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Do you know the truth about the EU?

1. The Queen has signed 6 of the 7 EU Treaties.

2. The 6 treaties define and build the EU as an unelected dictatorship.
3. The EU's laws give it the powers of a police state.
4. The 7th EU treaty will complete the abolition of Britain as a nation
- the Queen could sign it in as little as two years.

Shouldn't we repeal the 1972 European Communities Act now before we are imprisoned inside?

5. Thirty four years inside the EU - have you noticed how our democracy is being withdrawn?
The EU has denied us that most basic of human rights - the right to vote against the EU and to keep our own nation.
A majority of us don't want to be in the EU. We are being forced in against our will.

Do you feel you've become powerless, or your vote is worth less? The six treaties are removing our democracy by
harmonising our laws with the EU; 70% of Parliament’s new laws are the EU’s, not ours. Isn't the real reason people
have lost interest in politics precisely because the EU has taken away our ability to change things?

Common law, where government was our servant, is now largely replaced by the EU's Corpus Juris, where the
government is the ruler, and we don’t participate. Yet politicians lie about the EU, pretending its not significant.

6. Massive EU corruption
The EU's auditors have found the fraud is so widespread they've refused to sign the EU's accounts for ten years.
Whistleblowers like Marta Andreason, the EU Budget Director, who in 2005 found the EU couldn't account for 95% of
its £66 billion budget, are simply fired for telling the truth.

7. The bribing of our Politicians by the EU

Europe works by bribing politicians with huge salaries and expenses to vote for Europe, against the best interests of
their voters. So Labour, Conservatives and the Lib Dems are all in favour of the EU - a Westminster one party state.

8. EU corruption is exploding in our Civil Service, local government, and 8,500+ quangos.
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) is in charge of the handover of power to the EU. Its Common
Purpose organization has trained thousands of local leaders for the handover. It is also the glue that enables
countless frauds across government departments, rewarding pro EU local politicians and bureaucrats.

9. Businesses closing under EU regulation

The EU's 111,000 regulations will close hundreds of thousands more businesses when fully enforced, and control our
private lives more closely than those of Soviet citizens. (In a Parliamentary answer to Lord Stoddart in January 2003,
the government said there were 101,811 EU regulations, growing at 3,500 pa.)

10. The EU costs us £200 billion pa, 20% of our economy

According to the government's Better Regulation Task Force, complying with EU regulations now costs our economy
over £100 billion a year. Economists say we lose £80 billion pa by associating with the EU's inferior economies. The
EU took our fishing industry, which costs us £5 billion pa. EU damage to other industries a further £20 billion. Our EU
contribution is £10 billion. Taxes have doubled since we've been in the EU, leaving little money left in the economy
for millions now struggling to make ends meet, even before overwhelming EU immigration takes our jobs.

11. Our counties to be abolished

The Queen signed the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, which adopts the EU Regionalisation Plan. This will abolish England's
48 counties and replace them with 9 European regions, each with their own Regional Capital, which reports directly
to Brussels, not to Westminster. This effectively eliminates the country of England.

12. The EU's dispossession of the English.

The 1997 Amsterdam Treaty gave the EU control of our immigration; they’ve increased it ten fold, overcrowding our
cities and putting millions on minimum wage. With the seventh treaty abolishing our nation, then our counties, the
EU ruling us from Brussels with the laws of a police state, and the English already at the bottom of every
government, legal and politically correct queue, we will literally have no place we call home.

Please find out when your MP has his or her surgery. Attend with this and preferably a print out of the web site below,
and ask them to oppose the EU. Visit your councillors with the same documents and inform them they should not
agree to be abolished without the full consent of their own electorate. Give copies to any journalists you know.

To take action, please see David Noakes. 07974 437 097
What will life be like in the EU after the 7th Treaty is signed?
Our Westminster Parliament’s remaining powers will be transferred to Europe. Westminster loses its reason to
exist. It is the formal end of Britain and England as nations.

Britain's 153 embassies around the world will be closed as the ink from the Queen's signature dries. (As Tony
Blair refused to admit this has been agreed to, Jose Zapatero, the Prime Minister of Spain, confirmed it in a February
2005 radio broadcast.)

Your address will change after the EU abolishes our 48 counties, from 4 High St, Taunton, Somerset, Great
Britain, to 4 High St, Taunton, Area K, European Union. ("Area K" - has been assigned for a decade.)

The National Anthem of the EU, based on the melody "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven, formally replaces God Save the
Queen. The EU flag replaces the Union Jack, the red, blue and white nautical ensigns etc. (The EU Commission
ordered our Merchant Navy to fly the EU flag on 24th November 2005; they will no longer be able to refuse.)

The EU will take ownership and command of our Police, Army, Royal Navy, RAF, nuclear weapons, currency
reserves, North Sea Oil. (See the six EU Treaties, or the Constitution, which summarises them.)

It is illegal to criticise the EU under the 1999 ruling of the European court of "Justice" case c274/99. This will then
be enforced, and the UK Independence Party will be banned. The fact the EU is a police state will be very clear.

The Conservative, Labour and Lib-dem parties will be abolished (only pan EU parties like the EPP or PES are
allowed -see clause I.46.4 of the EU Constitution). It will then be obvious to even the dumbest politician there is no
reason to keep Westminster open, and that the EU has the legal right to close it.

Hundreds of thousands more small businesses will close on the enforcement of the remaining 100,000 EU
regulations already passed. Several million will be permanently unemployed.

The 111,000 regulations will make us all criminals. Ignorance of the law is no defence; but its impossible to know
111,000 regulations, and the poor can't possibly afford to comply. The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005
means you can be arrested for infringing any EU regulation, no matter how minor. We will live under permanent fear
of fines, arrest and imprisonment. Here are just 5 examples out of 111,000:

It is now illegal for you to repair the plumbing, windows or electrics in your own house, or to repair your own car. If
you buy a boat over six feet long, built after the EU Recreational Craft Directive of 1999, and don't pay the EU £4,000
to "measure" the boat, you get 6 months in prison.

The government and big corporations will have a monopoly on employment and will be able to dictate
unfavourable terms and minimum wage to staff without fear of contradiction.

Plum government jobs and corruption will ensure the wealth of politicians, bureaucrats, their businesses and
associates at all levels of government, including amongst our 7000+ quangos. Society will divide in two: the
remaining 60% of us will be unemployed or on minimum wage.

We will be ruled by the 25 unelected EU Commissioners; our only vote is to the powerless EU parliament. Taxes
will rise more steeply to pay for the even larger explosion in government growth and corruption; we will be as poor but
have less freedom than Soviet Citizens. If we demonstrate or protest we can be be seized and relocated to another
region as refugees.

The EU Arrest Warrant and Civil Contingencies Act 2004, with 30 other oppressive EU Acts the Queen has
signed between 1972 and 2005, give the government absolute power over us. Since 1992 the police have shot dead
innocents Philip Prout, Jean de Menezes and 28 others. “Shoot to kill” is legal under EU Corpus Juris law.

How long will the EU last? The EU’s Constitution is strikingly similar to the old Soviet Union’s. In perhaps 15 years
Europe will collapse under the weight of its own corruption, bureaucracy, and regulations. There will be so few
productive businesses that even at 100% tax rates we will not be able to support the massive, corrupt and wasteful
government; but many of us will be impoverished long before then. Afterwards we may be able to leave the EU, if a
dictator has not taken advantage of the absence of democratic checks and balances by seizing power. That dictator
would have the formerly British and French Nuclear weapons. History warns us dictators start wars.

Stop the EU police state

To take action: go to And complete one of the six. David Noakes. 07974 437 097

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