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1. What is the importance of philosophy?

Philosophy is not only for philosophers. Every person has the capacity to find the value
of philosophy in their life. Everyone has their own philosophy of life but most of us, those
philosophies are examined. Philosophy uses the tools of logic and reason to analyze the ways
in which humans experience the world. It teaches to have a critical thinking, that may use to
understand the language use to describe the world and place within it. Much of what is learned
in philosophy can be applied in daily lives without knowing that it is already philosophy.
Because of philosophy, people help to analyze concepts, definitions, arguments, and
problems. It contributes to one’s capacity to organize ideas and issues in life, to deal with
questions of value, and to extract what is important from masses information. It also
contributes to the development of expressive and communicative of one person. It provides
some basic tools of self-expression using philosophy, people can present ideas though well-
constructed and enhance one’s ability to explain difficult things.
Philosophy become part of everyday lives. Those philosophies which form the basis for
motivations and what to do with a day. Our personal philosophy is our greatest determining
factor in how rough like works out. It gives us opportunity to improve how we can analyze and
evaluate a situation or an idea as well as, proper judgement and decision-making. In addition,
it widens our perspective, and allowing us to think fairly and honestly. Philosophy helps people
to know the essence of everything. And adopt change by embracing it and expanding
knowledge like challenging oneself for learning and experience.
In philosophy, when we understand how the world works, our place in it, and why we
believe what we do, greater things become possible in one’s career, having a personal
philosophy enables us to make goals and to determine the best way to achieve all of them. In
our faith, we naturally assume that our faith should be the bedrock of our lives, but search the
heart of any religion, and we find philosophy. If we understand why we believe what we do, our
faith will be immeasurably strengthened. In relationship, philosophy really helps, it is normal to
have an arguments or misunderstanding, both party need to try this, step back, detach
ourselves from the heat if moment, and figure out what’s really going on. The yelling stops
when we address the real problems; otherwise, it simply reoccurs later. Our relationship will
thank us for it, and if in the end of our relationship doesn’t work out, we will have no regrets for
lack of trying. And that’s philosophy. To sum up, philosophy can help us to live more
purposeful and fulfilled lives.

2. As a student, what is your philosophy in life?

Every individual has it own views in life, we musty set our goals, dream, and philosophy.
As a student, I have my philosophy in life and that’s a proper attitude what means that I have a
lot of faith in myself, and I am taking challenges with believing in final success. Being optimism
is very important, it helps me bearing up with difficulties.
A person’s philosophy will vary depending on one’s lifer experience. I believe that two
people will have seen life in the same way. I will share my ideas and thoughts on what is my
philosophy of life. The way we have experience in life has made me change my way of thinking
more than once, I am sure it will change again. My philosophy as MA student was “Learn more
than you think you need to know”. This philosophy acquires many efforts. First, need to be
inquisitive. Willingness to ask questions is important to education. There is no room for
hesitation to ask question because success in life directly tied for being inquisitiveness.
Second, I need to be curious. The motivation for asking questions is because of genuine
curiosity. Curiosity begins by connecting what I already interested in, to what I am studying. I
believe using our curiosity will lead to learn more about everything. Third, I need to be
passionate. In education, I need to be passionate about learning, making connections, asking
questions, and finding solutions to problem. Whatever I am studying, it is possible to find some
aspect of it that connects with something I care about. Don’t wait for others to make these
connections. I need to find them by myself and then use these connections as a starting point
for further learning. Last was I need to be creative. Finally, I need to be creative to search for
connections and answers to questions. Creative thinking is not always rewarded but I need to
begin cultivating. Creative thinking even if this means doing more than is required. And I know
I will ultimately benefit from this extra work. Remember, learning does not end and once we
graduated from school, learning is a lifelong process. In fact, as long as we’re alive.
What is Metaphysis?
Meta refers to the meaning of after or beyond. Physics meaning the knowledge of
nature. Metaphysics is the study of reality. It is for this reason that metaphysics can be
considered the pursuit of wisdom as it involves searching beyond empirical evidence for truth,
purpose, and meaning in life. From the very beginning, humankind has posed questions like.
What is the meaning of life? What is our place in the universe? Does the world really exist? Do
we have free will? Does God exist? And many more question. All of this was aims to provide a
way for us to “fill in the blanks”. It explores the abstracts of reality and existence, a key element
to a metaphysical worldwide is that reality is absolute. The world around us is real-it has a
specific nature, and it must be consistent to that nature – it acts according to that nature.
Metaphysics can be defined as an attempt to comprehend the basic characteristics of
reality. It answers questions of what things must be like in order to exist and how to
differentiate from things that seem real but are not. A common thought is that reality is defined
as what we can defect from our five senses. Another important aspect of metaphysics is that
reality is separate from our minds. We cannot affect or change things just by thinking about
them. However, sometimes we believe that our feelings are first-band and come from our
body. They must in fact be real because we are more aware of them.
Metaphysics basically describes what we do everyday in our lives. We have constant
need to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not. In our everyday life, we are forced
with appearance and materialistic things. Metaphysics can even relate to beauty. What’s
beautiful to one person may be repulsive to another and vice versa. Beauty is something that
we can see, but it’s not a physical object that can be sensed.
To sum up, metaphysics is a fundamental component of philosophy that plays vital roles
in human life. By seeking to understand the reality of every existence in life. Metaphysics is
responsible for triggering an inquisitive mind in people. It, therefore, makes life livable by
explaining the nature of everything that exists. Metaphysics brings out the actual truth of all
matters of life and as such it forms a very critical branch of philosophy.

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