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Table of Contents

What Causes Belly Fat?

Fighting Belly Fat With Nutrition

Fighting Belly Fat With Exercise

Lifestyle Tips To Help Fight Belly Fat

Fighting Belly Fat With Herbs & Spices

Fighting Belly Fat With Supplements

Bonus: Waist-Slimming Secrets From Around the World


In an increasingly busy world, people are finding they have less and less time to

focus on getting to and maintaining their ideal body weight, but so many people

don’t real-ize that the secret is making small and manageable changes throughout

different ar-eas of their Iives.

Over 70 percent of adults in America are overweight, and almost 40 percent are

obese (1). This truly is a modern epidemic, as worldwide obesity has more than

doubled since 1980 (25). However, obesity is entirely preventable (3) and we can

all work to-wards building a healthier lifestyle for ourselves and our families to

avoid some of the issues associated with this health condition.

Obesity increases your risk for numerous conditions including heart disease,

stroke, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer (2). Sadly, about

3.4 million adults die each year from being overweight or obese (3). Additionally,

nearly all peo-ple who are overweight already have “pre-diabetes” and have a

significantly increased risk of disease and death. Many simply just don’t know it.


Belly fat cannot be specifically targeted and reduced by itself. When losing excess

weight, you have to work on reducing your weight overall. If you do this, you’ll see

the weight that has gathered around your belly will reduce too.

This ebook will provide you with information covering everything from root causes

of weight gain and belly fat, to how to tackle the problem from a variety of angles

such as nutrition and exercise, and even what some of the best herbs and spices

are to add
to your diet. These tips have been handpicked by our team of health experts, so

you’ll know you’re getting some of the best advice out there on losing belly fat for



Belly fat cannot be specifically targeted and reduced by itself. When losing excess

weight, you have to work on reducing your weight overall. If you do this, you’ll see

the weight that has gathered around your belly will reduce too.

This ebook will provide you with information covering everything from root causes

of weight gain and belly fat, to how to tackle the problem from a variety of angles

such as nutrition and exercise, and even what some of the best herbs and spices

are to add to your diet. These tips have been handpicked by our team of health

experts, so you’ll know you’re getting some of the best advice out there on losing

belly fat for good.

What Causes Belly Fat?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a person becoming

overweight and developing any of the associated conditions that come with

obesity. We will go into each of these in more depth throughout this ebook, but to

start, we’ll take a look at a couple of causes of belly fat that many people

overlook or don’t think about.

You could have a great exercise routine and eat the best, most healthy foods,

but unless you also target some of these root causes, you could find your

progress slowing down, or even coming to a complete halt.


Chronic stress has become an epidemic in our society, and it’s wreaking havoc on

your body. In today’s world, faster is better, and we attempt to pack increasingly

more obli-gations into our ever-expanding schedules which puts us all under a lot

of pressure.

One meta-analysis involving 300 studies, found that chronic stress could cause

dam-age to your immune system (4) and if that wasn’t enough, a study in the

journal ‘Ap-petite’ found stressed-out women had a significantly higher waist

circumference compared to non-stressed women (5). That’s right, stress makes

you fat - particularly around the belly!

When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release hormones like adrenaline and

cor-tisol that flood your system, raising your heart rate, increasing your blood

pressure, and even belly fat storage (6). This is because deep abdominal fat

contains four times the cortisol receptors than fat under the skin (26) so high levels

of cortisol in the blood not only increases fat accumulation in this area, but also has

an enlarging effect effect on the fat cells themselves (27).

Cortisol also signals for more glucose to be released into the bloodstream, and

when this isn’t used up by the body, it gets stored as fat (28). Finally, when cortisol

is coupled with sugar, your insulin levels increase. This leads to increased

inflammation which makes you feel lousy, and the sugary foods many people might

turn to as a ‘pick me up’ increase cortisol and adrenalin, starting the vicious cycle

all over again!


You should try and tackle the stress head on if you want to start fighting you belly

fat and the best way to start is by making sure you eat properly - the right diet can

do won-ders to reduce the impact of stress on your life. When you eat whole, real

foods, you restore balance to insulin, cortisol, and other hormones, as well as the

blood’s sugar levels. Helping to reduce stress’ damaging impact.

If you find that you still have the odd stressful day, there are a number of

techniques you can use to cope effectively with the stress you’re under and help

tackle what could be at the root of your weight issues. Here are some top stress-

busting tips:

1. Address the underlying biological causes of stress.

Mercury toxicity, deficiencies in magnesium and vitamin B12, as well as gluten

allergies, could all be changing your brain’s chemistry and leading to issues

with stress. If you suspect a nutrient deficiency or imbalance, speak to a doctor

or Naturopath about getting tested.

2. Actively Relax. Engage the powerful forces of the mind on the body, by actively

do-ing something relaxing. Whether that means deep breathing or a simple

leisurely walk, find active relaxation that works for you and do it. Sitting in front of

the televi-sion doesn’t count! You should be actively doing something to relax.

3. Move your body. Exercise is a powerful, well-studied way to combat stress and

heal the mind. Studies suggest exercise works better than or equal to Prozac for

treating depression (7).

4. Sleep. Lack of sleep increases stress hormones, in particular cortisol which pro-

motes weight gain. Get your eight hours no matter what!


Numerous hormones contribute to belly fat, but none proves more powerful than

insulin your fat storage hormone. High levels of insulin tell your body to gain

weight around the belly, and you become more apple-shaped over time. Should

you become insulin resistant, your body not only generates, but holds onto that

belly fat.

However, high insulin levels don’t just exist in a vacuum. They influence other hor-

mones like leptin, your satiety hormone. When insulin blocks leptin, your body

thinks it is still hungry even after a big meal. Ever experienced this after eating a

carb-heavy meal like pizza or pasta?

Should you develop a fatty liver, this will generate more inflammation and anything

that causes inflammation will worsen insulin resistance. Once more, you can

quickly fall into a negative cycle!

More than any other food, sugar is responsible for hijacking your brain chemistry

and metabolism to create insulin resistance and all its repercussions. Shockingly,

the aver-age American overdoses twenty-two to thirty teaspoons of sugar per day


Shut down the insulin surges and you’ll arrest belly fat storage and cravings.
Fighting Belly Fat
With Nutrition

Everyone is familiar with the old saying “you are what you eat!” and this couldn’t

be truer when it comes to achieving and maintaining your ideal weight! Diet is

going to be one of your most important weapons in the fight against belly fat - you

can lose weight through dieting alone. Experts estimate that around 80 to 90

percent of the success or failure of your fat loss will be attributed to your food

intake (10).

However, diet shouldn’t translate as “stopping certain foods altogether”, rather, you

should think about diet as your attitude towards food. Changing the kinds of food

you eat as well as the frequency you eat them, and your portion sizes!

Getting a balance of a range of different food groups remains the most important

thing. You don’t want to make your body deficient in a particular nutrient, and you

want your new food intake to be sustainable over an extended period of time -

avoid crazy diets that only allow you to eat/drink a very limited thing! That way,

you ensure that you’ll not only lose weight but go on to build a healthy body,

fueling it with the right levels of nutrition for a long period of time.

1. Adequacy – The amount of food you eat should match your activity level during

the day.

2. Balance – Avoid only eating one particular type of food. Aim for a balance

across the different food groups.

3. Nutrient Density – Consume more foods that are nutrient-dense, while

decreas-ing your consumption of high energy-dense, low nutrient-dense foods.

4. Moderation – Moderating your portion sizes will help you to manage your

weight better as well as reducing your consumption of foods high in sugar and


5. Variety – Variety is the spice of life, the same motto goes for weight loss! Don’t

get stuck eating the same meals or your weight-loss journey will suddenly seem

much harder, and more boring.


The first rule is to simply eat real, whole foods that were grown from the ground or

a tree. Processed foods (any food that comes in a box) is often low in nutrition,

fibre, and high in sugar, salt, additives and preservatives. They don’t fill you up

and lead to more cravings and overeating! What’s more, don’t fall for marketing

gimmicks like “low fat” and “made with whole grains”. They often mean very little

and are pumped full of sugar.

Below are some examples of real, whole foods that are especially good for you

during the weight loss journey.


1. Avocado

When compared to other fruits like apples, avocados have a very low sugar

content which is great news for insulin levels. One thing they are rich in is

monounsaturated fat which is proven to give you an energy boost and keep your

metabolism going (14) making it a great pre-workout snack!

One study even found that people who eat half a fresh avocado decreased their

de-sire to eat by 40 percent for a few hours following it (13). They would certainly

make a great breakfast.

2. Berries

Eating berries is an excellent way to satisfy your sweet tooth without feeling guilty,

and in comparison to most other fruits, berries have a relatively low calorie and

sugar content (16). In general, fruit is a good source of dietary fiber when eaten

whole, leav-ing you feeling satiated and slowing down sugar absorption (17).

If you’re not sure how to get more berries into your diet, eat them as a snack, or

add them to smoothies or stirred through your morning oatmeal.

3. Apples and Pears

Pears and apples are two of only a handful of fruits that have low calories and high

fiber. Since they are a rich source of dietary fiber, apples and pears will make you

feel full without eating too much. Just be sure to eat the whole fruit, as juice alone

lacks the necessary dietary fiber needed to digest and process the sugars properly!

4. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is your new best friend when it comes to burning belly fat. It stimulates

the production of cholecystokinin, a known hunger suppressant (18). Additionally,

grape-fruit lowers insulin levels of the body, which prevents our body from storing

fat (19).

Again, you should always aim to eat the whole fruit as the flesh stores most of the

nu-trients and contains the fiber you need to digest the fruit’s sugars properly.

5. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato’s inherent natural sweetness makes it a very appealing ingredient for

a range of recipes. It is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory

nutrients that benefit our eyesight, heart and digestive system.

Compared to its close relative the potato, sweet potato has a lower Glycemic

Index which measures how fast it releases sugar into the bloodstream (20), so it

makes a great substitute! It’s another food that’s rich in dietary fiber steadying the

pace of di-gestion and giving enough time for the starches to be converted into

simple sugars in the digestive tract (21).

6. Chili Peppers

Chili peppers have one particular ingredient that suppresses appetite and burns

fat – capsaicin (29). Capsaicin is responsible for that burning sensation in our

mouth when we eat chili, but it also burns fat through a process called

thermogenesis (literally con-verting food into heat) for over 20 minutes after we eat

it (30).

7. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce are known for their rich

nutri-ent and fiber content while being low in carbohydrates and calories. Leafy

greens are one of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet because of their

low energy densi-ty (low calories), meaning you can eat more without much risk

of gaining weight, plus they help you feel fuller for longer (31).
8. Cruciferous Vegetables

Some of the notable characters in this group are arugula, broccoli, Bok choy,

collard greens, kale, daikon radish, watercress, radish, turnip, and mustard greens.

This vegetable family is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid (a crucial nutrient for

pregnant women), carotenoids, and fiber, while also being low in calories and fat.

Per one hundred calories you consume, you’ll get around 25 to 40 percent of your

daily dietary fiber requirement (32), this not only helps with weight loss but also

aids in im-proving our digestive health.


Beans and legumes are rare in that they combine high protein and fiber without the

saturated fat. This is what makes them ideal for moderating or losing weight

because protein and fiber go through the digestive system at a slower pace,

leaving you feeling fuller for longer, as well as helping to move along any foods that

might be stuck in your gastrointestinal tract.

The slower pace also helps regulate blood sugar balance, and beans lead to a

production of a hormone known to be an appetite suppressant (15).


1. Lean grass-fed beef and organic chicken

Adding lean (keyword) beef to your diet is one way to help you lose weight

because of its protein content. Studies have shown that by simply adding protein to

your diet, cravings can be reduced by up to 60 percent (33).

Chicken breast is another fantastic source of protein which makes it a staple of a

lot of weight loss diets. You should aim to grill meat wherever possible as frying it

will add to the calorie content.

2. Wild-caught salmon

Salmon is a rich source of nutrients that indirectly help in regulating weight. This

nu-trient-dense fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which boost brain function and

contrib-ute to improving mood. Omega-3 also helps reduce inflammation and aids

digestion - better digestion means better weight regulation, reducing your chances

of obesity and metabolic disease (34, 35).

New studies have also shown that salmon contains proteins and amino acids that

affect insulin effectiveness and the inflammation of the digestive tract (36).

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

If you love your salads, instead of using fatty or creamy dressings which can make

an otherwise healthy dish pretty unhealthy, try using an apple cider vinegar based

vinai-grette instead. Alternatively, you could drink it by diluting it in water.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid, which in one study was found to suppress

body fat accumulation (37) and, in others, linked to improving insulin sensitivity in

people who have type-2 diabetes (38).

2. Plain Greek Yogurt

This is a healthier alternative to traditional yogurt because it has less sodium,

sugar, and carbohydrates, but also has a little bit more protein (39). Yogurt, in

general, is also a rich source of probiotics, a major factor in our digestive health,

keeping bad bacteria in check. You can read more about the role of probiotics in

weight management in the supplements chapter of this eBook.

Be sure to choose plain unflavored and unsweetened Greek yogurt for the optimal

re-sults. You can add fruits to sweeten it up naturally or add it to a healthy

smoothie recipe.

3. Nuts

Generally speaking, nuts are a rich source of healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids),
pro-tein, and fiber, but not all nuts are created equal – almonds, cashews, and
pistachios contain the least amount of calories so should be your go-to nuts!

Almonds, in particular, are proven to help in weight loss, in one study a 3-ounce al-

mond supplement saw participants lose 7 percent more in terms of body weight

com-pared to the other group that had a supplement of complex carbohydrates


Macadamia and pecans contain the most calories so you should certainly try and

min-imize these in your weight-loss journey!

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a rich source of fatty acids - great for boosting brain function,

lowering blood cholesterol, and potentially helping reduce seizures in people who

suffer from epilepsy (41, 42, 43). Additionally, the high fatty acid content in coconut

oil is great for appetite suppression (44). Use it in place of your usual oil when

cooking foods - the taste usually isn’t very overpowering. Alternatively, add it to

your smoothies.

5. Chia Seeds

These seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus,

magne-sium, and protein. A total of 14 percent of chia seeds’ weight is protein.

Chia seeds can easily be mixed into juices, smoothies, cereal, veggies, or yogurt

to add a contrasting nutty flavor.

6. Matcha

Matcha literally means, ‘powdered tea’ and it’s a special form of green tea that is

usually grown in Japan. Unlike traditional green tea where the leaves are

discarded, you consume the entire chlorophyll-rich leaves that have been

handpicked, steamed, dried, and ground into a fine green powder.

Matcha contains EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) a very potent antioxidant. It

increas-es fat oxidation (fat burning) by 33 percent, as well as inhibiting fat cell

development (73).

7. Eat More Fiber

Fiber isn’t just super healthy for your heart and cholesterol; it’s also a tummy toner.

A recent study found that foods high in fiber could reduce visceral body fat - the fat

cells deep in the belly. Researchers say that for every 10-gram increase in soluble

fiber eat-en per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years (11).

Where can you get soluble fiber? Vegetables, fruit, and beans. Get them in your


1. Hold the Salt

Salt is an essential electrolyte, especially if you’re working out and sweating a lot,

but you need to avoid consuming too much of it, as this can lead to water

retention, which causes bloating.

Salt is a big culprit in packaged or processed foods, so check the nutrition facts

label for sodium levels, or do all of your cooking at home and carefully monitor the

salt you add to dishes, as well as opting for low-sodium ingredients.

2. Skip the Diet Soda

Any beverages with bubbles will make you bloat, but some research suggests that

diet sodas might lead to increased belly fat on top of the bloating! Studies found

that people who drank diet soda gained almost triple the abdominal fat over nine

years as those who didn’t drink diet soda (12).

3. Say “No” to Bread, Even Whole Wheat!

Most bread causes a spike in blood sugar followed by a crash, and all without any

real nutritional value. Wheat has been found to stimulate hunger (47). Additionally,

most store-bought breads contain hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, high

fructose corn syrup, and preservatives. Nothing you really want to be putting into

your body!

4. Avoid Refined Carbohydrates

Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Carbohydrates generally get a bad rap,

but they aren’t the problem, refined carbohydrates are. Refined carbohydrates are

pure sugar; they are completely stripped of their fiber leaving only simple
carbohydrates behind. This makes foods containing them addictive, and plenty of

emerging research is showing that refined carbs are the real culprit behind

metabolic damage (48).

Look out for them in breads, white pastas, and breakfast cereals, and avoid them

where possible.

5. Cut the Junk Out

This goes without saying, but the majority of junk foods really aren’t doing you any

fa-vors in the waistline department. In fact, one study showed that for some people

with metabolic disease, just one high-calorie milkshake was enough to make it

even worse, and in other people, relatively short periods of overeating could trigger

the beginnings of metabolic disease (51).

6. Steer Clear from Processed Foods

So many of the packaged foods we buy from stores have been processed in some

way or other. Even supposedly healthy foods, when made at such a large scale for

the masses, have to be processed in some way or other. This often means adding

lots of chemicals that can wreak havoc on our bodies.

One study from Georgia State University looked at the effects of preservatives on

mice. In only 12 weeks, mice that had been fed with emulsifiers (a common preser-

vative used to maintain food texture) ate more food, and gained more weight.

Those mice also become glucose intolerant, setting them up for diabetes and

metabolic syn-drome (50).

Flavor enhancing chemicals added to foods to make them more ‘satisfying’ can

also lead to overconsumption and even addiction to these foods (49).

This recipe combines three ingredients that each work wonders for
your body when it comes to weight management. By bringing them
together in this delicious drink that you, can replace your morning
coffee or drink it after meals to help aid digestion, and get the
waistline you deserve.

Mix these three ingredients with boiling The juice of one lemon
water and drink it first thing in the One tablespoon of raw honey
morning on an empty stomach, or prior One teaspoon of cinnamon
to large meals to increase stomach
acidity and aid proper digestion.

Lemons help minimize weight gain while also improving insulin resistance in the body.

They are high in pectin fiber, which helps keep you feeling full for longer, fighting hunger

pangs, and keep cravings at bay (52).

Raw Honey is a healthy alternative to sugar, and you can use it to sweeten foods and

bever-ages. However, make sure when you’re shopping for honey that you don’t

purchase pasteur-ized honey which is void of nutrition. Instead, opt for raw honey; it’s

beneficial enzymes and antimicrobial properties will still be intact!

Cinnamon can imitate the activity of insulin in the body, regulating blood sugar levels


These days, most people follow a “three meals plus snacks” daily eating pattern,

but this is somewhat of an anomaly when you think about it in terms of human


Before the development of agriculture 10,000 or so years ago, humans survived on

more irregular food intake due to their hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Fasting was a fact

of life in hunter-gatherer societies. Humans evolved to function well physically and

men-tally even amid fasting conditions.

Present-day scientists are exploring how intermittent fasting (consuming either 500

calories or less two days per week, or eating within a 6-8 hour period daily) may

yield benefits regarding lower chronic disease rates, reduction in neurological

disorders, improved weight management, and a slower rate of aging (53).

The times at which we eat appears to be an important factor in sustainable weight

management. Periodic energy restriction triggers the body to produce more

enzymes needed to burn fat for fuel, instead of producing glucose-metabolizing

enzymes (54). Essentially, over time, the energy metabolism of the body shifts to

burning fat as its primary fuel source instead of carbohydrates


There are a couple of fasting techniques which are pretty easy to make part of your

routine, and are sustainable over longer periods of time than some of the more ex-

treme fasting methods out there.

The first is taking a calorie restricted diet for two days out of seven in your week.

On those days you should eat no more than 500 calories and, as with all of your

eating, these calories should be made up of healthy, whole foods. You may be

surprised at how far these 500 calories can go.

The other method of fasting is to do all of your eating within a 6-8 hour period

every day. However, this version is perhaps a little less appealing for people with

busy sched-ules, or a family to feed!

Fasting has been practiced for several millennia by many different civilizations but

only recently have scientific studies on fasting been conducted. Evidence

continues to support the idea that the practice of periodic fasting may have various

health and weight-management benefits.

Fighting Belly Fat
With Exercise

Stomach fat can sometimes seem impossible to get rid of when you’re losing

weight. It always feels as though it is hanging on for dear life, even during the most

rigorous ex-ercises! When you first begin exercising, you’ll start to notice significant

changes with-in the first few months - slimmer face, more defined shoulders and a

less flabby back. But stomach fat can be stubborn!

The best tip you’ll get is to stay positive and keep at it! Do a combination of aerobic

workouts and ‘muscle’, or strength training workouts using weights, as similarly to

food, variety is vital when exercising. Many people are afraid that working out their

muscles might make them “bulky”, but in reality, building muscle can give the

appear-ance of being thinner, especially in the stomach area, and toning muscle

helps keep the body looking tight and firm.

Further to this, doing only cardio exercise is not a good plan for losing weight.

Spend-ing hours and hours on a treadmill is a real waste of your energy when

strength train-ing can get you results much more quickly. Plus, muscle burns more

calories than fat (55). What this means, is that even as you sleep, simply having a

more muscular body will mean you’re burning more calories.

All of this doesn’t mean you have to take out an expensive gym membership,

though. There are plenty of exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home,

with no need for any equipment!


The following exercises not only burn fat but can help tone muscle too, which is

really important for sculpting your ideal body.


The crunch is so simple to do and still proves to be more effective than most of the

fancy ab workout devices or DVDs being sold to people these days.

To start off, lay on your back with your knees up and your feet flat on the ground.

For an extra challenge, you can have the bottoms of your feet facing each other

with your knees out to the side (as shown in the picture above), but if you are just

starting out, stick to keeping your feet flat on the ground.

While laying flat on your back, flex your ab muscles and lift the upper half of your

torso as high off of the ground as possible, keeping a straight back. Hold this

position for one full second and slowly lower yourself back down to the ground. It

should take three seconds in total to complete one repetition, one second going up,

holding for one sec-ond, and one second going down. Perform at least ten

repetitions per set.

Your hand position in this exercise isn’t that important, as long as you are feeling

ten-sion in your abs. You can have your arms at your sides, or you can cross them

over your chest or cup your ears for an extra challenge, just don’t “pull” your head

up with your hands!


The plank is unique because it is an isometric exercise, which means that it is an

exer-cise where you are not moving or performing repetitions. Several studies

have found isometric exercises to be as effective as they are because they raise

the temperature of deep muscle tissue (56).

To make sure you’re getting the most out of your plank, place your elbows under

the shoulders, and hold your core tight like you’re bracing for a punch. Be sure

your body is in a straight line from the back of your head to your heels - don’t let

your hips or shoulders drop! Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, increasing your

time as you progress over the weeks.

To add some variation to this exercise, go on one elbow and turn your body to the

side, keeping your hips facing the ground. This will work out your obliques (what

most people refer to as love handles) and will tone the side of your belly as well
as the front. If you want to add this variation, dedicate 10 seconds of your 30-

second plank to each side, with the remaining 10 seconds being spent on the

original position. overexerting your body can have a negative effect on your fat


loss goals. This is one of the more complicated moves, but it’s a great combination

of cardio and muscle building.

Lie on your back with your hands cupping the back of your head. Flexing your abs,

bring your left knee up and twist your torso forwards and across so that the knee

touches your right elbow, and then alternate with your right knee touching your left

el-bow. Your legs should look like they are performing a cycling motion, similar to

riding a bike.

Once you have done both sides, count one rep, and aim to complete 10-15 reps.


Perform all of these exercises consecutively, at around 30 seconds each,

which should take 90 seconds in total. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat at least five

or six more times, or until you can’t do the exercises with correct form any longer.

Don’t be discouraged if you need to take longer rest periods after the first cycle or

two, a 30 second rest period is just a recommendation, and you can take up to a

minute long break depending on your fitness level. Remember, you want to push

yourself, but overexerting your body can have a negative effect on your fat loss
goals. Overexerting your body can have a negative effect on your fat loss goals.

Over time, work to reduce your resting periods.

This routine can take as little as 10 minutes. This may seem too short to provide

any noticeable improvements; however, it is a high-intensity exercise, which many

studies have proven to be more effective at burning fat than long, drawn out

endurance exercises.


If crunches aren’t cutting it, Pilates will certainly up your tummy toning game. Sit-

ups and crunches only target the outermost ab muscles, the rectus abdominis.

Whereas Pilates moves work the external obliques, erector spinae, and the

transversus abdomi-nis. That last muscle is what keeps the stomach in tight.

By working muscles that are deep down in the body, you will start to notice

improved core strength as well as tighter-looking muscles. A strong transversus will

act kind of like a corset, helping protect against back pain, but also making your

stomach appear leaner and flatter. No amount of crunches can do that (23)!

Most gyms will have classes available, and they are well worth attending. Even if

you feel slightly shy at first, being in a fitness class environment can have really

positive effects on your workout, as you push yourself further than you might alone

and start to feel part of a community of people with a shared goal.

Lifestyle Tips To Help
Fight Belly Fat

You can do yourself a lot of favors when it comes to melting away belly fat by

getting yourself into healthy habits on a day-to-day basis. There are lots of things

that many of us do, often without even realizing how they impact on our health or

weight, which are easy to avoid. As soon as you address these issues, and get into

better habits, your waistline will start to take care of itself. Eating and exercising

properly on top will then super-charge your weight loss!

Here are some top tips for the little changes you can make to your lifestyle that will

show great results when paired with diet and exercise.


If you get five or fewer hours of shut-eye a night, that can cause real issues for

your waistline. It raises the risk of weight gain by 32 percent, according to

researchers (57). Another study found that when you don’t get eight hours of

sleep, you consume more than 300 extra calories a day, mostly from fatty foods

(58). A lack of sleep causes a hormone response that stimulates hunger,

specifically for sugar and carbs (58)!

Create a sleeping schedule, and stick to it! Meditate before bed, avoid caffeine in

the afternoon or evening, and switch off all screens at least an hour before bed to

help you relax into a deep, undisturbed sleep, getting the most out of your



You might not think posture has much to do with belly fat, but you’d be completely

wrong. A study found that good posture could actually make you look five pounds

slimmer (59). Why? When you’re hunched over, muscles in the stomach and

lower back slacken and become weak. Simply sitting and standing straight

engages the core and keeps you looking slim.

Do All Your Own Cooking

By cooking your own meals, rather than getting frozen dinners or eating out, you

can be sure of what’s going into them. Getting adequate vitamins and minerals

from unprocessed and natural foods, helps you burn calories more efficiently,
regulates appe-tite, lowers inflammation, boosts detoxification, aids digestion,

regulates stress hor-mones, and helps your cells become more insulin sensitive.

Along with lots of green vegetables, include protein in every meal since studies

show it keeps you fuller longer, so you lose more weight as you’re less tempted by

snacks, etc. throughout your day (60).


Chronic stress causes your brain to shrink and your belly to grow. Chronically

elevat-ed levels of your stress hormone cortisol cause increased blood sugar and

cholesterol, depression, dementia, and promote the accumulation of belly fat

commonly seen in patients with insulin resistance or diabetes (61).


Low grade allergies and intolerances are pretty common in adults and could be at

the root of a range of issues including bloating, weight gain, constipation, and

even IBS from an overworked immune system. Inflammation is one of the biggest

causes of weight gain and disease in America (24) and as many as 30 percent of

Americans may have a non-celiac gluten intolerance (24).

We often crave the very foods we are allergic to and getting off them is not always

that easy! However, if you make an effort to identify and stay away from foods you

may have a sensitivity to, you’ll come away with renewed energy, relief from
cravings and symptoms, and may begin to shed belly fat.

Gluten and dairy are two common food intolerances so are always a good place

to start, however many others can create roadblocks that make losing belly fat

nearly impossible.


A nice glass of red wine with a meal, or a cold beer on a hot day are some of the

sweet pleasures of life. However, as a daily habit, alcohol can do more harm than

you may realize, especially if you have diabetes or if you struggle with weight


Consider this: If you drink two glasses of wine a day, over a year you will

consume enough calories to add an extra 20 pounds! Stop for six weeks and see

how you feel. If you want to, you can then enjoy one to three glasses of wine a

week. (A “glass” is 5 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, or 12 ounces

of beer.)
Fighting Belly Fat With Herbs &

Once you make a choice to lose weight and improve your health, you will likely

think about natural ways to make your journey a little bit easier. This will ensure

you’ll reach your goal in the healthiest manner possible, and if you treat your body

right, it will treat you right!

This is where herbs come in. Certain cultures have been using herbs for thousands

of years as medication or as a supplement to help with a whole range of things

from stim-ulating metabolism to reducing appetite.

Which herbs out there offer the best weight-loss results for the body? Here’s a look

at some favorites and the ways they can help you. You can use these herbs to

make tea, add them to recipes or take them in supplement form. If you wish to take

them as a supplement, you can get them from a health food store, the

recommended dosage is typically on the bottle.

1. Gurmar Leaves (gymnema sylvestra)

This herb has a long history of use in treating obesity in Ayurvedic medicine. It

works as a diuretic to flush out excess water and toxins and also removes toxins

with its as-tringent effects. Gurmar leaves work as a digestive stimulant and can

even temporari-ly block your ability to taste sweetness, helping you to combat your

sweet tooth (62).

2. Ginseng

Most people are familiar with ginseng because it is one of the most commonly

used herbs throughout the world and has gained a lot of popularity of late for its

energy-in-creasing properties. However, it can be very beneficial when trying to

lose weight. Ginseng has been studied in the Journal of Diabetes and shown to

boost energy levels, speed metabolism, and increase weight loss and insulin

sensitivity (63). This is be-cause it acts as a stimulant and a thermogenic.

3. Oregano

Oregano is an antioxidant powerhouse and is also an effective weight loss

herb. It helps to keep your digestive system healthy and working as it should,

and helps to flush excess waste out of the body, as well as increase serotonin

levels (64).

All of these come together to promote weight loss and prevent issues like bloating

and constipation. The increased serotonin levels will improve your mood, reducing
the risk of emotional eating. Increasing serotonin may also be beneficial in

reducing your appetite overall.

4. Sage

Sage is a very popular herb for use in cooking because it works in so many

different dishes. Sage is effective in lowering blood sugar levels, decreasing blood

pressure and reducing anxiety (65, 66). Since all of these issues can lead to

weight gain, sage not only promotes weight loss, but it promotes good overall

health too.

Sage’s stress-busting effects will also help to keep your cortisol levels healthy.

High cortisol levels lead to weight gain – mostly around the abdominal area – so it
is important to keep this hormone in check to be at a healthy weight.

5. Peppermint

Peppermint is very popular for alleviating nausea and other minor digestive com-

plaints, but it can also support weight loss. It helps to regulate your digestive

system and flush out excess waste and water, as well as helping to suppress your

appetite (67).

6. Guggul

Guggul is an herb that many people are not familiar with because of how old it is.

However, there are modern studies that support the claims that this herb is

beneficial in improving the health of your thyroid and ensuring that your metabolism

is func-tioning at an optimal rate (68). It does this without any stimulant effects, so

is ideal for those who need a metabolism boost, but cannot tolerate stimulants.

7. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is becoming more popular in recent years for its cleansing effects. It is

par-ticularly useful for cleansing and detoxifying the liver so that this organ can

function at an optimal level (69). When your liver is not burdened with excessive

toxins, it can focus on keeping your metabolism revved up so that you can burn

calories and lose weight.

8. Dandelion Root

Most people see dandelion as a pesky weed that muddles their lawn, but it is also

a very effective cleanser, helping to flush toxins and excess waste from your body,

pro-moting weight loss. It also regulates the blood sugar, reduces inflammation,

and alka-lizes the body (70, 71). All parts of this weed are edible and produce
these beneficial effects, plus the flower heads make an excellent talking point
when you serve them in a salad for dinner guests!

9. Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is a very popular herb, and many people replace their morning coffee

with it, thanks to its stimulant properties. It gives you energy and increases your

metabolism, as well as being full of different antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and

amino ac-ids (72)

10. Cinnamon

A much-loved spice, cinnamon is great for regulating blood sugar levels. According

to the research done at Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, cinnamon

signifi-cantly reduced blood sugar levels, as well as triglycerides, and LDL levels

(bad choles-terol) in people with Type 2 Diabetes (74).

11. Cayenne Pepper

More and more supplements are utilizing cayenne in their formulas and for good

reason cayenne is a great source of Vitamins A, B & C. Cayenne also contains

capsaicin which is what gives pepper its heat, and it has been found to aid the

body in digesting and utilizing proteins, as well as promoting weight loss through a

process called ther-mogenesis (30).

According to the American Chemical Society, cayenne has also been found to

shrink fat tissue and lower blood fat levels (75). Further, cayenne promotes the

production of anti-inflammatory compounds that start to coat the gut, helping you to

heal internally, which is great if you suffer from digestive issues (76).

12. Cumin

A study revealed how cumin could drastically increase weight-loss by studying two

groups of people on the same calorie-reduced diet, but giving three grams of

cumin daily to one of those groups.

After three months, the cumin group members lost on average almost 50 percent

more weight than the control group and decreased their body fat percentage by

three times the control group’s loss. This may be down to its heat, which could

temporarily increase metabolic rate (77).

Modern research also shows that cumin may stimulate the secretion of pancreatic

enzymes, acids, and bile necessary for proper digestion. It also relieves gas and

offers relief for IBS symptoms (78).

Fighting Belly Fat With

Both human and animal studies have found that normal-weight people have

different gut bacteria to overweight or obese people. Take advantage of this fact

by getting re-storing balance to the bacteria in your gut, and get it looking more

like a healthy person’s gut.


Your digestive system has thousands of different microorganisms living in it. The

majority of these are bacteria, most of which are friendly and produce several

important nutrients, vital for healthy gut function, and breaking down fiber that the

body can’t digest by itself.

The two main families of good bacteria in the gut are Bacteroidetes and

Firmicutes, and body weight seems to be related to the balance of these two (88).

Animal studies revealed that when the gut bacteria from obese mice were

transplanted into lean mice, the lean mice grew fat (87).

Consider Taking Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that have multiple health benefits when eaten.

They can be found in both supplements and fermented foods such as sauerkraut

and kimchi. Several studies suggest that probiotics can help you lose weight and

belly fat.

It is thought that certain probiotics may inhibit the absorption of dietary fat,

increas-ing the amount of fat excreted in feces (89). In other words, they make


“harvest” fewer calories from the foods in your diet. Probiotics may also fight

obesity in other ways such as helping the release of the satiety (appetite-

reducing) hormone GLP-1. Increased levels of this hormone may help you burn

calories and fat (90)

Lactobacillus Gasseri

Of all the probiotic bacteria studied to date, Lactobacillus Gasseri shows the most

promising effects on weight loss. One study followed 210 overweight people and

found that taking Lactobacillus Gasseri for 12 weeks reduced body weight, fat

around organs, BMI, waist size, and hip circumference. What’s more, belly fat

decreased by 8.5 percent. However, when participants stopped taking the

probiotic, they gained back all of the belly fat within a month (91).

Where Can I Get Probiotics?

Many probiotics are available to buy online or in health food stores, but you

should always be sure that you are purchasing from trusted sources. A good

starting point is taking one capsule with 10 billion CFU (colony forming units) per

day with a meal. Over time, you can increase the dosage to upwards of 100 billion

if you wish. It is im-possible to overdose on probiotics, however your body will let

you know (you may experience more gas and bloating) if a certain dosage is too

much for your individual needs.


5-HTP is supplement and a byproduct of the protein L-tryptophan. It is usually

pro-duced using the seeds of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia. Studies into

its ef-fect on hunger and food cravings in 19 obese women between the ages of

30 and 40, revealed that consumption of 5-HTP resulted in a decreased intake of

food from the subjects. This lead researchers to believe that it was able to

increase satiety and re-duce hunger cravings (92).

Bonus: Waist-Slimming Secrets
From Around the World

Why is it that populations from specific geographical locations around the world

thrive in terms of health and wellness while others do so poorly? Could it be the

common diets in each of those countries - generations of people brought up eating

a particularly healthy ingredient as a key component of meals? Or perhaps it’s to

do with their atti-tude towards mealtimes or food in general?

Here are seven of the best food-secrets from across the globe that might just make

you reconsider your relationship with food, or branch out and try something exotic!
1. Thailand

Thai food is among the spiciest in the world. Past research suggested that spicing

food with chilies can lower blood pressure, reduce blood cholesterol, and ease the

tendency for dangerous blood clots to form (79).

Hot peppers can raise your metabolism, and spicing up your daily diet with some

pep-pers can also curb appetite, especially for those who don’t normally eat the

popular spice, according to research from Purdue University, Indiana (80).

The real benefit of food with a little zing is that it slows your eating right down

because you’re having to deal with the spice. If you eat too quickly, by the time

your body sig-nals that it’s full, you’ve overeaten. Eating slower is a good weight-

loss strategy, and making your food spicier is an easy way to do it!

2. Malaysia

Turmeric is commonly used in Malay cooking. This spice, a key ingredient in

curries, grows wild in Malaysian jungles, and one of its chief components is a

substance called curcumin (81). This is a potent fat fighter and outperforms

pharmaceuticals without side effects (82).

3. Switzerland

The Swiss love their muesli. Muesli is a porridge or cereal made from oats, fruit,

and nuts, all of which have been linked to better health and weight control. It was

devel-oped by a Swiss physician more than a hundred years ago to nourish

hospital patients, but the Swiss eat it for breakfast or as a light evening dish.

Why is it good for your waistline? The fiber in muesli makes it slow to digest,

keeping you feeling full longer, as well as helping keep things moving through your

bowels. Read the label carefully, though: sugar content can vary from 2 to 14

grams per serving!

4. France

The French excel at the leisurely family meal. On average, 92 percent of French

fami-lies dine together nightly, compared with just 28 percent of American

households (84). The French diet is full of flavor and high in satisfaction. They don’t

believe in low-fat, low-carb, low-taste, or low-calorie, but they do believe in

enjoying their food, taking the time to eat at the table, knowing when to stop eating,

and educating their children about food (83).

“For the French, eating is the event of the day,” says Fred Pescatore, MD,

president of the International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists. “For

us, it’s some-thing we do before heading out to do something else.”

Lengthy meals encourage less eating, and conversation slows down the eating

pro-cess, giving you time to realize when you’re full.

5. Hungary

Hungarians like pickled foods and these tart treats can help keep you thin because

they enhance digestion through the power of fermentation.

Growing evidence suggests that acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, and

something these pickled foods are packed with, helps reduce blood pressure,

blood sugar levels, and the formation of fat (37). Pickles not really your thing?

Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar and reap the benefits from

there instead.

6. South Africa

Enjoyed throughout the country, rooibos tea (also known as red bush tea) is more

ro-bust than green tea in South Africa, and because it’s naturally sweet, it needs no

sugar. Ditching your daily Frappuccino for a cup of rooibos could save you

thousands of calo-ries per month.

Additionally, tea-drinking cultures generally have lower rates of obesity. This could

be thanks to particular compounds, such as catechins found in certain teas (73), or

it could simply be that we often think we’re hungry when we’re simply dehydrated,

and drinking tea is way less calorific than eating!

7. The Netherlands

The Dutch down about 85 million herring per year–raw (85). That’s about five for

ev-ery person in the country! They’re pickled, then served unadorned as snacks or

in soft buns with onions and gherkins for lunch.

Oily fish like herring is slimming for a few reasons - it contains lots of omega-3

fatty acids, which reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol–and cortisol is

known to in-crease the amount of fat deposited around your belly (86)!

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