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NAME : Ayu Nuraeni

NIM : 2109190053

Cyberbullying Ban For Teenagers

Cyber Bullying Nowadays, the Internet is regarded as the most widely used source of social media and
the fastest way to exchange knowledge and information all over the world, playing a vital role in
everyone’s daily life. The internet has countless functions, useful for everyday work and entertainment,
but it is being abused by people nowadays. One of the ways it is being abused is by cyber bullying. Cyber
bullying is when people use the internet to make fun of others, belittle them, and threaten kids to in
some serious cases, the point of suicide. Cyber bullying is becoming a larger problem as time passes.
Internet bullying and violence have occurs repeatedly from time to time against someone who is
considered not easy to resist the action. So, there is a power difference between the perpetrator and
the victim. The difference in strength in this case refers to a perception of physical and mental capacities

In conclusion Cyberbullying is a problem in a society that is advanced enough to have the technology to
connect with others online and is not easy to fix. Cyberbullying can strike anyone who is most prominent
among today's youth, and is very detrimental to both physical and mental health. If we can eliminate
these bad behaviors at an early age, they are unlikely to continue on that path. Unfortunately this is not
an easy task. This will require schools, and especially parents to be aware of the problem and act.
Eliminating cyberbul awareness will require a combination and will not eliminate overnight. If
governments are willing to accept that cyberbullying is a problem, laws can be made to help prevent this
activity. Even so, parents and schools should eliminate and stop this behavior now, so the law should
not be needed. So schools and parents are aware of what kids are doing on the internet and their
phones, and act if they do something they shouldn't be doing.

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