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Time:3hrs Jr.English Pre-Final 100M


I. Answer any Two from the following Annotations. 2x4=8M

1. “Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.”
2. “Rapid improvements in advanced sensors would make it possible to have such sensing
systems at affordable prices in many sectors.”
3. “Some day I will prove, without a doubt, the truth of what happened.”
4. “Coming to packing wherever possible we can avoid the older route of plastics, though
they are necessary for some products. Bio-degradable tapioca-linked paper packages have been
developed in our country.”

II. Answer any Two Annotations from the following. 2x4=8M

1. “Creatures that , by a rule in nature ,teach The art of order peopled kingdom”
2. It was a long time ago I have almost forgotten my dream….. in front of me bright like a
sun-My Dream.
3. Give me strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
4. TO break this shadow into a thousand lights of sun , into a thousand whirling dreams of

III. Answer any two questions from the following. 2x4=8M

1. How is the teacher expected to inculcate honesty and worldly wisdom in the child?
2. How does the information technology, according to Abdul kalam and Rajan change the
agriculture sector?
3. What are the difficulties faced by Arunima sinha while climbing the Mount Everest?
What do you learn from her story?
4. What is cultural or knowledge oriented tourism?

IV. Answer any two questions from the following. 2x4=8M

1. What kind of strength does Tagore seek and why?

2. What is the theme of the poem As I Grew Older?
3. What are Tagore’s views on Equanimity?
4. According to Shakespeare, what are the lessons that human beings must learn from honey

V. Answer any one question from the following 1x8=8M

1. How did the people in olden days show concern for social values? Explain in the light of
the short story “Will he come home”.
2. How is the last leaf by O. Henry a story of hope, friendship and sacrifice?
3. Give an account of series of problems the narrator experienced in the wake of winning a
road engine?
VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 1x5=5M

The capitalist system of society does not foster healthy relations among human beings. A few
people own all the means of production and others though nominally few have to sell their labor
under conditions imposed upon them. The emphasis of capitalism being on the supreme
importance of material wealth the intensity of its appeal is to the acquisitive intensity. It
promotes worship of economic power with little regard to the means employed for its acquisition
and the end that it serves. By its exploitation of human being to the limits of endurance its
concentration is on the largest profit rather than maximum production. Thus the division of
human family is done on the basis of economic circumstance. All this is injurious to division of
human dignity . And when the harrowed poor turn to the founders of religion for succor, they
rather offer a subtle defense for the established order. They promise future happiness for their
present suffering and conjure up visions of paradise to redress the balance to soothe the suffering
and the revolt of the tortured men . The system imposes injustice the religion justifies it.

1. Does the capital system maintain healthy relations ?

2. Which promotes the worship of economic power ?
3. On what basis is the division of human family done ?
4.What is the antonym for “impose” ?
5 What justifies the injustice imposed by the system ?
VII. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 1x5=5M

Gary Chapman in his book, Love was a Way of Life uses the vivid metaphor for words as being
either ‘bullets or seeds’. Ife we use our words as bullets with a feeling of superiority and
condemnation , we are not going to be able to restore the relationship to love . If we use our
words as seeds with a feeling of supportiveness and sincere good will, we can rebuild a
relationship in positive and life-affirming ways. When we need to talk candidly about something
difficult with another person , we must focus on the conversation with keen attention and
purpose. During the conversation we must listen patiently , speak tactfully , and tell the truth as
we understand it. We must align our words , voice inflection and tone , eye expression , body
language, and actions with our inner wareness in an honest exchange.

1.What is the title of the book written by gary chapman?

2. How does the writer describe words ?
3. How can we rebuild a realtionship in positive and life –affirming ways ?
4.What is the noun form of the word ‘patiently’?
5.Find word in the passage which means the same as the word ‘frankly’ ?

VIII. Fill in the blanks with suitable Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ ‘the’. 6x1/2=3M

1. For me breakfast is ___ best meal of the day.

2. Only ___ Wordsworth can write such a poem
3. Rohit is ____ IAS officer.
4. Mr. Brown is ______ European.
5. _____ English is an international language.
6. ___ triangle has three sides.

IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 6x1/2=3M

1. The trees here are beautiful ___ the summer.

2. They are called ___ different names
3. Lets stick ___ our original plan
4. Anitha has left _____ Delhi too see her friend.
5. I saw it ________ television.
6. What shall we have _______ coffee?

X. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms given in the brackets. 1x5=5M

1. Deepu and dolly ___ late to class yesterday. (be)

2. He ____ a new bike last week. (buy)
3. Bread and butter _____ her favourite breakfast. (be)
4. He ____ bangalore at the moment. (work)
5. Manoj ___ tennis since he was seven. (play)

XI. Rewrite the sentences as directed. 1x5=5M

1. Thomas alva Edison invented the bulb. (Change the voice)

2. Who wrote the national anthem? (Change the voice)
3. The traveler said ,“can you tell me the way to the Airport.(Change into indirect speech)
4. The Doctor advised him not to smoke. (Change to DIRECT SPEECH)
5. Let’s go to the Movie. (Add question tag)

XII. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part. (The entire sentence
must be written) 1x5=5M

1. He has not till now come.

2. There is an institution for blind in the city.
3. This is a comfortable house to live.
4. There are nothing to fear.
5. I will call you when the dinner will be ready.

XIII. Use ANY THREE of the following phrasal verbs in your own sentences.

1. Hold on: 2. Put off 3.Find out

4.Deal with 5.Make up 6.Look Into

XIV. Identify the silent consonants in the following words. 6x1/2=3M

1. Salmon 2.Boquet 3. Castle

4.Garbage 5.Interval 6. Christmas

XV. Identify the parts of the speech of the underlined words. 6x1/2=3M
1. This House is like a palace.
2. Alas ! he lost his purse.
3. The old man was talking in a queit voice
4. The flowers in the garden looking beautiful.
5. Two other people saw you and started to talk.
6. The children ran happily to their father.

XVI. Match the words in column A with their meanings / definitions in

column B. 6x1/2=3M
Column-A Column-B

1. Enroute ( ) a) a momentary partial view

2. Cynic ( ) b) a person who believes that people are no
3. Glimpses ( ) c) a bad situation
4. Acclaim ( ) d) to change direction suddenly
5. Catastrophic ( ) e) on the way
6. Affordable ( ) f) inexpensive, reasonable priced
g) honesty and correct moral behavior
h) to praise or welcome somebody

XVII. Read the following transcription and Write any Five Words in ordinary
spelling. 1x5=5M

Read the following paragraph and convert it into Bar-Graph. 1x5=5M

The number of students in five different classes is like this. 150 students in 8 th
class, 120 students in 9th class ,170 students in 10th class , 100 in 11th class and
110in 12th class.

XVIII. Identify the odd sounds from the following. 5x1=5M

1. University Universal Understand
2. Author Capture Rapture
3. Listen After Eaten
4. Hair Half Honest
5. College Mileage Rogue

XIX. Write the number of syllables for ANY SIX of the following words.
1. Passenger 2. Peer 3. Innovation 4. Carry 5. Storm
6. Destiny 7.Grammar 8. Apology 9.Delightful 10.Instrumental

XX. Complete the following dialogue. 4x1=4M

Venu: Hi! Love to see you again!
Anand: Me too..., I need your _________
Venu: My Advice? Surely. Just tell me what _________
Anand: My hair is unhealthy because all of the split ends, it’s also fallen down.
Venu: Do you often get hairspray?
Anand: Yes, I do, just a couple of weeks ago, I had many dancing performances, so I
hadn’t to get much ____________
Venu: You must use conditioner to maintain your hair healthy. Ok, now I’ll wash your
hair and put on some ____________
Anand: Is it possible for coloring after the treatment?
Venu: Why not? You can do it.
Anand: Okay. No problem.

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