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REFLECTION: Communication and language disorder

In this topic, I learned about Communication and language disorder. In

communication disorder it has two types which are speech and language disorder. I also
learned about Speech Impairment which has three characteristics these are Articulation
Disorder, Fluency Disorder and Voice Disorder. Language Impairment has also three
characteristics which are Receptive Language Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder
and Mixed receptive-expressive Language Disorder. And lastly I learned about the 10
most common speech language disorder.

Language is a wonderful thing and children seem to develop it at a quick pace, but
some children do have trouble developing language. Some children encounter hurdles
that they have to learn how to overcome and teachers need to be aware of these
possible hurdles in order to help children learn to over come them. I chose to focus on
dyslexia because its a more common language disorder. I also know a person who was
diagnosed with dyslexia. Children who have dyslexia usually have a difficult time reading
or writing words, they sometimes can have a difficult time with sounding out words, and
as the text says, and Their writing does not usually match their level of intelligence.

Based on what I learned in this topic, In order to support children with dyslexia, it
is a good idea to spend extra time helping them with the area they are having trouble in.
A really great way to support families is by having constant communication with them.
If a child is struggling and a teacher informs the parents with, not only the problem, but
also the solution parents will already feel supported and know the teacher is ready to
help their child. Keeping the parents informed and even sending information home with
the parents on the disorder will help them feel supported.

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