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Torion, Jeric

Assignment/quiz 7

1) What are the urgent challenges faced by the country at the moment
• Covid-19
• Poverty
• Unemployment
2.) As a student, what can you do to help the country address 3 challenges you have
stated in question number 1.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has devasted a huge amount of lives
around the country. According to JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data, there are 40,424+ total
deaths and around 2.71M is still infected by the disease. The current situation affects
children, adolescents and their families in an exceptional way. Kindergartens and schools
have been closed, social contacts strongly limited and out-of-home leisure time activities
canceled. Parents are asked to support their children with home schooling, while at the
same time working from home. There are many to mentions effects of the pandemic to
our country, as a student, I think the most effective way of helping the country is following
through our government health and safety protocols. There are countless of lives are
been taken away, we do not want to increase the number of damages further so that’s
way it is important to be united at all cost. Through sharing or providing valid news sources
through social media is also an effective way, not only you keep yourself updated but also
you help your social media friends reach the news. By doing so, we can slowly eradicate
the pandemic through proper discipline and perseverance as individuals.
There are several programs that has been implemented and layout throughout the
years. Poverty in every country exist, it is hard to eradicate but we can decrease its
number. According to the Asian Development Bank, the major causes of poverty include:
low economic growth, a weak agricultural sector, increased population rates and a high
volume of inequality. Because of these factors, there are a lot of effects of poverty in the
Philippines that make it difficult for people to live in such circumstances. As a student one
way of decreasing the poverty in the country is being educated and spread the information
about birth control systems. It is important for young generations to understand the effects
and hardships to what uncontrolled births by several families in the country exist.
Providing birth control is a powerful tool for families who now have full control over family
planning. The hope is by giving the women and family units more control, they will have
fewer children. This, in turn, will mean that families can provide more responsibly.
Hunger is one of the extreme effects of poverty in the Philippines. With little money
to buy food, Filipinos are having to survive on very limited food; even when food supplies
are stable, they are most accessible in other areas where people have enough income to
purchase the food. And with such an unequal distribution of income, there is a low
demand for food supplies in less developed areas that are home to low-income residents.
The quality of food is also decreasing; rice used to be the main source of food for Filipinos,
but now it has largely been replaced with instant noodles, which is cheaper but less
nutritious. As a result, malnutrition has become a lot more common. As a student I will
help the country by sharing and volunteering to job fairs projects as mush as I can do. I’ll
help in disseminating the information about government aids and programs, job fairs or
any job opening that suits any individual. I will lead to propose task and be the voice if I
can to unemployed individuals who has potential talents. Starting to my community I will
ask for assistance to our barangay hall and suggest livelihood programs that will focus to
unemployed parents that will benefit both the government and the people themselves. It
is a small act of help, but I believe that small steps is a progress.

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