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From: Geovanny Pertuz

To: Mr. Holmes

Subject: Class Talks

Dear Mr. Holmes

I agree with you, it would be very interesting to have time to talk about issues at the
national level and even at the global level.

I would like us to talk about how the media affect us young people today, this topic is
interesting because there is a lot to talk about such as technology and the lie of television.

No, because I don't feel like I have the ability to do that.

I cannot for the simple reason that I do not feel prepared for this, maybe other students can.


Geovanny Pertuz

My favorite room in my house is my brother's room, he has a bathroom, he has a television
and he also has many interesting things like punko and finally he has an xbox one and play
4 to play when he is bored, I like it because it has many things to distract me like
videogames consoles and punko, however I don't like how his room is organized, he has
disorganized punks, his bed is too far from the wall and makes the room very
uncomfortable, I would also like to arrange things by myself, he is very disorganized, on
the other hand, I am very organized.

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