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FAMILY is a group of people. It consists of one or two parents and their children. It is a basic unit of society
related by blood or legal link.
FAMILY MEMBERS: parents, siblings, blood relatives, grandparents, great grandparent, uncle, aunt,
nephew, niece, cousin, godfather/mother, step-father/mother, mother/father-in law, brother/sister-in law
 nuclear – a basic type of a family which includes parents and their children, they live together
 extended – 3 or more generations –grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins
 single parent – single mother, husband or wife died
 reconstructed – do not have to be based on blood relations (adopt orphan, re-marry)
 cohabitation – two people live together without being married   
REASONS FOR GETTING DIVORCED: Couples get divorced because they have different interests,
financial problems, there is lack of faith, there is addiction to alcohol or drugs, gambling, jealousy,
TYPES OF PARENTS: Parents can be: strict, democratic, helpful, friendly, liberal (who let children do
what they want), reliable , emphatic. The best type of parents is democratic because they set limits to
children but they also respect their children and listen to them.
ROLE  OF FAMILY: The role of the family is to provide protection, education, help and security to its
members. Kids learn in the family how to get on with people, use magic words, how to be tolerant,
disciplined, polite, helpful, how to communicate and behave, become independent, deal with problems...
GENERATION GAP: are differences between 2 generations, children and their parents or grandparents
because they have different opinions or attitude on/to fashion, marks at school, hobbies or future career,
spending free time, using new technologies, completely different behaviour etc.
I usually/seldom: take out the trash, do the washing up / wash the dishes, iron, dust, wash laundry,
do the shopping, hoover/ vacuum, tidy up the bedroom, make the bed, set the table, prepare to school…
A family gets/gathers together at: birthday party, feasts and holidays, Christmas, Easter, wedding,
christening , funeral. They play games, talk, watch TV, do sport, cook, family trips, parties, barbecue in the
garden, do shopping, gardening,...
THE ROLE OF PARENTS: parents should: talk, listen, help their children, help them solve problems, teach
them what is right or wrong, take care, make compromises, spend time with kids, support/encourage
children, bring children up, go to work, provide finances/money to the family

THE ROLE OF CHILDREN: children should fulfill duties, obey rules, help with household chores, study
and go to school.
What does he/she look like? Ako vyzerá?
Age : young, middle-aged (v strednom veku), older, elderly (postarší).
He is in his early 30s (má asi do 35 rokov). He is in his mid 30s (má asi 35 rokov). He is in his late 30s (Má takmer 40
rokov). He is retired (na dôchodku).
Build: slim (štíhly), thin (tenký), skinny (vyziabnutý). He is of medium build (je strednej postavy – ani chudý, ani
tučný); well-built (svalnatý), plump (bucľatý), fat (tučný), overweight/obese (obézny)
Height: short, tall. He is of medium height (je strednej výšky)
Face: thin (chudá), chubby (bucľatá), round (okrúhla), oval (oválna), square (štvorcová), sun-tanned (opálená), pale
(bledá), full lips (plné pery), thin lips (tenké pery), long/straight (rovný)/small nose
Hair: long/short/straight (rovné)/wavy (vlnité), curly (kučeravé),
fringe (ofina), ponytail (vrkoč), spiky (na ježka), bald (plešivý), highlighted (melír), dyed (zafarbené), blond, dark, fair
(svetlé), grey (šedivé), red (ryšavé), white
Clothes: he/she wears casual clothes (bežné oblečenie), smart (elegantné), fashionable/trendy/in clothes (módne
oblečenie), baggy (voľné), tight (úzke), shabby (ošúchaný), scruffy (rozgajdaný)
Skin/complexion: dark, fair (svetlý)
Other features (iné znaky): He wears glasses (nosí okuliare), He has freckles (pehy), beard (brada), moustache (fúzy),
wrinkles (vrásky)

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