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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Sunghoon Kim Date: October 16, 2021

Teacher: Ms. Lacroix Block: 1-1

The Capstone strand I have chosen is Project Strand

Proposed title for my Project Proposal: (write the proposed title for your Capstone Project in one
clear sentence): FPS game that will be the best of the world.

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

What makes people addicted to video games and how can I avoid it?

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect
to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I am passionate to be a game developer that is able to make any kind of game I want. In order
to accomplish this goal, I need to study different kind of way to develop a game which is a skill
that I will be practicing and developing in this project. In this project, I will be mainly focusing
on developing my skill with Unity which is a game engine. It includes 3D and 2D graphics with
in the engine. Before learning how develop a game from scrap, I thought that this will be a
great way to start my career. Also, I could use my knowledge of healthy game environment
that I discovered in this project for future career.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?

- Unity is a game engine that is available for developing games for mobile, pc, consoles,
websites, and mac.
- It is capable of handling 2D, 3D, VR, and AR.
- It is a game engine and framework that lets us design a game for 2D, 2.5D, and 3D
- It is available to post is on Made By Unity right after finished which has features like
likes, comments, and reactions.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

In future, I want to be a game developer and knowing what are the difficulties for my future job
will allow me to have an advantage of what I should look out for and what parts have to work

on. Also, keeping the routine and working on a project continuously will help us with building a
courage and habit to plan for efficient time management for university.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core
competencies will be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Personal Awareness & Responsibility

- I can set goals, regulate my emotions and persevere in difficult situations

During the winter break of 2018, I planned to do something productive rather than
doing nothing and spending meaningless time. Friends suggested multiple projects
and subjects to me, but only one of the projects attracted my attention: making a
simple game. I was interested in computers, but the coding was something that I did
not hear nor learn in my life. It was not easy to plan and implement, but I succeeded
because of the accomplishment afterwards at the end of the project. Every 2 hours of
break, I worked on this project, and at the end of March, I published my final version,
and not many people reviewed it, but it was a successful project.

- I understand my decisions and actions can affect me.

When I was in grade 10, I thought that I had no talent for studying, and I gave up on
learning and worked on other skills like cooking, coding, and I even tried graphic
design. It was fun, and I thought I had found my path, but I got a question for myself
one day. 'Why do I think I am not talented at studying?' It took several days thinking
about it. At the end of my agony, I finally realized that I am not horrible at studying; I
did not try. Finally, in the winter of 2020, my grade 11 started, and I told my parents
that I wanted to learn, and they were more than happy to support me. The support and
the courage that I got was enough to realize that because I decided to make myself
untalented at studying, I became the person I thought I was. Still, if I fix my mindset,
now I understand that I am not untalented at learning.

- I understand learning takes patience and time

When I first realized that my courage overwhelms my patience was when I was in
grade 11. I felt a sense of accomplishment in obtaining a high grade with the hard
work I did. However, when I studied for the achievement, I did not think about the
consequences and just pushed my body to the limit, resulting in burnout. I got burnout
too often. Coming back to routine required at least a week of rest to study and live my
routine when I had burnout. I tried to slow it down, but sometimes it got out of my
control. Not controlling my phase is a problem that I have been experiencing recently,

and I still do not know how to manage my courage and addiction to the

Social Responsibility


- I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships

Cheerful, kind, and friendly characteristics are characteristics that I value the most.
When I interact with people, I usually treat them as they treat me. People with rude
and negative characteristics do not understand why I act like that, not realizing that
they treat me the same as I do to them. On the other hand, when I meet people with
positive and respectful characteristics, not caring about their age, I try to keep a close
relationship with them. The person I need in my life makes my life helpful and rich, not
people with negative thoughts and no plan for a future.

- I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and

collaboratively for the benefit of others.

In most cases, I like group activities. When doing group activities, I think the results
completed through multiple corrections are more valuable than finishing a project by
myself, in my opinion. Also, group activities create opportunities to talk to students I
did not know or have never interacted with. For this reason, I can hear thoughts
without bias. These opinions are available for me, but it is available for others also.
When I meet people I never met before for academic reasons, I try my best to seek
parts that they should fix and give them.


- I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and
evaluate strategies to resolve problems

When I try to solve any problems, I tend to have strong perseverance and try my best
to solve the problem with the solution I already have. Strong determination helps me
to have courage and conviction that I can solve this problem. On the other hand, I
tried my best to solve the problem only with the solution I had. This does not allow me
to try different strategies or solutions that might be better than the solution that I have
right now.

Critical Thinking


- I can assess my progress

When I work on a project, I try my best to keep a detailed journal of what I did today
from the start until the end. This helps me figure out what the problem is in earlier
future, and after completing the project, looking through the daily journal, I can seek
what I can improve on with the next project I am going to work on. For example, last
time, I tried to work on the project for 2 hours per day, but that made me took several
more months than what I planned out, so next time I should work on the project more
than last time to complete it in time.

- I can ask good quality questions, gather relevant information, and come up with
well-developed conclusions.

One of the characteristics I try to have with the school is that I try to ask as many
questions to teachers as possible. Whenever I have a question about any subject, I
make a note to myself on my phone to ask the teacher about a specific page. I also
write down the exact question I will ask my teacher to remember what I was going to
ask about right as I see the page, but there is an exception. The next day, before I ask
my teacher, I look over what I am going to ask about and when I have the answer for
it, I cross it off, and when I get the questions narrowed down, I ask it to my friends and
narrow the questions down again. Finally, after the filtering process ends, the
remaining questions are the questions that I ask my teacher. This habit is something
that helped me with improving my grade in grade 11.


- I can analyze and make defensible judgments, draw conclusions and consider
a variety of perspectives

One speaking skill that I have to improve on is debating. When I grew up, my father
thought that a human should obtain an essential characteristic is kindness and
respect. I lack debating skills because of growing up with my father's lessons; I tend to
understand and respect others' opinions even though I think that there is an error or it
is wrong. This habit stops me from judging people when it comes to debating. When I
try to judge their opinion, I stop and think if my judgment will hurt their feeling. This
hesitation is what I think I should be improving on because there will be moments
where I have to judge people in my life.

Creative Thinking


- I can use the environment around me, including others and my unconscious
mind, to generate new ideas

When I zoom out and look through my unconscious mind, I get a lot of creative ideas.
One of the most common ways of looking through the unconscious mind is to
remember dreams. The dream is an unconscious mind that everyone has that
everyone at least has every month, every week, or even every day. No matter what,
plans show the ideas that you like or do not like. I tend to dream a lot. When I dream
often, I dream three weeks straight. Some of them were dreams that I did not want to
dream, but I can admit that all of them are creative and new ideas that I never thought

- I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive.

People ask me how and why I am too optimistic and bright about failing my test,
projects, or goal. Then, every time my answer is, "Because now I know that I won't fail
because of this reason, and I have a higher possibility of succeeding." I do not think
that failing at something is the end of it. When I die, frustration, fear of failing again,
and disappointment toward themselves are emotions that I feel at first, but I change
those emotions into effort and passion so that I don't feel these feelings next time.


- I can create new and uniques ideas that may provide new perspectives that
influence how people think about topics

Like I said throughout the paragraphs, I am a good listener, and because I am so used
to listening to others, I tend to follow others' ideas instead of giving out new ideas.
Unfortunately, this habit led me to struggle with a situation where I had to make my
idea up. I think this is something I have to work on the most by working independently
and changing my leadership style.



- I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider

different perspectives, and build consensus.

Being raised by a father who thinks that being kind and respectful to others is the most
important characteristic, I am used to listening to others. Since I have heard from
others for most of my life, I obtained high listening skills and can show great quality
opinions about it, considering their situation. With my ability to relate, I also
acknowledge that everyone has different perspectives and can put myself in their

- I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have learned.

When it comes to reflecting, I have an advantage. I have a habit of keeping a brief

explanation of what I had done that day every day. This way, it will be easy to look
through my or my group's work and share feedback. In addition, I try to give out
detailed feedback from their point of view and be polite and kind so that they don't get
annoyed. For example, rather than saying, "You should work on your time
management," I tell them, "Overall, it was perfect, but using the time wisely in and
outside of school will make the deadline more than enough."


- I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems

When I work in groups, I understand and follow other people's ideas instead of
suggesting an idea. Usually, when my group members give out ideas, even though I
had an idea, I bury my idea and went with their concept to feel comfortable with the
topic and don't have any complements. The problem with this solution is that I have
complimented it, and whenever we proceed with our project, I have issues or better
solutions but bury them, and that grows as a bigger compliment. If it is lucky, there is
no problem and finish well, but there is a high chance of completing the project worse
when there is a problem. Recently, I have been practicing suggesting my ideas and
finding a way to make my environment comfortable enough for my partners and me to
have no complements.

Personal and Cultural Identity


- I can define myself in terms of my relationship with others and the world

I can define myself as a kind, respectful, friendly, soft, well-listener. When I interact
with anyone, I try my best to make them comfortable talking to me and building
friendships. I know that building friendship takes time, but for me, with my socializing
skills, I can build friendships faster than others. Often when I make friends, they tell

me that they don't get this close with people this fast, but it went quickly for me for
some reason. I think this is all because of the kind, respectful, friendly, well-listening,
and soft socializing skills.

- I know my strengths and what makes me unique.

My strength is that I am a fast adapter. When I moved to Canada, like others, I had a
hard time socializing and staying in groups because I had a hard time communicating
in a language I did not speak in a long time. Still, when I asked for help from my ELL
teacher and got the flow of the conversation, I was like someone that had lived in
Canada for several years. When language problem wasn't a problem for me, it only
took a day to find a group that accepts me to get along with.


- I can understand what is important to me

I have a list of priorities in my mind. Relationship, family, university, and emotions or

characteristics are some of them. Even though I understand that schoolwork and
working hard to go to the university is my priority, I tend to choose to stay with my
friends and hang out with them. Recently, I had myself think about if I will regret the
choices I am making in that time, wasting it with my friends, so I don't hang out like in
the past, but I am still wasting my time with friends and still improving them.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

I will be making a Prezi that explains the whole process of the development and record a
detailed journal of what parts of video game makes people addicted to games and how does
is negatively affect people. Also, if I do, I will be posting a website of my game and quick video
of how to play and when get a review and comments of my game and gain feedbacks and
include it on the presentation. In addition, I will have a brief explanation for beginners like me
on what they should be considering and be careful of when they are developing a video game.
Furthermore, I could record a video of my game and as I explain what is happening, how I
developed each parts of the game as I play the video of it.

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced
at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your

First, I will be surveying with my friends, family members, and other peers on what kind of
game I should make, and I will be starting with finding a suitable beginner tutorial that fits the
type of game. Secondly, my interesting future career is in game development, so researching
and looking through articles that address real-life examples of video games addiction would
help me understand what I should avoid. When I get enough information to start making my
game, I will work every weekend for at least 3 hours and any free time on weekdays to
complete this project with efficient time management and creative thinking skills. During the
project's progress, I will leave a detailed description of what the parts of the process
contributed to the addiction. After finishing the project, I will be posting the game on Made by
Unity community to gather advice, comment, and improvements from the community to have
an advantage in future. Finally, I will be presenting the game I made with the feedback and
how I could improve on my project next time with Prezi.

I will be making a game that makes people calm, soft, and comfortable when they play my
game. For example, a game called "Gris" uses its unique music collections to create the
atmosphere and mood of the game, calm and soft, so that when players play it, they will feel
like they are cheered up and learn something from my game.

My game will be a life simulator with multiple choices that players can make, and in each
option, they will be experiencing various problems. The main story of this life simulator is that
the main character, who does not have a name yet, is addicted to video games. Although, she
meets her counsellor due to her not managing her time well and not focusing during class.
She receives a card from a counsellor that has an extensive word saying, "NEED HELP?
COME FIND ME." She thinks it is suspicious, but she wants to change how she lives her life,
so she goes to the therapist and finds James... The story continues from there, and from now
on, the player gets to choose what to do next.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and

skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

Resources required to answer my inquiry question, “What makes people addicted to video
game and how can I avoid it?”, it is required to research real life examples of addiction to
video games. When research proceeds, laptop, desktop, or mobile devices are required. Also,
with the development of the video game, I will need a laptop or desktop to run the Unity, the
game engine, and tutorial for the beginners to build a game. In this process, time
management, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills are required, so I will be working
every weekend for at least 3 hours and free times in weekday. When I need a solution for
problems that I have during the development, I will need help from my mentor or community
for a solution or a hint to think creatively. Finally, I will be posting my game on Made by Unity

community for feedback, comment, and improvements.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

I need a mentor that works in a game development career and familiar with using Unity. This
is possible by finding a free Unity tutor online and asking them if they are available. I will be
asking them questions about tips for me, any kind of questions I have about using Unity
because it is my first-time using Unity. In addition, I will be asking them any ideas for the
project and what is the common interest for consumers.

Also, I will be needing help with the counselor or therapist who knows well on how to help
people with video game addiction, because the main story of this game will be continuing on
with the counseling with James, the therapist.

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

1. Not enough time

From what I experienced, making a game is not something that I can accomplish in 2 or 3
months. In this case, I will be presenting the game that I did not finish.

2. Using a game engine

Unlike the actual developing the game from coding and graphics from professional graphic
designing programs, developing the games from the manual and engine that is already
created for me, I will have a disadvantage in freedom than making the game professionally
with actual coding.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

$100 is required for the tutorial of the professional beginner video that has an additional

References: Provide a literature review of 5-10 PEER REVIEWED ACADEMIC references:

research, videos, etc. that offer some preliminary research you have done for your project
that shows you are able to access the key information that you will need to be able to
complete this project/work. Your list should be written using correct APA formatting.


Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive
Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial
Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature. Psychological Science, 12(5),

Cunningham, S., Engelstätter, B., & Ward, M. R. (2016). Violent Video Games and Violent
Crime. Southern Economic Journal, 82(4), 1247–1265.

Zastrow, M. (2017). Is video game addiction really an addiction?: Adding video gaming to the
list of recognized behavioral addictions could help millions in need. It could also pathologize a
normal behavior and create a new stigma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America, 114(17), 4268–4272.

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