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2. Read, translate and point out the gender of the nouns of the 3-rd declension.

Apex cordis, apex nasi, apex linguae, angulus oris, tunica mucosa oris, liquor
cerebrospinalis, paries labyrinthicus, paries mastoideus, paries lateralis, liquor pericardii, flos
ruber, flos albus, homo sapiens, homo sanus, cor sanum, gaster sana, cortex cerebelli, ala
vomeris, cortex cerebri, vertex corneae, vertex cranii, os zygomaticum, os lacrimale, os pedis.

Apex of the heart, apex of the nose, apex of the tongue, angle of the
mouth, mucous membrane of the mouth, cerebrospinal fluid,
labyrinthine wall, mastoid wall, lateral wall, fluid of the
pericardium, flower
a red, white, a wise man, healthy man, a healthy heart, a healthy
gaster, cerebellar cortex, vomiter's wing, cerebral cortex, apex of the
cornea, apex of skull, zygomatic bone, lacrimal bone, and foot.

4. Translate into Latin:

cortex of cerebellum, cortex of brain, cortex of lymphatic node, small (great)trochanter, heart
apex, left (right) lung, sublingual bone, first chamber of theheart (atrium), dura mater of brain,
frontal tuber, sulcus of vomer, medialsurface of lung, floor of tympanic cavity, wedge-shaped
bone, membranous wallof trachea, frontal wall of stomach, small horn of sublingual bone,
zygomaticprocess of temporal bone, ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone, notch of heart apex.

cortex cerebelli, cortex cerebri, cortex lymphatici nodi, trochanter
parvus, apex cordis, pulmonis sinistri, ossis sublingualis, thalamum
primum cordis, dura mater cerebri, tuber frontale, sulcus vomeris
medialisurfacii pulmonis, pavimentum cavitatis tympani, ossis
cuneatis, arteriae membranaceae, pariete frontalis ventriculi, cornu
parvum ossis sublingualis, zygomaticum ossis temporalis, sulcus
ethmoidalis ossis nasi, incisura cordis apex.

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