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ED 022 771 TE 000 681
By-Hayes. Curtis W.
Pub Date Jan 67
Journal Cit-English Journal; v56 ri p89-96 Jan 1967
MRS Price MF-S025 HC-S0A4
The value of a transformational model of syntax can be Illustrated by comparing
the taxonomic grammatical description of a complex sentence to a
transformation-oriented description of the same sentence. The taxonomic approach.
an immediate constituent analysis. requires 10 steps to break the sample sentence onto
its grammatical components; the transformational approach. incorporating both phrase
structure rules and transformational rules, requires three steps to explain the
sentence. Because the transformational method allows for generalaations about the
process of embedding. it can make more economical statements about syntax.
Furthermore. since the transformational theory holds that a finite set of phrase
structure rules plus a finite set of transformational rules can explan any sentence, it is
linguistically more complete and consistent and, thus, more practical on the classroom
than the taxonomic theory which assumes that an infinite set of phrase structure rules
is necessary to describe all sentences. (LH)
The Official Journal of the Secondary Section of
r4 National Council of Teachers of English
Editor:Ric:man S. ALM
University of Hawaii
0 Volume 56 January 1967 Number 1
tiJ Matter and Meaning of Motion Pictures 23 The Rev. I. Paul Calico,
The Faculty Club, Wittenberg (Verse) 37 William F. Gavin
Reeling in English Class 38 Sister Mary Labouré Hang,
LoneliEess of the Long Distance Runner:
First Film Fare 41 Sister M. Amanda Ely, ,O.P.
Macbeth for the Busy Reader (Verse) 44 Richard Gaggin
Aboard the Narcissus 45 Evalee Hart
An Approach to Teaching The Secret Sharer 49 Marian C. Powell
The Role of Order and Disorder in
The Long March 54 Welles T. Brandriff
A Letter to J. A. (Verse) 59 Pansye H. Powell
The IV eltanschauung of Steinbeck and
Hemingway: An Analysis of Themes 60 Samuel Scoville
Miss Brownstone and the Age of Science 64 John H. Bens
Helping Students See Their Language Working 67 W. Wilbur Hatfield
...... The Feature System in the Classroom 74 Keith Schap
Cho Syntax: Some Present-Day Ccncepts 89 Curtis W. Hayes
Some Usage Forms Die Hard
o Thanks to College Entrance Exams 97 Evelyn Schroth
o Is Composition Obsolete? 100 Solomon S. Simonson
o Teaching Writing Today
Composition or Decomposition? 103 Edward Lueders
t. Priming the Pump and Controlling the Flow 109 Vivian Buchan
How To Write Lcss Efficiently 114 Arthur A. Stern


Syntax: Some Present-Day Concepts

Curtis W. Hayes gy,
71076..,1_ 102..../41744.4
Department of English TO MC AID MAMA OPENATVW
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska

THE APPEARANCE in 1957of These attacks have taken several paths,

Noam Chomsky's monograph en- but in general the Chomskyans have
titled Syntactic Structures (The Hague: judged the older grammar (frequently be
Mouton and Co.) divided linguistic sci- labeled the taxonomic grammar) to
ence into two schools, sharply divergent. inadequate in its power to describe cer-
The older of these two, which by now tain linguistic facts and processes. Chom-
of his
may almost be called the traditional or sky himself, for instance, in one
structural school, traces its origin to more recent publications, argues "that
1933, the year of Leonard Bloomfield's a taxonomic model (or any of its variants
monumental Language. The newer within a modern study of language)
school, which may be called the MIT, far too oversimplified to be able to ac-
or Chomskyan, school, had its birth in count for the facts of linguistic structure
1958. The Chomskyans maintain that and that the transformational model of
their own system describes human lan- generative grammar is much closer to
ge "as in itself it really is" (to borrow the truth."' In Syntactic Structures (pp.
tthew Arnold's phrase); all competing 18 If.), he had argued that the taxonomic
theories they feel to be unsophisticated, grammar WO madequate because it
inherently incapable of describing the would not generate all the grammatical
complexities of language. In a number of sentences of a language and only those.
fairly recent publications, they have Specifically, he held, it would not gen_
drawn attention to what they fecl to be erate the "nesting" (or self-embeddmg)
the inadequacies of the older school.' properties typical of certain English
'The traditional system is represented by Linguistic Structures: Front Sotmd to Sentence
Charles C. Fries, Tbe Smwture of English: An
Introduction to the Construction of English in English (New York: Harcourt, Brace and
Co., Inc., 1958), to mention only a few.
Sentences (New York: Harcourt, Brace and
Co., Inc., 1952); George L. Trager and Henry 2See, for example, Chomsky's paper, "The
Lee Smith, Jr., An Outline of English Structure Logical Basis of Linpistic Theory," which
(Studies in Linguistics, Occasional Papers, No. appears in the Proceedings of the Ninth Interna-
tional Congress of Linguists (The Hague: Mou-
3), (Norman, Oklahoma: Battenburg Press, ton and Co., 1964), pp. 914-1008.
1951); and Archibald A. Hill, Introductim to


. 90 -
Another member of this school, Paul tional rules. Then, in
Postal, discusses in a recent monograph these rules, he accordance with
the inadequacies of traditional models number of may construct an infinite
of linguistic description.3 Taxonomic notion that sentences. This avoids the
models, according to Postal, cannot ac- a human speaker learns to
talk by mastering all the complex sen-
count for the intuitively-felt relation-
ships among sentences such 2S active and tence patterns of his language, each one
passive, interrogative and declarative,
separately. Take, for instance, the fol-
lowing example:
assertive and negative, incorporated and
non-incorporated. Nor, he adds, can this Union Oil sells oil may be considered
grammar account for such grammatical a kernel (a base sentence) for further
processes as the following: transformations, such as the passive:
Deletion: XAY ----) Oil is sold by Union Oil.
AY the negative:
Substitution: XA Union Oil doesn't sell oil.
XBY the negativelpassive:
ThW Oil isn't sold by Union Oil.
Permutation: XAYBZ the interrogative:
Does Union Oil sell oil?
Adjunction (embedding of constituents): the negativelinterrogative:
Doesn't Union Oil sell oil?
the negative/passive/interrogative:
ZBWX1 XABY Isn't oil sold by Union Oil?

THE GENFRAL tenet of transfor- For the linguist (as well as those
A mational/generative grammar (i.e., a schooled in logic or mathematics), the
Chomskyan grammar) is that every adult above algebra may give rigor, consis-
possesses a relatively few, simple sentence tency, and exactness to statements about
patterns (the kernels4) and a complex set language. But, for the outsider, including
of rules (called transformations) which perhaps the classroom teacher, these rules
describe the operations by which he may be repellent and thus may have
combines and modifies simple sentences only negligible value in a classroom
into the infinite number of complicated situation. It is with this difficulty in
sentences he can produce. The processes mind that this paper is written; first, to
oi combining and modifying sentences explain a few of the insights of transfor-
to form even more complex sentences mational grammar and how they lead to
are technically known as transforma- a complete 2S well as to a simple view of
tions. In other words, a speaker learns grammatical processes. And second, to
a finite set of basic sentence patterns compare a description of a complex sen-
together with a finite set of transforma- tence provided by a taxonomic grammar
and a description of that same sentence
*"Constituent Structure: A Study of Con- using the transformational approach. In
Models of Syntactic Descriptions," the course of this paper, I should like
/tefAir,r;akrPart III (January 1964).
*The notion of kernel perhaps is outmoded in to make more easily understandable the
its original definition (i.e. sentences which have complex equations of the transforma-
had no optional transformations performed on tional/generative grammar.
them), yet it is still useful to think of a human
speaker as having a set of basic sentences, per-
haps from which he can produce an NVYMAY take this sentence from
infinite number of sentences. In this paper the -larold Whitehall's book, Struc-
term kernel can be liberalized to include the tural Essentials of English (Harcourt,
notion of base sentence. 1956), for analysis:5
To sing such songs to a poor old man prepositional group: to a poor old man
persuaded of his own approaching death persuaded of his own approaching
had been a charitable act I had not
death I
The verbal group then parses into a
The traditional or taxonomic linguist,
following the rules of immediate con- 3. head: to sing
noun group: such songs (with songs
stituent analysis, would analyze such a as its head)
sentence in linear order; that is, he would
use a "straight line" approach and would The prepositional group parses into a
not incorporate a transformational com-
ponent into his grammar. He would con- 4. prepositional phrase: to a poor old
sider all sentences to be capable of being man
generated (enumerated) by phrase struc- a modifier group: persuaded of his
ture rules. The process of analysis then own approaching death
is essentially one of parsing. (The term
parsing is a very old one in grammatical To a poor old man can be further sub-
analysis. It is used here, but not in the divided into a
strictest traditional sense. I do not wish
5. preposition: to
to suggest that immediate constituent the noun group: a poor old man (with
analysis and the traditional exercise of man as its head)
parsing are identical. They are similar,
and in point of fact IC analysis was 2A The modifier group persuaded of his
attempt to add rigor to the traditional own approaching death divides into a
notion of parsing.) Successive cuts, first
into subject-predicate, *ultimately into its 6. modifier head: persuaded
final constituents, reveal the complexity prepositional group: of his own ap-
of the sentence.6 The sentence (which proaching death
may be a string) divides first into
The prepositional group can then be
1. subject: to sing such songs to a poor subdivided into a
old man persuaded of his own ap-
proaching death 7. preposition: of
predicate: had been a charitable act I noun group: his own approaching
bad not contemplated death (with death as its head)

On the second level of analysis the sub- (This analysis could continue until one
ject divides into a reached "ultimate units" [single words],
e.g. approaching:death).
2. verbal group: to sing such songs Whitehall gives the predicate a similar
analysis. The predicate first divides into a
'The analysis is Whitehall's. In some cases I
have rephrased the analysis for clarity. See pp. 8. verb group: had been (with been as
its head)
'See Rulon Wells, "Immediate Constituents," complement: a charitable act I had
Language, 23 (1947) 81-117, and Eugene Nida,
A Synopsis of English Syntax, (Norman, Okla- not contemplated
homa: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Univer-
sity of Oklahoma, 1960). Immediate Constituent The complement divides into a
analysis is essentially an analysis in which one
begun with the largest syntactical unit (subject 9. noun group: a charitable act (with
and predicate) and continues to divide until
one reaches single words. act as its head)
subject-predicate group: 1 had not phrase structure rules of that grammar.8
contemplated Phrase structure rules in this grammar
generate simple, declarative sentences,
The subject-predicate group then divides such as, the boy kicked the ball; and
into a these simple sentences are usually given
10. subject: I an abstract representation in the gram-
predicate: had not contemplated mar. We will see this below. For our
(with contemplated as its head) purposes we do not need an exact de-
Whitehall observes (p. 18) that "the lineation of these rules; however, the
value of such analyses in depth is that following explication is necessary for a
they reveal the Chinese-puzzle intricacy reader to grasp the processes necessary
of English utterances without confusing to generate a sentence.
the various levels of grammatical struc- A sentence first is re-written (--9
ture. Yet merely to break down the as noun phrase plus predicate:
statement into its more obvious groups The arrow (-->) in phrase struc-
and to recognize their types is often ture operations mean consists of. Thus S
sufficient to reveal its major grammatical consists of a noun phrase plus a verb
dynamics." phrase.
In contrast to this procedure, the
transformationaliste holds to the notion S NP + pred (the boy + kicked
the ball)
that complex sentences are the results of
processes performed on them. A com- The predicate is re-written 2S auxiliary
plex sentence, he would point out, in- + verb phrase:
corporates into its structure two or morc
basic (source) sentences which have been pred -* aux + VP (ed + kick the
embedded, added, or nested in to the ball)
complex sentence through transforma-
tional processes. Basic sentences and only The auxiliary, only for our purposes, is
basic sentences are generated by phrase re-written as tense of verb.
structure rules.
The addition of a transformational aux -te (-ed, which is the past
component is the transformationalist's tense of the verb kick)
main departure from taxonomic theory.
Where a taxonomic grammarian would The auxiliary may contain other com-
represent any and all senzences with one ponents, and usually does, for example,
labeled diagram, the transformationalist modals (may,, could, would, should, etc.);
would not, saying that this method does it may also contain a form of have plus
not take into account the intuitive notion the past participle inflection (have
that some sentences are related to others.7 walked or have ridden); it may contain
a form of be plus the -ing suffix) (is walk-
rr 0 COMPREHEND the transfor- ing). It would be strange and unusual,
J- mational viewpoint, the 'reader first yet permissible by the rules of English,
should know something about the basic to have all the above symbols and in-
flections represented at the same time in
For a discussion of native speaker intuition, 8For an admirable attempt at explicating
see Charles J. Fillmore's review of Studies in Chomsky's notion of grammar, see Paul Olson's
American English: Third Texas Conference on paper, "Transformatoins," which appears in
Problems of Linguistic Analysis in English. This Dudley W. Bailey, ed. Introductory Language
review may be found in Word, 20 (1964) 471- Essays (New York: W. W. Norton and Co.,
487. Inc., 1965).

an English sentence. For example, the atnminal: hei -te sing such songs to a
poor old man
sentence, the boy should have been kick- The man was persuaded of his own
ing, is to my mind an unlikely sentence, approaching death
but one which at least has a chance of I had not contemplated the act.
For a description of the sentence at /nominal:it/he/ is a device, a type of
hand, we need only to note that the linguistic shorthand, for indicating the
aux contains the tense of the verb. One presence of a slot and its hypothetical
of the most obvious advantages of takinp; filler. The brackets indicate a slot, a noun
the tense affix and placing it in front ofor nominal slot in this case, which pre-
the verb is that it allows the linguist tosumably could have been filled by it
delete it, a necessary process when creat-or he. The reconstructed sentences, then,
ing infinitival nominals, as we will see. would read, It had been a charitable act,
The sentence that Whitehall describes, and He sings such songs. Transforma-
using the taxonomic approach, is not a tionalists often have to reconstruct hypo-
simple sentence but is a complex sentence thetical sentences and parts of sentences,
which has been generated from four Richard Ohmann says, "Since deletions
underlying source sentences. The sen- and additions will probably have taken
tence, in other words, is a composite of place in the course of the derivation
two types of source sentences. The Lan& the complex sentence will natu-
matrix (independent) sentence forms the rally not contain all and only all of the
overall pattern of the ultimate sentence. linguistic elements contained in the com-
Those sentences which are embedded, ponent sentences. These must be recon-
nested, or added to the matrix sentence structed and supplied with appropriate
are the constituent (dependent) sen- hypothetical elements but there is gen-
tences. This view of matrix and con- erally a strong formal motivation for
stituent sentence, Robert B. Lees says, reconstructing the component sentences
"makes essential use of the notion that in one way rather than another."1°
part of the syntactic structure of a sen-
tence is the set of underlying, sometimes T HE FIRST rule to be applied is the
very abstract, representatives of the -1- relative-clause transformation, an ad-
simple sentences from which it may be jective-forming transformation. Some
said to be derived by explicit gram- transformationalists posit that pre-
matical rules called transformations." nominal adjectives may be ultimately
In contrast to the procedure of suc- derived from the reduction of the rela-
cessive cuts which the taxonomist would tive-clause construction. For example,
use, the transformationalist would first the poor of the poor man, they submit,
re-write the textual sentence into simple can be derived from the source sentence,
source sentences. Then the history (de- the man is poor, where poor appears in
rivation) of the sentence (an analysis of predicate position." Other linguists who
the transformations which the complex combine transformational and taxonomic
sentence could be assumed to have un- approaches, say that a phrase such as
dergone) can be revealed. the poor man is not derived from any
kind of sentence in which the word poor
Matrix sentence:
/nominal: it/ had been a charitable act 10See note 9 in "Generative Grammars and
Source or constituent sentences: the Concept of Literary Style," Word, 20
(1965) 430.
11For example, scc Carlotta Smith, "A Class of
°"The Promise of Transformational Gram- Complex Modifiers in English," Language, 37
mar," English Journal, 52 (1963) 330. (July-September 1961) 342-365.
occurs in predicate position. Archibald d
A. Hill argued in a paper before the (Loominabili -te sing such songs to
Linguistic Society of America (Decem- e
ber 1964) that the two approaches seem a poor old man) (who was) (persuaded
to be falling together in this one respect, f
in that the transformationalist is accept- of his own approaching death)
ing the notion of slots for modifiers If the verb is a form of be and if the
which can occur before the noun. There
is perhaps then no necessity to assume wh- word is the subject of its clause,
in this paper at leastthat the phrase then wh + V can be optionally deleted.
We give who was
the poor man is anything more than a a description of e, since
who was is to be deleted.
slot with a filler in it, whereas the phrase
the man has the same slot but has left it Transformation: (deletion) d + e+f
empty. ---)d + f
The relative-clause transformation in-
volves these operations. Letters may be There is one other relative clause with
assigned for purposes of giving the sen- deletion in the textual sentence:
tences a structural description. A, b,
c,. . . and wh- are again shorthand sym- g
bols which allow the linguist to combine Senterce 1: (Znominal:41 had been 1
and delete portions of sentences without charitable act)
resorting to a full scale representation of h
the sentence, thereby simplifying opera- Sentence 2: (I had not contemplated)
tions. The entire process can be visual- i
ized in the following way: (the act)
a mation: g
Sentence 1: (thominahisi -te sing sg+wh-+h
such songs to a poor old man) h i1
b c Result: Znominal:ilj had been 1 chari-
Sentence 2: (the man) (was persuaded table act which I had not contem-
of his own approaching death) plated.
This time, only wh- (which ) can be
Transformation:16 deleted.
a 1
}---) a + wh- + c One further transformation remains, a
b+cJ nominalizing transformation. The nom-
inalizing transformation in this sentcnce
The arrow (---,) in the transforma- converts a sentence having the structure
tional component means becomes by NP + pred into a hominal elements of
structural change. Sentence 1 has the the form to 4- VP (the NP is deleted).
structural description of a. Sentence 2, In other words, the noun slot and its
which is to be embedded into sentence 1, filler are deleted and to is placed before
has the description of b + c. B repre- the verb. This crippled version of the
sents the man, which will have in the NP + pred pattern may then be em-
final version the wh- word who sub- bedded into the nominal slot of the ma-
stituted for it. Part c of the sentence re- trix sentence. In traditional terminology
mains as is. The combined sentences will this is the infinitival nominal.
thus read after the transformation, sen-
tence 1 + who + part c of sentence i
2. The result is Sentence 1: (Znominali) (had been a
For the linguist, simplicity implies econ-
charitable act I had not contem- omy of statement. The transformation-
plated) alist approach is simpler, because it re-
1 duces the number of steps needed to
Sentence 2: a...nominal/ -te) (sing such explain complex structure. In the gross
songs to a poor old man persuaded sense, the complexity of Whitehall's sen-
of his own approaching death) tence, using the transformationalist ap-
proach, is revealed in three steps, while
Notice that sentence 1 has a description
the taxonomic approach takes ten steps.
of j+k. Slot j, which is an empty slot, is But these added steps are inherent in the
to be deleted and filled by a nominal tixonomic model, since this model in-
element, in this case the infinitival nom- corporates an infinite set of phrase struc-
inal. Sentence 2 has a description of ture rules and no transformational com-
1-1-m. 1 represents a nominal slot plus the ponent. The transformationalist, unlike
tense of the verb. The transformation the taxonomist, does not believe that
allows the linguist to place to before complexity in any interesting sense can
sing such songs . and to nest the entire
. .
be revealed by an infinite set of phrase
construction into the nominal slot of structure rules. What is interesting to
sentence I. The entire process can be the transformationalist is the basic sen-
represented tences which are produced by phrase
structure (simple sentence) rules and the
Nominalizing transformation processes which are involved in bring-
to + VP: j +
) to + m + k ing phrase structure sentences together
1+m into more complex structures.
The concept of finiteness is basic to
The above operation would complete the transformational approach. If a gram-
the processes necessary to generate the matical model incorporates into its
textual sentence. In summary, the trans- framework a finite set of rules which can
formations can be viewed as comprising be used to describe an infinite set of
the following operations: sentences, as contrasted to a model which
has an infinite set of rules, then the first
(To sing such songs to a poor old approach is simpler. For example, in the
man) = Infinitival Nominal sentence under discussion, the matrix
(persuaded of his own approaching sentence could be expanded in various
death) = Relative clause with deletions ways using phrase structure rules, but
(had been a charitable act)
(I had not contemplated) = Relative
the complexity of the sentence would
clause with deletion not be increased. Adverbs and adjectives
can be placed before the noun act:
THERE ARE several advantages, both It was 1 charitable act
theoretical and practical, to the It was a beneficial charitable act
transformational model of representing It was a very beneficial charitable act
syntax. First, it meets the test of simplic-
ity, which, together with completeness All expansions here, theoretically, can
and consistency, is one of the three basic be explained by phrase structure rules.
criteria of modern linguistic science. But when other elements (constituent
Simplicity, however, involves more than sentences) are either embedded or nested
mere readability of a grammatical model. into the matrix sentence, complexity is
Most would agree that transformational increased. And this is the basic distinc-
rules in their sophisticatcd and abstract tion to be made: the taxonomic model
form are difficult to read and understand. cannot generalize about the process of
embedding or nesting. As the transfor- a taxonomic model is that it has no
tnationalists would say, "it lacks power." transformational component. The tax-
The transformational model can explain onomic model forces the linguist to des-
this complexity, and thus allow admir- cribe a sentence as if it were a linearly
ably economical statements about syntax, ordered set of words. By definition, then,
something which before the taxonomic the model would therefore show no re-
linguist had only stumbled at. latedness among and between sentences.
It may be further observed that if one The taxonomic model thus forces com-
of the aims of language science is to plexity of description, whereas the trans-
reduce the number of items to be dealt formational model reduces complexity
with, then the transformational approach and allows the linguist to make more
is more scientific than the taxonomic concise generalizations about syntax.
approach. Taxonomic theory assumes Language scienceand thus the models
that each sentence is a unique event, used to represent syntactic porocesseshas
forcing the conclusion that a taxonomic always had to justify itself on practical
grammar would need an infinite set of grounds, and whether good or bad the
phrase structure rules in order to des- principle still holds The transforma-
cribe all sentences. By way of contrast, tional grammar is more practical than the
the transformationalists argue that a taxonomic grammar in the classroom
grammar must reveal the facts of sen- situation. The formulaic operations em-
tence-relatedness; that is, complex sen- ployed in transformational analysis can
tences, in the broad sense, consist of be of practical use when the teacher
simple source sentences. wants to explain the use of certain syn-
The addition of transformational rules tactic features, or characteristics, and
allows a systematic description of this hence alternative choices in expression.
relatedness. Instead of having an infinite Whether teaching Johnny the complex
number of rules, the transformationalist business of creating relative clauses or the
holds that any sentence is a product of processes of writina b sophisticated sen-
a finite set of phrase structure rules plus tences, the transformational model of
a finite set of transformational rules. Cer- syntax holds immense value.
tainly one of the major weaknesses of

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