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CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH SS BETSY Uae 30139 UNIT 2: LET'S TALK! PSA Corporation Limited. Year 2013. Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved. Please note that the information contained in these materials are strictly confidential and may not be revealed to any third parties, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system nor transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, Photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of PSA Corporation Limited Reale 2A: SPEAK IT RIGHT! THE IMPORTANCE OF SPEAKING PROPERLY Speaking properly makes it easier for people to understand what you are saying. If you are not clear with what you say, others may get the wrong idea simply because they may not understand exactly what you are saying Remember, the clearer, more correctly you speak, the greater the likelihood that people will understand precisely what you are saying! HOW TO SPEAK SO OTHERS UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING + Speak slowly! * Be confident } “odd MoS LASS. MY P, Awe 1 Muti WEL BE Here are some tips on how you can improve your speaking skills! + Practise! Watch more English-oriented tv shows + Listen to more English Radio channels + Have conversations with your friends in English ae 2B: THE ALPHABET There are 26 letters in the alphabet. Do you know all of them? I know the Alphabet! Hrmmm... Okay, maybe not all of it. Can you help me by filling in the blanks? A_C_E_G_1!__KL_ _OP_R_TUV_X_Z Now that you've helped me complete the Alphabet, help me write the letters in lower-casing. Here, let me help you get started! ae 2¢: VOWELS Out of the 26 alphabet letters, only 5 are vowels! Aa Ee li Oo Uu Good question, Kelly! Vowels are special as each vowel letter has more than 1 type of sound OR can even be silent with no sound at all! aan 4 EXPLORING VOWELS Let's now take a look at vowels and practise pronouncing them in different words! l tot 1ot 1 1 a ot e toi I 1 I a iol gat oi bird 1 Il ape It eel It kite I l lake 1 l feet I l bite I I sack I I echo I 1 panic I I gate I I nest I ! insect I I apple ! ! edge I 1 iceberg 1 l ot 14 I ' 1 ' 1 I fo) 1 ! u I I oak I ! up ' I vow 1 1 ugly I I off ! 1 under I 1 mop ! I) queen 1 I lonely 1 1 united I | potatoes 1 1 umbrella 1 l 1 I 1 ayn a SILENT VOWELS In some words, some vowels can be silent with no sound at all! t 4 Mo . ' a wea e vu I i team fea cliffercnitaseres pail 1 boat to pie rt juice | spread | | Wednesday | | _ believe 1 1 4 vegetable 1 1 receive 1 rou rot t 1 t 1 ; 2 7 7 wy 1 people rou laugh 1 | leopard tt guess ' 1 consonants 1 1 guide ' 1 I 1 1 L I I 1 ha 2D: CONSONANTS Consonants are the rest of the alphabets! Bb Cc Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Can you count and tell me how many consonants are there? NL There are consonants! 7 AS 2D: CONSONANTS Mr Ivan, What is so special about consonants? Well Barney, consonants have only one sound and rarely sound like their name! ine: nea EXPLORING CONSONANTS Let’s now take a look at consonants and practise pronouncing them! t rt ret 1 I b tot g te) d l Te eves ria See cre eee bear candle deer ' ribbon ; ; music ; ladder ; 1 j 1 rt 1 1 = It ~ tt * 1 \ jump tt kick rt lion \ jacket Ai like 1 love ! major kittens i tall ! I = ru rt 1 aA EXPLORING CONSONANTS Let's now take a look at consonants and practise pronouncing them! ' re i 1 1 G@oo141 EF ya & 4 1 gut yy fing, Sock y liguid yy Point est i I 1 queen aa ae a bottles ; oo roo 1 1 £ yy ¥ 4 \ tiger 4 love \ picture fi cave ; ! tomato volume Vee tl ee ' po re hu 1 1 X yr Yo yy 2 4 x-ray yell Zoo l eu ee Ne I exam 4 pay It zebra \ ; xylophone ,, yawn | , squeeze | SILENT CONSONANTS Like vowels, some consonants can be silent with no sound at all! debt comb plumber autumn column government listen whistle wrestle ' 1 ne | Connecticut | \ cupboard receipt raspberry answer sword whole sign gnaw foreign rendezvous RSA ae. 2E: READ IT RIGHT! PASSAGE READING! Let's practise reading these simple passages! PASSAGE 2: Annie is at a restaurant. PASSAGE 1: Anna is an artist. She draws the moon. She eats cookies. She draws clouds. She eats ice cream. She draws stars. She eats cake. PASSAGE 4: John is at the park. PASSAGE 3: Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He sees dogs. He cooks steak. He sees birds. He sees ducks. He cooks vegetables. 1 PASSAGE 5: I PASSAGE b: Ben works on a farm. 1 Ted goes to the grocery store. He grows corn. 1 He buys an apple, 1 ' He grows peas. a banana, and a strawberry. He grows carrots. Eee TONGUE TWISTERS! Tongue twisters are phrases or sentences which are hard to speak fast, usually because of the usage of words with nearly similar sounds. It helps develop speech skills and also helps in speech therapy. TONGUE TWISTERS! Let's have some fun with these tongue twisters! To get the full effect of a tongue twister you should try to repeat it several times, as quickly as possible, without stumbling or mispronouncing. TONGUE TWISTER 1: Abig black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose. TONGUE TWISTER 2: Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he? TONGUE TWISTER 3: If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? TONGUE TWISTER 4: The big bug bit the little beetle, but the little beetle bit the big bug back. 14 CHALLENGE! How fast can you read this without any problem at all? TONGUE TWISTER 5: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood in a truck? As much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood! LET'S TALK! SUMMARY In this lesson, we covered 1. The importance of speaking properly + How to speak so others understand what you are saying 2. The Alphabet 3. Vowels + Exploring vowels + Silent vowels 4. Consonants + Exploring consonants + Silent consonants 5. Read it right! + Passage reading + Tongue Twisters

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