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often to the base of the pseudobulbs.

Sometimes there was a very healthy section

of roots m one area of the pot and not so
healthy roots in other sections. for these a
hybnd approach was used in whch only the
viable roots were maintained and surrounded
with fresh sphagnum. The lesson learned
from this experience is you shouid know the
rules as wel as understand the reason behind
the rules. After that, trust your msbncts. Do
not be afraíd to break the rule if it seems like
the right thing to do.
There are some new products we will be
trialing this year, as weü as some new ways
of using oíd Staples from the potting shed.
Chnstmas arrived early when I received a
package from Keith Davis containing two sets
of shears along with a catalog from the Mid-
States Wool Growers. The shears are tough.
Sharp and durable, desígned for cutttng
sheep hooves. One of the shears is the ARS
Hoof Shear, described as being 'made of a
high carbón Steel, precisión ground, and
hardened for strength Beca use of the
thickness and strength of thelr blades, they
can be sharpened many times over." The
second was a Saboten Hoof Trimmer
described as *l«htweight. easy action, very
Sharp, making for easy cutting * I am hopmg
this wil solve my shears dilemma where l buy
ftve or six pairs each year and the torch duHs
them quickfy Even though Terry sharpens
them, they have to be replaced at the end of
the year. So far, these shears are great. Only
Keith would come up with the idea of using
these on orchids. Of course, this is the same
guy that gets iron fillings from the shop that
tums brake drums as a supplement for his
rup«colous laelias and uses a clothespm to
traiohis flowers to display properly.
LUBBERS Grasshoppers. and more
parbcularly, lubber grasshoppers, can do
quite a bit of damage to your orchid plants
and flowers Lubber control used to consist of
'capture and stomp,' until a friend in my
orchid dub told me about NoLo bait. also sold
as Semaspore Bait. Linda spreads the bait
around her property in the spring when the humans. pets, birds, benehoal insect s, and early in the year to infecí them with a
lubbers flrst emerge from the ground. They other wildlife. I got the product midsummer pathogen. or potson them wth EcoBran iater
are attracted to the bran and consume the after the lubbers were mature. so also ordered in the year. Hat tip to ünda Stewart
Nosema tocustoe, a target-specific pathogen some EcoBran from Pianet Natural. This bran
that infecís and kills 90 spedes of bait is treated with Carbaryl, the active
grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. The ingredient in bquid Sevin, and is intended for
Arbico Organic websrte States 'Death may a quick grasshopper and cricket klll. Next
occur in 1 to 3 weeks in juvenile year the applicattons will
grasshoppers Third instars or older may take [3] Tired of your shears gettmg dull and rustod
more time to after a lew months of torohmg? Try the more
die. The insect pathogen multiplies in infected heavy-duty shears sold tor tnmming sheep
grasshoppers and passes from grasshopper hooves. They are thicker. stronger and more
to grasshopper throughout the season.' The resistan' to dulkng Hat tip to Katfh Davts
product is easy to apply, certified for organic [4J Lubber grasshoppers are attracted to the bran
producbon and reported to be harmless to
at this bait staton You can use NoLo bait

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