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Preprint for the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006)



Hyunjin Lee 1 and Daniel E. Rivera 2

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering

Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Arizona State University, Tempe
AZ 85287-6006, U.S.A

Abstract: This paper describes CR-IDENT, a Matlab-based toolbox that implements a

comprehensive procedure for multivariable control-relevant system identification aimed
primarily at process system applications. The toolbox consists of modules for multi-
variable input signal design (multisine and PRBS), frequency response estimation, and
control-relevant frequency response curvefitting, leading to models whose end use is the
design of high-performance control systems. An important component in the implemen-
tation of this design procedure is its reliance on a priori knowledge of the system of
interest to design input signals meeting both theoretical and practical user requirements.
Data from identification testing using these signals is the basis for the subsequent steps of
frequency-response estimation and control-relevant parameter estimation, with the final
result being a discrete-time state-space model that serves as the nominal model for Model
Predictive Control. A high-purity distillation column example is presented to illustrate the
benefits of the toolbox, from experiment design to closed-loop control.

Keywords: multivariable system identification, input signal design, control-relevant


1. INTRODUCTION relevant system identification with these goals in

mind. The functionality implemented in CR-IDENT
Improving the link between system identification and is summarized in Figure 1. Although aimed primar-
control design has been a subject of great interest in ily at process system applications, the methodology
the control systems literature for nearly two decades is broadly-applicable and can be useful in multiple
(Hjalmarsson, 2005). There is a continuing need application domains.
for control-relevant identification methodologies fo-
The toolbox consists of modules for multi-channel
cused on multivariable problems that appeal to both
input signal design (multisine and PRBS), frequency-
academic and industrial practitioners. In principle,
response estimation, and control-relevant frequency-
such methodologies should be comprehensive in na-
response curvefitting. These modules can be used
ture, take full advantage of a priori knowledge of a
independently or as part of an integrated procedure
system to be identified, be as short and non-invasive
as shown in Figure 1. The functionality of each
as possible to the process (i.e., “plant-friendly”), and
toolbox is accessed with a graphical user interface
not make substantial demands on user-skill levels in
(GUI) to provide flexibility and convenience to the
its implementation (Rivera et al., 2003). Based on re-
user. This toolbox is designed using Matlab R14
cent research activities in the Control Systems Engi-
with Service Pack 3 (Version 7.1) and requires the
neering Laboratory at Arizona State University, CR-
Signal Processing, Control System, System Identi-
IDENT is a Matlab-based toolbox that implements a
fication, and Model Predictive Control Toolboxes
comprehensive procedure for multivariable control-
as well as Simulink. The theoretical background
behind the toolbox is described in various papers
1 Email : by Lee et al. (2003a; 2003b) and Lee and Rivera
2 To whom all correspondence should be addressed; phone: (480) (2004; 2005a; 2005b).
965-9476, Email:

Newcastle, Australia, March 29-31, 2006

Preprint for the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006)

Fig. 1. Summary of the design procedure and functionality available in CR-IDENT, a comprehensive frame-
work for multivariable control-relevant system identification.

This paper presents the general features of the tool- 2.1 Multivariable Multisine Input Signal Design
box and describes an illustrative example based on
a high-purity distillation column case study. In par- By enabling direct specification of the power spec-
ticular, the design of three types of multisine input trum, multisine signals provide a versatile class of
designs supported by the toolbox is demonstrated inputs for accomplishing system identification (see
and data arising from these designs is used to ob- Figure 3). A multisine input u j (k) for the j-th channel
tain models which are evaluated on Model Predic- of a multivariable system with m inputs is defined as,
tive Control of this system. The paper is organized
as follows: Section 2 describes the individual GUIs mδ m(δ +ns )

that comprise the CR-IDENT Toolbox. Section 3 u j (k) = ∑ δ̂ ji cos(ωi kT + φ δji ) + ∑ α ji cos(ωi kT + φ ji )
i=1 i=mδ +1
presents the case study, while Section 4 provides a m(δ +ns +na )
summary and conclusions. + ∑ â ji cos(ωi kT + φ aji ), j = 1,··· ,m (1)
i=m(δ +ns )+1

where m is the number of channels, δ , ns , na are

2. CR-IDENT: A MATLAB-BASED TOOLBOX the number of sinusoids per channel (m(δ + ns +
na ) = Ns /2), φ δji , φ ji , φ aji are the phase angles, and δ̂ ji ,
Invoking the command α ji , & â ji represents the Fourier coefficients defined
by the user.
>> crident
The principal design guideline implemented in CR-
calls a general menu (see Figure 2) with options cor- IDENT uses a priori knowledge of dominant time
responding to each of the three GUIs that comprise constants of the system and speed of the response
CR-IDENT. Salient aspects for each GUI module are specifications to define a primary bandwidth for ex-
described in this section. citation in the signal (Lee et al., 2003b; Lee and
Rivera, 2005b). This bandwidth is translated into a
series of inequalities that determine the number of
sinusoids (ns ), sequence length (Ns ), and sampling
time (Ts ). For users not wishing to use these guide-
lines, the input GUI supports direct parameter spec-
ification with a verification routine to insure proper
The input design GUI (Figure 3) offers various
options for multi-channel implementation such as
phase-shifted, orthogonal (“zippered”) spectrum, and
modified zippered spectrum designs (Lee and Rivera,
2004). The shifted multisine input design adopts a
technique well-known in the literature for pseudo-
random signals in which multiple channels are
shifted relative to each other in order to reduce the
Fig. 2. Main GUI for CR-IDENT, a toolbox for
interactions between channels. A similar feature is
multivariable control-relevant identification.
available for PRBS signals. A zippered power spec-

Newcastle, Australia, March 29-31, 2006

Preprint for the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006)

Fig. 3. Multivariable Input Signal Design GUI in CR-IDENT.

trum design gives orthogonality to individual input

channels so that only one input channel is excited at
each point in the frequency grid. The result of this
approach is longer lengths relative to shifted signals,
but with lower levels of cross-correlation.
For the case of strongly interactive systems, CR-
IDENT offers a multisine signal with modified zip-
pered spectrum option that contains both correlated
and uncorrelated harmonics, respectively, over the
frequency bandwidth. A modified zippered spectrum
is able to offer a directional signal design that can
be used to excite specific gain directions in a mul-
tivariable system, such as the low-gain direction;
this is a critical consideration in the identification
of highly-interactive systems (Lee et al., 2003b; Lee
and Rivera, 2005b). If users provide a gain matrix,
the GUI computes the system gain directions and
adjusts the signal’s input directions and power ampli-
tudes to produce a more balanced output state-space
distribution (Lee and Rivera, 2005b). Fig. 4. Frequency-Response Estimation GUI.
For all multisine signal choices shown in Figure 3,
the phases can be obtained either through the closed- 2.2 Frequency-Response Estimation
form formula by Schroeder (1970) or though the iter-
ative p-norm optimization approach that minimizes The Frequency-Response Estimation GUI (Figure 4)
crest factor developed by Guillaume et al. (1991). enables the computation of frequency responses
Signals can be validated in both time and frequency from multisine-generated data using both paramet-
domains, and exported in either “struct” or “iddata” ric and non-parametric approaches. The Empirical
format. The Shell Heavy Oil Fractionator (Prett and Transfer Function Estimate (ETFE) and Spectral
García, 1988) and Jacobsen-Skogestad high purity Analysis (SA) methods are used for non-parametric
distillation column (Jacobsen and Skogestad, 1994) estimation, while high-order ARX models are uti-
problems are provided as examples for the features lized for parametric frequency-response estimates.
of the toolbox; selecting these options in the GUI For noisy ETFE responses, a Model-on-Demand
brings up default parameters that represent sensible curve smoothing algorithm by Stenman et al. (2000)
choices of design variables for each of these systems. is available. The specific requirements created by
zippered frequency grids are specially considered for
orthogonal ETFE computation; this also includes the

Newcastle, Australia, March 29-31, 2006

Preprint for the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006)

Fig. 5. Control-Relevant Parameter Estimation GUI.

treatment of signals that involve harmonic suppres- Newton minimization are applied to successively im-
sion. Because multisine signals with modified zip- prove the model estimate; robustness criteria such
pered spectra contain correlated frequency grids, an as the Small Gain Theorem can be specified from
ETFE option is not available; however the SA and the GUI to monitor the control-relevancy of an MFD
ARX estimation options can be used instead. model. If a closed-loop Simulink model is available,
users can test the estimated model with respect to
The GUI takes “iddata” or “struct” format as input
setpoint tracking directly from the GUI.
data whose essential components include the follow-
ing: input and output time series, sampling time, cy-
cle length, and number of sinusoids. Once the input
data is loaded, the GUI automatically analyzes an 3. CASE STUDY
input signal type and blocks the choices that are not
available with the given input type. Users can export The integrated methodology described in this paper
the estimated responses in “idfrd” or “struct” format. is demonstrated for the strongly interactive distil-
These are used in the ensuing modules in support of lation column problem according to Jacobsen and
advanced control system design. Skogestad (1994). The column has an L/V configu-
ration and operates at purities of yD = 0.99 and xB =
0.01. Since this process is of 41st-order, control-
2.3 Control-Relevant Curvefitting relevant model reduction is desirable for this sys-
tem. From open-loop step responses, the dominant
The goal of the control-relevant frequency-response time constant range for this system can be estimated
curvefitting GUI (Figure 5) is to optimally esti- as τdom
L =15 and τ H =194 min. Coupled with user
mate a useful parametric model with satisfactory choices of αs =2, and βs =3, the GUI leads to ac-
control-relevance which can be used as a nomi- ceptable choices of ns =78, Ns =916, and T =8 min.
nal for Model Predictive Control (MPC). The ap- A directional multisine input with modified zippered
proach used here follows according to the analy- spectrum is designed relying on prior knowledge of
sis described in Lee and Rivera (2005a; 2005b). the steady-state gain; the amplification range sug-
Users can rely on frequency responses from the pre- gested by the GUI for correlated harmonics corre-
vious GUI, or import frequency responses in “id- sponding to the low gain direction [1 1] is 64 ≤
frd” or “struct” format with the proper syntax. The γ ≤ 75. In this example the value γ =72 is used. Fig-
control-relevant curvefitting algorithm approximates ure 6 shows the power spectral designs of shifted,
frequency-responses into parsimonious discrete-time standard zippered, modified zippered multisine input
state-space model representations based on linear signals generated from the Multivariable Input Sig-
Matrix Fractional Descriptions (MFD) by relying nal Design GUI. The three signals are scaled so that
on frequency-dependent pre- and post- weight func- the level of uncorrelated harmonics are equal.The
tions meaningful to MPC control (Rivera and Gaik- corresponding input and output state-space plots are
wad, 1995). The control-relevant weighting func- shown in Figure 7; we note in particular that the
tions systematically shift the model error into regions modified zippered signal is designed to emphasize
that are less significant to closed-loop control per- low gain directionality (e.g., the [1 1] direction) as a
formance. Sanathanan-Koerner iteration and Gauss- result of the geometric directional adjustment intro-

Newcastle, Australia, March 29-31, 2006

Preprint for the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006)
Power Spectral Density Shifted Case Standard Zippered Case Modified Zippered Case

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0

−0.1 −0.1 −0.1

0 1000 2000 3000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000

0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0

10 −0.1 −0.1 −0.1
−3 −2 −1 0
10 10 10 10 0 1000 2000 3000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000

0.5 0.5

0 0 0


−0.5 −0.5
0 1000 2000 3000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000

10 0.5 0.5

0 0 0

−3 −2 −1 0 −5
10 10 10 10 −0.5 −0.5
0 1000 2000 3000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Time [min] Time [min] Time [min]


Fig. 8. Time sequences for input and output signals;
shifted (left), standard zippered (middle) and

modified zippered (right).
11 12

0 0
10 10

Fig. 6. Input power spectra for shifted (top), standard

zippered (middle), and modified zippered (bot- 10

tom) designs.
Spectral Analysis
−2 −2
10 MFD curvefitting
Input State−Space Output State−Space CR−MFD curvefitting
0.5 P P
21 True
22 Plant
0 0
10 10


0 0

−0.5 0 0.5 −0.1 0 0.1 −1 −1
10 10
u1 y1
0.1 −2 −2
10 10


0 0 Frequency Frequency

−0.5 0
0.5 −0.1 0
Fig. 9. Control-relevant frequency-response curvefit-
ting for the modified zippered case.
5 0.1

trix fraction description (MFD) models with orders



0 0

−5 −0.1 na =1, nb =1, & nk =1 (see Figure 9).

−5 0 5 −0.1 0 0.1
u1 y1 The model adequacy of the curvefitted MFD mod-
els for control applications is evaluated in closed-
Fig. 7. Corresponding input and output state-space
loop setpoint tracking tests using MPC parameters
plots: the top is for a shifted design (red), the
(PH=35, MH=5, Ywt=[1 1], & Uwt=[0.05 0.03]).
middle is for a standard zippered design (blue),
Although control-relevant weighting properly shifts
and the bottom is for a modified zippered design
the model estimation error, the best results are ob-
served from weighted MFD models estimated from
duced by the presence of correlated harmonics (Lee the modified zippered case data (Figure 10). The
and Rivera, 2005b). improved low gain directionality in the data results in
an estimated low singular value from the model aris-
To test the effectiveness of the method under noisy
ing from the modified zippered case that is closest to
environments, white noise is added to each output
the true plant (see Figure 11). The combination of a
channel at [−1] dB in addition to an input distur-
sensible input design with the control-relevant curve-
bance (see Figure 8). The estimated frequency re-
fitting procedure produces the most suitable model
sponses are generated using the Frequency Response
from the data for control purposes, as was reported
Estimation GUI as follows: spectral analysis is used
in Lee and Rivera (2005b).
for the shifted and modified zippered cases, while
ETFE is applied for the standard zippered case. Only
the modified zippered case is shown in Figure 9
for the sake of brevity. The frequency responses are 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
exported and loaded into the Control-Relevant Pa-
rameter Estimation GUI; unweighted and weighted CR-IDENT represents a software implementation
curvefit models are approximated into low-order ma- of a comprehensive control-relevant identification

Newcastle, Australia, March 29-31, 2006

Preprint for the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006)
MPC Setpoint Tracking Test REFERENCES
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0 50 100
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Mod. Zip: unweighted MFD
10 Jacobsen, E.W. and S. Skogestad (1994). Inconsis-

Std. Zip: weighted MFD

Shifted: weighted MFD tencies in dynamic models for ill-conditioned
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 plants application to low-order models of distil-
10 lation columns. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 33, 631–

0 50 100 150 200
Time [min]
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In: 2004 AIChE Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
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Stand. Zip.−CRMFD
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0 Conference. Portland, OR. pp. 1431–1436.


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−2 −1
methodology for plant-friendly input signal de-
10 10
sign and control-relevant estimation of highly
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Lee, H., D.E. Rivera and H. Mittelmann (2003b).
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quirements of process systems, particularly strongly highly interactive systems. In: 13th IFAC Sym-
interactive ones such as high purity distillation. The posium on System Identification (SYSID 2003).
toolbox reduces the background and skill level re- Rotterdam, Netherlands. pp. 947–952.
quired to implement this procedure, since only a Prett, D.M. and C.E. García (1988). Fundamental
priori knowledge of a system in terms of time con- Process Control. Butterworth. Stoneham, M.A.
stants and steady-state gains (if available) is re- Rivera, D.E. and S.V. Gaikwad (1995). System-
quired to initiate this toolbox. Following identi- atic techniques for determining modeling re-
fication testing, the frequency-response estimation quirements for SISO and MIMO feedback con-
and control-relevant curvefitting modules work in- trol problems. Journal of Process Control
teractively (with necessary iterations between the 5(4), 213–224.
GUIs) to produce a useful model leading to a high Rivera, D.E., H. Lee, M.W. Braun and H.D. Mit-
performance Model Predictive Controller. This was telmann (2003). Plant-friendly system identifi-
demonstrated for a strongly interactive distillation cation: a challenge for the process industries.
column simulation. The most updated CR-IDENT In: 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identifi-
toolbox and its documents can be accessed from the cation (SYSID 2003). Rotterdam, Netherlands.
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5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Stenman, A., F. Gustafsson, D.E. Rivera, L. Ljung
and T. McKelvey (2000). On adaptive smooth-
Funding for this work was provided by grant no. ing of empirical transfer function estimates.
PRF-37610-AC9 from the American Chemical Society- Control Engineering Practice 8(2), 1309–1315.
Petroleum Research Fund.

Newcastle, Australia, March 29-31, 2006

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