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HASAN RIYADI - 2020120008
REZKY RAMANDA - 2020120011



Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty for His grace the
author can complete the paper report on the Effectiveness of the Implementation of
Online Teaching in The time of the Covid-19 Pandemic is good. This paper report
is prepared for fulfill the tasks of English Course which is a group assignment from
one of the components that must be fulfilled in lectures at STMIK Borneo
Internasional Balikpapan.
Apart from carrying out the task of a paper report, in essence,the author
learns and adds insight to the knowledge of Sociology of Communication which
can provide benefits and help enrich the material insight of the students
reader.Finally, the author realizes that there are still shortcomings so that the author
expect suggestions and input from readers so that in writing the next one can be
more perfect.

Penajam, Juli 2021


HASAN RIYADI - 2020120008

REZKY RAMANDA - 2020120011

This study aims to describe the conditions of social problems that occurred in the
in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic through online learning activities. This
paper is a quantitative study focused on analyzing responses related to learning
activities required from home as a result of the Covid-19 social problems
obtained from a survey of respondents.
Keywords: Covid-19, Corona Virus, Social Problems, Online Teaching

1.1 Background

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit various sectors in Indonesia. Not only the
economic sector began to be overwhelmed, the tourism sector,transportation, and
manufacturing sectors are also on fire this pandemic. The education sector has also
undergone major changes. Now, sector Education in Indonesia has a new face and
system at the same time create pros and cons in society. Referring to the Circular
Ministry of Education and Culture Number 40 of 2020 concerning "Policy
Implementation"Education in an Emergency Period for the Spread of Corona Virus
Disease (Covid- 19)”, Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem
Makarim,take a number of policies to deal with the pandemic. Policy These include
the abolition of the National Examination; system change School exams; changes
in the regulation of New Student Admission);and the determination of learning
from home (online learning). of several the policy, the determination of online
learning is a policy that most reap the pros and cons in society. Based on the author's
survey, at first this policy was deemed appropriate at the start of the
pandemic. Parents and education activists consider that this is the best way to
protect students from exposure to Covid-19.However, anxiety begins to arise along
with the lengthening of time online learning. The first anxiety was caught by the
student's guardian who feel troubled with the tasks of the teacher. In particular, for
students Kindergarten and elementary school, where the role of guardians is needed
to complete online assignments. Learning is not effective because students think
"home" is a place to play and relax. student Guardian those who are not aware of
technology also seem to be concerned with learning all-digital online.
The second anxiety comes from teachers who feel learning online is not
effective enough. Some teaching materials (such as mathematics,arts, and sports)
cannot be conveyed properly. Teacher also do not have enough experience and
provision with the system online learning so that teaching methods and media still
tend to repetitive and less innovative. Inflated internet costs too worried,
especially the internet subsidies from the school nil. Don't forget the students,
especially students, also complain about the learning system online. Many
students have to postpone their research because cannot retrieve data in the
field. Final assignment consultation hampered. As a result, the graduation target is
threatened with delay.
1.2. Formulation of the problem
1. Is online learning running effectively?
2. What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of online learning?
3. Is the teacher or teacher ready to do online or online learning?

1.3. Aim
1. To find out the effectiveness of online learning during a pandemic
2. To find out the factors that affect the effectiveness of learning online
3. To determine the readiness of teachers in conducting online learning or

1.4. Compilation Method

This scientific work is prepared using quantitative analysis
methods.The use of this method to obtain an overview of survey data
respondent's factual regarding the ongoing online teaching activities in right
now in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

1.5. Theoretical Foundation

1.4.1. Social Problems in Sociology Glasses
Social problems are a symptom or phenomena that appear in
the reality of social life in identifying social problems that exist in
the community,which endanger the lives of social groups. Types
Social problems can occur due to economic factors, cultural
factors,biological factors and psychological factors. Some social
problems such as poverty, crime/crime, disorganization family,
youth problems, low education, transgression to societal norms and
so on.
1.5.2. Online Learning
In general, online learning is a learning that is carried out
electronically with using computer-based media and a
network.Online learning is also known as electronic learning. e-
Learning, on-line learning, internet The source can come from
websites, internet, intranets, CD-ROMs, and DVDs. Apart from
giving instruction, e-learning can also monitor student performance
and report student progress. E-learning is not only access
information, but also guide students to achieve specific learning
outcomes.-enabled learning, virtual learning, or web-based learning.
1.5.3. Learning Effectiveness
Effectiveness comes from the word effective which means
have an effect or effect. While effectiveness means the success of a
particular action. On activities learning an action in question is the
use of approach, method or strategy by the teacher. Therefore, if the
maximum results are achieved, the more effective also a learning

2.1. Teacher Readiness in Conducting Online Learning

From the graph below, it proves that most of the respondents or the
teacher is ready to do online learning.

This is what requires the government and related parties others still
need to conduct online learning training for students teachers so that
learning can run better and more effectively. Teacher need to be prepared to
be able to do online learning and keep abreast of every technological
development in the world of education.

2.2. Use of Online Learning Media

From the graph below, we can see only 42% of respondents who
stated that they were happy with the use of online learning media, while
58% stated that they are not happy with the use of media online learning.
This displeasure is caused by several factors, including:
 Teachers who are not familiar with online teaching
 Availability of facilities and quotas used during implementation online
 Unfavorable environmental conditions when using media online

2.3. Teacher's Response with Online Learning System

The percentage of answers from respondents shows that more many
teachers do not agree if online learning is done in schools

The data shows that only 21% of respondents gave positive feedback
regarding the application of online learning. The reason that dominating is
the response that students give to the material taught online is sometimes
not good, there is still a lot students who have not been able to understand
the learning material.

2.4. The Benefits of Online Learning aran

The data shows that only 21% of respondents gave positive feedback
regarding the application of online learning. The reason that dominating is
the response that students give to the material taught online is sometimes
not good, there is still a lot students who have not been able to understand
the learning material.

2.4. The Benefits of Online Learning aran

The data obtained show that only 24% of teachers provide a positive
response related to improving student learning outcomes during carry out
online learning.
For some teachers, online learning media is very important helped
and for some it turned out not to be enough to help transfer knowledge and
improve student learning outcomes. This happened because many teachers
do not know how to use learning media online because in the past full
teaching at school and difficulties students in understanding the material
taught through the online system

A description of the four categories ranging from readiness, media use,

responses, application of online learning systems to their usefulness shows that
extra efforts are still needed from the Government and all related parties so that
teachers can carry out online learning effectively. Teachers need to be equipped to
get used to using technology in the process learning. In addition, suggestions and
infrastructure for the implementation of learning This online service also needs
special attention from the government and other parties related.
The conclusions obtained from this research are as follows; 58%
respondents ready to follow changes and support government directives to
implement online learning; 48% of respondents enjoy using media online
learning; 21% of respondents support the online learning system it applies to the
future; 24% of respondents stated that online learning is effective in improving
student learning outcomes.

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Diakses melaluiL

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