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Anggota :
1) Theresa Citra Christanti (A021019)
2) Gerald Marshall (A021021)
3) Vincent Mirza Husayni (A021028)
4) Khairunnisa Nadya (A021034)
5) Christivana Benita (A021038)

Many people have an unhealthy diet and do not do enough exercise. What do you think are the
reasons for this and what can be done to encourage people to lead a healthier life style?

In modern times, there are many people who need medical treatment. This is due to the
increase in modern diseases caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Usually due to lack of movement
or physical activity and irregular diet. Even people today always want a fast way and are more
inclined to eat junk food. From the statement there are several factors that are responsible for
these actions and also certain actions that can be taken to overcome them.
Unhealthy lifestyle should be avoided. There are many examples for unhealthy lifestyle,
including not paying attention food intake (unhealthy diet). Paying attention of food intake is one
of important things to do. But in reality, many people don't pay attention of food intake they
consume. There are several factors that cause a person to less attention of food intake they
consume. In these easy times, many companies provide or make fast food, among which there is
instant noodles, instant rice, even fish can be found in packing that are quite heated before being
consumed. Next, many restaurants provide fast food including very popular fried chicken by the
children, even to teenagers.Fast food is more popular because of cheap prices but get many
portions.besides it is also more practical, the taste tends to be better, and the most supportive
factor is because of a person's habits in consuming those fast food, and the most supportive
factor is because of a person's habits in consuming those fast food. The lack of knowledge about
healthy diet has also become one of the factors that cause a person to prefer fast food and
eventually have unhealthy diet. If done continuously, then it can make a person deficient in
nutrients. On the other hand, many people have lack of exercise because of the lack of
motivation in self and there is not have free time to exercise.
Now the era has entered the era of globalization, for encourage people to have a healthy
lifestyle, it is necessary to make routine activities that indirectly invite the use of sophisticated
tools with digital technology such as smartphones. The smartphones should have application
which is able to remind people to have enough exercise and it must also be able to measure how
healthy they are. So, people can know about their healthy and know what are they need. Inviting
friends or our family to do regularly exercise together is not a bad idea. However, humans will
feel bored if they do things alone continuously. In this case the government must have to
participate to inviting and teaching people to have a healthy lifestyle. However people with lack
of knowledge needed to be taught how to start a healthy lifestyle.
We know that healthy lifestyles lead us to have healthy body and it is undeniable that
everyone wants to have healthy body. But to having that, besides all of the government effort
people must have their own effort to do so. Because everything is not going well if not starts
from intention of their self.

Many countries require visas for foreign people to work. Why do they do this? Do you believe
that it is fair?

When a foreigner works in Indonesia, a visa is required so that person can enter the area
and work. This is because a visa is a document issued by a country through one of its
representatives whose contents are in the form of a permit to enter that country, within a period
of time and for certain purposes as well as when leaving the country. There are many things and
considerations that cause the need for a visa to work in another country and this is good to apply
so that everything goes according to the rules.
In working in other countries, generally the visa used is a limited stay visa. This type of
visa is needed if you are going to stay in a country for business purposes for a long period of
time. The existence of a visa is also done to prevent negative things that happen when abroad. A
visa is a permit to enter a certain country. The existence of a visa also helps the region in
maintaining security, visitors who do not have a visa are not allowed to enter in order to avoid
acts of terrorism or crime. Therefore, the right to issue is the embassy of the destination country.
This is an indicator that the person is safe to visit the destination country and is not a threat to
that country. So there is no misunderstanding and suspicion when visiting a country. In addition
to having to know the purpose, the time of visiting a country must also be clearly known, which
usually ranges from about six months, according to the destination to that country. The purpose
of this visa is to protect native citizens from tourists who come to a country. Visa can also be a
document that is guaranteed when someone is in a country. The use of visas by foreign nationals
is also applied so that there is no misuse of overstay visas, because foreign workers who enter to
work illegally in a country can affect the country's sovereignty, especially in the social and
economic fields.
Regulations in each country of course vary depending on the country's policies. A person
who will go to work in a country of course must know and comply with the policies and
regulations that are in the destination country. Because basically, the country has provided
opportunities for citizens of other countries who are in need of work to work in their country. Of
course, there are many considerations from the country to accept citizens of other countries to
work in their country. This can be felt very fair, it can be seen from the security, economy, and
culture side of the country. Because as stated from this goal, it has the potential to reduce the
incidence of problems with other countries (state external problems) and their order, such as
reducing cyber crime violations, abuse of permits, threats of terrorism, drug smuggling, and
human trafficking. The application of visas is also carried out to prevent the reduction of state
revenues related to the quality and purchasing power of tourists. The application of a visa also
prevents the occurrence of labor problems. For example, if a visa (visa-free) is not applied, it is
generally difficult for domestic workers to find work because of the arrival of outsiders freely
entering the country. This can lead to an increase in domestic unemployment resulting in a
decrease in people's welfare.
As already explained, visas have many positive impacts that can be felt. Although
making a visa itself is a very long process and you have to take many tests to get it, you will feel
the will to avoid negative things when traveling abroad. Even the country he is temporarily
occupying will also have significant data about the outsider and if there is a problem a country's
ambassador can help solve the problem.

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