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Present Simple Tense

1. Find the pairs.

feed the cat bepakolja a mosogatógépet

make the bed bevásárol

load the dishwasher megeteti a macskát

vacuum the floor megágyaz

do the shopping megfőzi a vacsorát

cook the dinner felporszívózik

set the table megsétáltatja a kutyát

take the dog for a walk megteríti az asztalt


2. Write the correct forms of the verbs into the sentences. (Affirmative-Kijelentő)

I ____________________ (play) football every Saturday.

Mark often ___________________ (set) the table.

Paul and Tim ______________________ (play) the piano.

She ____________________ (tidy) her room every day.

My parents ___________________ (sleep) in a big bed.

My sister ____________________ (ride) a horse.

Betty always _____________________ (do) the shopping.

We ________________________ (read) books after school.

3. Make the sentences negative. Use don’t or doesn’t.

Bob likes orange juice.


They go to university.


Mr. Hill lives in New York.


My parents work in a school.


I play football every day.



4. Circle Do or Does.

Do / Does you drink coffee?

Do / Does he ride a bike?

Do / Does they sail a boat?

Do / Does Sarah like apples?

Do / Does your brothers like wild animals?

Do / Does we watch TV every day?

Do / Does the monkey eat bananas?

Do / Does I sing well?

Do / Does she do her homework every night?



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