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My work as an intern in the company:

The company territorial guards (Pvt.)Ltd is a service provider in the market

because of which it is mainly focused on it operations. I worked along Mr. Sajid
who was the operational manager in the organization. From what I have seen
and understood is that this person is the driving force of this company as he is
the one whose performance directly affects the organization positively or
negatively which directly impacts the image of the company in the market. The
first task that I was assigned by general manager, fareed seighal, was to gather
as much knowledge as possible from the employees working in the
organization, from CEO himself to the guards who perform their duties for 12
hours. As my job was to look after the operations I spent most of my time with
the operation’s personal where I used to receive hotline calls from the
customers and then prioritized their problems and concerns as instructed to
me by the general manager during the first lesson on the first day. After
gathering all the information regarding the problems, I used to stick a note on
the notice board which stated all the problems that the security agency was
facing and how the team responded to certain situations. After this I had to
write a detailed report expressing my opinion on where the company was
lacking in the operation’s field. This was the operation’s overall view that what
the team did on regular basis. As his working hours were 24 hours, as any
problem could arise at any time and it was important to cater those problems
on time, each worker worked for 9 hours and then some other employee
would take his/her place. My job was to make sure that everything was done
on time by the team and to see if there was any problem in the whole process .

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