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Journal of Immunological Methods 226 Ž1999.


Purification of morphologically and functionally intact human

basophils to near homogeneity
K. Haisch a , B.F. Gibbs b, H. Korber
¨ a
, M. Ernst c , E. Grage-Griebenow c ,
M. Schlaak a , H. Haas a,)
DiÕision of Cellular Allergology, Research Center Borstel, Parkallee 22, D-23845 Borstel, Germany
Department of Dermatology, Medical UniÕersity of Lubeck, ¨
Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 Lubeck, Germany
DiÕision of Cellular Biology, Research Center Borstel, Parkallee 22, D-23845 Borstel, Germany
Received 4 January 1999; received in revised form 9 March 1999; accepted 12 March 1999


Certain studies on basophils require highly purified functionally intact cell preparations. Here, a three-step procedure is
described that meets these requirements. The procedure consists of a Ficoll density gradient step, counterflow elutriation and
negative selection by magnetic cell sorting ŽMACS.. The mean purity of basophils obtained from 30 donors was
97.6 " 3.96% with a viability of 99.6 " 0.83%. The recovery rate was 49.7 " 15.6%. The cells had a normal morphological
appearance as assessed by May–Grunwald-stained cytospins and were functionally intact as shown by their unaltered
capacity to release histamine and interleukin 4 ŽIL-4. following immunological activation. This procedure is a clear
improvement over currently available techniques and should facilitate future investigations on basophils. q 1999 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Basophil; Human; Purification; Negative selection; Histamine

1. Introduction peripheral blood. During the course of allergic reac-

tions, basophils have been shown to migrate in-
Basophils are a small population of granulocytes to tissues participating in inflammatory reactions
that account for less than 1% of total leukocytes in ŽDurham, 1998.. Upon crosslinking of high affinity
IgE receptors ŽFc´RI. or in response to other stim-
uli, basophils rapidly release mediators such as his-
AbbreÕiations: BSA, bovine serum albumin; MACS, magnetic
tamine and leukotrienes ŽMarone, 1988. as well as
cell sorting; IL, interleukin; PFA, paraformaldehyde; IMDM, Is- cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13 ŽBrunner et al.,
cove’s modified Dulbeccos’s medium; HBSS, Hank’s balanced 1993; Gibbs et al., 1996.. Therefore, basophils may
salt solution without Ca2q and Mg 2q; PBS-BSA, phosphate- play an important role not only in the effector phase,
buffered saline with 0.5% BSA; Tris-T, Tris with 0.05% Tween but also in the initiation of allergic inflammation and
20; PE, phycoerythrin; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; MNCs,
mononuclear cells; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
parasitic disease.
Corresponding author. Tel.: q49-4537-188440; Fax: q49- Studies on basophils have been hampered by the
4537-188404; E-mail: lack of efficient procedures to obtain highly purified,

0022-1759r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 1 7 5 9 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 5 9 - 9
130 K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137

functionally intact cells. Contaminating cells can ac- insulin, human transferrin ŽSigma, St. Louis, MO.;
tivate basophils by releasing factors such as IL-3, NaHCO 3 , EDTA, MgCl 2 , paraformaldehyde ŽPFA.,
granulocyte–macrophage colony stimulating factor perchloric acid ŽMerck, Darmstadt, FRG.; FCS
or platelet-activating factor ŽColumbo et al., 1990.. ŽBoehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, FRG.; Iscove’s
Furthermore, contaminating cells are able to produce modified Dulbecco’s medium ŽIMDM., penicillin,
identical cytokines or express the same surface re- streptomycin, ŽGibco BRL, Paisley, UK.; strepta-
ceptors as basophils and in this manner interfere with vidin-alkaline phosphatase ŽJackson Immuno Re-
the determination of these parameters for basophils. search, West Grove, PA.; p-nitrophenylphosphate
Therefore, it is essential to obtain highly purified ŽSigma, Deisenhofen, FRG.; Tween 20 ŽMerck–
basophils for investigations where interference by Schuchardt, Hohenbrunn, FRG.; NaCl, Tris ŽServa,
other cells must be avoided. Various techniques have Heidelberg, FRG.; Ficoll ŽBiochrom, Berlin, FRG.;
been developed for the purification of basophils ŽWeil Percoll ŽPharmacia, Freiburg, FRG.; Hank’s bal-
et al., 1983; Bodger and Newton, 1987; Schroeder anced salt solution without Ca2q and Mg 2q ŽHBSS;
and Hanrahan, 1990; Mul et al., 1992; Tanimoto et PAA, Linz, Austria..
al., 1992; Bjerke et al., 1993; Kepley et al., 1994;
Willheim et al., 1995; Gibbs et al., 1997.. Several
techniques provide basophils of purities ) 95%. 2.2. Purification of basophils
However, these techniques either include positive
selection ŽWeil et al., 1983; Willheim et al., 1995., 2.2.1. Ficoll density centrifugation
which may lead to activation or inactivation of ba- Some 216 ml blood from healthy volunteers who
sophils, or they result in low yields ŽBjerke et al., had not been purposely selected for high numbers of
1993; Kepley et al., 1994.. basophils in their circulation were drawn into sy-
Here, we describe a highly efficient technique for ringes Ž60 ml. containing 6 ml 0.1 M EDTA solution
the purification of human basophils to almost homo- and gently mixed before the blood was carefully
geneity. This method is based on our previous proto- layered on Ficoll. In order to minimise losses of
cols ŽFalcone et al., 1996; Gibbs et al., 1997. consist- basophils, density gradient centrifugation was per-
ing of density gradient centrifugation, counterflow formed at 48C since, at this temperature Ficoll
elutriation, and negative selection by immunomag- density is higher than at 258C Ž1078 grml vs.
netic beads. Compared to the previous protocols, the 1077 grml.. Moreover, performing this enrichment
introduction of the MACS system as a third step led step at 48C minimises the degree of basophil activa-
to a dramatic increase in the purity of morphologi- tion. After centrifugation Ž25 min, 500 = g, 48C., the
cally and functionally intact basophils. Also, the interphases were pooled, washed and resuspended in
yield was higher than in any previously published 50 ml ice-cold elutriation buffer ŽHBSS supple-
protocol with a basophil purity exceeding 95%. By mented with 4.2 mM NaHCO 3 and 0.25% BSA, pH
this technique, nearly homogeneous basophil prepa- 7.4.. Total cell numbers and viability were deter-
rations can be efficiently obtained for studies where mined by staining with Trypan Blue solution and
contaminating cells must be excluded. counting in a Neubauer chamber. Basophil purity
was assessed by investigating 1000 cells on cy-
tospins treated with May–Grunwald stain.
2. Materials and methods
2.2.2. Counterflow elutriation
Elutriation was performed with a J2-21 centrifuge
2.1. Materials and a JE-6B rotor, equipped with a standard chamber
ŽBeckmann Instruments, Palo Alto, CA.. The rotor
The following reagents and materials were ob- speed was held constant at 3500 rpm Ž1220 = g .
tained from the suppliers indicated: Trypan Blue throughout the whole procedure. Interphase leuko-
solution, May–Grunwald-Stain, BSA, NaN3 , bovine cytes were loaded into the chamber, and the
K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137 131

flow rate was progressively increased from 30 to terminated by adding 300 ml ice-cold PBS per tube
45 mlrmin at intervals of 3 mlrmin. Several frac- after which the samples were centrifuged Ž10 min,
tions were collected and concentrated by centrifuga- 500 = g, 48C.. Supernatants were decanted into sep-
tion Ž10 min, 500 = g, 48C.. After the evaluation of arate tubes and pellets were resuspended in 500 ml
cell numbers and basophil purity, the basophil-rich PBS supplemented with 3.5% perchloric acid. All
fractions were pooled. tubes were stored at y208C before analysis of the
histamine content by fluorometric autoanalysis. The
2.2.3. Magnetic cell separation (MACS) percentage histamine release per tube was deter-
Further purification was performed using the mined from the total histamine contained in pellet
MACS basophil isolation kit ŽMiltenyi Biotec, and supernatant. The net histamine release was cal-
Bergisch Gladbach, FRG. essentially according to culated by subtracting the spontaneous release of
the manufacturer’s protocol. After centrifugation cells incubated with medium alone.
Ž10 min, 500 = g, 48C. of the pooled basophil-rich
fractions the supernatant was removed completely 2.4. IL-4 release
and the pellet resuspended in PBS-BSA ŽPBS sup-
plemented with 0.5% BSA. at a ratio of 1 ml PBS- From the final basophil preparation, cells were
BSA per 10 6 cells. Subsequently, 0.5 ml IgG-con- transferred to sterile round-bottomed microtiter plates
ŽGreiner. at 100,000 basophils per well and stimu-
taining blocking reagent and 1 ml hapten-labelled
antibody cocktail Žanti-CD3, anti-CD7, anti-CD14, lated with various concentrations of anti-human IgE,
anti-CD15, anti-CD16, anti-CD36, anti-CD45RA, as used for histamine release. After 4 h incubation at
anti-HLA-DR. were added per 10 6 cells, mixed well 378C in a humidified atmosphere with 6% CO 2 ,
and incubated for 10 min at 88C. Thereafter, 6.5 ml supernatants were harvested and stored at y208C
PBS-BSA and 1 ml anti-hapten micro beads were until IL-4 was assayed by a sandwich ELISA. Flat-
added per 10 6 cells, mixed well and incubated for 15 bottomed microtiter plates ŽMaxisorp F96, Nunc,
min at 88C. Then the cells were introduced onto an Wiesbaden, FRG. were coated overnight at 48C with
LSq column Žincluded in the kit. previously washed monoclonal mouse anti-human IL-4 Žclone 8D4-8;
with 2 = 3 ml ice-cold PBS-BSA. The unbound frac- PharmIngen, San Diego, CA. diluted 1r4000 in Tris
Ž0.1 M TrisrHCl, 0.1 M NaCl, 2.5 mM MgCl 2 , pH
tion containing the basophils was washed out with
4 = 3 ml of ice-cold PBS-BSA. Basophil number, 7.5.. Between incubation steps, plates were washed
purity, and viability were evaluated as above. For 7 = with Tris-T ŽTrisr0.05% Tween 20.. Following
further handling, the cells were transferred to medium incubation Ž90 min. with samples or serial dilutions
ŽIMDM supplemented with 100 Urml penicillin, of recombinant human IL-4 ŽNo. 2181-01; Genzyme,
100 mgrml streptomycin, 5 mgrml bovine insulin, Cambridge, MA. as a standard, biotinylated mono-
50 mgrml human transferrin and 10% FCS.. clonal rat anti-human IL-4 Žclone MP4-25D2;
The whole purification procedure was performed PharmIngen. diluted 1r4000 in Tris-Tr0.5% BSA
in 3.5 h. was added for 60 min. Afterwards, the plates were
incubated with streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase Ž1r
1000 in Tris-Tr0.5% BSA. for 60 min. The chro-
2.3. Histamine release mogen solution was 1 mgrml p-nitrophenyl-
phosphate in 0.1 M TrisrHCl, 0.1 M NaCl, 5 mM
Aliquots of cells, obtained after each purification MgrCl 2 , pH 9.5. The absorption was read at 405
step, containing 50,000 basophils in 200 ml medium, nm. The sensitivity of the IL-4 ELISA was 50
were stimulated with various concentrations of poly- pgrml and the upper detection limit 3.3 ngrml.
clonal rabbit anti-human IgE antibodies ŽNo.
AHI0501; Tago, Camarillo, CA. or medium Žcon- 2.5. Flow cytometry
trol. in 4 ml tubes ŽGreiner, Frickenhausen, FRG..
Stimulations were carried out for 30 min at 378C in a Some 100,000 cells suspended in NaN3 –PBS
humidified atmosphere with 6% CO 2 . Reactions were Ž15 mM NaN3 in PBS. were stained on ice for
132 K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137

employed at concentrations recommended by the

manufacturer. After washing with 1 ml NaN3 –PBS,
the pellets were resuspended in 100 ml NaN3 –PBS,
and mixed with 100 ml NaN3 –PBSr3% PFA to fix
the cells. Following incubation for 10 min, the cells
were centrifuged Ž400 = g, 48C, 10 min. and resus-
pended in 200 ml NaN3 –PBS. Flow cytometric anal-
ysis of immunofluorescence-labelled cells was per-
formed with a FACSCalibur ŽBecton Dickinson..

3. Results

3.1. Purity of basophil preparations

Fig. 1. Purity of basophil preparations after Ficoll density centrifu-
gation, counterflow elutriation and negative selection by magnetic
cell sorting ŽMACS.. Each dot represents one donor Ž ns 30.; bars The mononuclear cell preparations ŽMNCs. ob-
depict mean values. tained by the Ficoll gradient contained basophils
with a mean purity of 1.8 " 0.83% ŽFig. 1. with
most of the eosinophils and neutrophils removed.
20 min with phycoerythrin ŽPE. conjugated mouse Following elutriation, the mean purity of the ba-
anti-CD123 Ž9F5. and fluorescein isothiocyanate sophil-rich fractions increased to 12.6 " 3.87% ŽFig.
ŽFITC. conjugated mouse anti-HLA-DR ŽL243, Bec- 1.. Contaminating cells were mainly monocytes,
ton Dickinson, Heidelberg, FRG.. As isotype con- but lymphocytes, a few neutrophils and very few
trol, PE conjugated mouse IgG1 and FITC conju- eosinophils were also detected as determined by
gated mouse IgG2a ŽDako, Hamburg, FRG. were ¨
microscopic inspection of May–Grunwald-stained

Fig. 2. Purified basophils stained with May–Grunwald Žoriginal magnification =160..
K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137 133

cytospins. After purification of basophils with the

MACS system, the mean purity rose to 97.6 " 3.96%
ŽFig. 1. with a range of 78.7–100%. The median was
99%. Light microscopical examination revealed nor-
mal morphology of the basophils ŽFig. 2. without
signs of degranulation ŽFig. 3.. In general, the few
remaining contaminating cells had a monocytic ap-
pearance. The viability determined by Trypan blue
staining was 99.6% " 0.83%. The purity of ba-
sophils after MACS Žmeasured by counting 1000
cells of May–Grunwald-stained cytospins. was con-
firmed by the analysis of 10,000 cells by flow cy-
tometry in a random test of seven cases. Basophils
express the IL-3 receptor CD123 ŽAgis et al., 1996;
Baghestanian et al., 1996. but not HLA-DR ŽBodger
and Newton, 1987.. All the other cell types express-
ing CD123 also express HLA-DR. Therefore, the
basophils were detected as CD123 positive and
HLA-DR negative cells. A typical example is shown
ŽFig. 4. where the purity determined by flow cytome- Fig. 4. Dot plot illustration of flow cytometry of purified ba-
sophils. The purity of 99.2% as determined by May–Grunwald ¨
try was 99.04% in comparison to 99.2% when as- stain was confirmed by flow cytometry. The cells were stained for
sessed by staining with May–Grunwald. HLA-DR ŽFITC. and CD123 ŽPE. and subsequently analysed on a
FACSCalibur. Basophils express CD123 but not HLA-DR. Some
3.2. Yield of basophil preparations 99.04% of the cells showed this pattern Žone representative exam-
ple out of seven is shown..
Since the low content of basophils in peripheral
blood hampers accurate assessment of the quantity of as the total number of basophils in MNCs as com-
basophils, the basophil recovery rate was calculated pared to the number of basophils after elutriation and

Fig. 3. Purified basophils stained with May–Grunwald Žoriginal magnification =1008..
134 K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137

Fig. 7. Dose-dependent IL-4 production of purified human ba-

sophils Ž ns10. after stimulation with anti-human IgE. Since
Fig. 5. Recovery of basophils after Ficoll density centrifugation, absolute IL-4 concentrations varied between donors Ž160–1960
counterflow elutriation and negative selection by magnetic cell pgrml., the results are depicted in percentage of the maximal IL-4
sorting ŽMACS.. Each dot represents one donor Ž ns 30.; bars response. Bars represent standard errors.
depict mean values.

final selection with the MACS system. The recovery

rate of basophils was 68.7 " 20.5% after counterflow sophils, the anti-human IgE induced histamine re-
elutriation and 49.7 " 15.6% after MACS ŽFig. 5.. lease from cells after the individual purification steps
The mean recoveries were 4.79 = 10 6 basophils and was compared. As shown in Fig. 6, no significant
3.44 = 10 6 basophils, respectively. dose–response differences were found between the
three stages of purification. The mean spontaneous
3.3. IgE-mediated histamine release histamine release was less than 10% and the maxi-
mal mean response was 46.55% at the optimal con-
To investigate whether the purification procedure centration of anti-IgE.
interfered with the functional capacity of the ba-
3.4. IgE-mediated IL-4 production

To determine whether the capacity of basophils to

produce IL-4 would be affected by the purification
procedure, the final preparations were stimulated
with various concentrations of anti-human IgE ŽFig.
7.. Supernatants were recovered after 4 h and as-
sayed for IL-4 production. The dose-dependent IL-4
production was maximal at 100 ngrml IgE Žrange
160–1 960 pgrml..

Fig. 6. Histamine release from human basophil preparations Ž ns

7. obtained after Ficoll, elutriation and MACS. Cells were stimu- 4. Discussion
lated with various concentrations of anti-human IgE and culture
supernatants were recovered after 30 min for mediator determina-
tion. Spontaneous histamine release Ž7.17"2.69%, 9.73"3.98%,
In this report, we present an easily reproducible
and 8.11"1.87%, respectively. was subtracted from the corre- and rapid method to purify basophils close to homo-
sponding results. Bars depict standard deviations. geneity, within 3.5 h. This high degree of purity may
K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137 135

be required for studying signal transduction and most direct method is positive basophil selection via
metabolic or immunological processes exclusively Fc´RI or CDw17. However, although this may give
for basophils, and when sensitive molecular genetic rise to purities of over 95%, several authors have
techniques such as PCR are utilised. Furthermore, shown that positive selection causes a substantial
the determination of parameters characteristic not reduction of histamine release from the cells ŽWeil et
only of basophils, such as cytokine production or al., 1983; Graziano, 1988; Schroeder and Hanrahan,
expression of certain surface markers, is facilitated 1990; Willheim et al., 1995.. A further problem of
by the high purity of basophils obtained with this selection through the IgE-receptor is the co-purifica-
method. Purified basophils were intact both morpho- tion of B lymphocytes carrying membrane IgE and
logically Žshowing no degranulation. and also func- of activated macrophages and eosinophils which both
tionally as assessed by anti-IgE-induced histamine express the high affinity IgE receptor.
release, a process which was unaffected by the pu- Basophil purification by negative selection is not
rification procedure. In addition, IL-4 production by usually affected by the problems of direct cell activa-
purified basophils activated with various stimuli such tion, but has been crucially dependent on successful
as anti-IgE, ionomycin and soluble antigen from prior basophil enrichment. Given their relatively
Schistosoma mansoni eggs Ždata not shown. gave small numbers in whole blood, this enrichment is
rise to results comparable to those obtained with our vital in terms of eliminating the bulk of erythrocyte
previous methods ŽFalcone et al., 1996; Gibbs et al., and granulocyte contaminants. This is achieved ei-
1996.. ther by dextran sedimentation or density centrifuga-
Since it can be performed at a lower cost, the tion using Percoll, Ficoll or a mixture of both. Of
technique described in this paper is a clear improve- these, Ficoll density centrifugation is the swiftest and
ment over our previously published protocols least cumbersome method giving rise to relatively
ŽFalcone et al., 1996; Gibbs et al., 1997.. The crucial erythrocyte-free basophils with purities ranging from
improvement is the replacement of the immunomag- 1 to 5%. These purities may be sufficient to warrant
netic beads by the MACS system that increased the direct further purification using the MACS system
mean purity to 97.6% and mean recovery rate to although lower final purities are obtained Žrange
nearly 50% with a viability of 99.6%. The mean 66–95%. compared to the procedure described in
absolute number of purified basophils obtained from this paper. Moreover, the costs are considerably
216 ml blood was 3.44 = 10 6 . We also purified greater due to the much higher amounts of MACS
basophils from smaller blood samples Ž70 ml. with reagents required. When density centrifugation is
comparable purities and slightly higher losses Ždata followed by counterflow elutriation, virtually all re-
not shown.. When we purified basophils from buffy maining erythrocytes and thrombocytes as well as
coats, we obtained similar results as with purification many mononuclear cells are removed, resulting in
of basophils from freshly drawn blood. The MACS basophil purities of over 10%. In our hands, an
procedure was essentially performed as recom- enrichment of the basophils to more than 10% prior
mended by the manufacturer, although, we did not to using the MACS system is essential to obtain
add EDTA to the PBS-BSA buffer since the pres- reproducible purities exceeding 99%. Instead of Fi-
ence of EDTA may lead to a significant reduction of coll followed by elutriation, other enrichment tech-
ionomycin-induced IL-4 production from basophils niques may be used before the MACS system that
Ždata not shown.. may give rise to similar purities as those obtained
Several basophil purification techniques have been with our method, but it still has to be established
published over the last decades. The majority of whether these techniques result in the same yields.
these involve an enrichment step using Ficoll or Many reports have employed Percoll gradients where
Percoll density centrifugation followed by either pos- purities exceeding 30% may be achieved. However,
itive or negative selection. However, there are a the use of differential Percoll gradients is cumber-
number of problems associated with these techniques some. In agreement with our own observations ŽGibbs
in terms of achieving both high purities together with et al., 1997., Bjerke et al. Ž1993. have reported that
high yields and functionally intact basophils. The the success of Percoll gradient enrichment is largely
136 K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137

limited to the use of freshly drawn blood and homo- References

geneous basophil density. Furthermore, in contrast to
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Agis, H., Fureder, W., Bankl, H.C., Kundi, M., Sperr, W.R.,
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K. Haisch et al.r Journal of Immunological Methods 226 (1999) 129–137 137

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