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Children good members in the society

It is said that the parents have the responsability of children’s education but
nowadays the children have full-time school and extracurricular activities, so does
the school also have to teach how to be good members in this society?

More and more children spend more time at school than at home. At school the
students eat, learn, do the homework and they are with their friends and teachers.
For this reason some people believe that school is the right place for learning to
be a good person in this society. In this point I think it is unfair for the teachers
because they don’t have to cover a role, that belongs to the family.

While it is true the parents have more ocupations and spend less time with their
children, they are in charge of teaching values, responsibilities and what is right or
not to be a good person.

As a music teacher at High School in Argentina I feel the theacher’s role has to
cover more tasks and obligations with our students. I teach, correct the homework,
call the parents when the student make something wrong and take homework to
my home many times. In many schools of Buenos Aires the students go for the
lunch as a priority and then they study or they attend at school to get a

As a conclusión I think that the school must fulfill the role of teaching and not add
more tasks than it should. The family and parents should practice the example of
being a better person and the school is the better place for show it.


In this line graph we can see the consumption of fast food by australian teenagers from
1975 to 2000.
At a glance we can see that the consumption of hamburgers and pizza grew but the fish
and chips decreased in all this period.
In 1975 teenagers didn't choose pizza and hamburgers, the most popular dish was fish
and chips starting with 100 times per year.
In the case of pizza, it constantly grew until 1995, where then it reached a peak of 85 and
it remained constant until 2000.
The hamburgers weren't consumed in 1975 but then they increased sharply until the next
decade. Also during 1985 to 1995 the growth was slight until 100 and it stabilised in the
last 5 years.
On the other hand the fish and chips was very popular in the beggining but then showed a
fluctuation. It started with 100 in 1975, then the trend fluttered until 1985. In the following
15 years it dropped dramatically to 40 in 2000.
Despite of being the most popular dish in 1975, the low demand and made the pizza and
hamburgers grew in the last decade.

In this bar chart we can see the average number of hours worked per week and stress levels
among eight professionals’groups.

At a glance business men and movie producers are the professions with 70-60h hours per week.
Doctors, writers and programmers are in the middleof the list with an average of 40-50h.
Lawyers,chefs and lecturers have 25-30h hours per week.

Each profesional of this group suffer stress and generally it is related with the average of hours
worked per week but we have exceptions.

In the case of lecturers they have the lowest average of hours worked per week but thie stress
level increase to 25%, the highest percentage of the group. Business men has 70h per week but his
stress level drop to 11%.

On the other hand other jobs such as movie producers and doctors with 50-60h per week are in
the middle of stress level with 18% and 15%. Writers, programmers and lawyers had the lowest
stress level but heir house worked per weeek rise to 40.


Many years ago the teaching of english as second languagestarted at primary school but nowadays
children learn it at kindergarten –from 2 years old- What benefits do these changes bring? It is an
unnecessary change?

Learning english at early age bring a lot of benefits: When we are children we study this language
in (forma innata), we don’t have to do the effort for studying. English pronunciation and writting
will be better and will allow the child to be bilingual in the future. Al so children will be in contact
with two different cultures, they will be able to speak with people with different nationalities and
they have more facilities to learn a third language, if they would want it. Even when they are
adults, they would have more job opportunities for being bilingual.

On the other hand for some children the learning of english could be difficult because they don’t
speak fluent their native language so they could have problems in pronunciation, verb conjugation
with their classmates and teacher.

In my own personal experience I would have preferred to learn english at early age because I
started to study english at Primary school at 10 years old then when I moved and changed school
my english level was zero. I had to started to study english with another group because my
classmates had and advanced level and this was desmotivating for me.

As a conclusión I can say the learning of english at early age have more advantages than
disadvantages and if would be mother some day I would choose for my son/daughter to a bilingual

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