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Brazilian Journal of Development

Homeopathic treatment in dog dermatopathy

Tratamento homeopático em dermatopatia em cão


Recebimento dos originais: 30/11/2019

Aceitação para publicação: 15/01/2020

Franscinne Brait Narita

Pós Graduada em Homeopatia Clínica e Tecnologia das Altas diluições na High Dilution
Rua João Vilhema, 76, Planalto Paulista, São Paulo/SP

Bruna Scardoeli
Pós Graduada em Homeopatia Clínica e Tecnologia das Altas diluições na High Dilution
Rua Oagy Kalile 415, Morumbi, São Paulo/ SP

Adalberto do Carmo Braga von Ancken

Mestre em Bem-estar e Medicina Veterinária pela UNISA
UNIP/ High Dilution Science
End. Rua Antônio de Barros, 1705
Tatuapé - São Paulo/ SP

Cideli de Paula Coelho

Doutor em Ciências pela FMVZ- USP
Universidade Santo Amaro / High Dilution Science
Rua Amazonas, 1245, São Caetano do Sul -SP


Between 20% and 75% of veterinary consultations of dogs and cats in clinics and hospitals
are believed to be directly related to skin problems. The main complaints reported by tutors
during consultations are the symptoms of alopecia, hypotrichosis, pruritus, ulceration, scaling,
vesicle and scabs formation, and the presence of skin masses, in which one dermatopathy is
often associated with another. Chronic lesions are mainly observed in places where there is
intense itching, which is the most desconfortable symptom to tutors, but which, on the other
hand, is minimized by several drugs. The most commonly treatments used are highly effective
immunomodulations such as glucocorticoids, but it brings by numerous adverse reactions such
as polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia, alopecia, obesity, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal ulcers,
diabetes, and predisposition to infections. The aim of this paper is to show the effectiveness
of treatment through ultra-diluted medications in chronic dog dermatopathy. After
repertorization, the administration of Pulsatilla nigricans 30cH was recommended, and four

Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 1,p. 2209-2215 jan. 2020. ISSN 2525-8761

Brazilian Journal of Development
drops were prescribed orally twice a day for 20 consecutive days, associated with
Hystaminium 30cH, prescribed the same way, but for 30 days. One week after the beginning
of homeopathies, the patient showed considerable improvement in the skin and after 30 days,
80% improvement in the itchy conditions, skin texture, local hyperemia and odor, as well as
behavior and rostral physiognomy. suggesting good disposition of the patient.

Keywords: Dermatology; Atopy; Dogs; Ultra dilution.


Acredita-se que entre 20% e 75% das consultas veterinárias de cães e gatos em clínicas e
hospitais estejam diretamente relacionadas a problemas de pele. As principais queixas
relatadas pelos tutores durante as consultas são os sintomas de alopecia, hipotricose, prurido,
ulceração, descamação, formação de vesículas e crostas e presença de massas de pele, nas
quais uma dermatopatia está frequentemente associada a outra. As lesões crônicas são vistas
principalmente em locais onde há prurido intenso, que é o sintoma mais desconfortável para
os tutores, mas que, de outra forma, é minimizado por vários medicamentos. Os tratamentos
mais comumente usados são imunomodulações altamente eficazes, como glicocorticóides,
mas apresentam inúmeras reações adversas, como poliúria, polifagia, polidipsia, alopecia,
obesidade, pancreatite, úlceras gastrointestinais, diabetes e predisposição a infecções. O
objetivo deste artigo é mostrar a eficácia do tratamento ultra-diluído na dermatopatia crônica
em cães. Após repertorização, foi recomendada a administração de Pulsatilla nigricans 30cH
e quatro gotas foram prescritas por via oral duas vezes ao dia por 20 dias consecutivos,
associadas ao Hystaminium 30cH, prescrito da mesma maneira, mas por 30 dias. Uma semana
após o início das homeopatias, o paciente apresentou melhora considerável na pele e, após 30
dias, melhora de 80% nas condições de prurido, textura da pele, hiperemia e odor local, além
de comportamento e fisionomia rostral. sugerindo boa disposição do paciente.

Palavras-chave: Dermatologia; Atopia; Cães; Ultra diluição.

Dermatological resources in dogs and cats prevail from 20% to 75% in clinics and
hospitals, being most prominent in patients between 2 and 5 years, without racial
predisposition and being also present licking dermatitis in up to 68% of atopic dogs, with 12%
of these animals show concomitant seborrhea1.
Skin scraping and mycological examination are imperative for any patient with
dermatological issue, including an indication of cytology and bacterial culture2. Blood test and
biochemical exam are important complements for the differential diagnosis of
endocrinopathies with cutaneous reflexes3, as well as behavioral alterations of separation
The initial symptomatology of dermatopathies, local or generalized itching, is more
evident and reported by tutors and can be immediately minimized by administration of
glucocorticoids, which unfortunately can provoke various side effects, like diarrhea, anorexia
and constipation5, in addition to polyuria, polydipsia, alopecia, polyphagia, obesity, urinary
Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 1,p. 2209-2215 jan. 2020. ISSN 2525-8761
Brazilian Journal of Development
tract infections, pancreatitis, ulceration and gastrointestinal perforation6, often associated with
limb licking and axillary lesions7,8.
In addition, opportunistically, secondary infections such as superficial and deep
bacterial pyodermatite, fungical infections, often included in the patient's clinical symptoms,
are treated with antibiotic therapy or systemic antifungicals associated with glucocorticoids
and antihistamines, respectively9.
This case report the treatment in a 10 years old dog in March 2018, whose primary complaint
was chronic dermatitis (Figure 1), which has been treated by clinical colleagues, dermatology
and endocrinology for almost 4 years, but without goods results in all convencional previous

Figure 1: The patient reported.

Source: Personal Archives, March 31, 2018.

In the first visit, the tutor reports that the symptoms began with the change of residence,
where physical examination revealed seborrhea, fetid odor, allopecic areas, erythema,
hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis, especially in the limb, ventral, cervical regions (Figure
2, 3 and 4), in addition to intense and widespread itching. However, there wasn't notable
alterations in blood test, renal function, liver function, triglycerides, cholesterol, TSH, free T4
and skin scraping.

Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 1,p. 2209-2215 jan. 2020. ISSN 2525-8761

Brazilian Journal of Development
Figures 2, 3 and 4: Ventral region; member region; and cervical region, respectively.

Source: Personal Archives, March 31, 2018.

Remembering that most dermatopathies are due to behavioral or mental changes, the
predisposition of atopic dermatitis increases when the animal separates from the tutor or when
there have changes in the life of these individuals10, being an attempt by the body to rebalance
itself, thus, physically manifesting the result of this biological process against factors such as
heat, food, microorganisms, jealousy, longing, fear, stress, among others11.
Therefore, we opted for homeopathic treatment after repertorization (Figure 5), in order
to stimulate the whole organism, preventing side effects to the patient, based on the Similar
Law, described by the ability of a disease to be cured through the administration of a substance
that produces the same symptoms in a healthy person12.
The pharmacodynamic action of homeopathic medicines provides small amounts of
information to regulatory centers, such as receptors and DNA, perceived as reactive disorders
to promote the body's vital harmony, which manifests symptoms due to pathogenic factors
that will, then, used to identify the correct drug12. In the traditional homeopathic repertoire
model, the pathogenetic symptoms described in the Homeopathic Medical Matter receive the
grouping of several drugs, maintaining a hierarchy of those more or less common13.

Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 1,p. 2209-2215 jan. 2020. ISSN 2525-8761

Brazilian Journal of Development
Figure 5: Digital repertorization of symptoms.

Source: Personal Archives, March 31, 2018.

Thus, Pulsatilla nigricans, which acts on relapsing urticaria, was administered to docile
but suspicious, lewd patients with emotional arousal disorders and the need for affection and
companionship, while Histaminum was administered to inhibit histamine production,
minimizing pruritus14,15, due to allergen-induced mast cell degranulation7, in which the
mechanism of action causes acute inflammation, allergy and urticaria, but which at
homeopathic dose responds to these proinflammatory and irritant properties, reducing the
manifestations, because at high dilutions there is activity at the level of cellular receptors, thus
blocking the effects of histamine16,17.
Thus, 4 drops were prescribed Pulsatilla nigricans 30cH via oral, 2 It was prescribed
4 drops of Pulsatilla nigricans 30cH orally twice a day for 20 days and 2 drops of Hystaminium
30CH orally twice a day for 30 days, already showing significant improvement in skin in just
1 week. After 30 days of treatment (Figures 6, 7 and 8), there was absence of fetid odor, less
intense hyperemia, smaller areas of alopecia and seborrhea, as well as minimized itching,
resulting in an 80% improvement in treated dermatopathy, always maintaining the well-being
of the patient during treatment.

Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 1,p. 2209-2215 jan. 2020. ISSN 2525-8761

Brazilian Journal of Development
Figures 6, 7 e 8: Ventral region; member region; and cervical region, respectively.

Source: Personal Archives, March 31, 2018.

However, relying on the key pillars of homeopathy, it was possible through the
Similarity Law, promote the path to cure quickly and less harmful, by balancing the patient's
vital force18, demonstrating the performance of homeopathic treatment as therapeutic support
in the home in prognosis of hypersensitivity and atopic diseases and acute and chronic eczema.


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Brazilian Journal of Development
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Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 1,p. 2209-2215 jan. 2020. ISSN 2525-8761

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