou ldrr' t Could l/you / he, Ves, l/ you/he, etc. No, I/you/ he, etc.
could w ork. (could not) work. etc. work? could, couldn't,

I Af~rmati ve Negat ive Quest ion Short answ er Ves Short answer N o

: l/You/He, etc. l/ Yo u/He, etc. didn't Did i /you/he, etc. Ves, l/ you /he, etc. No, l/ you/he, etc.
had to work. have to w ork. ha ve to w ork? did. didn 't.

Permission: canlcould; can'ttcouldn' t Obligation: huue to / don' t liaoe to; had to / did n't haoe to

Penni tted Not penn~.t.ed_ _ -+­ Ne cessary

----,-­ N_o_t_n_ec ~s_a_r~
y ____j

Pre sent You can do it . You can't do it. You have to do it. You don't have to do it.
-------~--------t - ­- - -1
Past You could do it. You cou ldn't do it. Yo u h ad lo do it, You d idn't ha ve to do it.

You can use can/ couid to ta lk about pe rmissio n. could is the past form of can.

Wfl cn l was jou rteen, 1 could stay out as long as l tnanted.

Suiiss women couldn't vote in elections llnti/1971 .

You use liaue to / ltad to to talk abo u t nccessit y o r obliga tion. liad to is th e past farm of luroe lo.

I had to wear a unijon n at ScllOOI.

In the 19605,YOll didn't llave to wenr a helme! 011 a motorcude.


Part 2: must and should for advice

--.- .~ ~_ .... - .. - ....._._ ... ......

Affirmative Negative Question Short answer Ves Short an sw er N o
I/You / He, etc. l /You /He, etc. mustn't Must l/you/ he, Ves, I/you/ he, efe. No, I/ yo u/he, etc.
must work. (m ust not) work. etc. work? must. mustn't,
--_ o..
l/You/He, eic. I/ You/ He, cte. sh ould n' t Should t/ you /be. I Ves, I/you /he, etc. No, l/you / he, etc.
sh oul d work. (sh ou ld not) work. etc. w ork? should. sho uldn't.
-.. --

Yo u ca n use must and should tú give advice. musi is stronge r tha n should.

Yé¡¡¡ must lose wcighf (or you'U die)!

You should lose weiglzt (because yo u'll fcel much healthier) ,

Mu stn't is usu ally used on ly in wr iting. ' Ve usua lly use can 't instead of mustn't. (See above.)
VOll mustn 't smoke in a gas staiion. = YOll can't smoke in a gas stoiton.

14 0 . '. ' : ,
! ' '. i"'. Exercises
Part 1

1 Write the following sentences in the negative .
Wh en 1w as fourteen, . .. ,•. ' o
a) 1 had to ma ke mI' be d every morning.

1didn't have lo make IIlY bed ever!! morning.
ON ¡lCNo
b) 1 could wear whatever 1wanted.
1couldn't wear tohateixr 1ioanied.
e) 1 had to kee p my room neat and c\ean .

d ) 1 had to help m I' parents at home.

e) 1 had to travcl everywhere by bicyclc,

f) 1could in vite friend s home on weekends.

g) 1 could stay out after 10:00 p .m .

h ) 1 cou ld play mI' music as loud as 1 wanted ,

Check (/) the affinnative or negative sentences

that are true for you.

2 Write questions with YOII for the sentences in

Exercise 1.
a) Did YOl/ llave lo nutke yaur bed ever!! morning?

Work with a partner. Ask and answer

the questions.

Part 2
1 Complete the sentences. Use an appropriate form of
should or must,

a) You sltould go hornc early. You look very tired .

b) It's only a cough, but you _ must

_ take this medicine

four time s a d ay.

_ _ kiss me in fron t of my friends.

e) Mom , you shouldn't

It's emb ar rassing.
d ) David , you _must_ clean I'our room immediately!
e) 1 thi n k young pe ople should
_ _ show more resp ect to
their elders,
f) You _ musn't
_ go out with [ohn . He 's not good enough
for yo u.
g) This is a security announcement. AH pa ssengers
_ keep their bags with them at all time s!

2 Who said it? Match sentences (a-g) with a person in the box.

él bes t friend a co worker a doctor a parent

él teenage bo y an a irport announcer an old man

a) a co-ioorker
b) a doctor
c) a teenage boy
d) a parent
e) an old man
f) a best friend
g) an airport announcer

for and since. Present perfect: simpLe and progressive

for and since
Jor + "a period of time " and since + "a poi nt in time " are two ways of sa ying the same th ing.

You use for when you give the length of the time : Jor aJew days / for three years / for ages.

You use since when yo u give the beginning of the time : since MOllday / since llef! school / since 1997.

Present perfect: simpLe and progressive

Affírm atíive I Negatr ve Q ue stion S ort answer es Sh ort answer N o

I/Yo u /We/ IIYou/We/Thcy h averi 't Have I/ you / we / I Ves, I/you /wc /they
They've (h ave)
I/you/we/ lhey
(h av e not) worked. thcy worked? have. h aven/t . 2
H c/She/ It's (h as) He/She/It hasn't Has he/she / it Ves, he / sh e/it has. N o, he /she/it
worked. (has not) worked . worked? hasn't.

See the Iist of irregular ve rbs on page 159.

Affirmative Neg ativ e Qu estion I Short answer Yes Sho rt answer N o

l/You /We / I/Yo u/ We / Thcy ha ven't Ha ve T/ you / Ves, I/you/ we / they No , I1you/we/ they 3
They've (have) (have not) been working. we / they been have. h aven't.
b een working. w orki ng ?

He /She / It's (h as) He /Shc /It hasn't Ha s hc / she/it Ves, he/ she/ it has. N o, he / she / it 1
b een working. (h as no t) been working. been w orki ng? h asn't,
o • •

You usually us e the present perfect prog ressive to describe the duration of a con tinuous or
repeated action from a point in the past up to now,
We've been stu duing Spa11 ishJor len years.
She's been going to the same hairdressersince the 19905.

A Stative me ani ngs

You d on' t use the present perfect progressive for verbs wi th sta tive meanings, Use the simple form o

She's kn ouin Tom since t!ley were at schoo/. (NOT S,!¡e'6 !lecm k!lewing )

They've had IIlC sanie computa since2003. (NOT T,!¡ey 've !leen 1~ {lV i l'lg )
See the list of common verbs with stative meanings on page 138.

Note: You can also use the simple form to indicate unchan ging, "permanent" situat ions .


I've been liv ing here since file summer.

l 'ue litied here al! my lije.

14 2 ,.
:n ' Exercises
1 Complete the senten ces with f or or since.
a) I' vc had these soccer cleats for fifteen yea rs .
b) I' ve had this hairstyle _ _ ages .
e) I' ve hao this pe n _ _ my last b irthday.
d) I've had this ba g _ _ a long time.
e) I' ve had thc same san da ls last su mmer.
f) I' ve ha d thc sa rne ring tone on my cell phone _ _ I bought it.
g) I've had m )' d river 's lícense _ _ 1 was eigh teen.
h) I' vc had a passpo rt _ _ five or six years.
Rewrite the sentences so the y are true for you.

2 Write the illg- form and the past participle for each of these verbs.
a) stea l stealing, siolen h) get

b) grow i) tell

e) sell j) cost

d) d rive k) hear

e) send 1) lose

f) pay m) build

g) feel n) lend

3 Look at the information. Use the underIined verb to write a sentence

in the simple or progressive form of the present perfecto
a) We are married . We got married in 2007.
We've been married since 2007.
b) ¡'ro readi ng the newsp ap er. I started readi ng half an hour ago .
l'te been reading the netospaperfor l1alf an /10111".
e) He likes jazz. He got intereste d in jazz when he wa s at college.

d) She 's learning lo sw im. She started lessons in Septe mber.

e) 5he works in a store. She got the job last May.

f) They live togethcr, They moved in togeth er last sum rner,

g) 1 plav the guita r. 1 star ted playing when I wa s eight.

h) We have a mo torcycle. We boug ht it thre e years ago .

Use the same underlined verbs to write present perfect sentences about yourself.

4 Write questions using Houi long ... ? Use the progressive

form where possible.
a) know / best friend?
Hoto long haoe you knoum Y Olll" besi friend?
b) we ar / the same sunglasses?

e) go / lo the same den tist?

d) listen to / the sume kind of mu sic?

e) be / in the same job?

f) d rive / the same car?

g) live / in the sa me house?

h) do yo ur sh opping / in the same grocery store?

Write answers to the questions.

wil! (future), Future time clauses. used to
Part 1: will (future). Future time clauses Pé
Affirmative Ne gative Question I Short answer Yes Short answer No

I/You / H e, etc. l/ You/He, etc. worr't (will Willl / you /he, Ves, l/you/he, etc. No, l/ yo u / he, etc.
11 (w ill ) work. n ot) work. etc. work ? w ill . won't.
toill is a m odal verbo You can use will to talk about the future when there is no present plan,
intention, or arra ngeme nt.

Com pare:
W/za t are YO l/ doing / going to do this weekend? (= 1 th ink you have plans, intention s, or

arrangeme nts .)

VI'/tat will so» do ihis weekend? (= 1 don't think you know.)

Future time clauses

Wh en yo u are talking about the future, yo u use a future form in th e main clause but you use

a pr esent tense in the subordinate clau ses after iunen, if, as 50011 as, bejore,ajler, etc.

Two different se nte nce forrnations are po ssible.

Conjunction I Subordinate c1ause I Majn dause

When he gets heme, he's going to take a shower.

If it rains tomorrow, we'Il play inside, Pé
I 1

Main dause I Conjunction Subordinate clause

He's going to take a shower when he gets home.

We'll play inside íf it rains tomorrow.

Part 2: used to

Affirmative Negative Question Short answer Yes Short ans werNo

- - I
T/You/He, etc. l /Yau /He, etc. didn't use Did I/you /he, Ves, l/you /he, etc. No, l/you /he, etc.
used to work. to work. etc. use to work? did, didn't.

You can use used lo + infinit ive to talk about past habits (repeated actions in the past) or
past states. It describes things that w ere true in th e past, bu t are probably no t tru e now,
1used to go to schoo! by bus.
1didn'i use to clljoy English Iessons.
WhaJ kind of car did you use to llave?

.& It isn't po ssible to use used lo + infinitive to taJk about a single action in the pasto

You use the simple pa st,

One weekend, we went fo Dallas. (NOT Olle Cl'ce/eelld, 'iée' l/sed /(, ge lo DRI!RS.)

Part 1
1 Underline the mo st appropriate future formo
a) I've forgotten my dictionary. Don 't worry: I'lllend I 1 won't lend Y0l! m ine.
b) Ji you don't hurry up , yo u' lI be I you won't be in time for your train ,
e) Th is is el grcat gift. Dom willlove I Dom won't lo ve it!
d ) I think Anna will get I Anna won't get the jobo Shc 's the bes t pe rso n for it.
e) We've got a problcm with the caro We'll arrive I We won't arrive before 11:00 p.m.
f) They'll pla y I They won't play outsidc jf the weathe r is bad .

2 Write the correct form of the ve rb in parentheses.

a) As soon as the class (Iinish) [inisnes, Sue's going to buy a lottcry ticket.
b) Terry w ill get married wh en he (mcct ) _ _ the right wo man,
c) As soon as Rob (get hem e) _ _ this evening, hc 's goi ng to do his horn ework.
d ) If it (rain) _ _ tomorrow, jenny w ill p roba bly drive to clas s,
e) lf Dan a (go) _ _ abro ad this su mmer, shc' Il pr obablv go to England .
f) Torn will p robably get a we ll-paid job when he (finish) _ _ collegc,

Work with a partner, Replace the names w íth names of people in the class. How many

true staternen ts can you make?

-~ -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- _ ._ - - - - -
Part 2
1 Complete the con versation with the affirmative, negative, an d question
forms of used too
A: What (1 your dad do) did YOllr dad ll se i o do before he left h is job?
13: He (2 be) _ _ a corporate law yer, He w orked in Chi cago fOI a

big compa ny.

A: (3 he enjoy) _ _ his job?

13: Well, he (4 sal') _ _ he found it a little bit bori ng. And he (5 not like) _ _

traveling to Chicago every day. You know, he (6 lea ve) _ _ the hou se

at 6:00 eve ry morn ing and he (7 no t arrive) _ _ home before 7:30 p. m .

I rernember he (8 get) _ _ verl' tired .

A: (9 yo ur dad earn ) _ _ a lot of m oney?

13: Oh , 1 gu ess he d id . We (10 ha v e) _ _ rcally nice vacations in thc

Caribbean and we often (11 ea t ou t) _ _ in expcnsive restauran ts. Mone y

was nevcr a problem.

A: So w ha t happen ed ?
B: I d on 't know exactly. He alwa ys (12 tell) _ _ me he wanred to "smell

the flowers." So last year, he left the cornpan y and bought a srn a ll

org an ic fa r rn .

A: What's life on the Iar m like?

B: It's O K - a little b it bori ng, bu t Dad's really happy.

What job did you use to want to do when you were a child? Discuss with a partner,

2 Look at the following statemen ts. Where possible, replace the simple past verb fonns

with used to or didn 't use too

a) 1 was born in a hospi tal. e) 1 watched Ca rtoon N etwork on TV every day,

b) As él chil d, 1 lWeG used fa l iue in a small town, f) My pare nts gave me an allowance,

e) I sharcd a room wi th m)' brothe r / sister, g) We we nt to Disneyla nd once as a sp ecial treat.

d) 1 had él pe t mo use named [er ry. h) I did n 't en joy English lessons at school.

3 How many of the statements in Exercise 2 were true for you as a child? Rewrile the

sentences so that they are all true for you. Compare your sentences with your partner.

Defining relative cLauses. Unreal conditionaLs
Part 1: Defining relative clauses
r\ relati ve clause can define or identify the thi ng or person introd uced in the main cla use .
I comes immed iately after the person or th ing it is describing.
A. cheetah is al l animal that can run 1(}O k ilometers an hour.
The ~ toho does my hair is named Marcia.

The relative pronoun (tlwt, iohich, rullO) becomcs the subject of the verb in the relative dause.

You use thui (or whiell) for things, and toho (or thaf) for peop le.

subj ect verb

Peopte IIV7iO
- -come
- fro m Río de [ aniero arecalled Cariocas.
subject verb
A diner is a pince that I¡serves If ood.

Part 2: Unreal conditionals

You can use a cond itional sen tence to talk about a present (or future) situation that is imaginary

Ufnot probable. The se sentences are usually called "un real conditionals ."

They have two clau scs: an if-clause and a ma in clause,

To show tha t a present (or fu turo) situation is im aginary, you use a pa st ten se.

Real situation Imaginary situation

1 am not an a nimal. If 1 was/were an animal, . ..

J live in an apartment. lf 1 lived in an iglo o, . ..

Note: lII/lle/she/if u/ere is more form a l tha n if 1/1lc/she/it w aS. You always u se roerc in the fixed

expression ~f 1 toere YOII , . . .

M ain clause

You usually use <vol/Id + infinitive in the main clause.

-~ -- -

Aff irmative Negative Question Short answer Yes Short ans wer No
, .­
I/Yo u/He, etc. 'd l/ You / He, etc. wouId n't Woul d I / you /he, Yes, l/you /he, etc. No, I/you /he, etc.
(w ou ld ) w ork. (w ould n ot) work. etc. work? would . wouI d n't.

if-cla use
If 1 had $1 rnillion,
If 1 could live an ywhere,

U í 11 Exercises
Part 1
1 Complete these q uotations b y inserting w ho or that in the corred position. In each case,
the relative clause describes the underlined word,
a) A eam el is a horse tha! has been d es igned by a com mi ttee. (Alee lssigonis - de signer
of thc Mini )
b) Everybody knows how to ra ise ehil dren - exeept the peorle have them. (EJ. Q' Rourke­
US h um orist )
e) How can yo u govern a eoun trv ha s 246 va riet ies of chccse? (Charles d e Ga ulle - French
d ) CA o n, get out! Last words are for fools haven't sai d enou gh, (Ka rl Marx, on his d eathb ed )
e) Life is something happcns when you can' t get to sleep. (Fra n Lebowi tz - US humo rist)
f) A ba nk is a place will lcnd you money if you can prove yo u do n't nee d it. (Bob H ope ­
US h u morist)
g) Women wa n t to be eq ual w ith men don 't na ve am bition, (Timothy Lear y - US philosopher )
h ) Peop le get nos talgie abou t ch íld hood were obv iou sly never child ren. (Bill Watterson ­
US humorist)

Which quotation do you Iike b es t? Discuss with a partner.

2 Write sentences that define the underlined words, Use the infonnation in parentheses.
a) Most of the peorle speak perfect English. (They work w ith m e .)
Most of the people who ioork witll lile speak: perject fI¡glislt.
b) Peop le make me angry. (They eom p lain al! the time.)

e) l'v e met lots of people. (They hav e the sarne name as rne.)

d ) We sho uld ban cars, (They use too mu eh gas.)

e) l thi n k dic tionaries are use less , (They do n't give good exarn p les .)

f) The fam ilv has a do g and a cal. (They live nex t d oor.)

Are any of these sentences true for you?

Part 2
1 Complete the sentences with the corred verb forms to describe
imaginary situations.
a) lf I (can ) could sing, 1 (join) 'd join a rock band o
b) If 1 (w in) _ _ the lot tery, 1 (give) _ _ h alf the mone)'
lo ch ari ty,
e) If 1 (be) _ _ more organized, 1 (not be) _ _ late for
cve ry thi ng.
d ) If 1 (have) _ _ m ore time, 1 (read) _ _ mo re.
e) lf 1 (not work) _ _ so hard , 1 (no t be) _ _ so tired .
f) If 1 (lose) _ _ my job , [ (have to) _ _ sell my caro

Which senten ces are true for you? Compare with a partner.

2 Complete at least fiv e of these sentences in an appropriate way.

a) If 1 mel Brad Pitt, o • •

b) If 1 could orde r any food 1 wanted, oo .

c) If 1 saw a lion, . ..
d ) Jf 1 had él Ferrari. oo .

e) If 1 didn' t hav c to wo rk, .. .

f) If 1 could sp eak Eng lish perfectly, ' oo

g) If there were tw en ty-five hours in the da y, oo .

h) If money wa s no problem, ...

i) If 1 eould fly, ...
j) If tod ay w as t he las t day of m y life, oo .

Compare your sentences with your partner,

14 7
Past perfect. Passives
Part 1: Past perfect
- - - - ,---­ - - - _ .. - -
Affirmative Negative Question Short answer Yes Short an swer N o

I/ You/ He, etc. 'd I/ You/He, etc. hadrr't Had l/you / he, Yes, 1/ yo u / he , etc. No, I/you / he, etc.
(h ad ) worked. (h ad not) worked. etc. worked? had o had n' t.

See the list of irreg ular verbs on page 159.

You use thc pa st perfect w hen you are talkín g about the past and you want to refer to
an earlier pa st time. The past perfect clearly shows th at one pa st eve nt happened carlier
than othcr pa st eve nts,

I'd had breakfast when I got to work th is morning.

/ '\..
Earlier past

Part 2: Passives
In pa ssive sentences, the object oí the active verb bccornes the subject of the pa ssive verbo
Active Passive
sub ject verb object su b ject "erb
~!~~.J:. od )~ Ib uílt j lthe first lee Hotelj in 1990. IThe first Ice H otell lw as built I in 1990.
You can use passive verbs to ta lk about actions when ít doesn' t mattcr (or you don't know)
who p erform ed th ern ,
!vIy s/lOes w ere designed in Italy.
All ilie[urniiure is tnade of ice.

Affirmative Negative Question Short answer Yes Short answer No

.. . ­-..
.~. _. -_

They 're made in They aren't made in Are they made in Yes, they are. N o, they aren/t.
China . Ch ina . Ch ina?
It was built heteo It wasn' t bu ilt here. Was it built here? Yes, it was . No, it wasn't.
:. ¡ Exercises
Part 1
1 Read this story about reincarnation. Choose the correct tense - simple past or
past perfect - for the verbs (1-12).

Jenny Cockell was surc that she (1) lived / had lived befare. She often
drearned about Mary Surtan, a young Irish woman w ho (2) died / ~ad
died more than twenty years before jenny was horn oJcnny thought
thar her dreams (3) were / had been real memories andthat 5li'c ' .'
(4) was / had ,b ee n Mary in a previo ús lite.
Tn her drearns, she saw the house in Ireland ' Maryand
her family (5) lived / had lived. As her visions c ~lIltinlled ami
becamc n~ore detailed, J(~11l1Y (6) ,re ali ze d' / had realized that
Mary (7) <Ued / had died in 1930 and that her children could stíll
be alíve, Shc decided to travel toIreland and Find out. . -" =--:~.-".,
In Ireland, jenny quickly fOl,U,ld the housethat shc (8) saw / liad ,
seen in her dreams. Then, after 'u fcw more investigations, she managed
to contact Mary Surton's oldest. son, Sonny. Tt was an emotíonal day whcn
Jenny (9) met I had met the son who shc (10) didn't see / hadn't seen
for fift)' ycars. "1 talked to hím about our family life together. 1
(11) reminded I had rcminded him uf the day when he had caught a
rabbit, There' were lots of other rnemories, and they convinced hím thar I
(12) was / had been his mother in a prevíous lile."
Jenny Cockell has written thc srory of her extraordinary past lite
cxpcriences in él book entitled Yesterday's Cbildren ,

2 Did Sonny think that Jenny was his mother? What do you think?

Part 2
1 Write passive sentences with the verbs in parentheses.
a) This school (open) _ _ in the 1990s. d) Our classroom (paint) _ _ recently.
This school toas opened in the 19905. e) My name (pronounce) _ _ differently in English.
b) My cal' (park) _ _ outside my house every da y, f) My watch (rnake) _ _ in Switzerland.
e) My house (clean) _ _ onee a week.

Check (.1) the sentences that are true for you,

2 Write questions to ask your partner with the sentences in Exercise 1.

a) Was ihis school opened in the 19905?

Ask your partner the questions,

3 Complete the infonnation about Burj al Arab. Choose

the correct passive structures for the verbs in parentheses.
The worlds tallest hotel (1 call) is called Burj al Arab 01'
"Tower of the Arabs." lt (2 build) _ _ on an artificial
island and (3 conn ect) _ _ to th e mainland at
[urneirah, Dubai, by a prí va te bri d ge. Bu ild in g work
(4 start) _ _ in 1994 and (5 complete) _ _ three years
later, Th e hote l (6 design) _ _ to look Jike the sail of
an Arab sal ling ship. Burj al Arab (7 consid er) _ _ to
be the world 's only scven-star hotel and has beeomc an
iconic structu re sym b oliz ing rnod ern Dubai,


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