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How do we attain peace?

We are in a special time when peace is most needed. The good thing is that we can all contribute

to it. Achieving a sense of peace is not limited to monks, mystics, and hermits. The truth is that

we all benefit from peace for our own wellbeing. And, peace can be achieved even in home with

family and at work place with co-workers. We know that peaceful people live much happier lives

than others. Peace and conflict studies is a social science field that identifies and analyzes violent

and nonviolent actions as well as the structural mechanisms attending conflicts, with a view

towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition.

Peace, inner peace, or peace of mind is a state of being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually at

peace in face of daily stresses, anxieties, worries, disturbances, and chaos. It is consciously

keeping our mind at peace regardless of external circumstances, including what people might

think or say about us. Peace is the concept of an ideal state of happiness, freedom,

and peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth. Within this idea of the

world, nonviolence is one motivation for people and nations to willingly cooperate, either

voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that has this objective. Different cultures,

religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying concepts on how such a state would

come about.

Social peace is a reality in the existence of humanity. It is an essentialness that humanity's

longing with an optimist approach. Social peace is a way of sustaining social life distant from

internal conflict. It is one of the objectives of social politics, which offer peaceful solutions to the

disputes and conflicts that may arise from disagreements and social tensions among national and

international various sectors of society. Thus, this reduces all kinds of social tensions and

ensures social peace and it represents the ideal situation. It has been a major problem to ensure

the social peace all along for every society.

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