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Question to Ponder On:

1. What kind of societal projects does your community need in order to be a better
place of living not only for you but for everyone? Cite 5 community projects and
explain why these are needed.

1. Recycling Program

Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on

the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are
released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution
caused by waste. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the
rainforests can be preserved.

2. Community Garden

A community garden is a great way to bond with your community and

provide healthy food. You may be able to identify a sponsor to help get your
garden started. Consider making a garden just for children, so they can learn
about the process of gardening. It is a great educational opportunity.

3. Cleanup

A community cleanup will improve the look of your neighborhood or park

and inspire people to keep the space looking great. Hosting a potluck after is
a wonderful way to celebrate this community achievement

4. Volunteer

Volunteering is a rewarding experience that brings people of all ages

together for a good cause. Get involved with a great organization like Habitat
for Humanity or Operation Warm.

5. Collect Food

Contact your local food bank and they will provide you with the
necessary information and materials to have a food drive. For example, the
Food Bank of Delaware provides a food drive organization kit, most wanted
food list, and more. Encourage people to donate their favorite food items. So
that all the foods that are collected will be given to those families without
enough food for their family.

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