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Name: OP Loftbed
Open: Now
Closes (Due Date): Jan. 31, 2011
Criteria: Enrolled in college by July 2011
Answer the following 80-120 words
1. If you knew you couldn’t fail at any one thing what would you do and why?
I would clean up the oil spill. Fixing the environment is too broad a task, but the oil spill is
specific, and something that needs to be cleaned up NOW. The spill does not only effect the
environment, it effects local economies, and will eventually effect the whole world. Right now, we don’t
need to blame anyone, we just need to get this mess cleaned up. If I could do it by myself I would, but I
think I would become a chief organizer in the cleanup effort.

2. Funniest true story that has happened to you.

The summer Uncle Brian and his family came, we went to my Aunt’s house to have dinner. It
got dark really fast, so we built I little fire and sat around roasting marshmallows. Sort of. My cousin
threw a marshmallow down my aunt’s shirt. Then a marshmallow was in my shirt. It was sticky and not
quite roasted. I armed myself with marshmallows and as I went to throw at my first target, the evening
descended into a mad marshmallow fight.
After a while we got tired and finished up our sugar rush by eating chocolate covered bananas.

3. If you were to start your own scholarship program what questions would you ask and why?
What is your mission statement? I want to know the character of the person, asking for them to
create a mission statement shows if they plan to use the money for good or evil, and also that they have
somewhere that they eventually want to end up.
Describe someone who has been a “mentor” in your life? I want to hear about the support
system this person has, because support equals success.
If you were a color, which would you be, and why? It’s not a trick question and there’s no right
answer, I just want to know that whoever takes the money can think with both sides of his/her brain.

Name: Oh the places you’ll go

Opens: now?
Criteria: essay…question not currently posted.

Name: Fountainhead Essay Contest

Opens: 2011…looks like
Criteria: essay contest…cash prize

Name: Writers of the Future

Opens: Ongoing. It is quarterly.
Closes: See above
Criteria: sci-fi/fantasy story. prose. less that 17000 words. not previously published. author can’t be
professionally published. typed. 2x space with page numbers and the title. Cover page: title, author,
address, phone number, email, appx. word count.*
*There is also a picture version. 3 b+w scenes from artist’s imagination.

Name: School Band and Orchestra Essay Contest

Opens: Sept. 1, 2011?
Closes: ?
Criteria: short essay. (I may have missed the deadline, or 2011 is a typo in their website)

Name: American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship

Opens: Sept 1, 2010
Criteria: take a little quiz

Name: Just poetry

Opens: Continuos-every 90 days?
Closes: may 31 senior year
Criteria: poem 20 lines or less,


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