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A Dungeon and A Dragon By Chris Bergman

A Dungeons and Dragons (Fifth Edition) Adventure

The Green Dragon Valturnax has attacked the nearby village of Hartsvale,
threatening to destroy them completely if they do not submit to his rule by
nightfall. To save the town, adventurers must ascend the mountain by climbing
through the caves housing the dragon’s minions and face him in his lair– and
they need to do so before the sun sets.

A Four to Six Hour Adventure for 11th-16th Level Characters

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A Dungeon and A Dragon By Chris Bergman

Adventure Background
This adventure is a straightforward dungeon
crawl culminating in a fight against an adult Three months ago, Valturnax, an adult green
green dragon in his lair. The players will explore dragon, was forced to leave his prior lair
caves filled with classic Dungeons & Dragons hundreds of miles from Hartsvale when another
minions – but these minions are prepared for green dragon, his half-sister Verslexia, attacked
the adventurers. This adventure was him and drove him out. Wounded and plotting
designed to be challenging and his revenge, he settled in a ruined temple to
potentially lethal. Be sure you are Bahamut about 10 miles into the forest outside
comfortable running a more lethal adventure of Hartsvale, along with the cave complex below
and consider warning your players that their the temple. He has convinced and coerced the
characters may die if your campaign is not local goblinoids and kobolds into working for
normally very lethal. him. Prior to his arrival, the hobgoblin warlord
Stregurd was the most powerful and influential
Using This Adventure creature in the Hartsvale forest.

This adventure is designed for use with Hartsvale has been a small farming and fishing
Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition rules. town for hundreds of years. It was originally
Creature names are printed in bold font, and founded on the most fertile land near the local
their stats appear in the back of this adventure, Temple of Bahamut, providing lodging and
in the appendix. supplies for pilgrims and priests. When the
temple was abandoned, the town remained,
though many have forgotten its history. Some of
This adventure is designed for 4 characters the older villagers blame any misfortune,
with an Average Party Level (APL) of especially misfortune related to dragons, on the
level 14. Your party may be more or less town’s failure to protect the temple of Bahamut.
powerful. Please adjust the adventure using the
following guidelines, though you should also Yesterday, Valturnax attacked Hartsvale, killing
consider magic items, player experience and several guards and the town wizard, before
team composition when doing so: announcing that he would be back for their
tribute this evening. Valturnax knows that
 3 characters, APL of 11-13: Very Weak
Hartsvale is likely to ask for help rather than
 3 characters, APL of 14: Weak
bow before him, and he believes that when he
 3 characters, APL of 15-16: No change
comes back with the bones of the mercenaries,
 4 characters, APL of 11-13: Weak
guards, or adventurers sent to kill him, the town
 4 characters, APL of 14: No change will be forced to become his vassals. Ultimately,
 4 characters, APL of 15-16: Strong he hopes to combine a human militia with his
 5 characters, APL of 11-13: No change monstrous minions to serve as a strike force
 5 characters, APL of 14: Strong when he travels back to kill his half-sister.
 5 characters, APL of 15-16: Very Strong

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A Dungeon and A Dragon By Chris Bergman

Adventure Overview

A Dungeon and A Dragon is divided into five

Part 1. A Town in Need. The
adventurers learn from Fulsan Hayward, a
messenger from Hartsvale, that the town has
been attacked and is in dire need of help.
Part 2. Kobold Tunnels. Arriving at
Valturnax’s lair, the adventurers are warned
and maybe attacked by a kobold zealot wearing
explosives. They must then confront or bypass
the kobold warrens.
Part 3. Goblins on the Stairs. After
goblins cut the rope bridge across the gorge, the
adventurers need to find another way across
and then kill the goblins and their booyahg
Part 4. Hobgoblin Ambush. The
adventurers find themselves in a trap designed
to counter and capture magic users.
Part 5. Valturnax’s Deception.
After reaching Valturnax’s temple, the
adventurers find the dragon waiting for them,
seeking parlay before he attacks. In the fighting,
the temple is destroyed and much of his hoard
is lost.

Adventure Hook

The adventure begins when Fulsan Hayward

reaches the adventurers. This is probably best
after the adventurers have had downtime and
are back at their primary city or town – Fulsan
has heard of their exploits and has come to find
them in particular. Alternately, the adventurers
could be passing through a different village or
town; they could even be in the middle of
another quest that is not time-sensitive.
However, it is clear that they are the only ones
who are close enough and powerful enough to
deal with the dragon in time.

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challenge Valturnax. During the course of

Part 1. A Town in discussion, he provides the following
Need  At nightfall – 8pm – the day before, a
large green dragon attacked the town,
This adventure begins when Fulsan Hayward
using his poison breath on several
bursts in to where the adventurers are having
guards before killing and eating the local
breakfast. The time is 10am.
 The dragon announced his name,
The Messenger Arrives Valturnax, and told the surviving guards
and gawking villagers that Hartsvale was
You are halfway through breakfast when a now his, and that he would be expecting
battered and bruised human messenger “tribute”
dressed in traveling leathers bursts  Tribute involves half the town’s fighting
through the door. He looks wildly around age men serving as his militia
before his eyes settle on you and your  Hartsvale’s men have little combat
companions. experience – most are simple farmers or
fishers, and Valturnax already killed half
“Professional heroes? Just who I was the town guards
looking for! Please, I – we – need your  If Hartsvale refuses to send him
help. If you don’t stop the dragon, he’ll soldiers, they will be destroyed tonight
come back tonight, and I don’t think at nightfall
anyone in Hartsvale will survive.”  Hartsvale doesn’t have much gold, but
they can offer the rights to claim
whatever treasure is available in the
Roleplaying Fulsan Hayward dragon’s hoard
Fulsan Hayward has watched several of his  Valturnax has made his lair in a ruined
friends die, hasn’t slept in a day and a half, just temple to Bahamut, an hour into the
rode for several hours, and is concerned his forest of Hartsvale
family and friends will be killed tonight. He is  It takes 4 hours to get to Hartsvale, and
exhausted and desperate, turning to the another hour to get to Valturnax’s lair
adventurers as the only hope to kill the dragon  Fulsan has 3 healing potions and a map
before nightfall. to Valturnax’s lair that he’s willing to
offer the party
 Several villagers and some surviving
Fulsan is a member of Hartsvale’s city watch guards reported seeing the dragon use
who has been pressed into service as a magic during the fight – one said the
messenger, seeking help. He was not on duty dragon dispelled the wizard’s
when Valturnax attacked and did not witness enchantments, and another claimed he
the beginning of the attack, but he arrived in saw the dragon turn invisible. A third
time to assist with the aftermath. After several said that he saw the dragon create an
hours of tending to the wounded and the dead, illusionary monster.
he has spent the last 8 hours riding from town
to town, looking for someone strong enough to

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If questioned further, Fulsan also knows that Light – Rays of sunshine trickle through the
Valturnax has only recently come to the area trees. The deeper they travel into the forest, the
around Hartsvale in the past few months, but less and less light filters through.
already most of the local goblinoids seem to
have stopped their random raids and have Fulsan’s map leads you deeper into the
become organized. The forest itself has also Hartsvale forest, and as you head deeper
changed. Fulsan suspects that the dragon has in, the few signs of civilization fade away.
taken control of the forest and its denizens.
Soon, small animals begin to act strangely.
Hartsvale Birds watch your progress, flying from
branch to branch to keep you in view.
It takes 4 hours to get to Hartsvale, and another Small rabbits and mice keep pace with you
hour to get to Valturnax’s lair. Encourage the about 30 feet away, staring unblinking at
players to mind the in-game time, and let them you as you walk, though they don’t let you
know there might be consequences if they approach close enough to touch them.
haven’t reached Valturnax himself by 8pm.

If they choose to stop in Hartsvale, the town is a

quaint farming village full of older stone
buildings that have been patched and rebuilt to
protect against the ravages of time. The largest
house – the mayor’s house – has been partially
destroyed, one wall and half the roof collapsed.
A watchtower set up near the edge of town,
close to the forest, has been toppled as well.

Any villagers that the players meet are terrified,

and half of them are visibly leaving or preparing
to leave before nightfall. Town guards, if spoken
to, are happy to hear that Fulsan is alive, but
have no additional information to provide
beyond what Fulsan knew.

The shops in Hartsvale can sell anything worth

10gp or less listed in the Player’s Handbook, but
they don’t have more expensive items available.

Hartsvale Forest

Time – The adventurers should reach

Hartsvale Forest around 2pm (or later, if they
took time to stop in Hartsvale) and take an hour
to travel through it.

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the kobold warrens, he tries to blow them up

Part 2. Kobold using himself as an improvised explosive
Roleplaying Raznark the Kobold
Raznark cares first about the eggs in the
The Kobold “Negotiator”
hatchery, then about the living members of his
As the party gets close to Valturnax’s lair, the tribe, then his own life, then finally his dragon
trees begin to thin out. The kobold Raznark is lord. He has volunteered to buy time for the
hiding in wait, preparing to parlay – and to try rest of the kobolds to finish setting traps for
to kill the adventurers, if necessary. the adventurers and to do his best to kill them.
He is terrified but determined, and he has
As you come out from the trees, you see a accepted that he will probably die today.
sheer cliff wall ahead. At the base of the However, if he can be convinced that the
cliff is a large cave entrance, set up with adventurers will not pass through the kobold
large stone doors. Regular foot traffic has warrens (though he has no idea how to reach
created a dirt path in front of the cave. the dragon without doing so), he may be
willing to leave peacefully back into the kobold
In front of the cave, there are a few large tunnels.
stones. From behind one of the stones, a
stick with some white strips of cloth tied to
is shoved into the air, then waggled back If the adventurers refuse to negotiate, or if they
and forth. In broken Common, a squeaky can’t convince him of their good intent
kobold voice shouts the word “Parlay” over regarding the kobolds, he will use the torch to
and over again. Walking out from behind set his robe on fire, then run and leap towards
his stone, the two and a half foot tall lizard the middle of the party (or the biggest group of
person is carrying a makeshift white flag in adventurers if the party is split), trying to catch
one hand and a burning torch in the other. as many of them as possible in the explosion.
He squints his eyes against the harsh Everyone in a 20 foot radius of Raznark makes
daylight. He’s wearing robes that bulge a Dexterity saving throw, taking 15 piercing
cartoonishly out from his body. He begins damage and 15 fire damage on a failure and half
waddling towards the party, cringing in of that damage on a success.
fear as he does so.
If the adventurers kill Raznark before Raznark
can set himself on fire, Raznark drops to the
Raznark is wearing an oversized robe that has ground and the torch has a 50% chance of
been soaked in oil. He has filled the pockets of falling close enough to light Raznark on fire and
the robe with nails and other small sharp metal trigger the explosion regardless. Raznark has
objects. Underneath the robe, he has pouches of the statistics of a kobold.
black powder, flasks of oil, and bottles of liquor
strapped around his body. He attempts to get as If the adventurers try to convince Raznark that
close as possible to the party to talk with them, they will not harm the kobolds, they can make a
and then he tries to learn their intentions. If Persuasion (Charisma) check with
their intentions will kill kobolds or pass through disadvantage, with a DC of 15. Raznark is

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immune to intimidation – he has mostly made 20 Athletics check to climb without

peace with the fact he is about to die. The party complications, or a DC 12 Athletics check to
can make the persuasion check without climb, taking 10 bludgeoning damage from
disadvantage if they take active steps towards being battered by the wind. Failing the DC 12
avoiding the kobold warrens, such as casting fly check means they take 10 bludgeoning damage
and starting to fly over the cliffs, or beginning to and spend 30 minutes trying to climb, but
climb the cliffs. For the purpose of charm spells, ultimately couldn’t make it up and will have to
Raznark is considered hostile. remake the Athletics check to climb or find
another way forward.
Raznark can relay the following information in
Draconic or Common, but he prefers and starts If the party flies over, they need to make a DC
in Draconic: 12 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 10
bludgeoning damage from the high winds
 The dragon god Valturnax will kill and bashing them against the rocks. On either a
devour all who oppose him success or failure, they are able to fly to the top.
 The kobolds live to serve the dragon
god, but many of the kobolds in these If the adventurers take this route, they skip Part
tunnels are hatchlings and eggs who are 2 and reach Part 3 immediately. However, the
not warriors next time the party takes a short rest in the
 He begs the adventurers to reconsider caves, the Kobold Chieftain, 2 Kobold
their assault on the dragon, and that the Dragonshields, and 4 Kobold Alchemists
kobolds have done nothing to harm travel where the party takes the short rest and
them or the town of Hartsvale attempts to ambush the party as the party
comes out of the short rest. This is not a
If Raznark is convinced of the adventurers’ good
random encounter – Valturnax is following
intent or if he is magically charmed, he can
their progress and tells the kobolds where the
relay the following information:
party is resting.
 Valturnax is “a powerful spellcaster”
 Valturnax has 2 pet hill giants (1 if party Adjusting the Encounter (these changes are
is weak or very weak) who have been not cumulative)
starved and driven into a crazed frenzy Very Weak: Remove 2 Kobold Alchemists
 There are several spellcaster minions – Weak: No change
the Hobgoblins have some wizards, and Strong: Replace 2 Kobold Dragonshields with
the Goblins have a “Booyahg Booyahg 2 more Kobold Chieftains
Booyahg” who overflows with magic Very Strong: Replace 2 Kobold Dragonshields
with 2 more Kobold Chieftains
The Cliffs of Insanity

One way forward without passing through the 1. Into the Caves
kobold tunnels is to climb or bypass the cliffs.
The cliffs ahead are about 60 feet tall. There are Light – None of the races in the caves need
strong winds coming off the mountain at all light to see – there are no torches or sources of
times, making it difficult to climb or fly over. If light and the adventurers may need to provide
the party tries to climb, they need to make a DC their own.

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Smell – Stale air mixed with unwashed lizard ambush the party when they leave. If the party
body odor passes through the kobold tunnels to the gorge,
move them to part 3, Goblins on the Stairs, and
Sounds – Periodically, squeaky kobold voices the kobold war party will attempt to ambush
echo through the tunnels, though they’re not them the next time they take a short rest.
loud enough to make out individual words or
distinguish the direction. 2. The Trap Hallway
The Adventurers enter into a small room There are 16 traps in the trap hallway, 4 in each
through the front doors, labeled 1 on map 1. wing of the plus sign. These traps are not meant
to surprise players unless they start moving
Entering into the cave, you find yourselves quickly through them or put someone who is
in a small stone and dirt room. To your not proficient in perception.
right and left are small holes, maybe a foot
For mechanical purposes, all the traps in the
and a half in diameter, that even a kobold hallway can be seen with a Passive Perception of
would need to squeeze to get through. 15. Inform your players that if they travel at half
Ahead of you, a door lies unbarred and their movement speed each round or announce
open, revealing a long hallway. Halfway that they are moving slowly they can get a +5
down the hallway, it intersects with a bonus to their Passive Perception. If they dash,
perpendicular corridor, forming a “plus they get a -5 penalty to their Passive Perception.
Whoever is in the front row can all use their PP,
sign” shape. but all of the ones in the front row may get hit
by traps if they miss something.
Above the door, a sign has some words in
Draconic. Below the sign, someone has Every trap, if spotted, has a way to pass around
scratched out a word in Goblin. it without disturbing it – trip wires can be
stepped over, pressure plates can be stepped
around, pit traps can be walked around, sticky
The kobolds have put up a sign calling this “The threads can be ducked under. Don’t call for a
Trap Room” in Draconic. They use these check to pass by a trap undisturbed.
hallways to practice trapmaking and as a way to
kill or deter intruders. If the party would like to disable a trap, that will
require a DC 12 Thieves Tools (Dexterity) check
In Goblin, the hobgoblins have scratched in the or a DC 15 Dexterity check if no one has Thieves
word “Danger” to remind their minions that Tools. On a failure of 5 or more, the trap is
they need kobolds to escort them through these triggered. For saving throws, assume a DC of 14.
hallways. For attack rolls, assume a “to hit” modifier of
The small kobold tunnels have openings sized
for Tiny creatures, though Small creatures can Feel free to choose traps that are thematically
squeeze through. The tunnels then open up into appropriate for kobolds. The following are
enough room for Small creatures to stand and recommended:
move freely. The party should not be able to
enter these tunnels unless they are all size Small 2A (from entrance heading to the middle)
or can be made size Small. If the party does  Trip Wire - fires crossbow bolt (attack
travel through the kobold tunnels, the kobolds roll, 9 piercing damage [1d10+3])
will not engage them in the tunnels themselves  Covered Pit Trap - 10 foot drop, sharp
and will wait until the party leaves for the main wooden spikes (Dex save to take no
rooms to fight; the kobold war party in area 3 damage, 4 bludgeoning damage and 10
and the 2 alchemists in area 5 will attempt to piercing damage [1d6 and 3d6])

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 Pressure Plate - spear juts out from party from moving to the right. No
holes in the wall on the right side (attack damage to the party.
roll, 8 piercing damage [1d8+3])
 Strings hang from the ceiling with sticky 2. B. Tucker’s Kobolds
stuff on the ends, when pulled, viscous
oil pours from the ceiling (Dex save to When the party reaches 2B, the center area
avoid, gives disadvantage on saving between the hallways, kobolds spying on the
throws versus fire damage and adds an party through small holes to the kobold tunnels
additional 3d6 fire damage if lit on fire; see the party enter the middle (DC 15
can be cleaned off during the next short perception (wisdom) check to notice the
or long rest) spying). When either the entire party is in the
center area, or when a party member attempts
2C (from middle heading towards the top) to leave the center area, the spying kobolds
 Pressure Plate – swinging axe from begin to bang hammers against metal pans and
ceiling (attack roll, 12 slashing damage pots.
[2d8 +3])
 Trip Wire – poison darts (Con save to As you pass through the center of this plus
take no damage, 11 poison damage
[3d6]) shaped hallway, an enormous clamor starts
 Pressure Plate – floor spikes (Dex save up all around you, the sound of several
to take half damage, 11 piercing damage hammers pounding over and over against
[3d6]) pots and pans. At this sound, the doors at
 Pools of acid hidden under a cover (Con each end of all four hallways swing open,
save to take half damage, 14 acid revealing 2 things: First, you see the stairs
damage [4d6]) up ahead, in the next room at the end of
the hallway through which you’ve been
2D (from middle heading left)
traveling. Second, and more concerningly,
 Sticky Threads with oil (as with 2A trap
number 4) you see 4 large, crude, wood and metal
 Pressure Plate – acid sprays from holes ballistae, one at each end of the 4 hallways.
in the bottom/south wall (Con save to Each ballista appears to be loaded with a
take half damage, 11 acid damage [3d6]) barbed bolt with a length of chain running
 Trip Wire – makeshift frag grenade behind it. Two kobolds man each ballista,
made from black powder and nails (Dex hiding behind large wooden covers and
save to take half damage, 7 fire damage peeking through eye slits.
and 11 piercing damage [2d6 and 3d6])
 Covered Pit Trap with wooden spikes (as
with 2A trap number 2)
The 4 ballistae, 8 kobolds, and 2 kobold
alchemists do not benefit from the element of
2E (from middle heading right)
surprise during the ambush. The kobold
 Trip wire – 2 hand crossbow bolts from alchemists begin in area 5 (the room with the
left and right (2 attack rolls, 6 piercing stairs) behind total cover, peeking out on their
damage each [1d6+2]) turns to throw Molotov cocktails, before
 Sticky Threads with oil (as with 2A trap running back behind total cover. The ballistae
number 4) target whoever is closest so that they can drag
 Pressure Plate – stone block from ceiling them through the traps – if multiple characters
falls on player (Strength save to take half can be dragged through the traps, the ballistae
damage, 11 bludgeoning damage [3d6]) focus on the least-heavily-armored characters.
 Pressure Plate – a stone block cuts off The kobolds simply operate the ballista, fleeing
the room to the right, preventing the if their ballista is destroyed while they still live.

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If a ballista is grappling a target and has at least Adjusting the Encounter (these changes are
1 kobold operator, the ballista instead attempts
to drag the target closer to the ballista. The not cumulative)
target makes a Strength saving throw against a Very Weak: Remove 1 Ballista and 2 kobolds
DC of 20. On a failure, the target is dragged 10 from area 1.
feet towards the ballista; on a failure of 5 or Weak: No change
more, the target is dragged 25 feet towards the
Strong: The war group in area 3 moves to the
tunnels between area 3 and area 5, and
If the ballista is not grappling a target, if it has 2 engages the party when the party enters
kobold operators, it can fire every round, either area 3 or area 5.
pulling back the bolt on a miss. If it has 1 kobold
Very Strong: The war group in area 3 moves to
operator, it takes one turn to reload and then a
second turn to fire again. If the bolt or chain is the tunnels between area 3 and area 5, and
destroyed, a ballista takes an extra turn to swap engages the party when the party enters
out the bolt and chain for a new one. The chain either area 3 or area 5. Replace 2 Kobold
has AC 12 and AC 10 and resistance to piercing Dragonshields with 2 more Kobold Chieftains.
and slashing damage; it has immunity to poison
or psychic damage.

The ballistae are attempting to spear characters, 3. Kobold Living Quarters

grapple them, and then drag them through the
trapped hallways, triggering every trap the
In the kobold living quarters, there are crude
character passes through. Also keep in mind
beds made out of straw, several rusted mining
that if the characters use their full range of
tools, a hastily dug latrine, and a small table
motion, they do not get the +5 to passive
with a half-eaten squirrel on it. The kobold war
perception, and if they dash, they get a -5 to
party stays here until either the party enters
passive perception.
area 3 or until the party takes a short rest (or in
area 5 for strong or very strong parties).
In area 3, protecting the living quarters of the
kobolds, there is a Kobold Chieftain, 2
Kobold Dragonshields, and 2 Kobold 4. The Hatchery
The hatchery is only accessible via the kobold
This kobold war group will stay in area 3, out of tunnels. There are no adult kobolds in the
sight, and will not engage the party unless the hatchery, though there are five defenseless
party travels into area 3. The Kobold Alchemists kobold eggs and three baby kobolds.
and Kobold Scale Sorcerer will attempt to stay
behind total cover and only come out briefly to 5. Stairs Up
attack before running back behind total cover.
This room starts with the 2 kobold alchemists,
The Kobold Chieftain carries a small emerald one ballista, and 2 kobolds that spring the trap
worth 25gp in a pouch on his belt that he was in area 2, Tucker’s Kobolds. The door to area 3,
saving to give to Valturnax. the kobold living quarters, starts closed but is
unlocked. There is a visible entrance to the
If the party leaves without entering area 3, the kobold tunnels, but only Small or smaller
war group in area 3 will attempt to ambush the creatures can enter.
party at the end of the next short rest.
The Kobolds prefer to capture prisoners alive
rather than killing them in event of a TPK,
handing them over to the goblins in Area 12b.

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tall and are not long enough to bridge the gap

Part 3. Goblins on by themselves.

the Stairs The two Goblin Bosses that just cut the rope
attempt to flee, running to the area in Map 2 to
In this section, the party must find a way to join 1 Booyahg Booyahg Booyahg, 2 more
cross a ravine when the rope bridge is cut. Goblin Bosses, and 2 Mouths of
Afterwards, they encounter a goblin sorcerer Grolantor.
and the dragon’s crazed pet giants.
Once the players cross the ravine, they can
move forward until they can see area 6.
As you step out into the cold mountain air,
you see before you a rope bridge to
As you turn the corner, you see the source
continue through the mountain over a 50
of the frantic bellows: two hill giants who
foot drop. Around you are several trees, a
look thin and almost gaunt with hunger.
large clumping of bushes, and the stairs
They both immediately turn towards you,
back down to the kobold tunnels. In the
straining against massive iron chains that
distance across the ravine, you hear deep,
bolt them to the ground.
frenzied bellows echoing off the mountain
Behind them are two stairs leading to a
higher level, and two stairs on that level
On the other side of the gorge, across the
leading higher still. A goblin voice cries out
30 foot gap, 2 goblins have just finished
from above, and the giants’ chains pull free
cutting the ropes to the rope bridge as they
from the ground as the giants prepare to
laugh like maniacs. They turn to flee,
rush you.
giggling the whole time.

The two Goblin Bosses who start on the stairs

Light – Outdoors, during the day, the sun start in area 7. They are hiding out of sight of
shines brightly on the ravine the 2 giants, and if they see the party, they pull
the lever to release the 2 crazed giants. The two
Ravine – The ravine is 30 feet wide, with a 50 Goblin Bosses who cut the rope bridge, if they
foot drop to the ground. Anyone who climbs or survive, run over to join the other two Goblin
falls down can attempt to climb back up with an Bosses in area 7 and hide. The Goblin Bosses
Athletics (Strength) check, DC 12, spending half prefer to throw javelins (they have a pile of
an hour on a failure but making it to the top. crude javelins near them and should not run
The high winds from climbing the cliffs outside out) rather than engaging in melee combat, and
the kobold caves are not a factor here. will disengage and flee if dropped below 10 hp
or if the giants die, fleeing to area 12a in the
Bushes – In the bushes near the adventurers, goblinoid barracks.
found with a DC 10 investigation (Intelligence)
check, is another kobold ballista. If they find it, The 2 Mouths of Grolantor begin in area 6,
this ballista can be used by the adventurers to chained up and unable to move. The chains are
attach a rope to the other side. attached to hooks underground, and when the
lever in area 7 is pulled, they will run to attack
Trees – There are several tall, sturdy trees on the nearest living thing they can see. The
both sides of the ravine. If the adventurers goblins know they will do this and the goblins
attempt to use the trees, the trees are strong all know to avoid line of sight with the hill
enough to support weight but are only 20 feet giants until the giants are engaged in combat.

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The Booyahg Booyahg Booyahg starts on the D20 Wild Magic Surge Table
top steps near area 8, and has pre-cast mage
armor. He likes to drop ice storms and fireballs 1 A fireball centered on the caster explodes
from afar, thunderwave to shove people off the for 8d6 damage, dex save DC14 for half
third level, and shield or counterspell to protect 2 Target is healed to his full HP
himself. He is 100% willing to include the 3 Target’s feet sprout wings, functioning like
Mouths of Grolantor in the area of effect of his Boots of Flying for 1 minute
spells. Each turn, he walks to the edge, casts a 4 Caster’s clothing turns to green slime
spell, then walks back, breaking line of sight 5 Caster’s feet become cloven hooves
with anyone not on the same level as him, and 6 Caster’s head turns invisible for 60 seconds
then bonus action hides. If he drops below 10 7 All females within 100 feet incorrectly
hp or if the giants die, he casts misty step to flee think they’re invisible for the next minute
to the goblinoid barracks and then casts greater 8 All grass within 100 feet is turned into
invisibility while he runs to the goblin spaghetti
chambers in area 12a. 9 All males within 100 feet are covered in
Every single time the Booyahg Booyahg 10 All trees within 30 feet of the caster burst
Booyahg casts a spell – even a cantrip – roll on into flame
the wild magic table in the Player’s Handbook 11 Target thinks that he will rust if he gets
on page 104 or the below table. For AOE spells wet, lasts for 1 day
and wild magic effects involving the “target”,
12 Magic mouth appears on target’s back,
use the target closest to the center of the AOE.
shouting obscenities for 60 seconds
13 Target’s entire body appears to throb in
Adjusting the Encounter (these changes are time with his heart, lasts 10 minutes
not cumulative) 14 Target grows a beard made of feathers that
Very Weak: Remove 1 Mouth of Grolantor blows off the next time he sneezes
Weak: Remove 1 Mouth of Grolantor 15 Target thinks that his allies cannot see him
no matter what they say, lasts 10 minutes
Strong: No change 16 Target thinks that his own name is a Power
Very Strong: The Booyahg Booyahg Booyahg Word and is afraid to say it, lasts 1 day
starts the fight by casting greater invisibility on 17 Target sprouts rabbit ears that last for 1
himself while out of the line of sight of the day before falling off
18 Target’s sense of up and down are flipped
players and, if forced to flee, casts cone of cold
180 degrees for d6 turns
before casting misty step to escape 19 Target’s presence enrages giants for 10
The Booyahg Booyahg Booyahg is carrying a 20 Target’s feet take root – movement speed
Scroll of Hold Person that he will use if he runs drops to 0’ for d6 rounds
out of spell slots or if he is confronted in close
Credit to “The Net Libram of Random Magical
quarters, but otherwise he will save it for later.
Effects” by Orrex; and to the Player’s
Handbook wild magic table on page 104.
Optional: If your players are struggling or do
not have a healer, consider adding 1 Healing In event of a TPK, the goblins prefer to capture
Potion (2d4+2) and 1 Superior Healing Potion players rather than and hold them in cells 12b
(8d4+8) on the body of a dead Goblin Boss. in map 3. They use rope to bind hands (DC12
Dex check to escape) and they do a sloppy job
Once the players have finished, they can searching for weapons (light weapons and
continue on into the caves in area 8 to reach spellbooks may be missed in the search).
Part 4.

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creature targeted by fire damage while in the

Part 4. Hobgoblin vent (scorching ray, fire bolt), or the vents can

Ambush be targeted with fire spells directly.

10. The Ambush

In this section, the party will deal with 3 waves
of enemies – bugbear ambushers, followed by This room contains 2 poison gas vents, many
hobgoblin spellcasters, followed by the recessed alcoves that provide half cover, and 2
hobgoblin warlord and his retinue. Afterwards, raised platforms at the north end of the room,
they can explore the goblinoid barracks and opposite the entrance the adventurers used.
take a short rest before heading on. Adventurers trying to stealth their way into this
room can only stealth while in the corridor
9. Entering the Barracks unless they create magical darkness or
invisibility – there is no way to break line of
sight when they enter the room.
Climbing the stairs once more, you enter
another cavern of roughly worked stone, This room contains 2 Bugbear Murderers
this time with one clear exit. Walking down hiding in wait (DC16 to spot them, Passive
the corridor, you can see a few natural Perception 15 – they have advantage as they are
vents with a greenish gas spewing out. lying in wait) in the recessed alcoves to the right
Even from a distance, the greenish gas and left of the south entrance. The room also
makes it a little harder to breathe. The contains 2 Hobgoblin Devastators and 2
walls around the vents are charred and Hobgoblins in total cover in the recessed
blackened, as if by extreme heat from a alcoves behind the raised platforms on the
nearby explosion. opposite (north) side of the room. The
Devastators and Hobgoblins are waiting for the
sound of combat from the Bugbears.
The vents here are easily bypassed and are not a
direct threat, but are to give the party an idea
If the Bugbears are able to surprise the party,
that the vents in the next room are both
the bugbears attack during the surprise round,
poisonous and flammable. Clever parties will
and the Devastators and Hobgoblins appear in
know to both avoid them and find ways to use
the 1st round that is not a surprise round. In the
them against the enemies.
3rd round that is not a surprise round, the
Hobgoblin Warlord and 2 Hobgoblin
Vents – The poison gas vents in areas 9 and 10
Captains in area 13a join the fight. If the
are poisonous and flammable. The first time
Bugbears are not able to surprise the party, the
any creature enters them in a turn or starts
bugbears, devastators, and regular hobgoblins
their turn in the poison, they need to make a DC
all appear in the 1st round, and the warlord and
15 Con save or else take 14 (4d6) poison
captains appear in the 2nd round.
damage. If the vents are set on fire, creatures
that enter them in a turn, start their turn in the
fire, or are there when the vent gets set on fire
need to make a DC 15 Dex save or else take 18
(5d6) fire damage. The vents are set on fire by
either being included in an AOE that sets things
on fire (lightning bolt, fireball), having a

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Adjusting the Encounter (these changes are Devastator, if possible. Each regular Hobgoblin
not cumulative) is assigned to protect a Devastator. They will
also stand in front of the Devastator to provide
Very Weak: Replace 2 Hobgoblin Captains
half cover from ranged attacks.
with 2 Hobgoblins; the Hobgoblin Warlord
and 2 Hobgoblins arrive on round 4 rather
The Hobgoblin Warlord and Hobgoblin
than round 3 Captains will act as the situation demands once
Weak: The Hobgoblin Warlord and 2 they join combat; they are intelligent and aware
Hobgoblin Captains arrive on round 4 rather of tactics, and are willing to accept an attack of
than round 3 opportunity to get at spellcasters and archers.
Strong: No change They also are willing to grapple an enemy to
Very Strong: The Hobgoblin Warlord and 2 drag them into the poison vents. The
Hobgoblin Captains arrive on round 2 rather Hobgoblins fight to the death.
than round 3
Treasure: One of the Devastators carries a
scroll of dimension door that he may use in case
The Bugbears focus on attacking obvious
of emergency to escape to the Goblin Stairs
spellcasters first and obvious archers second.
(map 2) before fleeing to the kobolds. The
On the first round, they will attack twice; on
Hobgoblin Warlord carries a carved ivory
future rounds, if possible, they will attack once
symbol inlaid with silver. The symbol is a holy
and grapple once and try to drag spellcasters
icon of the Hobgoblin God Nomog-Geaya,
and archers into the poison gas vents.
featuring a longsword crossed with a handaxe.
This icon is worth 50gp if sold.
The Devastators will use reactions exclusively
for counterspell and will attempt to use
If the Hobgoblins TPK the party, they prefer to
counterspell on every spell cast by the party. On
capture rather than kill the players, stabilizing
their turns, they will use ice storm, scorching
them and then holding them in cells in 12b
ray, melf’s acid arrow, and thunderwave as
while discussing how to deal with the party.
appropriate. If they can shove someone into a
They use rope bindings (Dex check DC 12 to
poison vent, they’ll prefer to do so with gust of
escape). They wait for Valturnax to return from
wind or thunderwave. If an enemy is in a
destroying Hartsvale at 8pm, and then deliver
poison gas vent, the devastators will prefer to
the prisoners to him if the prisoners have not
use scorching ray on them to set the poison gas
escaped. The prisoners can take a short rest
vent on fire with the enemy in it. They save one
while they are prisoners, either before escaping
1st level spell slot, and if they run out of all other
or before being taken to Valturnax.
spell slots, they will try to cast fog cloud and
then flee to 13a. 11. Bugbear Den
The regular Hobgoblins will take the dodge In this room, there are several crude straw
action every round unless an enemy is in melee mattresses thrown on the floor and crude
range of the Devastator and use their reactions latrines carved into one side of the wall. There
exclusively to enforce disadvantage on the first are no valuables in this room, though several
attack on the Devastator near them. If an enemy rusty morningstars are strewn about in a
gets into melee range, the Hobgoblins will corner.
attack them while staying within 5 feet of the

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12. Goblin Hovels 14. The Stairs Up

In area 12a, there are piles of grass and leaves. A Light trickles in from the staircase in the
stand for several crude javelins and a few middle of the room – and with the light
dented daggers rests against one wall. The most comes a sense of foreboding. The hair on
interesting part of area 12 are the cells in 12b. your arms and neck stands on end. The
dragon may not have been here for long,
Any goblins who fled from previous battles will but he has made this place his lair, and his
surrender. They are cowardly and know that, if power has seeped into the very stones.
the party has found them in area 12a, the party
has defeated the hobgoblin ambush. If they get Throughout the trip through the caves,
a chance to flee, they will take it. Otherwise, small rat eyes have followed your progress
they will say whatever they think they need to from the shadows. The rats finally come
say to avoid being killed outright. forth, forming a circle around you and the
stairs, as if pushing you onwards, blocking
In area 12b, there is the corpse of a dwarf in you from any other path.
shackles. This is where the party will be held if
captured during one of the encounters. The
dwarf has been picked clean of valuables. Go to Part 5.

13. Hobgoblin Barracks

In 13a, there is a very Spartan set of furniture –
military-style bunk beds with chests at the
bases of the beds. The chests in 13a carry little
of interest, but the locked wooden door to 13b
(thieves tools DC 10, otherwise Dexterity check
DC 12, or the door can be broken down with a
loud noise that alerts everyone in maps 2, 3,
and 4 to the party’s location.

Area 13b is the Hobgoblin Warlord’s private

quarters. It has a chest with a potion of supreme
healing and (optionally if your party has been
struggling or is running out of hit dice to heal
with or has no healers) 2 greater healing

The party can take a short rest in 13b and lock

the door if they get in; the hobgoblin warlord is
the second-most respected individual behind
Valturnax, and no one else will come into his
private room.

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Valturnax regardless, but this allows both the

Part 5. Valturnax’s players and characters to consider his words.

Deception Valturnax has pre-cast Mislead. He has been

following the party’s progress the entire time
The below assumes that the party successfully through the eyes of rodents and birds.
fought through the minions in the previous Valturnax is actually sitting invisibly on the
sections, or that the party successfully escaped walkways inside the temple, 20’ up, on the west
after being caught and then took a short rest side in area 18. However, he has moved his
and healed up before coming to confront image to area 16 to negotiate with the party. He
Valturnax. If the party is brought to Valturnax can see, hear, and speak through his image. If
as prisoners, give them a chance to escape and the party attacks the image, the image will
flee down to the 12a in map 3 where their stuff disappear, though Valturnax remains invisible
is being kept, and continue the adventure from until either an hour has passed or he attacks the
there. If the party refuses to try to escape, party. As he is invisible, perception checks to
Valturnax will taunt them with his image and see him have disadvantage with a DC of 16. He
then kill all of them but one, keeping that one will not let any adventurers steal from his
alive to tell the village of Hartsvale that hoard, but otherwise he will try to find a way to
Valturnax killed their heroes and that Hartsvale hit as many of the party at once with his poison
must surrender to Valturnax. breath to start the fight.

While you have hopefully been urging the party Assuming the adventurers are willing to
to reach Valturnax by 8pm, Valturnax will not negotiate, you should roleplay Valturnax as the
leave his hoard unguarded while adventurers most charming, conniving, cunning bastard you
are in his caves. Hartsvale is not in danger until have ever played. He knows how to tempt
the adventurers are killed. selfish characters, he knows how to guilt good
characters, and he knows how to lie without
“GMs have a moral obligation to run dragons being caught. He promises another dragon’s
as best you can. Dragons are half of this hoard, he promises to leave peacefully if a small
system's name. They aren't something that just favor is completed, he promises many things…
sits in a room. They are memorable. Each and but he is going to poison breath the party when
every single one.” -- /u/BrosEquis , reddit he gets them bunched up and he can move
between them and the exit of the temple.
Important: Before you read the following,
make sure to ask the party what spells
they have pre-cast, and note any spells with
duration of 5 minutes or less. Valturnax is
hoping to use a drawn-out conversation as a
way to burn time on spells before attacking the
party when their shorter duration magic has
run out.

To prevent metagaming, consider dropping in

the phrase “… depending on what boss fight you
select”. The players will end up fighting

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As you step forth from the stairs, the land while his invisible body moves between them
around you is barren and desolate, a and the exit from the temple and breathes
shadow of its former glory. Dead grass and poison gas all over them.
withered, dying trees surround ancient
marble. Ahead of you lies a small stone Insight checks to determine if Valturnax is lying
tower, built in ages past. To the left is a has a DC of 18 when he is telling outright lies
large temple with huge stained glass (like the draconic guest rite lie), and a DC of 23
windows and Corinthian columns. The otherwise (he does have a half-sister Verslexia,
rubble from broken columns and ruined and does want to kill her, but that’s not the full
walls litters the ground. What looks like truth). Speak confidently. Roleplay
what once were statues of Bahamut have Valturnax as if you believe his lies. Make
been desecrated, the heads removed and the players believe what he says.
formed into one dragon statue with five
 “Let us put aside our weapons. To be
welcomed into a lair of a dragon is a
On the watchtower directly in front of you,
trust and honor no dragon dare go
about 20 feet up, a huge green dragon
against! I am issuing the old draconic
lounges and stares into your eyes.
guest rite. It is an ancient custom
between host and guest, one that has
“It has taken you long enough. I have been
evidently passed to some human
waiting for you. I have heard the sounds of
cultures. May Tiamat strike those that
the slaughter below. I can smell your foul
defy this rite down!” (this custom does
odor on the wind. And I know you covet my
not exist; this is a lie)
 “As part of my role as host, my full name
“If it’s a battle you want, I will provide it –
is Valturnax the Wise, though my half-
but I hope to parlay. If you value your lives,
sister calls me Valturnax the Wise-ass.
you should hear me out. I come carrying,
Tell me, heroes, what are your names?”
as the human custom goes, the white
banner of peace. Step into my lair as guests
 “The truth, adventurers, is that this fight
and no harm shall come to you.”
is more evenly matched than I prefer.
Now, don’t get me wrong! I would surely
If the adventurers are willing to parlay, or if destroy you. But while I was wounded
they stay quiet, his image moves into the ruined from this fight, licking my wounds, I
temple, and the players will need to decide if would be a prime target for my half-
they’re going to follow in. Valturnax waits in the sister’s attack. I may be inclined to be
temple after offering the host/guest courtesy. evil, by your standards, but I’m not
Once they come in, he continues. You can make stupid. I would much prefer fights I can
up your own cunning, charming lies for overwhelmingly win.” (truth)
Valturnax to say – as always, adjust the  “The town of Hartsvale? Of course, I
conversation based on what the adventurers asked them to become my vassals. I
say. However, the below is a sample of the type killed several of their guards. But did
of things Valturnax would say. He wants to get they tell you the rest of the story? That
the party to take time talking to him, come with they sent two adventuring parties to
his image into the ruined temple, then bunch up attack me before I finally retaliated?

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Had they attacked an elven forest, or a come a bit closer. If you slay her, not
dwarven stronghold, or a human only will you be able to take her hoard
kingdom, would your peoples have been for yourself, but I will even give you
as merciful as I have been, demanding some magic items from my own hoard!
fealty rather than destroying them, root Such is the gratitude of dragons.” (lie)
and branch? Their motives are no purer  “I will consent to… let’s say, for each of
than mine, their hands no cleaner than you, one magical item and as much gold
my own.” (lies – Hartsvale did no such or gems as you can hold in your
thing) separate, unaltered hands.” (lie)
 “Wait a moment. Have you seen any  “Come closer. You must listen to me! I
animals… watching you? Verslexia, my would rather not risk my life or leave my
devious half-sister, sometimes uses such treasure unguarded. You can find
spies to look upon my holdings! She Verslexia deep into the woods, away
can’t hear what we are to talk about!” from civilization, about 30 miles from
(technical truth, though he has been the here. She has a cave behind a waterfall,
one using animal spies in this and I know that she does not keep
adventure; but Verslexia can do the minions. She does not trust them.”
same as well) (truth)
 [Valturnax slithers around from stained  (Giant grin) “Thank you for trusting me.
glass window to stained glass window, I always try to get along well with my
“looking for spies”; ask any players who meals!”
are near where his image is moving if
they’d like to move away from him while If the adventurers have stayed along for the
he’s looking out the stained glass conversation through this point, I would roll
windows on the right and left sides. initiative with advantage for Valturnax and
While he’s doing this, his true form would ask the adventurers to roll initiative with
moves towards the entrance, about 10 disadvantage, to represent that Valturnax does
feet behind his image, which settles near initiate combat but no one is surprised.
the entrance as well]
 “There are more of her spies now… I can
feel them! I must whisper now. We must
be quiet enough that the rabbits and
mice outside cannot hear us.” (not
technically a lie)
 (whisper) “You see, I need a favor. Yes,
one as powerful as me. If you do this for
me, I will consent to leave Hartsvale
behind, to move my lair to a more
remote forest where I will no longer
need to deal with civilized villages. But I
can’t do that until my half-sister,
Verslexia, has been dealt with. Should
she be killed, I will take my surviving
followers and move to her lair. Quiet,

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1. The Dragon’s Gambit search his hoard for one of the magic items
listed in part 2 or to get 200gp each turn that
Adjusting the Encounter (these changes are they forego their action, bonus action, and
not cumulative) movement to steal from his hoard.
Very Weak: Reduce Valturnax’s hit points to
Valturnax will not initially hit unconscious
160. Do not use lair actions. Do not use
characters. As soon as a character has been
stinking cloud in the first 3 rounds.
downed and then brought back up with healing
Weak: Do not use lair actions. Do not use magic, though, Valturnax narrows his eyes and
stinking cloud in the first 3 rounds. will start attacking downed characters (if you’re
Normal: Do not use lair actions. The first mean) or taking them hostage, grappling them
legendary action Valturnax takes is to drop a and then flying up to the second floor to
stinking cloud on as many of the party as he negotiate. He is willing to let most of the
can. adventurers leave alive if he gets to keep one of
Strong: Use the Grasping Roots and Wall of them. Showing off a live hostage hero instead of
Thorns lair actions, but not the Magic Fog lair several dead ones can be just as terrifying to the
action. The first legendary action Valturnax town of Hartsvale.
takes is to drop a stinking cloud on as many of
the party as he can. When either Valturnax hits 100 hp (75 hp for a
very weak party) or Valturnax uses his last
Very Strong: Use all lair actions. The first
Legendary Resistance, it’s time to move to Part
legendary action Valturnax takes is to drop a
stinking cloud on as many of the party as he
can. 2. The Temple Falls

Valturnax initiates combat with his poison Valturnax bellows a primal roar. His wings
breath, and then will attempt to target lightly have become a tattered mess, with more
armored healers, then lightly armored holes than flesh. His green blood oozes
spellcasters, then anyone else who is not heavily forth from between his scales. He opens his
armored. If he gets surrounded, he uses his eyes wide, frenzied with pain and rage.
wing beat to reposition. He is willing to forego a
claw attack to grapple someone, and is willing “If I am not to have my treasure, neither
to take hostages. He loves to use his poison shall you!”
breath when it is up, unless it is clear that the
party is resistant or immune to poison. He only He slams his body against one massive
uses spells as legendary actions except in dire stone column, then against another. A
situations. rumbling starts as stone blocks begin to fall
from the ceiling, and Valturnax slithers out
He will try to stop anyone from getting too close of the temple.
to his hoard, but if that person is a heavily
armored individual or if it is clearly being used “If you still seek my gold, die from your
as a distraction, he is willing to ignore it in greed!”
order to win the fight and down high priority
targets first. Anyone who does so anyways, can
use their action, bonus action, and movement to

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Each character now has a choice: Leave the Valturnax’s wings have been shredded and he is
temple immediately to continue the fight, unable to fly, so he is no longer able to leave this
grabbing some gold or gems worth 100g on the fight. He also can no longer use the “wing beat’
way out, or take 1 round to grab a magic item legendary action. If the party’s health is still
instead, dealing with some crashing stone high, have his poison breath recharge during
blocks while they do. Part 2. Otherwise, continue as before.

For any characters that just take the gold and If Valturnax knows he is definitely going to die
gems, place them outside the temple. For those and can’t win and you’re an asshole DM, his
who grab a magic item, give them the option of strategy is to grapple a character, use the rest of
one of the below magic items or roll on tables B, his attacks on the character, and then leap off
C, and F for magic items in the Dungeon the side of the mountain. It’s about a 120’ drop
Master’s Guide. Then, once they have selected off the mountain, so 12d6 falling damage.
their magic item, they must make a Dex save
DC 15. On a failure, they take 20 bludgeoning If Valturnax kills the party, he tries to make any
damage from falling rocks, but manage to make who succeed at their death saving throws into
it outside of the temple. If this would knock his new minions, though they are likely to have
them unconscious, they are close enough to one many chances to escape; his previous minions
of their friends, who can come drag their had remained out of fear and because he
unconscious body out of the temple as it controlled their homes, so they had nowhere to
collapses and the hoard is lost. Go to Part 3. run from him.

2 Spell Scrolls
1 scroll of Ending the
Hallucinatory Terrain
and 1 scroll of Nystul’s
Magic Aura
Magic Goggles Goggles of Night
2 Potions Potion of Fire Breath With Valturnax dead, the town of Hartsvale
and Potion of Water rejoices, pronouncing them heroes. Valturnax’s
Breathing hoard will, unfortunately, take much time to
Magic Spectacles Glasses of Minute excavate, and the forest of Hartsvale still holds
dangerous creatures – many of whom are now
Magic Ring Ring of Swimming
coming back into the forest after being scared
4 arrows/bolts One Arrow/Bolt of
(tailored to party) Giant Slaying and away by Valturnax’s presence.
three +2 arrows/bolts
Magic Brooch Brooch of Shielding The town mayor gives the party an additional
“What appears to be a Bag of Devouring 300 gold pieces for killing the dragon, and the
Bag of Holding” local innkeeper promises free food and lodging
whenever the heroes are in town.

3. Valturnax Dies
Once all of the party is outside the temple,
combat resumes from where initiative had been.

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Appendix A

Map 1: Kobold Tunnels

Kobold Tunnels pass underneath the gorge and connect behind the goblin stairs

Ground Floor: Kobold Tunnels
< 5 foot square

2c 4

2d 2b 2e

= Kobold tunnels

2a = Trap locations

= Door

B = Ballista

B =
Stairs up (to gorge)

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Map 2: Goblins on the Stairs

= 5 foot square

2nd Floor: Goblins and Giants

Stairs (left is up,

= right is down)

Stairs (left is up,

= right is down)

8 10' Lever 7 10' 6

Third Level Second Level First Level

20' Total Above First Level 10' Total Above First Level

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Map 3: Goblinoid Barracks

3rd Floor: Goblinoid Barracks <

= 5 foot square

12a 12b
< =
Stairs Up (To Gorge)

Elevated Platform
10' =

10' 10'

13a 13b

C =

Recessed Alcove

Flammable Poison
Gas Vent

> Stairs Down (To


> =

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Map 4: The Ruined Temple

> >
20' 20'
Valturnax's Lair: The Ruined Temple


Valturnax's hoard
= 20' 20'
Elevated walkway
(temple) or
20' =

Temple Column
= 20' 20'

Rubble from
= Destroyed Column

Off the Mountain


> =
Stairs Down

30' 30'
15 16

> 30' 30' Don't Fall Off The Mountain

120' drop to the ground

= 5 foot square

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Appendix B Sunlight Sensitivity:

disadvantage on attacks when
Sunlight Sensitivity:
disadvantage on attacks when
Scimitar: +4, 5 (1d6+2)
Kobold (Monster Manual in sunlight in sunlight Javelin: +4, 5 (1d6+2)
[MM]) Pack Tactics: ADV attacks if Pack Tactics: ADV attacks if piercing, range: 30/120
HP: 5 AC: 12 an ally within 5’ of enemy an ally within 5’ of enemy
Speed: 30’ Multi-attack: 2 dagger or 2 Multi-attack: 2 attacks Mouth of Grolantor
STR -2 DEX +2 CON -1 dart Shortsword: +5, 6 (1d6+3) (adjusted, Volo’s)
INT -1 WIS -2 CHA -1 Dagger: +5, 5 (1d4+3) piercing plus 10 (3d6) poison HP: 105 AC: 14
CR 1/8, 25xp, small humanoid, piercing plus 5 (2d4) poison Shortbow: +5, 6 (1d6+3) Speed: 50’
lawful evil Dart: +5, range 20/60, 5 piercing plus 10 (3d6) poison) STR +5 DEX +0 CON +4
Passive perception 8 (1d4+3) piercing plus 5 (2d4) Inspiring Presence INT -3 WIS -2 CHA -5
Darkvision 60’ poison (Recharge after Rest): CR 6; 200xp, Huge Giant,
Sunlight Sensitivity: Explosive Flask (Recharge Action: Up to 6 allied kobolds chaotic evil
disadvantage on attacks when 5-6): Action: Throws a flask at w/in 30’ get immunity to Passive perception 11
in sunlight a point within 60 feet; flask charmed + frightened, and get Immunities: Frightened
Pack Tactics: ADV attacks if explodes, 15’ radius; 17 (5d6) +2 to all attack rolls for 1 condition, “Confusion spells
an ally within 5’ of enemy poison, fire, acid, or cold minute and similar magic”
Dagger: +4, 4 (1d4+2) damage (kobold’s choice) and Darkvision 60’
piercing gain the poisoned condition Mouth of Madness: On each
Sling: +4, range 30/120, 4 until the end of their next turn; Booyahg Booyahg Booyahg turn, the giant moves to the
(1d4+2) bludgeoning DC 13 Dex save for half damage (Volo’s, MM) nearest creature or source of
and no poisoned condition HP: 40 AC: 15 food. Roll a d10:
Ballista (homebrew) Prepare Flask Speed: 30’ 1-3. 3 fist attacks on random
HP: 45 AC: 10 Use a bonus action to recharge STR -1 DEX +2 CON +0 creature within reach (10’)
Speed: 10’ explosive flask INT +0 WIS +1 CHA +3 4-5. 1 fist attack on every
CR 4; 1,100xp, large construct CR 6; 2,300xp, small creature within its reach (10’)
Vulnerability: Fire Kobold Dragonshield humanoid, neutral evil 6-7. 1 bite attack on one
Immunity: Psychic, Poison (Volo’s Guide to Monsters Saves: Con+3, Cha+6 random target within reach (5’)
Operators: Requires at least 1 [Volo’s]) Passive perception 11 8-10. 1 bite attack (5’) and 2 fist
ally to operate it to function, HP: 44 AC: 15 Darkvision 60’ attacks (10’) on one random
falling inert otherwise Speed: 20’ Nimble Escape: can target within reach
Barbed Bolt: +9, 22 (3d10+5) STR +1 DEX +2 CON +2 disengage or hide as a bonus Bite: +8, 5’, 15 (3d6+5)
piercing damage and target is INT -1 WIS -1 CHA +0 action piercing and regains hp equal
grappled on hit (escape by CR 1, 200xp, small humanoid, Wild Magic: A Wild Magic to damage dealt
breaking grapple and pulling lawful evil surge occurs on every spellcast, Fist: +10, 10’, 18 (3d8+5)
the bolt out of the body, escape Passive perception 11 including cantrips bludgeoning
DC 16, taking 5 points of Darkvision 60’ Spellcasting: 9th lvl
piercing damage while breaking Resistance: Poison damage spellcaster, spell save DC 14, +6
the grapple; or attack the chain Heart of the Dragon: If on spell atks Hobgoblin Devastator
and break the chain, leaving the frightened or paralyzed by an Cantrips: fire bolt, light, mage (adjusted, Volo’s)
bolt in the body to be removed effect with a saving throw, can hand, prestidigitation HP: 45 AC: 13
with a medicine (Wis) DC 15 repeat save at start of turn to 1st Level (3 slots): detect magic, Speed: 30’
check later). Barbed Bolt can’t end effect on self and all mage armor (precast), magic STR +1 DEX +1 CON +2
be used if a target is already kobolds w/in 30’; kobolds that missile, shield INT +3 WIS +1 CHA +0
grappled by this Ballista. benefit get ADV on next attack 2nd Level (3 slots): misty step, CR 4; 1,100xp, medium
Reel them in: Action: A Sunlight Sensitivity: suggestion humanoid, lawful evil
grappled creature must make a disadvantage on attacks when 3rd Level (3 slots): counterspell, Passive perception 11
Con saving throw DC 20, on a in sunlight fireball, fly Darkvision 60’
failure they get dragged 10’ Pack Tactics: ADV attacks if 4th Level (3 slots): greater Arcane Advantage: 1/turn,
closer to the ballista, on a an ally within 5’ of enemy invisibility, ice storm can deal extra 7 (2d6) damage
failure by 5 or more they get Multi-attack: 2 melee 5th Level (1 slot): cone of cold when hitting with a damaging
dragged 25’ closer to the Spear: +3, 4 (1d6+1) piercing, Dagger: +5, 4 (1d4+2) spell if target is w/in ally of
ballista range 20/60 piercing (20/60 if thrown) hobgoblin
Army Arcana: Can choose
Kobold Alchemist Kobold Chieftain Goblin Boss (MM) self and any # of allies to be
(adjusted, Tome of Beasts (adjusted, ToB) HP: 21 AC: 17 immune to damage caused by
[ToB]) HP: 82 AC: 17 Speed: 30’ its spells and to succeed on
HP: 44 AC: 15 Speed: 30’ STR +0 DEX +2 CON +0 saving throws of own spells
Speed: 30’ STR +0 DEX +3 CON +2 INT +0 WIS -1 CHA +0 (can spell sculpt)
STR -2 DEX +3 CON +2 INT +0 WIS +1 CHA +2 CR 1; 200xp, small humanoid, Spellcasting: 7th lvl
INT +3 WIS -1 CHA -1 CR 4; 1,100xp, small neutral evil spellcaster, spell save DC 13, +5
CR 2, 450xp, small humanoid, humanoid, lawful evil Passive perception 9 on spell atks
lawful evil Saves: Dex+5, Cha+4 Darkvision 60’ Cantrips: acid splash, fire bolt,
Saves: Dex+5 Passive perception 11, stealth Nimble Escape: can ray of frost, shocking grasp
Passive perception 9 +5 disengage or hide as a bonus 1st Level (4 slots): fog cloud,
Darkvision 60’ Darkvision 60’ action thunderwave, shield
Immunity: Poison damage, Immunities: Charmed, Multi-attack: 2 scimitar 2nd Level (3 slots): gust of wind,
poisoned condition Frightened attacks, 2nd attack has Melf’s acid arrow, scorching
disadvantage ray

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A Dungeon and A Dragon By Chris Bergman

3rd Level (3 slots): counterspell, Shield Bash: +9, 5 (1d4+3) Tail: +11, 15’, 15 (2d8+6) Valturnax leaves no physical
fireball, lightning bolt bludgeoning, DC14 strength or bludgeoning evidence of his passage unless
4th Level (1 slot): ice storm knocked prone Frightful Presence: all of he wishes to. Tracking him is
Qstaff: +3, 4 (1d6+1) Javelin: +9, 6 (1d6+3) choice w/in 120’ and aware of impossible except through
bludgeoning or 5 (1d8+1) with 2 piercing, 30/120 it, DC16 wis save, frightened for magical means. He ignores
hands Leadership (1/rest): action: 1 minute on fail, can repeat at movement impediments and
1 minute, can give d4 to ally end of each turns; on save, damage from plants in this area
Hobgoblin (adjusted, MM) w/in 30’ to add to attack rolls immune for 24 hours that aren’t magical or creatures.
HP: 11 AC: 18 or saving throws any time those Poison Breath (Recharge Plants remove themselves from
Speed: 30’ are made 5-6): 60’ cone, DC18 Con save, his path.
STR +1 DEX +1 CON +1 Parry: reaction: add 3 to AC 56 (16d6) poison damage or Rodent Eyes and Ears:
INT +0 WIS +0 CHA -1 against 1 melee attack that half on successful save Rodents and birds within 1 mile
CR 1/2; 100 xp, medium would hit of Valturnax’s lair serve as his
humanoid, lawful evil Legendary Actions eyes and ears. Deer and large
Passive perception 10 Bugbear Murderer 3/round, recharge at beginning game are strangely absent,
Darkvision 60’ (adjusted, MM) of Valturnax’s turn hinting at the presence of an
Martial Advantage: 1/turn, HP: 37 AC: 17 Detect: Wisdom (perception) unnaturally hungry predator. If
extra 7 (2d6) dmg if target w/in Speed: 30’ check Valturnax dies, the rodents and
5’ of ally STR +2 DEX +2 CON +1 Tail Attack: Tail Attack birds lose their supernatural
Longsword: +3, 5 (1d8+1) INT +0 WIS +0 CHA -1 Wing Attack [2 actions]: link to him.
slashing, 6 (1d10+1) if 2 hands CR 2; 450 xp, medium Beats wings, all w/in 10’ of
Longbow: +3, 5 (1d8+1) humanoid, chaotic evil dragon, DC19 Dex save or take
piercing, 150/600 Passive perception 10 13 (2d6+6) bludgeoning and be
Protection: Reaction: When Darkvision 60’ knocked prone; dragon can
within 5’ of an ally, can enforce Surprise Attack: if surprises then fly 40’
disadvantage on 1 attack a creature and hits in 1st round, Cast Spell [2 actions]: Can
against them extra 7 (2d6) damage cast a spell
Multi-attack: 2 melee attacks
Hobgoblin Captain (MM) Morningstar: +4, 11 (2d8+2) Lair Actions
HP: 39 AC: 17 piercing On initiative count 20, losing
Speed: 30’ Javelin: +4, melee 9 (2d6+2) ties
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +2 piercing, range 5 (1d6+2) Grasping Roots: roots and
INT +1 WIS +0 CHA +1 30/120 vines erupt in a 20’ radius w/in
CR 3; 700 xp, medium 120’, ground becomes difficult
humanoid, lawful evil terrain, each creature DC 15
Passive perception 10 Valturnax, Adult Green Dragon Strength saving throw or be
in lair (variant spellcaster
Darkvision 60’ restrained; can try to free self or
rules, MM)
Martial Advantage: 1/turn, others can try to free with a DC
HP: 207 AC: 19
extra 7 (2d6) dmg if target w/in 15 Strength check; disappears
Speed: 40’, fly 80’, swim 40’
5’ of ally when dragon uses this again or
STR +6 DEX +1 CON +5
Multi-attack: 2 greatsword dies
INT +4 WIS +2 CHA +3
attacks Wall of Thorns: wall of
CR 15, 13,000 XP or if using
Greatsword: +4, 9 (2d6+2) thorns, 60’ long, 10’ high, 5’
lair actions: 16, 15,000 xp; huge
piercing thick, within 120’ of dragon,
dragon, lawful evil
Javelin: +4, 5 (1d6+2) when it appears all w/in wall’s
Saves: Dex+6, Con+10, Wis+7,
piercing, 30/120 area must make a DC15 Dex
Leadership (1/rest): action: save or take 18 (4d8) piercing
Skills: Deception+8, Insight+7,
1 minute, can give d4 to ally and pushed to one side of its
Perception +12, Persuasion+8,
w/in 30’ to add to attack rolls choice. Moving through the
or saving throws any time those wall takes 4x as much
Immunities: poison, poisoned
are made movement as normal and DC 15
Passive perception 22
Dex or take 18 (4d8) damage.
Blindsight 60’, Darkvision 120’
Hobgoblin Warlord (MM) Each 10’ section has AC 5, 15
Amphibious: can breathe
HP: 97 AC: 20 hp, vulnerability to fire,
water or air
Speed: 30’ resistance to bludgeoning and
Legendary Resistance
STR +3 DEX +2 CON +3 piercing, and immunity to
(3/day): If fail saving throw,
INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +2 psychic; wall sinks into ground
can choose to succeed instead
CR 6; 2,300 xp, medium when dragon uses this again or
Innate Spellcasting: Spell
humanoid, lawful evil dragon dies
save DC 16, spell to hit +8. Can
Saves: Int+5, Wis+3, Cha+5 Magic Fog: Magical fog
innately cast the following
Passive perception 10 billows around one creature
Darkvision 60’ w/in 120’ the dragon can see,
1/day: Mislead, Dispel Magic,
Martial Advantage: 1/turn, creature must make a DC15
Stinking Cloud
extra 14 (4d6) dmg if target Wisdom save or be charmed
Multi-attack: Can use
w/in 5’ of ally until initiative count 20 on the
Frightful Presence, then make 1
Multi-attack: 3 melee attacks next round.
bite attack and 2 claw attacks
or 2 javelin attacks
Bite: +11, 10’, 17 (2d10+6)
Longsword: +9, 7 (1d8+3) Regional Effects
piercing plus 7 (2d6) poison
slashing Pass Without a Trace:
Claw: +11, 5’, 13 (2d6+6)
Within 1 mile of his lair,

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