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New Report Writer Available

We have been working on a new report writing tool. You can find it here.

The tool features the same statements as this one, but with new ways to save time.
For example, the new tool gives you the ability to create and store your own statements, to
then use across multiple reports. We think it's a real improvement on this resource so
definitely recommend you give it a go.
an find it here.

save time.

own statements, to
s resource so
The tabs below show each area of learning and a page of general comments. Within each area of learning there are differentia
These can be used for assessing progress including end of year reports for parents and guardians.
The year bands have been provided to give an approximate guide. Comments can be chosen from any part of the bank of com
can use a 'best-fit' assessment to determine the final level reported. The surrounding month bands can also be consulted when
Practitioners can use these statements to generate ideas or to copy and paste and then edit/personalise for individual children.
Enter a child's name and gender in the boxes below in order to correctly pre-populate and contextualise the statements.
To see all of the areas of learning, simply scroll along the tabs at the bottom. Each area of learning is also divided into its sub a
scroll bar across.

Child Name

Child Gender

Please use tabs at the bottom of the sheet to navigate between different subjects.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a happy and enthusiastic class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a happy and popular class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is an imaginative and creative class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a keen and confident child class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a keen and enthusiastic class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is confident and independent class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a friendly and popular class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a happy and confident class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a conscientious and helpful class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a confident and enthusiastic class member.
Although has not been at our school very long, it is clear she is a quiet and thoughtful class member.

General Progress
It has been a pleasure to teach this year and I have enjoyed seeing her XXXX grow since joining us in XXXX.
It has been a pleasure to teach this year and I have enjoyed watching her XXXX develop since joining us in XXXX.
I have enjoyed teaching this year and it has been lovely to see her XXXX grow since joining us in XXXX.
I have enjoyed teaching this year and it has been lovely to watch her XXXX develop since joining us in XXXX.
It has been lovely to see 's XXXX grow since joining us in XXXX.
It has been lovely to watch 's XXXX grow since joining us in XXXX.
Settling In and Making Friends
Since joining us in XXXX, has settled well into our school and has made many friends.
Since joining us in XXXX, has settled well into our school and understands our routines.
Since joining us in XXXX, is settling into our school and is beginning to make a few close friends.
Since joining us in XXXX, is settling into our school and is learning our routines.
Since joining us in XXXX, is gradually settling into our school and is beginning to follow our routines.
Since joining us in XXXX, is gradually settling into our school and is beginning to make some friends.
Since joining us in XXXX, has had lots of adult support to settle into our school and is beginning to make some friends.
Since joining us in XXXX, has had lots of adult support to settle into our school and is beginning to follow our routines.

Favourite Activities
has a real flair for XXXX.
particularly enjoys taking part in sport. She especially enjoyed taking part in XXXX.
particularly enjoys performing. She especially enjoyed her/his role in XXXX.
particularly enjoys doing practical activities. She especially enjoyed XXXX during our recent XXXX lessons.
particularly enjoys doing creative activities. She especially enjoyed XXXX during our recent XXXX lessons.
particularly enjoys doing reflective activities.She especially enjoyed XXXX during our recent XXXX lessons.
particularly enjoys working as part of a team. She especially enjoyed XXXX during our recent XXXX lessons.
particularly enjoys taking part in imaginative activities. She especially enjoyed XXXX during our recent XXXX lessons.
particularly enjoys taking part in musical activities. She especially enjoyed XXXX during our recent music lessons.
particularly enjoys taking part in our themed days. She especially enjoyed dressing up as XXXX on XXXX day.
General Behaviour Comments
tries her best and always follows the class/school rules.
always follows the class/school rules and is a fantastic role model for her peers.
enjoys school and her behaviour is always good.
always listens carefully and tries to follows instructions.
usually listens carefully and tries to follows instructions.
follows the class/school rules carefully, although occasionally needs reminders to focus on herself and what she is doing.
responds well to praise and when following the class/school rules, is capable of achieving well.
is learning to focus on herself and is learning what is appropriate and acceptable behaviour in different situations.
is keen to share her ideas with the class, although she often needs reminding to put her hand up and wait her turn.
has worked hard with the learning mentors in school to develop her self-esteem and confidence in her own ability.

Using Visual Reminders

always follows the visual class/school rules and is a fantastic role model for her peers.
usually follows the visual class/school rules, although occasionally needs reminders to focus on herself and what she is doing.
is learning to follow the visual class/school rules and is learning appropriate and acceptable behaviour in different situations.
always listens carefully and tries to follow visual instructions.
usually listens carefully and tries to follow visual instructions.
With the support of an adult, is learning to follow visual instructions.
speaks audibly.
enjoys using spoken language during role play.
is beginning to use spoken language during role play.
is able to engage adults and other children in simple conversation.
is beginning to engage adults and other children in simple conversation.
is able to communicate her basic needs.
is learning how to communicate her basic needs using visual aids.
is able to express how she is feeling.
is learning how to express her feelings using visual aids.

is able to listen carefully to others.
is learning to listen to others.
With the support of an adult, is able to listen to others.
is able to maintain her attention for a sustained period of time.
is beginning to maintain her attention.
With the support of an adult, is able to maintain her attention for short periods of time.
is beginning to maintain her attention.

is beginning to understand some simple instructions.
is able to follow simple instructions with a visual cue.
With the support of an adult, is able to understand simple instructions.
is increasingly able to follow instructions.
is now able to follow most instructions given.

is often keen to share her ideas in class discussions.
enjoys answering questions and sharing her ideas with others.
is sometimes willing to share her opinion with the class and occasionally answers questions.
When feeling confident she knows the answer, sometimes joins in with discussions and answers questions.
With the support of an adult, sometimes joins in with discussions and shares her ideas.
is keen to share her ideas with the class, although she often needs reminding to put her hand up and wait her turn.
Individual Reading
enjoys reading.
enjoys looking at books.
enjoys listening to stories, poetry and non-fiction.
understands that words, signs, symbols and pictures convey meaning.
is beginning to understand that words, signs, symbols and pictures convey meaning.
understands that English is read from left to right.
is beginning to understand that English is read from left to right.
can sequence pictures to tell a simple story.
is learning to sequence pictures to tell a simple story.
is can use picture prompts to help her recognise words.
is beginning to use picture prompts to help her recognise words.
can relate pictures with associated words.
is beginning to relate pictures with associated words.
can sound out words using individual letter sounds.
is beginning to sound out words using individual letter sounds.
can blend letter sounds together to read simple words.
is learning to blend letter sounds together to read simple words.
can recognise some familiar words on sight.
is beginning to recognise familiar words on sight.

Shared Reading
During shared reading, is encouraged to identify main characters.
During shared reading, is encouraged to talk about what is happening in story.
During shared reading, is encouraged to identify letter sounds.
During shared reading, is encouraged to blend sounds together.
During shared reading, is encouraged to read simple words.
During shared reading, is encouraged to join in with familiar patterned and predictable texts.
can distinguish between text and pictures.
is learning to distinguish between text and pictures.
can hold her pencil correctly.
is learning to hold her pencil correctly.
can write all the letters of the alphabet.
can write some recognisable letters.
is learning to write recognisable letters.
can write from left to right.
is learning to write from left to right.
can form all letters correctly.
can form most letters correctly.
is learning how to form letters correctly.
can write her name in English.
is learning to write her name in English.
can copy from a simple template.
is learning to copy from simple a template.
can write most individual letters.
is beginning to write some individual letters.
can use her knowledge of letter sounds to write simple words.
is beginning to use her knowledge sounds to write simple words.
can use her knowledge sounds to write familiar words.
is beginning to use her knowledge sounds to write familiar words.
can write in sentences.
is now learning to write in sentences.
can use full stops accurately.
is beginning to show an understanding of full stops.
can leave a finger space between words.
is learning to leave a finger space between words.
can use some simple adjectives in herwriting.
is learning to use adjectives in herwriting.
is able to read what she has written to an adult.
is beginning to explain what she has written to an adult.
can count up to XXXX.
is learning to count to XXXX.
can read numbers to XXXX.
is learning to read numbers to XXXX.
can write numbers to XXXX.
is learning to form numbers to XXXX.
understands addition and subtraction and can add and subtract 2 digit numbers.
understands addition and subtraction and can add and subtract 1 digit numbers.
understands addition and subtraction and can add and subtract 2 digit numbers up to XXXX.
has some understanding of addition and subtraction and can add and subtract numbers to XXXX using objects.
can group and share small quantities of objects.
is learning to group and share small quantities of objects.
is able to find half of an object or shape.
is learning to find half of an object or shape.
is able to find a quarter of an object or shape.
is learning to find a quarter of an object or shape.

can measure XXXX using non-standard units.
is learning how to measure XXXX using non-standard units.
can compare a range of measures.
is learning to compare a range of measures.
can recognise o'clock times.
is learning to recognise o'clock times.
can tell the time to the hour and half past.
is learning to tell the time to the hour and half past.
knows the days of the week and the months of the year.
knows the days of the week.
is learning the days of the week.
knows the months of the year.
is learning the months of the year.

can name common 2D shapes and describe some of their properties.
can name common 2D shapes.
is learning to recognise and name common 2D shapes.
can name common 3D shapes and describe some of their properties.
can name common 3D shapes.
is learning to recognise and name common 3D shapes.
can make whole and half turns.
is learning to make whole and half turns.
can make whole, half and quarter turns.
is learning to make whole, half and quarter turns.
is able to turn in both a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
is learning to turn in both a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.

can sort and classify objects and explain how they have sorted them.
can sort and classify objects.
is learning to sort and classify objects.
can collect data in a simple way.
is learning how to collect data in a simple way.
can display data in a simple way.
is learning to display data in a simple way.
can interpret a simple set of data.
is learning to interpret a simple set of data.

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